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Full stack Masterclass with Vuejs and Django Rest FrameWork
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
11.39 GB | 33min 9s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 (1.17 MB)
1 -Introduction.mp4 (55.12 MB)
2 -Application Walkthrough.mp4 (26.07 MB)
3 -Tech Stack.mp4 (54.57 MB)
4 -Prerequisites.mp4 (27.69 MB)
5 -How to get most of this course.mp4 (31.56 MB)
6 -Developer environment setup.mp4 (37.34 MB)
7 -Visual Studio Code extensions.mp4 (19.85 MB)
8 -Source code.mp4 (13.17 MB)
1 -Introduction.mp4 (13.59 MB)
10 -Admin Views - Refactoring New User View.mp4 (45.15 MB)
11 -Admin Views - Reset User Password.mp4 (68.07 MB)
12 -User Views - Reset User Password [challenge].mp4 (15.93 MB)
13 -User Views - Reset User Password [solution].mp4 (19.81 MB)
14 -Users overview.mp4 (119.82 MB)
15 -Frontend layout - Tab.mp4 (29.74 MB)
16 -Frontend layout - Tabs.mp4 (81.22 MB)
17 -Tabbed view.mp4 (37.19 MB)
18 -Add new user action layout.mp4 (120.14 MB)
19 -Adding a new user [challenge].mp4 (11 MB)
2 -Admin Views - Delete User.mp4 (55.54 MB)
20 -Adding a new user [solution].mp4 (32.4 MB)
21 -Deleting a user [challenge].mp4 (10.47 MB)
22 -Deleting a user [solution].mp4 (42.72 MB)
23 -Unblocking a user [challenge].mp4 (6.3 MB)
24 -Unblocking a user [solution].mp4 (25.95 MB)
25 -Optimisation [challenge].mp4 (11.1 MB)
26 -Optimisation [solution].mp4 (37.88 MB)
27 -User settings.mp4 (66.77 MB)
28 -New user redirect.mp4 (65.08 MB)
29 -Update own password.mp4 (109.64 MB)
3 -Admin Views - Deactivate User [challenge].mp4 (7.76 MB)
30 -Deactivate own profile [challenge].mp4 (2.61 MB)
31 -Deactivate own profile [solution].mp4 (20.71 MB)
32 -Update own profile [challenge].mp4 (5.79 MB)
33 -Update own profile [solution].mp4 (49.44 MB)
34 -Handle unauthorised requests.mp4 (71.68 MB)
35 -Abort controller.mp4 (45.15 MB)
36 -Saving changes to GitHub.mp4 (19.86 MB)
4 -Admin Views - Deactivate User [solution].mp4 (9.43 MB)
5 -Admin Views - Reactivate User [challenge].mp4 (5.15 MB)
6 -Admin Views - Reactivate User [solution].mp4 (5.63 MB)
7 -User Views - Update User [challenge].mp4 (7.82 MB)
8 -User Views - Update User [solution].mp4 (17.82 MB)
9 -Admin Views - Reset Login Attempts.mp4 (78.69 MB)
1 -Understanding User Experience.mp4 (39.26 MB)
10 -Completing password validation [challenge].mp4 (14.13 MB)
11 -Completing password validation [solution].mp4 (36.59 MB)
12 -Styling notification button for better UX [challenge].mp4 (5.59 MB)
13 -Styling notification button for better UX [solution].mp4 (10.28 MB)
14 -More about notifications.mp4 (68.14 MB)
15 -Error messages.mp4 (88.45 MB)
16 -Tooltips.mp4 (68.24 MB)
17 -Tooltips [challenge].mp4 (5.51 MB)
18 -Tooltips [solution].mp4 (15.52 MB)
19 -Page Loader.mp4 (136.89 MB)
2 -Notification component.mp4 (79.61 MB)
20 -Button Loader.mp4 (43.4 MB)
21 -Re-login feature.mp4 (131.38 MB)
