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Node js, Express, MongoDB & More The Complete Bootcamp
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
21.11 GB | 38min 8s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Course Structure and Projects.mp4 (53.13 MB)
003 Let's Install Node js.mp4 (26.78 MB)
004 Section Intro.mp4 (8.1 MB)
005 What Is Node js and Why Use It.mp4 (30.68 MB)
006 Running Javascript Outside the Browser.mp4 (17.58 MB)
007 Using Modules 1 Core Modules.mp4 (24.59 MB)
008 Reading and Writing Files.mp4 (31.72 MB)
009 Blocking and Non-Blocking Asynchronous Nature of Node js.mp4 (40.88 MB)
010 Reading and Writing Files Asynchronously.mp4 (77.37 MB)
011 Creating a Simple Web Server.mp4 (73.47 MB)
012 Routing.mp4 (68.63 MB)
013 Building a (Very) Simple API.mp4 (136.11 MB)
014 HTML Templating Building the Templates.mp4 (110.82 MB)
015 HTML Templating Filling the Templates.mp4 (168.2 MB)
016 Parsing Variables from URLs.mp4 (122.95 MB)
017 Using Modules 2 Our Own Modules.mp4 (69.5 MB)
018 Introduction to NPM and the package json File.mp4 (47.78 MB)
019 Types of Packages and Installs.mp4 (74.11 MB)
020 Using Modules 3 3rd Party Modules.mp4 (90.53 MB)
021 Package Versioning and Updating.mp4 (64.13 MB)
022 Setting up Prettier in VS Code.mp4 (115.79 MB)
023 Recap and What's Next.mp4 (21.09 MB)
024 Section Intro.mp4 (6.85 MB)
025 An Overview of How the Web Works.mp4 (54.78 MB)
026 HTTP in Action.mp4 (70.5 MB)
027 Front-End vs Back-End Web Development.mp4 (23.96 MB)
028 Static vs Dynamic vs API.mp4 (36.01 MB)
029 Section Intro.mp4 (12.71 MB)
030 Node, V8, Libuv and C++.mp4 (11.59 MB)
031 Processes, Threads and the Thread Pool.mp4 (13.9 MB)
032 The Node js Event Loop.mp4 (46.43 MB)
033 The Event Loop in Practice.mp4 (96.9 MB)
034 Events and Event-Driven Architecture.mp4 (13.59 MB)
035 Events in Practice.mp4 (99.85 MB)
036 Introduction to Streams.mp4 (23.77 MB)
037 Streams in Practice.mp4 (52.46 MB)
038 How Requiring Modules Really Works.mp4 (31.86 MB)
039 Requiring Modules in Practice.mp4 (71.57 MB)
040 Section Intro.mp4 (8.48 MB)
041 The Problem with Callbacks Callback Hell.mp4 (64.49 MB)
042 From Callback Hell to Promises.mp4 (45.87 MB)
043 Building Promises.mp4 (106.79 MB)
044 Consuming Promises with Async Await.mp4 (54.81 MB)
045 Returning Values from Async Functions.mp4 (76.41 MB)
046 Waiting for Multiple Promises Simultaneously.mp4 (46.96 MB)
047 Section Intro.mp4 (8.17 MB)
048 What is Express.mp4 (7.24 MB)
049 Installing Postman.mp4 (28.88 MB)
050 Setting up Express and Basic Routing.mp4 (68.08 MB)
051 APIs and RESTful API Design.mp4 (65.82 MB)
052 Starting Our API Handling GET Requests.mp4 (124.84 MB)
053 Handling POST Requests.mp4 (139.56 MB)
054 Responding to URL Parameters.mp4 (63.02 MB)
055 Handling PATCH Requests.mp4 (61.54 MB)
056 Handling DELETE Requests.mp4 (15.52 MB)
