12-16-2024, 06:36 PM
4.39 GB | 00:15:21 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.04 MB)
01 The Big Picture.mp4 (3.2 MB)
02 Simple to Learn.mp4 (2.34 MB)
03 Simple to Use.mp4 (3.99 MB)
04 Great Community.mp4 (3.24 MB)
05 High Demand.mp4 (1.68 MB)
06 Widely Used.mp4 (800.35 KB)
07 Web Development.mp4 (1.36 MB)
08 Data Science.mp4 (3.62 MB)
09 Education and Learning.mp4 (2.24 MB)
10 Scripting.mp4 (2.65 MB)
1 What Is Python.mp4 (881.66 KB)
2 Unique Syntax.mp4 (2.59 MB)
3 General-purpose.mp4 (8.51 MB)
4 Multi-paradigm.mp4 (8.04 MB)
5 Interpreted.mp4 (2.44 MB)
6 Garbage-collected.mp4 (4.04 MB)
7 Dynamically-typed.mp4 (3.7 MB)
8 Summary.mp4 (515.7 KB)
1 Pros and Cons.mp4 (525.56 KB)
2 Pro - Comprehensive Standard Library.mp4 (4.09 MB)
3 Pro - Community-driven.mp4 (5.58 MB)
4 Pro - 3rd Party Libraries.mp4 (3.62 MB)
5 Pro - 3rd Party Tools.mp4 (2.56 MB)
6 Drawbacks.mp4 (2.35 MB)
7 Course Summary.mp4 (2.45 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.69 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (727.28 KB)
2 Overview.mp4 (1.76 MB)
3 Installing Python.mp4 (7.6 MB)
4 Interactive Python.mp4 (4.02 MB)
5 Significant Whitespace.mp4 (4.75 MB)
6 Python Culture.mp4 (3.62 MB)
7 The Python Standard Library.mp4 (7.98 MB)
8 Summary.mp4 (2.23 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (5.63 MB)
2 Relational Operators.mp4 (1.74 MB)
3 Control Flow.mp4 (2.17 MB)
4 While-loops.mp4 (4.77 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (1.84 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (1.22 MB)
2 String.mp4 (2.45 MB)
3 String Literals.mp4 (8.18 MB)
4 Bytes.mp4 (2.69 MB)
5 List.mp4 (1.93 MB)
6 Dict.mp4 (1.75 MB)
7 For-loop.mp4 (1.36 MB)
8 Putting it all Together.mp4 (6.99 MB)
9 Summary.mp4 (3.76 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (1.79 MB)
02 Modules.mp4 (2.81 MB)
03 Functions.mp4 (5.73 MB)
04 name.mp4 (4.4 MB)
05 The Python Execution Model.mp4 (2.54 MB)
06 Command Line Arguments.mp4 (5.21 MB)
07 Moment of Zen.mp4 (850.13 KB)
08 Docstrings.mp4 (2.46 MB)
09 Comments.mp4 (984.79 KB)
10 Shebang.mp4 (2.06 MB)
11 Summary.mp4 (3.62 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (7.89 MB)
2 Passing Arguments and Returning Values.mp4 (4.57 MB)
3 Function Arguments.mp4 (6.45 MB)
4 Pythons Type System.mp4 (1.35 MB)
5 Scopes.mp4 (5.27 MB)
6 Moment of Zen.mp4 (774.45 KB)
7 Everything is an Object.mp4 (1.94 MB)
8 Summary.mp4 (4.03 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (959.78 KB)
2 Tuples.mp4 (5.23 MB)
3 Strings.mp4 (10.93 MB)
4 Ranges.mp4 (2.99 MB)
5 Lists.mp4 (11.92 MB)
6 Dictionaries.mp4 (8.98 MB)
7 Sets.mp4 (7.91 MB)
8 Protocols.mp4 (2.88 MB)
9 Summary.mp4 (4.05 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (3.47 MB)
02 Exceptions and Control Flow.mp4 (1.92 MB)
03 Handling Exceptions.mp4 (3.36 MB)
04 Exceptions and Programmer Errors.mp4 (3.2 MB)
05 Re-raising Exceptions.mp4 (2.26 MB)
06 Exceptions Are Part of the API.mp4 (5.83 MB)
07 Exceptions and Protocols.mp4 (2.55 MB)
08 Avoid Explicit Type Checks.mp4 (1.41 MB)
09 Its Easier to Ask Forgiveness Than Permission.mp4 (3.96 MB)
10 Cleanup Actions.mp4 (2.8 MB)
11 Platform-Specific Code.mp4 (4.39 MB)
12 Summary.mp4 (3.29 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (2.09 MB)
02 List and Set Comprehensions.mp4 (3.57 MB)
03 DIctionary Comprehensions.mp4 (2.85 MB)
04 Filtering Comprehensions.mp4 (1.36 MB)
05 Moment of Zen.mp4 (1.06 MB)
06 Iteration Protocols.mp4 (3.7 MB)
07 Generator Functions.mp4 (4.6 MB)
08 Maintaining State in Generators.mp4 (3.93 MB)
09 Laziness and the Infinite.mp4 (2.02 MB)
10 Generator Expressions.mp4 (3.28 MB)
11 Iteration Tools.mp4 (5.76 MB)
12 Summary.mp4 (2.64 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (1.81 MB)
02 Classes.mp4 (1.64 MB)
03 Defining Classes.mp4 (2.37 MB)
04 Instance Methods.mp4 (1.64 MB)
05 Instance Initializers.mp4 (9.66 MB)
06 A Second Class.mp4 (5.17 MB)
07 Collaborating Classes.mp4 (3.42 MB)
08 Moment of Zen.mp4 (834.59 KB)
09 Booking Seats.mp4 (13.73 MB)
10 Methods for Implementation Details.mp4 (7.26 MB)
11 Object-Oriented Design with Function Objects.mp4 (6.79 MB)
12 Polymorphism and Duck Typing.mp4 (7.77 MB)
13 Inheritance and Implementation Sharing.mp4 (7.44 MB)
14 Summary.mp4 (5.54 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (1.95 MB)
02 Opening Files.mp4 (4.15 MB)
03 Writing Text.mp4 (5.52 MB)
04 Reading Text.mp4 (3.58 MB)
05 Appending Text.mp4 (1.13 MB)
06 Iterating over Files.mp4 (1.84 MB)
07 Closing Files with Finally.mp4 (5.88 MB)
08 With-blocks.mp4 (1.94 MB)
09 Moment of Zen.mp4 (879.96 KB)
10 Binary Files.mp4 (13.2 MB)
11 Bitwise Operators.mp4 (1.3 MB)
12 Pixel Data.mp4 (2.55 MB)
13 Reading Binary Data.mp4 (3.08 MB)
14 File-like Objects.mp4 (4.36 MB)
15 Context Managers.mp4 (2.72 MB)
16 Summary.mp4 (3.6 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.35 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (744.05 KB)
2 Prerequisites.mp4 (4.76 MB)
3 Introduction to Packages.mp4 (2.61 MB)
4 Locating Modules.mp4 (4.96 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (942.22 KB)
1 Creating Packages.mp4 (6.96 MB)
2 Creating a Subpackage.mp4 (9.54 MB)
3 Relative Imports.mp4 (7.93 MB)
4 Using all.mp4 (5.51 MB)
1 Namespace Packages.mp4 (4.7 MB)
2 Executable Directories.mp4 (3.92 MB)
3 Executable Zip Files.mp4 (1008.86 KB)
4 Executable Packages.mp4 (5.22 MB)
1 Python Project Structure.mp4 (6.13 MB)
2 A Concrete Example - demo reader.mp4 (1.78 MB)
3 Implementing Plugins with Namespace Packages.mp4 (6.56 MB)
4 Implementing Plugins with setuptools.mp4 (5.83 MB)
1 Source Distributions.mp4 (3.39 MB)
2 Built Distributions.mp4 (3.32 MB)
3 Uploading Packages to a Package Server.mp4 (6.07 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.41 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (4.23 MB)
1 Review of Functions.mp4 (7.47 MB)
2 Callable Instances.mp4 (6.42 MB)
3 Classes Are Callable.mp4 (4.67 MB)
4 Lambdas.mp4 (8.84 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (1.57 MB)
1 Extended Formal Argument Syntax.mp4 (6.14 MB)
2 Keyword and Positional-only Arguments.mp4 (8.19 MB)
3 Extended Call Syntax.mp4 (4.7 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.02 MB)