22 -Re-login layout and style.mp4 (89.04 MB)
23 -Handle Re-logging in.mp4 (125.62 MB)
24 -Saving changes to GitHub.mp4 (7.99 MB)
25 -Conclusion and the next steps.mp4 (14.01 MB)
3 -Show and hide notifications system.mp4 (64.61 MB)
4 -Holding notifications in DOM.mp4 (44.54 MB)
5 -Styling notification component.mp4 (52.24 MB)
6 -Using notifications.mp4 (39.12 MB)
7 -Notifying about actual errors [challenge].mp4 (16 MB)
8 -Notifying about actual errors [solution].mp4 (42.92 MB)
9 -Frontend password validation and notifications.mp4 (57.27 MB)
1 -Django rest framework.mp4 (19.7 MB)
10 -Django URLS.mp4 (30.47 MB)
11 -Django Models.mp4 (33.42 MB)
12 -Django Migrations.mp4 (36.44 MB)
13 -Inserting data into database manually.mp4 (27.1 MB)
14 -Seeding data into a database.mp4 (28.1 MB)
15 -Django ModelViewset.mp4 (19.6 MB)
16 -Django Serializers.mp4 (32.53 MB)
17 -Django router.mp4 (25.83 MB)
18 -Saving changes to Github.mp4 (35.8 MB)
2 -Setup Django MacOS.mp4 (153.94 MB)
3 -Setup Django Windows.mp4 (81.14 MB)
4 -Setup Django Linux.mp4 (86.36 MB)
5 -Django created project.mp4 (36.93 MB)
6 -Create Django app.mp4 (13.38 MB)
7 -Django apps.mp4 (9.82 MB)
8 -Django dependencies.mp4 (13.79 MB)
9 -Django Views.mp4 (34.48 MB)
1 -Vue Introduction.mp4 (23.22 MB)
10 -CORS headers.mp4 (69.42 MB)
11 -Accessing Webpack.mp4 (24.34 MB)
12 -Saving changes to Github.mp4 (45.34 MB)
2 -Vue cli or Vite.mp4 (16.2 MB)
3 -Create frontend project.mp4 (143.62 MB)
4 -Explore SPA project.mp4 (115.01 MB)
5 -RESTful Api.mp4 (25.32 MB)
6 -Preparing the frontend app.mp4 (42.54 MB)
7 -Axios Endpoint.mp4 (41.69 MB)
8 -Showing the response in UI.mp4 (32.82 MB)
9 -Lifecycle Hooks.mp4 (22.81 MB)
1 -Cleaning the Domain.mp4 (14.52 MB)
10 -Creating serializers for product, supplier and category [Solution].mp4 (18 MB)
11 -Creating views.mp4 (27.31 MB)
12 -Creating views [challenge].mp4 (8.68 MB)
13 -Creating views [solution].mp4 (17.9 MB)
14 -Creating urls.mp4 (14.29 MB)
15 -Migrations and Seeding the database.mp4 (39.53 MB)
16 -Testing in Postman.mp4 (20.63 MB)
17 -Saving changes to Github.mp4 (6.66 MB)
2 -Domain model.mp4 (31.36 MB)
3 -Dashboard app models relations.mp4 (44.28 MB)
4 -Creating model for order.mp4 (41.17 MB)
5 -Creating model for customer.mp4 (53.53 MB)
6 -Creating models for product, supplier and category [Challenge].mp4 (18.13 MB)
7 -Creating models for product, suppliers and category [Solution].mp4 (19.92 MB)
8 -Creating serializers for order and customer.mp4 (43.94 MB)
9 -Creating serializers for product, supplier and category [Challenge].mp4 (17.2 MB)
1 -Preparing Layout.mp4 (75.44 MB)
10 -Icons Problem.mp4 (62.9 MB)
11 -Icons with SCSS.mp4 (37.86 MB)
11 (12.74 KB)
12 -Interactive icons.mp4 (105.25 MB)
13 -Interactive icons [exercise assignment].mp4 (5.36 MB)
14 -068 Interactive icons [exercise solution].mp4 (9.59 MB)
15 -Table screen layout.mp4 (96.69 MB)
16 -Styling header.mp4 (38.47 MB)