057 Refactoring Our Routes.mp4 (51.16 MB)
058 Middleware and the Request-Response Cycle.mp4 (16.88 MB)
059 Creating Our Own Middleware.mp4 (64.84 MB)
060 Using 3rd-Party Middleware.mp4 (70.79 MB)
061 Implementing the Users Routes.mp4 (40.97 MB)
062 Creating and Mounting Multiple Routers.mp4 (47.19 MB)
063 A Better File Structure.mp4 (114.64 MB)
064 Param Middleware.mp4 (76.93 MB)
065 Chaining Multiple Middleware Functions.mp4 (54.18 MB)
066 Serving Static Files.mp4 (54.11 MB)
067 Environment Variables.mp4 (101.2 MB)
068 Setting up ESLint + Prettier in VS Code.mp4 (83.76 MB)
069 Section Intro.mp4 (6.93 MB)
070 What is MongoDB.mp4 (41.2 MB)
071 Installing MongoDB on macOS.mp4 (79.87 MB)
072 Installing MongoDB on Windows.mp4 (81.33 MB)
073 Creating a Local Database.mp4 (36.76 MB)
074 CRUD Creating Documents.mp4 (15.17 MB)
075 CRUD Querying (Reading) Documents.mp4 (49.9 MB)
076 CRUD Updating Documents.mp4 (28.13 MB)
077 CRUD Deleting Documents.mp4 (13.69 MB)
078 Using Compass App for CRUD Operations.mp4 (51.96 MB)
079 Creating a Hosted Database with Atlas.mp4 (41.16 MB)
080 Connecting to Our Hosted Database.mp4 (55.65 MB)
081 Section Intro.mp4 (8.14 MB)
082 Connecting Our Database with the Express App.mp4 (103.26 MB)
083 What Is Mongoose.mp4 (8.68 MB)
084 Creating a Simple Tour Model.mp4 (46.19 MB)
085 Creating Documents and Testing the Model.mp4 (49.36 MB)
086 Intro to Back-End Architecture MVC, Types of Logic, and More.mp4 (22.95 MB)
087 Refactoring for MVC.mp4 (41.16 MB)
088 Another Way of Creating Documents.mp4 (78.01 MB)
089 Reading Documents.mp4 (50.37 MB)
090 Updating Documents.mp4 (115.77 MB)
091 Deleting Documents.mp4 (18.3 MB)
092 Modelling the Tours.mp4 (216.34 MB)
093 Importing Development Data.mp4 (195.88 MB)
094 Making the API Better Filtering.mp4 (113.04 MB)
095 Making the API Better Advanced Filtering.mp4 (123.52 MB)
096 Making the API Better Sorting.mp4 (90.01 MB)
097 Making the API Better Limiting Fields.mp4 (64.07 MB)
098 Making the API Better Pagination.mp4 (97.46 MB)
099 Making the API Better Aliasing.mp4 (64.44 MB)
100 Refactoring API Features.mp4 (178.54 MB)
101 Aggregation Pipeline Matching and Grouping.mp4 (239.08 MB)
102 Aggregation Pipeline Unwinding and Projecting.mp4 (200.96 MB)
103 Virtual Properties.mp4 (37.44 MB)
104 Document Middleware.mp4 (174.84 MB)
105 Query Middleware.mp4 (98.2 MB)
106 Aggregation Middleware.mp4 (56.29 MB)
107 Data Validation Built-In Validators.mp4 (61.65 MB)
108 Data Validation Custom Validators.mp4 (147.69 MB)
109 Section Intro.mp4 (5.99 MB)
110 Debugging Node js with ndb.mp4 (254.86 MB)
111 Handling Unhandled Routes.mp4 (48.64 MB)
112 An Overview of Error Handling.mp4 (17.79 MB)
113 Implementing a Global Error Handling Middleware.mp4 (50.9 MB)
114 Better Errors and Refactoring.mp4 (60.48 MB)