1 Local Functions.mp4 (9.74 MB)
2 Closures and Nested Scopes.mp4 (4.06 MB)
3 The Nonlocal Keyword.mp4 (8.2 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.3 MB)
1 Function Decorators.mp4 (6.98 MB)
2 What Can Be a Decorator.mp4 (4.86 MB)
3 Applying Multiple Decorators.mp4 (3.54 MB)
4 Preserving Function Metadata.mp4 (4.84 MB)
5 Parameterized Decorators.mp4 (6.01 MB)
1 Map.mp4 (9.26 MB)
2 Filter.mp4 (2.74 MB)
3 Reduce.mp4 (3.88 MB)
4 Combining the Tools.mp4 (4.36 MB)
1 Multi-input Comprehensions.mp4 (6.02 MB)
2 Nested Comprehensions.mp4 (4.25 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (4.11 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (751.22 KB)
02 Overview.mp4 (7.04 MB)
03 Class Attributes.mp4 (17.68 MB)
04 Static Methods.mp4 (7.47 MB)
05 Class Methods.mp4 (20.17 MB)
06 Static Methods with Inheritance.mp4 (14.15 MB)
07 Class Methods with Inheritance.mp4 (20.08 MB)
08 Properties.mp4 (27.51 MB)
09 Properties and Inheritance.mp4 (31.77 MB)
10 Overriding Properties with Template Methods.mp4 (13.64 MB)
11 Summary.mp4 (2.47 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (10.42 MB)
2 Customizing repr().mp4 (20.07 MB)
3 Customizing str().mp4 (14.63 MB)
4 Customizing format().mp4 (28.6 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (8.75 MB)
1 Review - Single Inheritance.mp4 (10.96 MB)
2 Type Inspection.mp4 (7.62 MB)
3 Multiple Inheritance.mp4 (8.38 MB)
4 Method Resolution Order.mp4 (9.71 MB)
5 super().mp4 (19.19 MB)
6 Resolving the Mystery.mp4 (7.08 MB)
7 Summary.mp4 (7.24 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (6.89 MB)
2 Can We Synthesize a Method.mp4 (7.14 MB)
3 Making a Class Decorator.mp4 (25.59 MB)
4 Class Decorator Factories.mp4 (29.69 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (2.45 MB)
1 Data Classes.mp4 (5.12 MB)
2 Defining Data Classes.mp4 (6.16 MB)
3 Hash and Hashability.mp4 (5.05 MB)
4 Dataclass Invariants.mp4 (9.81 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (4.96 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.69 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (772.53 KB)
02 Iterators and Iterables.mp4 (11.09 MB)
03 Motivating Iterators - Tree Traversals.mp4 (5.1 MB)
04 Breath-first, Level-order Iterator.mp4 (12.5 MB)
05 Depth-first, Pre-order Iterator.mp4 (10.45 MB)
06 Depth-first, In-order Iterator.mp4 (10.12 MB)
07 Filtering Iterators.mp4 (11.63 MB)
08 Transforming Iterators.mp4 (7.55 MB)
09 Iterables.mp4 (10.08 MB)
10 The Alternative Iterable Protocol.mp4 (7.9 MB)
11 The Extended iter() Form.mp4 (6.96 MB)
12 Summary.mp4 (2.23 MB)
1 Collection Protocols.mp4 (9.73 MB)
1 The Construction Convention.mp4 (13.87 MB)
1 The Container Protocol.mp4 (15.67 MB)
1 The Sized Protocol.mp4 (14.5 MB)
1 The Iterable Protocol.mp4 (17.27 MB)
01 The Sequence Protocol.mp4 (2.04 MB)
02 Indexing.mp4 (7.87 MB)
03 Slicing.mp4 (11.99 MB)
04 String Representation.mp4 (9.27 MB)
05 Value Equality.mp4 (12.72 MB)
06 Value Inequality.mp4 (4.21 MB)
07 The Hashable Protocol.mp4 (14.74 MB)
08 Reversing a Sequence.mp4 (5.06 MB)
09 The index() Method.mp4 (7.91 MB)
10 The count() Method.mp4 (6.01 MB)
11 The Extended Sequence Protocol.mp4 (21.71 MB)
1 Refactoring for Performance.mp4 (6.92 MB)
2 Checking Performance.mp4 (29.38 MB)
1 The Collection Abstract Base Classes.mp4 (15.06 MB)
1 The Set Protocol.mp4 (20.01 MB)
2 Going Further - Mutability.mp4 (3.27 MB)
3 Summary.mp4 (2.93 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.45 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (753.63 KB)
2 Review.mp4 (6.67 MB)
1 Exception Hierarchies.mp4 (12.33 MB)
1 Exception Payloads.mp4 (9.41 MB)
1 User-defined Exceptions.mp4 (7.68 MB)
1 Implicit Chaining.mp4 (6.19 MB)
2 Explicit Chaining.mp4 (5.92 MB)
1 Tracebacks.mp4 (6.5 MB)
1 Assertions and Invariants.mp4 (8.52 MB)
2 Class Invariants.mp4 (3.97 MB)
3 Assertions and Performance.mp4 (3.42 MB)
4 Postconditions - A Practical Example.mp4 (17.02 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (5.14 MB)
2 The Context Manager Protocol.mp4 (10.07 MB)
3 Implementing a Context Manager.mp4 (8.36 MB)
4 Expansion of the With-statement.mp4 (2.98 MB)
1 The Context Manager Decorator.mp4 (10.71 MB)
1 Multiple Context Managers.mp4 (10.38 MB)
1 Modeling Database Transactions.mp4 (9.88 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.1 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (720.35 KB)
2 Introspecting Types.mp4 (5.26 MB)
1 Introspecting Objects.mp4 (5.8 MB)
2 Example - Mixed Numerals.mp4 (2.63 MB)
3 Summary.mp4 (1.64 MB)
1 Introspecting Scopes.mp4 (6.55 MB)
1 The Inspect Module.mp4 (13.72 MB)
1 An Object Introspection Tool.mp4 (26.39 MB)
2 Summary.mp4 (2.29 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.09 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (747.51 KB)
2 Review of int and float.mp4 (7.74 MB)
1 Construction.mp4 (3.76 MB)
2 Fractional Values, Precision, and Special Values.mp4 (3.84 MB)
3 Combining with Other Types.mp4 (6.22 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.58 MB)
1 Construction.mp4 (2.67 MB)
2 Arithmetic and Operations.mp4 (3.71 MB)
1 Construction.mp4 (3.63 MB)
2 Operations.mp4 (1.65 MB)
3 A Practical Example.mp4 (2.34 MB)
1 Built-in Functions for Numbers.mp4 (3.81 MB)
2 Base Conversions.mp4 (3.24 MB)
1 The Datetime Module.mp4 (3.08 MB)
2 Dates.mp4 (4.81 MB)
3 Times.mp4 (1.74 MB)
4 Combined Dates and Times.mp4 (4.96 MB)
5 Durations.mp4 (2.23 MB)
6 Timezones.mp4 (3.05 MB)
7 Summary.mp4 (1.75 MB)
1 Example Problem - Collinearity.mp4 (7.11 MB)
2 Implementing with float and Fraction.mp4 (4.99 MB)
3 Visualizing the Results.mp4 (4.79 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.3 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (733.67 KB)
2 Loop-else Clauses.mp4 (2.55 MB)
3 The While-else Construct.mp4 (6.75 MB)
4 Evaluating Stack Programs.mp4 (16.24 MB)
1 For-else Clauses.mp4 (1.79 MB)
2 Handling Search Failure With for-else.mp4 (4.37 MB)
3 Refactoring from Loop-else to Extracted Functions.mp4 (4.03 MB)
1 Try-else Clauses.mp4 (4.3 MB)
2 Narrowing Try-block Scope Using try-else.mp4 (3.3 MB)
1 Emulating Switch.mp4 (2.24 MB)