17 -Styling buttons.mp4 (56.14 MB)
18 -Styling table.mp4 (83.79 MB)
19 -Products View [Challenge].mp4 (26.38 MB)
2 -Sidebar.mp4 (74.28 MB)
20 -Products View [Solution].mp4 (14.05 MB)
21 -Modals, emits, slots.mp4 (55.47 MB)
22 -Create order modal layout.mp4 (144.35 MB)
23 -Hook up order modal.mp4 (58.88 MB)
24 -Styling Create order modal.mp4 (269.49 MB)
25 -Create product modal [challenge].mp4 (7.59 MB)
26 -Create product modal [solution].mp4 (21.12 MB)
27 -Styling interventions.mp4 (34.56 MB)
28 -Saving changes to GitHub.mp4 (9.83 MB)
3 -Reporting Section - Routing.mp4 (70.89 MB)
4 -Customers Section - Routing [Challenge].mp4 (12.67 MB)
5 -Customers Section - Routing [Solution].mp4 (43.01 MB)
6 -SCSS - Sassy Cascading Style Sheets.mp4 (27.77 MB)
7 -Structure of SCSS.mp4 (45.13 MB)
8 -Styling Basic Sidebar Layout.mp4 (163.31 MB)
9 -Interactive Sidebar.mp4 (97.79 MB)
1 -Typescript Models.mp4 (68.12 MB)
10 -Frontend debugging techniques.mp4 (68.87 MB)
11 -Product POST request [project assignment].mp4 (37.93 MB)
12 -Product POST request [project solution and bug fix].mp4 (133.03 MB)
13 -Order PATCH - request part one.mp4 (178.55 MB)
14 -Order PATCH request - part two.mp4 (130.6 MB)
15 -Watcher conditionals [challenge].mp4 (13.11 MB)
16 -Watcher conditionals [solution].mp4 (15.49 MB)
17 -Product PATCH request [challenge].mp4 (10.55 MB)
18 -Product PATCH request [solution].mp4 (31.49 MB)
19 -Item DELETE request [challenge].mp4 (8.2 MB)
2 -Formating dates.mp4 (51.46 MB)
20 -Item DELETE request [solution].mp4 (257.6 MB)
21 -Saving changes to GitHub.mp4 (16.37 MB)
3 -Expanding API endpoint.mp4 (54.7 MB)
4 -Structure of API hub.mp4 (60.27 MB)
5 -Setting data for creating order.mp4 (105.61 MB)
6 -Posting data.mp4 (148.34 MB)
7 -Presenting data upon POST request.mp4 (41.13 MB)
8 -Web application validations.mp4 (24.03 MB)
9 -Vue Watchers for restrictive validation.mp4 (67.56 MB)
1 -Vuex or Pinia.mp4 (11.14 MB)
10 -Product details with VUEX [solution].mp4 (22.32 MB)
11 -CRUD data with VUEX - DELETE.mp4 (52.01 MB)
12 -CRUD data with VUEX - Update.mp4 (55.22 MB)
13 -CRUD data with VUEX - Delete and Update [challenge].mp4 (4.12 MB)
14 -CRUD data with VUEX - Delete and Update [solution].mp4 (19.04 MB)
15 -CRUD data with VUEX - Issue with POST.mp4 (80.88 MB)
16 -CRUD data with VUEX Post [challenge].mp4 (2.75 MB)
17 -CRUD data with VUEX Post [solution].mp4 (19.95 MB)
18 -Saving changes to GitHub.mp4 (33.36 MB)
2 -Vuex concepts.mp4 (21.34 MB)
3 -Setting local VUEX structure.mp4 (60.06 MB)
4 -Getting Orders data with VUEX.mp4 (48.94 MB)
5 -Getting Products data with VUEX [challenge].mp4 (3.19 MB)
6 -Getting Products data with VUEX [solution].mp4 (18.34 MB)
7 -Basic order details page.mp4 (72.54 MB)
7 (5.37 KB)
8 -Order details with VUEX.mp4 (99.69 MB)
9 -Product details with VUEX [challenge].mp4 (4.92 MB)
1 -Populate database with python method.mp4 (61.1 MB)
