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LiveLessons - R Programming Fundamentals to Advanced
[Image: 539499712_359020115_tuto.jpg]
1.57 GB | 18min 50s | mp4 | 960X540 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
FileName :000 Introduction to R Programming LiveLessons.mp4 | Size: (37.49 MB)
FileName :001 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (5.04 MB)
FileName :002 Download and install R.mp4 | Size: (20.45 MB)
FileName :003 Work in The R environment.mp4 | Size: (65.04 MB)
FileName :004 Install and load packages.mp4 | Size: (25.98 MB)
FileName :005 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (4.87 MB)
FileName :006 Use R as a calculator.mp4 | Size: (8.55 MB)
FileName :007 Work with variables.mp4 | Size: (7.84 MB)
FileName :008 Understand the different data types.mp4 | Size: (16.77 MB)
FileName :009 Store data in vectors.mp4 | Size: (31.43 MB)
FileName :010 Call functions.mp4 | Size: (6.69 MB)
FileName :011 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (4.4 MB)
FileName :012 Create and access information in data frames.mp4 | Size: (26.82 MB)
FileName :013 Create and access information in lists.mp4 | Size: (17.94 MB)
FileName :014 Create and access information in matrices.mp4 | Size: (13.32 MB)
FileName :015 Create and access information in arrays.mp4 | Size: (5.07 MB)
FileName :016 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (4.27 MB)
FileName :017 Read a CSV into R.mp4 | Size: (13.91 MB)
FileName :018 Understand that Excel is not easily readable into R.mp4 | Size: (5.15 MB)
FileName :019 Read from databases.mp4 | Size: (13.35 MB)
FileName :020 Read data files from other statistical tools.mp4 | Size: (2.75 MB)
FileName :021 Load binary R files.mp4 | Size: (14.97 MB)
FileName :022 Load data included with R.mp4 | Size: (9 MB)
FileName :023 Scrape data from the web.mp4 | Size: (7.9 MB)
FileName :024 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (5.12 MB)
FileName :025 Find the diamonds data.mp4 | Size: (2.96 MB)
FileName :026 Make histograms with base graphics.mp4 | Size: (3.99 MB)
FileName :027 Make scatterplots with base graphics.mp4 | Size: (5.22 MB)
FileName :028 Make boxplots with base graphics.mp4 | Size: (2.58 MB)
FileName :029 Get familiar with ggplot2.mp4 | Size: (3.8 MB)
FileName :030 Plot histograms and densities with ggplot2.mp4 | Size: (9.47 MB)
FileName :031 Make scatterplots with ggplot2.mp4 | Size: (15.87 MB)
FileName :032 Make boxplots and violin plots with ggplot2.mp4 | Size: (14.48 MB)
FileName :033 Make line plots.mp4 | Size: (18.38 MB)
FileName :034 Create small multiples.mp4 | Size: (15.99 MB)
FileName :035 Control colors and shapes.mp4 | Size: (4.89 MB)
FileName :036 Add themes to graphs.mp4 | Size: (8.69 MB)
FileName :037 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (4.86 MB)
FileName :038 Write the classic GÇ£Hello, World!GÇ¥ example.mp4 | Size: (4.35 MB)
FileName :039 Understand the basics of function arguments.mp4 | Size: (17.05 MB)
FileName :040 Return a value from a function.mp4 | Size: (4.73 MB)
FileName :041 Gain flexibility with do call.mp4 | Size: (7.01 MB)
FileName :042 Use if statements to control program flow.mp4 | Size: (3.68 MB)
FileName :043 Stagger if statements with else.mp4 | Size: (10.02 MB)
FileName :044 Check multiple statements with switch.mp4 | Size: (7.98 MB)
FileName :045 Run checks on entire vectors.mp4 | Size: (7.79 MB)
FileName :046 Check compound statements.mp4 | Size: (8.02 MB)
FileName :047 Iterate with a for loop.mp4 | Size: (9.61 MB)
FileName :048 Iterate with a while loop.mp4 | Size: (2.74 MB)
FileName :049 Control loops with break and next.mp4 | Size: (3.86 MB)
FileName :050 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (5.33 MB)
FileName :051 Repeat an operation on a matrix using apply.mp4 | Size: (8.18 MB)