2 Refactoring from If-elif-else to Mappings of Callables.mp4 (25.46 MB)
1 Dispatching on Type.mp4 (14.91 MB)
2 Refactoring to Separate Concerns.mp4 (21.3 MB)
3 Dictionary Dispatch.mp4 (2.77 MB)
4 Introspective Lookup.mp4 (6.43 MB)
5 The singledispatch Decorator.mp4 (16.63 MB)
6 Overloading Methods.mp4 (15.57 MB)
7 Implementing Multiple Dispatch.mp4 (7.34 MB)
1 Short-circuit Evaluation.mp4 (5.81 MB)
2 The Logical-and Operator.mp4 (6.01 MB)
3 The Logical-or Operator.mp4 (3.48 MB)
4 Coalescing Nulls.mp4 (10.2 MB)
5 Guarding Expressions with Logical-and.mp4 (7.41 MB)
6 Safe Expressions with Shortcut Evaluation.mp4 (10.42 MB)
7 Summary.mp4 (6.81 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.5 MB)
01 Version Checks.mp4 (735.08 KB)
02 Bits and Bytes.mp4 (5.43 MB)
03 Bitwise Operators.mp4 (2.1 MB)
04 Bitwise-and.mp4 (5.88 MB)
05 Masking with Bitwise-and.mp4 (13.11 MB)
06 Flags with Bitwise-and.mp4 (11.52 MB)
07 Clearing Flags with Bitwise-and.mp4 (3.14 MB)
08 Bitwise-or.mp4 (1.47 MB)
09 Packing Values with Bitwise-or.mp4 (4.68 MB)
10 Setting and Combining Flags with Bitwise-or.mp4 (5.94 MB)
11 Bitwise Exclusive-or.mp4 (5.36 MB)
12 Bitwise Complement.mp4 (18.36 MB)
13 Byte-wise Operations with Integers.mp4 (7.01 MB)
14 Bit Sets.mp4 (10.54 MB)
1 The bytes Type.mp4 (9.03 MB)
2 The bytearray Type.mp4 (5.05 MB)
1 The struct Module.mp4 (6.97 MB)
2 Using the struct Module to Read Binary Structures.mp4 (21.03 MB)
1 The memoryview Type.mp4 (21.57 MB)
1 The mmap Module.mp4 (13.73 MB)
2 Summary.mp4 (4.1 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.29 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (747.61 KB)
02 How are Python Objects Represented.mp4 (11.24 MB)
03 Dynamic Attribute Initialization.mp4 (8.3 MB)
04 Custom Attribute Read Access.mp4 (6.16 MB)
05 Preventing Attribute Write Access.mp4 (2.05 MB)
06 Preventing Unwanted Recursion.mp4 (6.73 MB)
07 Preventing Attribute Deletion.mp4 (4.21 MB)
08 Customizing Attribute Storage.mp4 (11.22 MB)
09 Using vars() to Access dict.mp4 (1.86 MB)
10 Intercepting All Attribute Access.mp4 (8.49 MB)
11 Customizing Attribute Writes.mp4 (8.36 MB)
12 Built-in Protocols Bypass Attribute Lookup.mp4 (5.32 MB)
1 Class Attribute Lookup.mp4 (6.69 MB)
2 Simplified Attribute Lookup Algorithm.mp4 (3.56 MB)
1 Trading Size for Dynamism with Slots.mp4 (7.69 MB)
2 Slots Lookup.mp4 (2.62 MB)
1 Reviewing Properties.mp4 (8.14 MB)
2 Unravelling the Property Decorator.mp4 (16.34 MB)
3 Implementing a Descriptor.mp4 (18.66 MB)
4 Storing Instance Data.mp4 (12.64 MB)
5 Accessing Descriptors via Classes.mp4 (8.41 MB)
6 Setting Descriptor Names.mp4 (4.94 MB)
7 Data Versus Non-data Descriptors.mp4 (14.56 MB)
8 Summary.mp4 (6.37 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.17 MB)
1 Allocation of Objects.mp4 (8.68 MB)
2 Allocation with new.mp4 (6.1 MB)
3 Customizing Allocation.mp4 (14.75 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.85 MB)
1 Class Creation and Metaclasses.mp4 (4.82 MB)
2 Class Allocation and Initialization.mp4 (16.44 MB)
1 Metaclass Keyword Arguments.mp4 (6.87 MB)
2 Metaclass Method Visibility.mp4 (4.26 MB)
3 The Instance Constructor.mp4 (7.41 MB)
4 Phased Initialization.mp4 (8.26 MB)
5 Custom Namespace Dictionaries.mp4 (9.94 MB)
1 Bitfields.mp4 (12.61 MB)
2 Bitfield Tests.mp4 (39.39 MB)
3 Bitfield Initialization.mp4 (19.72 MB)
4 Setting Field Values.mp4 (25.27 MB)
5 Example - DS3231 Registers.mp4 (5.07 MB)
1 Decoder Example.mp4 (15.06 MB)
2 Subclass Registration by Metaclass.mp4 (9.53 MB)
3 Subclass Registration with init subclass.mp4 (4.15 MB)
1 Base Class Metaclasses.mp4 (5.49 MB)
2 Composable Metaclasses.mp4 (8.16 MB)
3 Outro.mp4 (4.66 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (2.45 MB)
01 Introduction.mp4 (3.24 MB)
02 Built-in Types Jup.mp4 (7.69 MB)
03 Decimals Jup.mp4 (7.24 MB)
04 Fractions Jup.mp4 (9.57 MB)
05 Integers.mp4 (2.93 MB)
06 Integers Jup.mp4 (13.75 MB)
07 Fractions.mp4 (6.94 MB)
08 Cups Example Jup.mp4 (33.55 MB)
09 Floats.mp4 (12.57 MB)
10 Interest Jup.mp4 (39.44 MB)
1 Example.mp4 (2.03 MB)
2 Vector Jup.mp4 (19.53 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.26 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (3.82 MB)
2 Sequence Types.mp4 (2.74 MB)
3 Demo - Sequence Types.mp4 (20.1 MB)
4 Mapping Types.mp4 (1.97 MB)
5 Demo - Mapping Types.mp4 (8.72 MB)
6 Set and Summary.mp4 (2.56 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (6.34 MB)
2 Demo - Hashing.mp4 (17.38 MB)
3 Collisions and Equality.mp4 (11.24 MB)
4 Demo - Hashing and Equality.mp4 (9.39 MB)
5 Demo - Hash Immutability.mp4 (4.61 MB)
6 More on Immutability.mp4 (1.81 MB)
7 Dataclass and Summary.mp4 (4.64 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (2.47 MB)
2 Demo - defaultdict.mp4 (17.71 MB)
3 Counter + Demo.mp4 (39.23 MB)
4 OrderedDict + Demo.mp4 (12.56 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (541.22 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (10.11 MB)
2 Demo - namedtuple.mp4 (13.36 MB)
3 deque.mp4 (6.17 MB)
4 Demo - deque.mp4 (8.26 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (756.29 KB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.2 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (559.36 KB)
2 Just Give up the Next Item - Iteration.mp4 (8.94 MB)
3 A Different Approach - Generators as Iterators.mp4 (7.57 MB)
4 When Performance Matters - Laziness vs Eagerness.mp4 (10.33 MB)
5 Demo - Your First Generator.mp4 (16.57 MB)
6 Summary.mp4 (1.46 MB)
1 Much More Than Just Iteration - Pipeline Enabled Generators.mp4 (15.36 MB)
2 Why You Don't Have to Remember All This - Itertools!.mp4 (13.94 MB)
3 Demo - All You Need Are Pipelines.mp4 (17.79 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (861.36 KB)
1 Generators Counterpart - Coroutines.mp4 (7.84 MB)
2 Expanding on Coroutines - Priming and Yielding.mp4 (13.43 MB)
3 Getting the Final State out of Generators - Returning Values.mp4 (8.31 MB)
4 Yield Data Model - Iter, Next, Send, Close, Throw, and Return.mp4 (14.24 MB)
5 Demo - The First Coroutine.mp4 (8.71 MB)
6 Summary.mp4 (1.96 MB)
1 Delegate That Task! Yield from Explained.mp4 (23.15 MB)
2 Flow That Data with Coroutines.mp4 (8.87 MB)