10 -Pagination in Django Rest Framework.mp4 (65.84 MB)
11 -Refactoring data for product dropdown.mp4 (27.29 MB)
12 -Refactoring frontend endpoints.mp4 (41.05 MB)
13 -Filtering and search layout.mp4 (58.37 MB)
14 -Filtering and search styling.mp4 (88.16 MB)
15 -Filling the countries dropdown.mp4 (83.4 MB)
16 -Filling the cities dropdown [challenge].mp4 (4.11 MB)
17 -Filling the cities dropdown [solution].mp4 (16.67 MB)
18 -Search input and buttons.mp4 (49.18 MB)
19 -Using filtering and searching functionalities.mp4 (66.16 MB)
2 -Filtering in Django Rest Framework.mp4 (48.92 MB)
20 -Filtering and searching functionalities in Products page [solution].mp4 (50.7 MB)
21 -Filtering and searching functionalities in Products page [challenge].mp4 (20.14 MB)
22 -Pagination introduction.mp4 (17.91 MB)
23 -Pagination layout.mp4 (47.55 MB)
24 -Pagination styling.mp4 (52.39 MB)
25 -Pagination structure in VUEX.mp4 (72.1 MB)
26 -Pagination logic.mp4 (208.47 MB)
27 -Pagination behaviour.mp4 (65.52 MB)
28 -Using pagination in Orders View.mp4 (79.45 MB)
29 -Fixing pagination bugs [solution] and issues.mp4 (66.08 MB)
3 -Filtering countries endpoint.mp4 (37.98 MB)
30 -Sorting in frontend.mp4 (117.53 MB)
31 -Sorting Products [challenge].mp4 (9.24 MB)
32 -Sorting Products [solution].mp4 (15.98 MB)
33 -Pagination in Products View [challenge].mp4 (25.99 MB)
34 -Pagination in Products View [solution].mp4 (58.14 MB)
35 -Saving changes to GitHub.mp4 (21.24 MB)
4 -Filtering cities endpoint [challenge].mp4 (4.67 MB)
5 -126 Filtering cities endpoint [solution].mp4 (3.55 MB)
6 -127 Searching in Django Rest Framework.mp4 (25.91 MB)
7 -Sorting in Django Rest Framework.mp4 (28.86 MB)
8 -Sorting products [challenge].mp4 (4.18 MB)
9 -Sorting products [solution].mp4 (14.61 MB)
1 -Introduction.mp4 (29.49 MB)
10 -Custom Password validation.mp4 (67.87 MB)
11 -User app URLs.mp4 (37.73 MB)
12 -Creating superuser.mp4 (45.35 MB)
13 -Testing in Postman.mp4 (47.23 MB)
14 -User login endpoint in frontend.mp4 (57.55 MB)
15 -Login view - layout & styling.mp4 (156.7 MB)
16 -SCSS @content trick.mp4 (43.32 MB)
17 -Adding data to local storage.mp4 (98.99 MB)
18 -Removing data from local storage.mp4 (42.79 MB)
19 -Getting access to the frontend application.mp4 (67.28 MB)
2 -JWT.mp4 (29.31 MB)
20 -Authorising requests and getting data from backend.mp4 (38.34 MB)
21 -Admin page.mp4 (38.53 MB)
22 -User settings page [challenge].mp4 (5.91 MB)
23 -User settings page [solution].mp4 (5.81 MB)
24 -Permissions.mp4 (45.83 MB)
25 -Logout.mp4 (68.99 MB)
26 -Login.mp4 (65.71 MB)
27 -Saving changes to Github.mp4 (22.53 MB)
3 -Configuring JWT on backend.mp4 (44.5 MB)
4 -Configuring AXES on backend.mp4 (41.38 MB)
5 -User management app.mp4 (21.88 MB)
6 -User Models.mp4 (25.04 MB)
7 -User Serializers.mp4 (37.07 MB)
8 -User Views.mp4 (102.86 MB)
9 -Custom JWT Claims.mp4 (119.94 MB)]
[Image: VgHQN1Qz_o.jpg]


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