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AWS Essentials Master Cloud Computing from Scratch
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
1.92 GB | 19min 17s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Introduction to AWS.mp4 (32.35 MB)
2 Introduction to AI.mp4 (61.96 MB)
3 Introduction to Course.mp4 (93.02 MB)
4 What is AWS.mp4 (100.1 MB)
5 Your Honest Review.mp4 (29.07 MB)
2 Creating AWS Account.mp4 (38.78 MB)
3 Exploring AWS Management Console.mp4 (34.79 MB)
4 Overview of AWS Services.mp4 (37.99 MB)
5 AWS Services.mp4 (54.98 MB)
6 IAM Policy Overview.mp4 (13.05 MB)
7 IAM Demo.mp4 (67.05 MB)
10 How to add Layer.mp4 (23.09 MB)
11 AWS Glue.mp4 (11.68 MB)
12 AWS Glue Job.mp4 (50.93 MB)
13 Glue Crawler.mp4 (35.28 MB)
2 Simple Storage Service.mp4 (38.9 MB)
3 S3 Versioning.mp4 (41.3 MB)
4 S3 Lifecyle.mp4 (29.29 MB)
5 S3 Event Triggers.mp4 (53.61 MB)
6 Introduction to AWS Lambda.mp4 (38.91 MB)
7 Parsing Event in Lambda.mp4 (51.53 MB)
8 Lambda Layer Introduction.mp4 (9.91 MB)
9 Creating Lambda Layer.mp4 (37.14 MB)
2 Introduction to Cloudformation.mp4 (27.62 MB)
3 Creating S3 Bucket using Cloudformation.mp4 (15.17 MB)
4 AWS CLI.mp4 (55.3 MB)
10 Creating and Accessing Dynamodb Table.mp4 (28.38 MB)
2 Introduction to Virtual Private Cloud.mp4 (58.1 MB)
3 Creating Virtual Private Cloud using Console.mp4 (53.34 MB)
4 AWS Relational Database Service.mp4 (13.86 MB)
5 Creating RDS Database using Console.mp4 (69.45 MB)
6 Accessing RDS Instance using Glue.mp4 (58.94 MB)
7 Introduction to AWS Redshift.mp4 (14.4 MB)
8 Creating Redshift Cluster in Console.mp4 (48.3 MB)
9 Dynamodb.mp4 (9.7 MB)
2 Introduction to AWS Security and Simple Queue Service.mp4 (29.39 MB)
3 Accessing Secret Manager and Key Management Service using Console.mp4 (16.94 MB)
4 Creating a Queue in Simple Queue Service.mp4 (42.06 MB)
5 Introduction to Simple Notification Service.mp4 (10.16 MB)
6 Creating and Sending Email using Simple Notification Service.mp4 (27.63 MB)
2 Problem Statement.mp4 (49.69 MB)
3 Proposed Solution.mp4 (9.41 MB)
4 Exploring the Lambda Function.mp4 (169.08 MB)
5 Testing the Pipeline.mp4 (72.36 MB)
6 Analyze the Data using Athena.mp4 (104.65 MB)]
[Image: mYlQaRl2_o.jpg]


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