3 From Pipelines to Concurrency - How Coroutines Changed the World.mp4 (19.66 MB)
4 Demo - Putting It All Together; Creating Your Own Event Loop!.mp4 (19.46 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (3.14 MB)
01 Course Overview.mp4 (4.18 MB)
01 What Is a Unit Test.mp4 (3.92 MB)
02 First Example Unit Test.mp4 (8.55 MB)
03 Explanation of 'Test Case' and 'Test Runner'.mp4 (9.34 MB)
04 Exception Checking with assertRaises & Explaination of 'Test Suite'.mp4 (4.97 MB)
05 Skipping a Test Case & Explanation of 'Test Fixture'.mp4 (15.09 MB)
06 Vocabulary Summary.mp4 (3.27 MB)
07 Example of Poor Unit Test Design.mp4 (13.34 MB)
08 Better Design with Arrange-Act-Assert.mp4 (12.69 MB)
09 Detailed Design of Arrange-Act-Assert Test Parts.mp4 (15.11 MB)
10 Module Summary.mp4 (1.05 MB)
01 Introducing the Module Topics - Why and When.mp4 (2.1 MB)
02 Unit Testing Helps You to Understand What to Build.mp4 (6.82 MB)
03 Unit Testing Helps You to Document the Units.mp4 (5.43 MB)
04 Unit Testing Helps You with Design.mp4 (12.08 MB)
05 Unit Testing Helps You Detect Regression.mp4 (7.75 MB)
06 Limitations of Unit Testing.mp4 (3.17 MB)
07 Unit Testing Is Part of Your Job.mp4 (1.82 MB)
08 Test-Last Process.mp4 (3.11 MB)
09 Test-First Process.mp4 (5.25 MB)
10 Test-Driven Development.mp4 (3.59 MB)
11 Automated Build Servers and Continuous Integration.mp4 (6.32 MB)
12 Module Summary.mp4 (910.66 KB)
01 Introducing pytest - a Popular Alternative to unittest.mp4 (4.12 MB)
02 First Test Case and Failure Analysis.mp4 (7.78 MB)
03 Using PyCharm's Test Runner.mp4 (5.65 MB)
04 Additional Kinds of Assertion, Including assertRaises.mp4 (9.6 MB)
05 Introduction to Test Fixtures.mp4 (7.24 MB)
06 Cleaning up Fixture Resources, Chaining Fixtures.mp4 (13.07 MB)
07 Organzing Test Code for Larger Programs.mp4 (8.69 MB)
08 Using Markers to Control Which Tests Are Run.mp4 (16.18 MB)
09 Using an HTML Report Plugin & Module Summary.mp4 (3.32 MB)
01 Introducing doctest - Embed Unit Tests in Your Docstrings.mp4 (5.76 MB)
02 Introduction to Yatzy Example & a First doctest.mp4 (5.63 MB)
03 Using a Test Runner to Execute Your Doctests.mp4 (6.71 MB)
04 Interpreting Test Failures and Updating Your Docstring.mp4 (5.88 MB)
05 Handling Output That Varies Using a Wildcard.mp4 (14.55 MB)
06 Handling Random Numbers, Dictionaries, Floats, and Tracebacks.mp4 (12.14 MB)
07 Global Options and Directives.mp4 (9.53 MB)
08 Regression Testing Your Tutorial Documentation.mp4 (12.48 MB)
09 Module Summary.mp4 (1.08 MB)
01 What Is a Test Double.mp4 (3.07 MB)
02 Example Using a Stub.mp4 (8.16 MB)
03 Creating a Stub Using unittest Mock.mp4 (5.69 MB)
04 Example Using a Fake.mp4 (9.76 MB)
05 Example Using a Dummy.mp4 (6.6 MB)
06 Mocks and Spies Give You a Third Kind of Assertion.mp4 (3.2 MB)
07 Example Using a Spy.mp4 (17.39 MB)
08 Example Using a Mock.mp4 (15.46 MB)
09 Overview of All the Types of Test Double.mp4 (2.4 MB)
10 Using Monkeypatching to Insert a Test Double.mp4 (9.45 MB)
11 Example Using Monkeypatching to Replace a Built-in Function.mp4 (6.72 MB)
12 Module Summary.mp4 (853.97 KB)
01 Module Introduction.mp4 (655.8 KB)
02 Example Using Parameterized Tests with pytest.mp4 (9.48 MB)
03 Example Using Parameterized Tests with unittest.mp4 (7.28 MB)
04 Example Measuring Test Coverage.mp4 (8.56 MB)
05 Example Measuring Branch Coverage.mp4 (7.6 MB)
06 Example Adding Parameterized Tests to Existing Code with Coverage.mp4 (17.57 MB)
07 Tracking Coverage Trends.mp4 (2.22 MB)
08 Good Uses for Coverage, and Alternatives for Assessing Test Quality.mp4 (3.28 MB)
09 Module Summary.mp4 (725.29 KB)
01 Course Overview.mp4 (2.41 MB)
01 Introduction.mp4 (6.2 MB)
02 Getting Started.mp4 (5.54 MB)
03 Demo Installing pip on Windows.mp4 (7.4 MB)
04 Installing pip on Mac OS or Linux.mp4 (1.73 MB)
05 Demo Linux Installation.mp4 (7.5 MB)
06 Demo Package Management with pip.mp4 (8.38 MB)
07 Demo Getting Package Information with pip.mp4 (8.43 MB)
08 Review.mp4 (1.85 MB)
09 Demo Where Are Packages Installed.mp4 (7.88 MB)
10 Demo A Better Way to Call pip.mp4 (6.31 MB)
01 About Virtual Environments.mp4 (2.62 MB)
02 Creating a Virtual Environment.mp4 (8.82 MB)
03 Working Inside a Virtual Environment.mp4 (7.86 MB)
04 Review.mp4 (3.1 MB)
05 Managing Project Requirements.mp4 (11.9 MB)
06 Projects, Requirements, and Versions.mp4 (4.91 MB)
07 A Real-world Example.mp4 (12.45 MB)
08 Another Example Testing with Tox.mp4 (11.81 MB)
01 Intro and Installation.mp4 (10.54 MB)
02 Working with virtualenvwrapper.mp4 (10.34 MB)
03 Review.mp4 (5.16 MB)
01 Introducing pipenv and poetry.mp4 (10.44 MB)
02 Pipenv.mp4 (12.64 MB)
03 Poetry.mp4 (10.19 MB)
04 Conclusion.mp4 (1.78 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.06 MB)
1 Introduction - What Is a PEP.mp4 (6.66 MB)
2 Overview of PEP8.mp4 (3 MB)
3 Demo - Applying PEP8 Rules to Your Code.mp4 (21.8 MB)
4 Review - PEP8.mp4 (2.34 MB)
5 Demo - Commandline Tools - Pylint.mp4 (22.37 MB)
6 Demo - Commandline Tools - Pycodestyle and Black.mp4 (7.5 MB)
7 Module Summary.mp4 (729.38 KB)
1 Introduction - Docstrings and Sphinx.mp4 (4.65 MB)
2 Demo - Getting Started with Sphinx.mp4 (13.52 MB)
3 Demo - Introducing reStructuredText.mp4 (8.18 MB)
4 Review - Sphinx and reStructuredText.mp4 (3.84 MB)
5 Demo - A Python Project with Docstrings.mp4 (11.56 MB)
6 Demo - Using Apidoc to Generate Documentation from Python Code.mp4 (17.89 MB)
7 Review - Apidoc.mp4 (5.29 MB)
1 Introduction - Static Typing and Type Hints.mp4 (4.07 MB)
2 Demo - Type Hints.mp4 (9.41 MB)
3 Review - Type Hints.mp4 (6.94 MB)
4 Demo - Adding Type Hints to Our Project.mp4 (26.51 MB)
5 Demo - mypy.mp4 (3.66 MB)
6 Summary.mp4 (777.07 KB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.1 MB)
1 Abstract Base Classes.mp4 (5.84 MB)
2 Duck Typing.mp4 (2.02 MB)
3 Abstract Base Classes in Python.mp4 (8.25 MB)
4 Interaction with issubclass().mp4 (4.09 MB)
5 Defining subclasscheck in Practice.mp4 (14.31 MB)
6 Virtual Base Classes from collections abc.mp4 (4.07 MB)
7 Non-transitive Subclass Relationships.mp4 (4.01 MB)
8 Method Resolution with Virtual Base Classes.mp4 (3.67 MB)
1 Replacing Metaclasses with Abstract Base Classes.mp4 (11.7 MB)