115 Catching Errors in Async Functions.mp4 (145.41 MB)
116 Adding 404 Not Found Errors.mp4 (44.19 MB)
117 Errors During Development vs Production.mp4 (60.42 MB)
118 Handling Invalid Database IDs.mp4 (63.43 MB)
119 Handling Duplicate Database Fields.mp4 (46.94 MB)
120 Handling Mongoose Validation Errors.mp4 (53.68 MB)
121 Errors Outside Express Unhandled Rejections.mp4 (63.29 MB)
122 Catching Uncaught Exceptions.mp4 (69.02 MB)
123 Section Intro.mp4 (8.68 MB)
124 Modelling Users.mp4 (67.04 MB)
125 Creating New Users.mp4 (70.84 MB)
126 Managing Passwords.mp4 (123.88 MB)
127 How Authentication with JWT Works.mp4 (32.1 MB)
128 Signing up Users.mp4 (144.28 MB)
129 Logging in Users.mp4 (272.2 MB)
130 Protecting Tour Routes - Part 1.mp4 (109.13 MB)
131 Protecting Tour Routes - Part 2.mp4 (251.8 MB)
132 Advanced Postman Setup.mp4 (67.62 MB)
133 Authorization User Roles and Permissions.mp4 (180.51 MB)
134 Password Reset Functionality Reset Token.mp4 (204.69 MB)
135 Sending Emails with Nodemailer.mp4 (229.06 MB)
136 Password Reset Functionality Setting New Password.mp4 (161.25 MB)
137 Updating the Current User Password.mp4 (104.79 MB)
138 Updating the Current User Data.mp4 (249.21 MB)
139 Deleting the Current User.mp4 (117.67 MB)
140 Security Best Practices.mp4 (55.63 MB)
141 Sending JWT via Cookie.mp4 (98.68 MB)
142 Implementing Rate Limiting.mp4 (71.07 MB)
143 Setting Security HTTP Headers.mp4 (39.4 MB)
144 Data Sanitization.mp4 (66.05 MB)
145 Preventing Parameter Pollution.mp4 (66.33 MB)
146 Section Intro.mp4 (9.27 MB)
147 MongoDB Data Modelling.mp4 (115.27 MB)
148 Designing Our Data Model.mp4 (38.18 MB)
149 Modelling Locations (Geospatial Data).mp4 (177.42 MB)
150 Modelling Tour Guides Embedding.mp4 (49.36 MB)
151 Modelling Tour Guides Child Referencing.mp4 (35.14 MB)
152 Populating Tour Guides.mp4 (78.95 MB)
153 Modelling Reviews Parent Referencing.mp4 (76.99 MB)
154 Creating and Getting Reviews.mp4 (179.11 MB)
155 Populating Reviews.mp4 (63.4 MB)
156 Virtual Populate Tours and Reviews.mp4 (82.88 MB)
157 Implementing Simple Nested Routes.mp4 (91.27 MB)
158 Nested Routes with Express.mp4 (49.77 MB)
159 Adding a Nested GET Endpoint.mp4 (38.13 MB)
160 Building Handler Factory Functions Delete.mp4 (186.16 MB)
161 Factory Functions Update and Create.mp4 (137.25 MB)
162 Factory Functions Reading.mp4 (116.63 MB)
163 Adding a me Endpoint.mp4 (30.15 MB)
164 Adding Missing Authentication and Authorization.mp4 (156.64 MB)
165 Importing Review and User Data.mp4 (86.18 MB)
166 Improving Read Performance with Indexes.mp4 (126.62 MB)
167 Calculating Average Rating on Tours - Part 1.mp4 (135.77 MB)
168 Calculating Average Rating on Tours - Part 2.mp4 (118.01 MB)
169 Preventing Duplicate Reviews.mp4 (112.61 MB)
170 Geospatial Queries Finding Tours Within Radius.mp4 (406.62 MB)
171 Geospatial Aggregation Calculating Distances.mp4 (175.15 MB)
