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100 Days of Python Programming Challenge
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
9.6 GB | 21min 31s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Introduction to the Print Statement in Python.mp4 (117.53 MB)
10 -Introduction to Exception Handling in Python.mp4 (114.96 MB)
100 -Day 100 - Let's Celebrate.mp4 (80.59 MB)
11 -Understanding Tuples in Python.mp4 (147 MB)
12 -Python Comments.mp4 (94.16 MB)
13 -Understanding break, continue, and pass in Python.mp4 (80.39 MB)
14 -Building a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game in Python.mp4 (54.77 MB)
15 -Exploring the Math Module in Python.mp4 (65.76 MB)
16 -Common Python Errors.mp4 (108.4 MB)
17 -Exploring Built-in Functions in Python.mp4 (84.26 MB)
18 -Understanding Variables in Python.mp4 (86.18 MB)
19 -Writing to a File in Python.mp4 (98.46 MB)
2 -Understanding the Input Statement in Python.mp4 (70.69 MB)
20 -Building an Expense Tracker in Python.mp4 (78.03 MB)
21 -Building a Unit Converter in Python.mp4 (50.48 MB)
22 -Building a Tip Calculator in Python.mp4 (74.92 MB)
23 -Understanding Lambda Functions in Python.mp4 (57.46 MB)
24 -Using map(), filter(), and sorted() in Python.mp4 (73.11 MB)
25 -Building a Binary to Decimal Converter in Python.mp4 (58.39 MB)
26 -Installing and Managing Python Packages.mp4 (69.81 MB)
27 -Building a QR Code Generator in Python.mp4 (59.49 MB)
28 -Exploring itertools in Python.mp4 (80.09 MB)
29 -Converting Text to Audio in Python.mp4 (58.16 MB)
3 -Understanding While Loops in Python.mp4 (94.76 MB)
30 -Building a Palindrome Checker in Python.mp4 (49.45 MB)
31 -Introduction to Pandas in Python.mp4 (113.75 MB)
32 -Reading Files with Pandas in Python.mp4 (64.49 MB)
33 -Data Cleaning in Pandas.mp4 (95.12 MB)
34 -Data Visualization with Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn.mp4 (122.92 MB)
35 -Introduction to Functions in Python.mp4 (60.68 MB)
36 -Advanced Function Concepts in Python.mp4 (105.44 MB)
37 -Building a To-Do List Application in Python.mp4 (91.83 MB)
38 -Understanding For Loops in Python.mp4 (91.77 MB)
39 -Using enumerate() in Python.mp4 (82.23 MB)
4 -Understanding If Statements in Python.mp4 (81.21 MB)
40 -Building an Alarm Clock Application in Python.mp4 (130.86 MB)
41 -Introduction to Classes in Python.mp4 (113.42 MB)
42 -Understanding Instance, Class, and Static Methods in Python.mp4 (100.08 MB)
43 -Building a Leap Year Checker in Python.mp4 (67.03 MB)
44 -Checking Prime Numbers in Python.mp4 (57.3 MB)
45 -Working with Nested Data Structures in Python.mp4 (80.82 MB)
46 -Understanding Shallow and Deep Copies in Python.mp4 (126.01 MB)
47 -Solving the FizzBuzz Problem in Python.mp4 (77.15 MB)
48 -Creating a PDF Generator in Python.mp4 (126.95 MB)
49 -Building a Diary Maker Application in Python.mp4 (180.88 MB)
5 -Project Number Guessing Game.mp4 (41.52 MB)
50 -List Comprehension in Python.mp4 (126.14 MB)
51 -Creating a Digital Christmas Card in Python.mp4 (104.52 MB)
52 -Building a Secret Santa Generator in Python.mp4 (121.11 MB)
53 -Creating a Christmas Carol and Tree in Python.mp4 (136.26 MB)