2 Virtual Subclass Registration.mp4 (9.8 MB)
3 Combining Subclass Detection and Registration.mp4 (8.03 MB)
4 The ABC Convenience Base Class.mp4 (2.25 MB)
5 The abstractmethod Decorator.mp4 (19.7 MB)
6 Combining abstractmethod with Other Decorators.mp4 (1.68 MB)
7 Detecting and Propagating Abstractness.mp4 (5.44 MB)
1 Python Peculiarities.mp4 (2.25 MB)
2 Flattening Sequences with Negatypes.mp4 (22.68 MB)
3 Checking Invariants.mp4 (42.45 MB)
4 Diagnosing and Fixing a Subtle Failure.mp4 (16.15 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (5.74 MB)]
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.04 MB)
01 The Big Picture.mp4 (3.2 MB)
02 Simple to Learn.mp4 (2.34 MB)
03 Simple to Use.mp4 (3.99 MB)
04 Great Community.mp4 (3.24 MB)
05 High Demand.mp4 (1.68 MB)
06 Widely Used.mp4 (800.35 KB)
07 Web Development.mp4 (1.36 MB)
08 Data Science.mp4 (3.62 MB)
09 Education and Learning.mp4 (2.24 MB)
10 Scripting.mp4 (2.65 MB)
1 What Is Python.mp4 (881.66 KB)
2 Unique Syntax.mp4 (2.59 MB)
3 General-purpose.mp4 (8.51 MB)
4 Multi-paradigm.mp4 (8.04 MB)
5 Interpreted.mp4 (2.44 MB)
6 Garbage-collected.mp4 (4.04 MB)
7 Dynamically-typed.mp4 (3.7 MB)
8 Summary.mp4 (515.7 KB)
1 Pros and Cons.mp4 (525.56 KB)
2 Pro - Comprehensive Standard Library.mp4 (4.09 MB)
3 Pro - Community-driven.mp4 (5.58 MB)
4 Pro - 3rd Party Libraries.mp4 (3.62 MB)
5 Pro - 3rd Party Tools.mp4 (2.56 MB)
6 Drawbacks.mp4 (2.35 MB)
7 Course Summary.mp4 (2.45 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.69 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (727.28 KB)
2 Overview.mp4 (1.76 MB)
3 Installing Python.mp4 (7.6 MB)
4 Interactive Python.mp4 (4.02 MB)
5 Significant Whitespace.mp4 (4.75 MB)
6 Python Culture.mp4 (3.62 MB)
7 The Python Standard Library.mp4 (7.98 MB)
8 Summary.mp4 (2.23 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (5.63 MB)
2 Relational Operators.mp4 (1.74 MB)
3 Control Flow.mp4 (2.17 MB)
4 While-loops.mp4 (4.77 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (1.84 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (1.22 MB)
2 String.mp4 (2.45 MB)
3 String Literals.mp4 (8.18 MB)
4 Bytes.mp4 (2.69 MB)
5 List.mp4 (1.93 MB)
6 Dict.mp4 (1.75 MB)
7 For-loop.mp4 (1.36 MB)
8 Putting it all Together.mp4 (6.99 MB)
9 Summary.mp4 (3.76 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (1.79 MB)
02 Modules.mp4 (2.81 MB)
03 Functions.mp4 (5.73 MB)
04 name.mp4 (4.4 MB)
05 The Python Execution Model.mp4 (2.54 MB)
06 Command Line Arguments.mp4 (5.21 MB)
07 Moment of Zen.mp4 (850.13 KB)
08 Docstrings.mp4 (2.46 MB)
09 Comments.mp4 (984.79 KB)
10 Shebang.mp4 (2.06 MB)
11 Summary.mp4 (3.62 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (7.89 MB)
2 Passing Arguments and Returning Values.mp4 (4.57 MB)
3 Function Arguments.mp4 (6.45 MB)
4 Pythons Type System.mp4 (1.35 MB)
5 Scopes.mp4 (5.27 MB)
6 Moment of Zen.mp4 (774.45 KB)
7 Everything is an Object.mp4 (1.94 MB)
8 Summary.mp4 (4.03 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (959.78 KB)
2 Tuples.mp4 (5.23 MB)
3 Strings.mp4 (10.93 MB)
4 Ranges.mp4 (2.99 MB)
5 Lists.mp4 (11.92 MB)
6 Dictionaries.mp4 (8.98 MB)
7 Sets.mp4 (7.91 MB)
8 Protocols.mp4 (2.88 MB)
9 Summary.mp4 (4.05 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (3.47 MB)
02 Exceptions and Control Flow.mp4 (1.92 MB)
03 Handling Exceptions.mp4 (3.36 MB)
04 Exceptions and Programmer Errors.mp4 (3.2 MB)
05 Re-raising Exceptions.mp4 (2.26 MB)
06 Exceptions Are Part of the API.mp4 (5.83 MB)
07 Exceptions and Protocols.mp4 (2.55 MB)
08 Avoid Explicit Type Checks.mp4 (1.41 MB)
09 Its Easier to Ask Forgiveness Than Permission.mp4 (3.96 MB)
10 Cleanup Actions.mp4 (2.8 MB)
11 Platform-Specific Code.mp4 (4.39 MB)
12 Summary.mp4 (3.29 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (2.09 MB)
02 List and Set Comprehensions.mp4 (3.57 MB)
03 DIctionary Comprehensions.mp4 (2.85 MB)
04 Filtering Comprehensions.mp4 (1.36 MB)
05 Moment of Zen.mp4 (1.06 MB)
06 Iteration Protocols.mp4 (3.7 MB)
07 Generator Functions.mp4 (4.6 MB)
08 Maintaining State in Generators.mp4 (3.93 MB)
09 Laziness and the Infinite.mp4 (2.02 MB)
10 Generator Expressions.mp4 (3.28 MB)
11 Iteration Tools.mp4 (5.76 MB)
12 Summary.mp4 (2.64 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (1.81 MB)
02 Classes.mp4 (1.64 MB)
03 Defining Classes.mp4 (2.37 MB)
04 Instance Methods.mp4 (1.64 MB)
05 Instance Initializers.mp4 (9.66 MB)
06 A Second Class.mp4 (5.17 MB)
07 Collaborating Classes.mp4 (3.42 MB)
08 Moment of Zen.mp4 (834.59 KB)
09 Booking Seats.mp4 (13.73 MB)
10 Methods for Implementation Details.mp4 (7.26 MB)
11 Object-Oriented Design with Function Objects.mp4 (6.79 MB)
12 Polymorphism and Duck Typing.mp4 (7.77 MB)
13 Inheritance and Implementation Sharing.mp4 (7.44 MB)
14 Summary.mp4 (5.54 MB)
01 Overview.mp4 (1.95 MB)
02 Opening Files.mp4 (4.15 MB)
03 Writing Text.mp4 (5.52 MB)
04 Reading Text.mp4 (3.58 MB)
05 Appending Text.mp4 (1.13 MB)
06 Iterating over Files.mp4 (1.84 MB)
07 Closing Files with Finally.mp4 (5.88 MB)
08 With-blocks.mp4 (1.94 MB)
09 Moment of Zen.mp4 (879.96 KB)
10 Binary Files.mp4 (13.2 MB)
11 Bitwise Operators.mp4 (1.3 MB)
12 Pixel Data.mp4 (2.55 MB)
13 Reading Binary Data.mp4 (3.08 MB)
14 File-like Objects.mp4 (4.36 MB)
15 Context Managers.mp4 (2.72 MB)
16 Summary.mp4 (3.6 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.35 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (744.05 KB)
2 Prerequisites.mp4 (4.76 MB)
3 Introduction to Packages.mp4 (2.61 MB)
4 Locating Modules.mp4 (4.96 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (942.22 KB)
1 Creating Packages.mp4 (6.96 MB)
2 Creating a Subpackage.mp4 (9.54 MB)
3 Relative Imports.mp4 (7.93 MB)
4 Using all.mp4 (5.51 MB)
1 Namespace Packages.mp4 (4.7 MB)
2 Executable Directories.mp4 (3.92 MB)
3 Executable Zip Files.mp4 (1008.86 KB)
4 Executable Packages.mp4 (5.22 MB)
1 Python Project Structure.mp4 (6.13 MB)
2 A Concrete Example - demo reader.mp4 (1.78 MB)
3 Implementing Plugins with Namespace Packages.mp4 (6.56 MB)
4 Implementing Plugins with setuptools.mp4 (5.83 MB)
1 Source Distributions.mp4 (3.39 MB)
2 Built Distributions.mp4 (3.32 MB)
