05-20-2024, 03:29 AM
RYZEN | VST3 | 4.92 MB
Three valve-modeling harmonic distortion / waveshaping algorithms, selected by color (red, purple, and green)
Distortion and intensity, for amount
Highpass and lowpass filters, each with frequency modulation
Per-filter LFO controls for filter FM, with speed, amount, and two waveforms (square/sine)
Resonance control
Amplitude modulation with its own LFO (again amount, speed, and two waveforms)
It's a really clever setup, and even if you have something like this, those particular valve waveshapers sound unique to me. It's also possible to tame what you're doing with the combination of filters and master out, so it's not only about extreme settings.
Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
System Requirements
windows 7 or higher