FileName :052 Repeat an operation on a list.mp4 | Size: (5.09 MB)
FileName :053 The mapply.mp4 | Size: (8.44 MB)
FileName :054 The aggregate function.mp4 | Size: (13.35 MB)
FileName :055 The plyr package.mp4 | Size: (33.15 MB)
FileName :056 Combine datasets.mp4 | Size: (10.17 MB)
FileName :057 Join datasets.mp4 | Size: (12.79 MB)
FileName :058 Switch storage paradigms.mp4 | Size: (10.98 MB)
FileName :059 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (3.75 MB)
FileName :060 Combine strings together.mp4 | Size: (14.12 MB)
FileName :061 Extract text.mp4 | Size: (63.7 MB)
FileName :062 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (3.74 MB)
FileName :063 Draw numbers from probability distributions.mp4 | Size: (44.69 MB)
FileName :064 Calculate averages, standard deviations and correlations.mp4 | Size: (36.95 MB)
FileName :065 Compare samples with t-tests and analysis of variance.mp4 | Size: (37.72 MB)
FileName :066 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (4.72 MB)
FileName :067 Fit simple linear models.mp4 | Size: (20.95 MB)
FileName :068 Explore the data.mp4 | Size: (44.96 MB)
FileName :069 Fit multiple regression models.mp4 | Size: (46.27 MB)
FileName :070 Fit logistic regression.mp4 | Size: (27.37 MB)
FileName :071 Fit Poisson regression.mp4 | Size: (20.88 MB)
FileName :072 Analyze survival data.mp4 | Size: (34.35 MB)
FileName :073 Assess model quality with residuals.mp4 | Size: (25.59 MB)
FileName :074 Compare models.mp4 | Size: (21.01 MB)
FileName :075 Judge accuracy using cross-validation.mp4 | Size: (16.83 MB)
FileName :076 Estimate uncertainty with the bootstrap.mp4 | Size: (13.73 MB)
FileName :077 Choose variables using stepwise selection.mp4 | Size: (8.96 MB)
FileName :105 Summary of R Programming LiveLessons.mp4 | Size: (12.97 MB)
FileName :078 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (4.83 MB)
FileName :079 Select variables and improve predictions with the elastic net.mp4 | Size: (38.55 MB)
FileName :080 Decrease uncertainty with weakly informative priors.mp4 | Size: (29.98 MB)
FileName :081 Fit nonlinear least squares.mp4 | Size: (18.96 MB)
FileName :082 Splines.mp4 | Size: (21.69 MB)
FileName :083 GAMs.mp4 | Size: (17.92 MB)
FileName :084 Fit decision trees to make a random forest.mp4 | Size: (14.19 MB)
FileName :085 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (3.85 MB)
FileName :086 Understand ACF and PACF.mp4 | Size: (22.46 MB)
FileName :087 Fit and assess ARIMA models.mp4 | Size: (12.18 MB)
FileName :088 Use VAR for multivariate time series.mp4 | Size: (30.84 MB)
FileName :089 Use GARCH for better volatility modeling.mp4 | Size: (35.71 MB)
FileName :090 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (3.74 MB)
FileName :091 Partition data with K-means.mp4 | Size: (37.61 MB)
FileName :092 Robustly cluster, even with categorical data, with PAM.mp4 | Size: (6.97 MB)
FileName :093 Perform hierarchical clustering.mp4 | Size: (21.37 MB)
FileName :094 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (5.15 MB)
FileName :095 Understand the basics of LaTeX.mp4 | Size: (18.25 MB)
FileName :096 Weave R code into LaTeX using knitr.mp4 | Size: (20.25 MB)
FileName :097 Understand the basics of Markdown.mp4 | Size: (6.35 MB)
FileName :098 Weave R code into Markdown using knitr.mp4 | Size: (7.23 MB)
FileName :099 Use pandoc to convert from Markdown to HTML5 slideshow.mp4 | Size: (14.01 MB)
FileName :100 Learning objectives.mp4 | Size: (4.04 MB)
FileName :101 Understand the folder structure and files in a package.mp4 | Size: (19.15 MB)
FileName :102 Write and document functions.mp4 | Size: (31.7 MB)
FileName :103 Check and build a package.mp4 | Size: (10.92 MB)
FileName :104 Submit a package to CRAN.mp4 | Size: (2.98 MB)]
[Image: DJ1VrgyD_o.jpg]


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