3 Uploading Packages to a Package Server.mp4 (6.07 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.41 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (4.23 MB)
1 Review of Functions.mp4 (7.47 MB)
2 Callable Instances.mp4 (6.42 MB)
3 Classes Are Callable.mp4 (4.67 MB)
4 Lambdas.mp4 (8.84 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (1.57 MB)
1 Extended Formal Argument Syntax.mp4 (6.14 MB)
2 Keyword and Positional-only Arguments.mp4 (8.19 MB)
3 Extended Call Syntax.mp4 (4.7 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.02 MB)
1 Local Functions.mp4 (9.74 MB)
2 Closures and Nested Scopes.mp4 (4.06 MB)
3 The Nonlocal Keyword.mp4 (8.2 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.3 MB)
1 Function Decorators.mp4 (6.98 MB)
2 What Can Be a Decorator.mp4 (4.86 MB)
3 Applying Multiple Decorators.mp4 (3.54 MB)
4 Preserving Function Metadata.mp4 (4.84 MB)
5 Parameterized Decorators.mp4 (6.01 MB)
1 Map.mp4 (9.26 MB)
2 Filter.mp4 (2.74 MB)
3 Reduce.mp4 (3.88 MB)
4 Combining the Tools.mp4 (4.36 MB)
1 Multi-input Comprehensions.mp4 (6.02 MB)
2 Nested Comprehensions.mp4 (4.25 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (4.11 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (751.22 KB)
02 Overview.mp4 (7.04 MB)
03 Class Attributes.mp4 (17.68 MB)
04 Static Methods.mp4 (7.47 MB)
05 Class Methods.mp4 (20.17 MB)
06 Static Methods with Inheritance.mp4 (14.15 MB)
07 Class Methods with Inheritance.mp4 (20.08 MB)
08 Properties.mp4 (27.51 MB)
09 Properties and Inheritance.mp4 (31.77 MB)
10 Overriding Properties with Template Methods.mp4 (13.64 MB)
11 Summary.mp4 (2.47 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (10.42 MB)
2 Customizing repr().mp4 (20.07 MB)
3 Customizing str().mp4 (14.63 MB)
4 Customizing format().mp4 (28.6 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (8.75 MB)
1 Review - Single Inheritance.mp4 (10.96 MB)
2 Type Inspection.mp4 (7.62 MB)
3 Multiple Inheritance.mp4 (8.38 MB)
4 Method Resolution Order.mp4 (9.71 MB)
5 super().mp4 (19.19 MB)
6 Resolving the Mystery.mp4 (7.08 MB)
7 Summary.mp4 (7.24 MB)
1 Overview.mp4 (6.89 MB)
2 Can We Synthesize a Method.mp4 (7.14 MB)
3 Making a Class Decorator.mp4 (25.59 MB)
4 Class Decorator Factories.mp4 (29.69 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (2.45 MB)
1 Data Classes.mp4 (5.12 MB)
2 Defining Data Classes.mp4 (6.16 MB)
3 Hash and Hashability.mp4 (5.05 MB)
4 Dataclass Invariants.mp4 (9.81 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (4.96 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.69 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (772.53 KB)
02 Iterators and Iterables.mp4 (11.09 MB)
03 Motivating Iterators - Tree Traversals.mp4 (5.1 MB)
04 Breath-first, Level-order Iterator.mp4 (12.5 MB)
05 Depth-first, Pre-order Iterator.mp4 (10.45 MB)
06 Depth-first, In-order Iterator.mp4 (10.12 MB)
07 Filtering Iterators.mp4 (11.63 MB)
08 Transforming Iterators.mp4 (7.55 MB)
09 Iterables.mp4 (10.08 MB)
10 The Alternative Iterable Protocol.mp4 (7.9 MB)
11 The Extended iter() Form.mp4 (6.96 MB)
12 Summary.mp4 (2.23 MB)
1 Collection Protocols.mp4 (9.73 MB)
1 The Construction Convention.mp4 (13.87 MB)
1 The Container Protocol.mp4 (15.67 MB)
1 The Sized Protocol.mp4 (14.5 MB)
1 The Iterable Protocol.mp4 (17.27 MB)
01 The Sequence Protocol.mp4 (2.04 MB)
02 Indexing.mp4 (7.87 MB)
03 Slicing.mp4 (11.99 MB)
04 String Representation.mp4 (9.27 MB)
05 Value Equality.mp4 (12.72 MB)
06 Value Inequality.mp4 (4.21 MB)
07 The Hashable Protocol.mp4 (14.74 MB)
08 Reversing a Sequence.mp4 (5.06 MB)
09 The index() Method.mp4 (7.91 MB)
10 The count() Method.mp4 (6.01 MB)
11 The Extended Sequence Protocol.mp4 (21.71 MB)
1 Refactoring for Performance.mp4 (6.92 MB)
2 Checking Performance.mp4 (29.38 MB)
1 The Collection Abstract Base Classes.mp4 (15.06 MB)
1 The Set Protocol.mp4 (20.01 MB)
2 Going Further - Mutability.mp4 (3.27 MB)
3 Summary.mp4 (2.93 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.45 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (753.63 KB)
2 Review.mp4 (6.67 MB)
1 Exception Hierarchies.mp4 (12.33 MB)
1 Exception Payloads.mp4 (9.41 MB)
1 User-defined Exceptions.mp4 (7.68 MB)
1 Implicit Chaining.mp4 (6.19 MB)
2 Explicit Chaining.mp4 (5.92 MB)
1 Tracebacks.mp4 (6.5 MB)
1 Assertions and Invariants.mp4 (8.52 MB)
2 Class Invariants.mp4 (3.97 MB)
3 Assertions and Performance.mp4 (3.42 MB)
4 Postconditions - A Practical Example.mp4 (17.02 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (5.14 MB)
2 The Context Manager Protocol.mp4 (10.07 MB)
3 Implementing a Context Manager.mp4 (8.36 MB)
4 Expansion of the With-statement.mp4 (2.98 MB)
1 The Context Manager Decorator.mp4 (10.71 MB)
1 Multiple Context Managers.mp4 (10.38 MB)
1 Modeling Database Transactions.mp4 (9.88 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.1 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (720.35 KB)
2 Introspecting Types.mp4 (5.26 MB)
1 Introspecting Objects.mp4 (5.8 MB)
2 Example - Mixed Numerals.mp4 (2.63 MB)
3 Summary.mp4 (1.64 MB)
1 Introspecting Scopes.mp4 (6.55 MB)
1 The Inspect Module.mp4 (13.72 MB)
1 An Object Introspection Tool.mp4 (26.39 MB)
2 Summary.mp4 (2.29 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.09 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (747.51 KB)
2 Review of int and float.mp4 (7.74 MB)
1 Construction.mp4 (3.76 MB)
2 Fractional Values, Precision, and Special Values.mp4 (3.84 MB)
3 Combining with Other Types.mp4 (6.22 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.58 MB)
1 Construction.mp4 (2.67 MB)
2 Arithmetic and Operations.mp4 (3.71 MB)
1 Construction.mp4 (3.63 MB)
2 Operations.mp4 (1.65 MB)
3 A Practical Example.mp4 (2.34 MB)
1 Built-in Functions for Numbers.mp4 (3.81 MB)
2 Base Conversions.mp4 (3.24 MB)
1 The Datetime Module.mp4 (3.08 MB)
2 Dates.mp4 (4.81 MB)
3 Times.mp4 (1.74 MB)
4 Combined Dates and Times.mp4 (4.96 MB)
5 Durations.mp4 (2.23 MB)
6 Timezones.mp4 (3.05 MB)
7 Summary.mp4 (1.75 MB)
1 Example Problem - Collinearity.mp4 (7.11 MB)
2 Implementing with float and Fraction.mp4 (4.99 MB)
3 Visualizing the Results.mp4 (4.79 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.3 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (733.67 KB)