172 Creating API Documentation Using Postman.mp4 (57.44 MB)
173 Section Intro.mp4 (8.38 MB)
174 Recap Server-Side vs Client-Side Rendering.mp4 (79.64 MB)
175 Setting up Pug in Express.mp4 (68.29 MB)
176 First Steps with Pug.mp4 (100.73 MB)
177 Creating Our Base Template.mp4 (165.29 MB)
178 Including Files into Pug Templates.mp4 (45.08 MB)
179 Extending Our Base Template with Blocks.mp4 (60.77 MB)
180 Setting up the Project Structure.mp4 (68.4 MB)
181 Building the Tour Overview - Part 1.mp4 (126.47 MB)
182 Building the Tour Overview - Part 2.mp4 (169.21 MB)
183 Building the Tour Page - Part 1.mp4 (301.34 MB)
184 Building the Tour Page - Part 2.mp4 (454.95 MB)
185 Including a Map with Mapbox - Part 1.mp4 (140.99 MB)
186 Including a Map with Mapbox - Part 2.mp4 (509.32 MB)
187 Building the Login Screen.mp4 (42.76 MB)
188 Logging in Users with Our API - Part 1.mp4 (190.33 MB)
189 Logging in Users with Our API - Part 2.mp4 (225.91 MB)
190 Logging in Users with Our API - Part 3.mp4 (254.5 MB)
191 Logging out Users.mp4 (87.47 MB)
192 Rendering Error Pages.mp4 (159.63 MB)
193 Building the User Account Page.mp4 (102.37 MB)
194 Updating User Data.mp4 (100.03 MB)
195 Updating User Data with Our API.mp4 (80.53 MB)
196 Updating User Password with Our API.mp4 (84.06 MB)
197 Section Intro.mp4 (2.89 MB)
198 Image Uploads Using Multer Users.mp4 (102.99 MB)
199 Configuring Multer.mp4 (207.09 MB)
200 Saving Image Name to Database.mp4 (33.99 MB)
201 Resizing Images.mp4 (154.72 MB)
202 Adding Image Uploads to Form.mp4 (86.36 MB)
203 Uploading Multiple Images Tours.mp4 (131.87 MB)
204 Processing Multiple Images.mp4 (257.99 MB)
205 Building a Complex Email Handler.mp4 (200.64 MB)
206 Email Templates with Pug Welcome Emails.mp4 (115.22 MB)
207 Sending Password Reset Emails.mp4 (87.88 MB)
208 Using Sendgrid for Real Emails.mp4 (98.99 MB)
209 Credit Card Payments with Stripe.mp4 (105.84 MB)
210 Integrating Stripe into the Back-End.mp4 (275.89 MB)
211 Processing Payments on the Front-End.mp4 (298.92 MB)
212 Modelling the Bookings.mp4 (40.33 MB)
213 Creating New Bookings on Checkout Success.mp4 (191.44 MB)
214 Rendering a User's Booked Tours.mp4 (155.05 MB)
215 Finishing the Bookings API.mp4 (53.34 MB)
216 Final Considerations.mp4 (38.05 MB)
217 Section Intro.mp4 (5.74 MB)
218 Setting Up Git and GitHub.mp4 (28.05 MB)
219 Git Fundamentals.mp4 (63.15 MB)
220 Pushing to GitHub.mp4 (67.92 MB)
221 Preparing Our App for Deployment.mp4 (164.6 MB)
222 Deploying Our App to Heroku.mp4 (277.69 MB)
223 Testing for Secure HTTPS Connections.mp4 (44.3 MB)
224 Responding to a SIGTERM Signal.mp4 (74.47 MB)
225 Implementing CORS.mp4 (217.97 MB)
226 Finishing Payments with Stripe Webhooks.mp4 (553.05 MB)
227 Where to Go from Here.mp4 (32.12 MB)]
[Image: 8jATgP7i_o.jpg]

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