54 -Creating a Snow Animation in Python.mp4 (141.48 MB)
55 -Building a Christmas Trivia Game in Python.mp4 (67.27 MB)
56 -Introduction to Regular Expressions in Python.mp4 (213.02 MB)
57 -Measuring Code Execution Time in Python.mp4 (74.82 MB)
58 -Creating a Password Generator in Python.mp4 (118.38 MB)
59 -Using getpass for Secure Password Input in Python.mp4 (67.77 MB)
6 -Working with Date and Time in Python.mp4 (116.31 MB)
60 -Building a Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Python.mp4 (144.17 MB)
61 -Creating a Fireworks Animation in Python.mp4 (140.96 MB)
62 -Creating a Calendar in Python.mp4 (49.47 MB)
63 -Understanding Expressions and Statements in Python.mp4 (77.79 MB)
64 -Using the requests Module in Python.mp4 (161.65 MB)
65 -Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup in Python.mp4 (130.33 MB)
66 -Checking for Emirp Numbers in Python.mp4 (82.89 MB)
67 -Introduction to NumPy in Python.mp4 (136.59 MB)
68 -Advanced NumPy Methods and Techniques.mp4 (127.02 MB)
69 -Working with JSON Data in Python.mp4 (119.35 MB)
7 -Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) in Python.mp4 (131 MB)
70 -Introduction to Threading in Python.mp4 (87.54 MB)
71 -Encrypting and Decrypting Data in Python.mp4 (124.63 MB)
72 -Creating a Percentage Calculator GUI in Python.mp4 (218.75 MB)
73 -NumPy vs Pandas in Python.mp4 (81.56 MB)
74 -Solving Practice Questions in Python.mp4 (146.41 MB)
75 -Solving Practice Questions in Python Part 2.mp4 (65.09 MB)
76 -Working with the os Module in Python.mp4 (73.61 MB)
77 -Understanding and Writing Docstrings in Python.mp4 (108.9 MB)
78 -Understanding Stacks and Queues in Python.mp4 (98.21 MB)
79 -Building an ATM Machine Simulation in Python.mp4 (101.16 MB)
8 -Understanding Boolean Values in Python.mp4 (87.06 MB)
80 -Set and Dictionary Comprehension in Python.mp4 (98.01 MB)
81 -Installing Jupyter Notebook in Python.mp4 (68.56 MB)
82 -Introduction to Flask in Python.mp4 (74.55 MB)
83 -Introduction to Jinja2 in Python.mp4 (75.04 MB)
84 -Understanding HTTP Methods in Web Development.mp4 (74.84 MB)
85 -Flask Routing in Python.mp4 (84.37 MB)
86 -Working with Static Files in Flask.mp4 (70.4 MB)
87 -Using Flash Messages in Flask.mp4 (122.9 MB)
88 -Template Inheritance in Flask with Jinja2.mp4 (73.99 MB)
89 -Handling File Uploads in Flask.mp4 (87.13 MB)
9 -Working with File Handling in Python - Opening Files.mp4 (149.79 MB)
90 -Understanding Sessions in Flask.mp4 (74.38 MB)
91 -Solving Practice Questions in Python Part 3.mp4 (78.11 MB)
92 -Solving Practice Questions in Python Part 4.mp4 (91.38 MB)
93 -Redirects and Error Handling in Flask.mp4 (89.73 MB)
94 -Web Forms in Flask with Flask-WTF.mp4 (125.41 MB)
95 -Introduction to SQLAlchemy in Flask.mp4 (78.38 MB)
96 -Advanced SQLAlchemy Concepts in Flask (Part 2).mp4 (193.8 MB)
97 -Building a To-Do List Application with Flask.mp4 (60.78 MB)
98 -Building a TO-Do List Application with Flask Part 2.mp4 (75.77 MB)
99 -10 Rapid-Fire Round Questions in Python.mp4 (180.45 MB)]
[Image: qNCUnASq_o.jpg]


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