2 Loop-else Clauses.mp4 (2.55 MB)
3 The While-else Construct.mp4 (6.75 MB)
4 Evaluating Stack Programs.mp4 (16.24 MB)
1 For-else Clauses.mp4 (1.79 MB)
2 Handling Search Failure With for-else.mp4 (4.37 MB)
3 Refactoring from Loop-else to Extracted Functions.mp4 (4.03 MB)
1 Try-else Clauses.mp4 (4.3 MB)
2 Narrowing Try-block Scope Using try-else.mp4 (3.3 MB)
1 Emulating Switch.mp4 (2.24 MB)
2 Refactoring from If-elif-else to Mappings of Callables.mp4 (25.46 MB)
1 Dispatching on Type.mp4 (14.91 MB)
2 Refactoring to Separate Concerns.mp4 (21.3 MB)
3 Dictionary Dispatch.mp4 (2.77 MB)
4 Introspective Lookup.mp4 (6.43 MB)
5 The singledispatch Decorator.mp4 (16.63 MB)
6 Overloading Methods.mp4 (15.57 MB)
7 Implementing Multiple Dispatch.mp4 (7.34 MB)
1 Short-circuit Evaluation.mp4 (5.81 MB)
2 The Logical-and Operator.mp4 (6.01 MB)
3 The Logical-or Operator.mp4 (3.48 MB)
4 Coalescing Nulls.mp4 (10.2 MB)
5 Guarding Expressions with Logical-and.mp4 (7.41 MB)
6 Safe Expressions with Shortcut Evaluation.mp4 (10.42 MB)
7 Summary.mp4 (6.81 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.5 MB)
01 Version Checks.mp4 (735.08 KB)
02 Bits and Bytes.mp4 (5.43 MB)
03 Bitwise Operators.mp4 (2.1 MB)
04 Bitwise-and.mp4 (5.88 MB)
05 Masking with Bitwise-and.mp4 (13.11 MB)
06 Flags with Bitwise-and.mp4 (11.52 MB)
07 Clearing Flags with Bitwise-and.mp4 (3.14 MB)
08 Bitwise-or.mp4 (1.47 MB)
09 Packing Values with Bitwise-or.mp4 (4.68 MB)
10 Setting and Combining Flags with Bitwise-or.mp4 (5.94 MB)
11 Bitwise Exclusive-or.mp4 (5.36 MB)
12 Bitwise Complement.mp4 (18.36 MB)
13 Byte-wise Operations with Integers.mp4 (7.01 MB)
14 Bit Sets.mp4 (10.54 MB)
1 The bytes Type.mp4 (9.03 MB)
2 The bytearray Type.mp4 (5.05 MB)
1 The struct Module.mp4 (6.97 MB)
2 Using the struct Module to Read Binary Structures.mp4 (21.03 MB)
1 The memoryview Type.mp4 (21.57 MB)
1 The mmap Module.mp4 (13.73 MB)
2 Summary.mp4 (4.1 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.29 MB)
01 Version Check.mp4 (747.61 KB)
02 How are Python Objects Represented.mp4 (11.24 MB)
03 Dynamic Attribute Initialization.mp4 (8.3 MB)
04 Custom Attribute Read Access.mp4 (6.16 MB)
05 Preventing Attribute Write Access.mp4 (2.05 MB)
06 Preventing Unwanted Recursion.mp4 (6.73 MB)
07 Preventing Attribute Deletion.mp4 (4.21 MB)
08 Customizing Attribute Storage.mp4 (11.22 MB)
09 Using vars() to Access dict.mp4 (1.86 MB)
10 Intercepting All Attribute Access.mp4 (8.49 MB)
11 Customizing Attribute Writes.mp4 (8.36 MB)
12 Built-in Protocols Bypass Attribute Lookup.mp4 (5.32 MB)
1 Class Attribute Lookup.mp4 (6.69 MB)
2 Simplified Attribute Lookup Algorithm.mp4 (3.56 MB)
1 Trading Size for Dynamism with Slots.mp4 (7.69 MB)
2 Slots Lookup.mp4 (2.62 MB)
1 Reviewing Properties.mp4 (8.14 MB)
2 Unravelling the Property Decorator.mp4 (16.34 MB)
3 Implementing a Descriptor.mp4 (18.66 MB)
4 Storing Instance Data.mp4 (12.64 MB)
5 Accessing Descriptors via Classes.mp4 (8.41 MB)
6 Setting Descriptor Names.mp4 (4.94 MB)
7 Data Versus Non-data Descriptors.mp4 (14.56 MB)
8 Summary.mp4 (6.37 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.17 MB)
1 Allocation of Objects.mp4 (8.68 MB)
2 Allocation with new.mp4 (6.1 MB)
3 Customizing Allocation.mp4 (14.75 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (1.85 MB)
1 Class Creation and Metaclasses.mp4 (4.82 MB)
2 Class Allocation and Initialization.mp4 (16.44 MB)
1 Metaclass Keyword Arguments.mp4 (6.87 MB)
2 Metaclass Method Visibility.mp4 (4.26 MB)
3 The Instance Constructor.mp4 (7.41 MB)
4 Phased Initialization.mp4 (8.26 MB)
5 Custom Namespace Dictionaries.mp4 (9.94 MB)
1 Bitfields.mp4 (12.61 MB)
2 Bitfield Tests.mp4 (39.39 MB)
3 Bitfield Initialization.mp4 (19.72 MB)
4 Setting Field Values.mp4 (25.27 MB)
5 Example - DS3231 Registers.mp4 (5.07 MB)
1 Decoder Example.mp4 (15.06 MB)
2 Subclass Registration by Metaclass.mp4 (9.53 MB)
3 Subclass Registration with init subclass.mp4 (4.15 MB)
1 Base Class Metaclasses.mp4 (5.49 MB)
2 Composable Metaclasses.mp4 (8.16 MB)
3 Outro.mp4 (4.66 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (2.45 MB)
01 Introduction.mp4 (3.24 MB)
02 Built-in Types Jup.mp4 (7.69 MB)
03 Decimals Jup.mp4 (7.24 MB)
04 Fractions Jup.mp4 (9.57 MB)
05 Integers.mp4 (2.93 MB)
06 Integers Jup.mp4 (13.75 MB)
07 Fractions.mp4 (6.94 MB)
08 Cups Example Jup.mp4 (33.55 MB)
09 Floats.mp4 (12.57 MB)
10 Interest Jup.mp4 (39.44 MB)
1 Example.mp4 (2.03 MB)
2 Vector Jup.mp4 (19.53 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.26 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (3.82 MB)
2 Sequence Types.mp4 (2.74 MB)
3 Demo - Sequence Types.mp4 (20.1 MB)
4 Mapping Types.mp4 (1.97 MB)
5 Demo - Mapping Types.mp4 (8.72 MB)
6 Set and Summary.mp4 (2.56 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (6.34 MB)
2 Demo - Hashing.mp4 (17.38 MB)
3 Collisions and Equality.mp4 (11.24 MB)
4 Demo - Hashing and Equality.mp4 (9.39 MB)
5 Demo - Hash Immutability.mp4 (4.61 MB)
6 More on Immutability.mp4 (1.81 MB)
7 Dataclass and Summary.mp4 (4.64 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (2.47 MB)
2 Demo - defaultdict.mp4 (17.71 MB)
3 Counter + Demo.mp4 (39.23 MB)
4 OrderedDict + Demo.mp4 (12.56 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (541.22 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (10.11 MB)
2 Demo - namedtuple.mp4 (13.36 MB)
3 deque.mp4 (6.17 MB)
4 Demo - deque.mp4 (8.26 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (756.29 KB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.2 MB)
1 Version Check.mp4 (559.36 KB)
2 Just Give up the Next Item - Iteration.mp4 (8.94 MB)
3 A Different Approach - Generators as Iterators.mp4 (7.57 MB)
4 When Performance Matters - Laziness vs Eagerness.mp4 (10.33 MB)
5 Demo - Your First Generator.mp4 (16.57 MB)
6 Summary.mp4 (1.46 MB)
1 Much More Than Just Iteration - Pipeline Enabled Generators.mp4 (15.36 MB)
2 Why You Don't Have to Remember All This - Itertools!.mp4 (13.94 MB)
3 Demo - All You Need Are Pipelines.mp4 (17.79 MB)
4 Summary.mp4 (861.36 KB)
1 Generators Counterpart - Coroutines.mp4 (7.84 MB)
2 Expanding on Coroutines - Priming and Yielding.mp4 (13.43 MB)
3 Getting the Final State out of Generators - Returning Values.mp4 (8.31 MB)
4 Yield Data Model - Iter, Next, Send, Close, Throw, and Return.mp4 (14.24 MB)
5 Demo - The First Coroutine.mp4 (8.71 MB)
6 Summary.mp4 (1.96 MB)
1 Delegate That Task! Yield from Explained.mp4 (23.15 MB)
2 Flow That Data with Coroutines.mp4 (8.87 MB)
3 From Pipelines to Concurrency - How Coroutines Changed the World.mp4 (19.66 MB)
4 Demo - Putting It All Together; Creating Your Own Event Loop!.mp4 (19.46 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (3.14 MB)
01 Course Overview.mp4 (4.18 MB)
01 What Is a Unit Test.mp4 (3.92 MB)
02 First Example Unit Test.mp4 (8.55 MB)
03 Explanation of 'Test Case' and 'Test Runner'.mp4 (9.34 MB)
04 Exception Checking with assertRaises & Explaination of 'Test Suite'.mp4 (4.97 MB)
05 Skipping a Test Case & Explanation of 'Test Fixture'.mp4 (15.09 MB)
06 Vocabulary Summary.mp4 (3.27 MB)
07 Example of Poor Unit Test Design.mp4 (13.34 MB)
08 Better Design with Arrange-Act-Assert.mp4 (12.69 MB)
09 Detailed Design of Arrange-Act-Assert Test Parts.mp4 (15.11 MB)
10 Module Summary.mp4 (1.05 MB)
01 Introducing the Module Topics - Why and When.mp4 (2.1 MB)
02 Unit Testing Helps You to Understand What to Build.mp4 (6.82 MB)
03 Unit Testing Helps You to Document the Units.mp4 (5.43 MB)
04 Unit Testing Helps You with Design.mp4 (12.08 MB)
05 Unit Testing Helps You Detect Regression.mp4 (7.75 MB)
06 Limitations of Unit Testing.mp4 (3.17 MB)
07 Unit Testing Is Part of Your Job.mp4 (1.82 MB)
08 Test-Last Process.mp4 (3.11 MB)
09 Test-First Process.mp4 (5.25 MB)
10 Test-Driven Development.mp4 (3.59 MB)
11 Automated Build Servers and Continuous Integration.mp4 (6.32 MB)
12 Module Summary.mp4 (910.66 KB)
01 Introducing pytest - a Popular Alternative to unittest.mp4 (4.12 MB)
02 First Test Case and Failure Analysis.mp4 (7.78 MB)
03 Using PyCharm's Test Runner.mp4 (5.65 MB)
04 Additional Kinds of Assertion, Including assertRaises.mp4 (9.6 MB)
05 Introduction to Test Fixtures.mp4 (7.24 MB)
06 Cleaning up Fixture Resources, Chaining Fixtures.mp4 (13.07 MB)
07 Organzing Test Code for Larger Programs.mp4 (8.69 MB)
08 Using Markers to Control Which Tests Are Run.mp4 (16.18 MB)
09 Using an HTML Report Plugin & Module Summary.mp4 (3.32 MB)
01 Introducing doctest - Embed Unit Tests in Your Docstrings.mp4 (5.76 MB)
02 Introduction to Yatzy Example & a First doctest.mp4 (5.63 MB)
03 Using a Test Runner to Execute Your Doctests.mp4 (6.71 MB)
04 Interpreting Test Failures and Updating Your Docstring.mp4 (5.88 MB)
05 Handling Output That Varies Using a Wildcard.mp4 (14.55 MB)
06 Handling Random Numbers, Dictionaries, Floats, and Tracebacks.mp4 (12.14 MB)
07 Global Options and Directives.mp4 (9.53 MB)
08 Regression Testing Your Tutorial Documentation.mp4 (12.48 MB)
09 Module Summary.mp4 (1.08 MB)
01 What Is a Test Double.mp4 (3.07 MB)
02 Example Using a Stub.mp4 (8.16 MB)
03 Creating a Stub Using unittest Mock.mp4 (5.69 MB)
04 Example Using a Fake.mp4 (9.76 MB)
05 Example Using a Dummy.mp4 (6.6 MB)
06 Mocks and Spies Give You a Third Kind of Assertion.mp4 (3.2 MB)
07 Example Using a Spy.mp4 (17.39 MB)
08 Example Using a Mock.mp4 (15.46 MB)
09 Overview of All the Types of Test Double.mp4 (2.4 MB)
10 Using Monkeypatching to Insert a Test Double.mp4 (9.45 MB)
11 Example Using Monkeypatching to Replace a Built-in Function.mp4 (6.72 MB)
12 Module Summary.mp4 (853.97 KB)
01 Module Introduction.mp4 (655.8 KB)
02 Example Using Parameterized Tests with pytest.mp4 (9.48 MB)
03 Example Using Parameterized Tests with unittest.mp4 (7.28 MB)
04 Example Measuring Test Coverage.mp4 (8.56 MB)
05 Example Measuring Branch Coverage.mp4 (7.6 MB)
06 Example Adding Parameterized Tests to Existing Code with Coverage.mp4 (17.57 MB)
07 Tracking Coverage Trends.mp4 (2.22 MB)
08 Good Uses for Coverage, and Alternatives for Assessing Test Quality.mp4 (3.28 MB)
09 Module Summary.mp4 (725.29 KB)
01 Course Overview.mp4 (2.41 MB)
01 Introduction.mp4 (6.2 MB)
02 Getting Started.mp4 (5.54 MB)
03 Demo Installing pip on Windows.mp4 (7.4 MB)
04 Installing pip on Mac OS or Linux.mp4 (1.73 MB)
05 Demo Linux Installation.mp4 (7.5 MB)
06 Demo Package Management with pip.mp4 (8.38 MB)
07 Demo Getting Package Information with pip.mp4 (8.43 MB)
08 Review.mp4 (1.85 MB)
09 Demo Where Are Packages Installed.mp4 (7.88 MB)
10 Demo A Better Way to Call pip.mp4 (6.31 MB)
01 About Virtual Environments.mp4 (2.62 MB)
02 Creating a Virtual Environment.mp4 (8.82 MB)
03 Working Inside a Virtual Environment.mp4 (7.86 MB)
04 Review.mp4 (3.1 MB)
05 Managing Project Requirements.mp4 (11.9 MB)
06 Projects, Requirements, and Versions.mp4 (4.91 MB)
07 A Real-world Example.mp4 (12.45 MB)
08 Another Example Testing with Tox.mp4 (11.81 MB)
01 Intro and Installation.mp4 (10.54 MB)
02 Working with virtualenvwrapper.mp4 (10.34 MB)
03 Review.mp4 (5.16 MB)
01 Introducing pipenv and poetry.mp4 (10.44 MB)
02 Pipenv.mp4 (12.64 MB)
03 Poetry.mp4 (10.19 MB)
04 Conclusion.mp4 (1.78 MB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.06 MB)
1 Introduction - What Is a PEP.mp4 (6.66 MB)
2 Overview of PEP8.mp4 (3 MB)
3 Demo - Applying PEP8 Rules to Your Code.mp4 (21.8 MB)
4 Review - PEP8.mp4 (2.34 MB)
5 Demo - Commandline Tools - Pylint.mp4 (22.37 MB)
6 Demo - Commandline Tools - Pycodestyle and Black.mp4 (7.5 MB)
7 Module Summary.mp4 (729.38 KB)
1 Introduction - Docstrings and Sphinx.mp4 (4.65 MB)
2 Demo - Getting Started with Sphinx.mp4 (13.52 MB)
3 Demo - Introducing reStructuredText.mp4 (8.18 MB)
4 Review - Sphinx and reStructuredText.mp4 (3.84 MB)
5 Demo - A Python Project with Docstrings.mp4 (11.56 MB)
6 Demo - Using Apidoc to Generate Documentation from Python Code.mp4 (17.89 MB)
7 Review - Apidoc.mp4 (5.29 MB)
1 Introduction - Static Typing and Type Hints.mp4 (4.07 MB)
2 Demo - Type Hints.mp4 (9.41 MB)
3 Review - Type Hints.mp4 (6.94 MB)
4 Demo - Adding Type Hints to Our Project.mp4 (26.51 MB)
5 Demo - mypy.mp4 (3.66 MB)
6 Summary.mp4 (777.07 KB)
1 Course Overview.mp4 (3.1 MB)
1 Abstract Base Classes.mp4 (5.84 MB)
2 Duck Typing.mp4 (2.02 MB)
3 Abstract Base Classes in Python.mp4 (8.25 MB)
4 Interaction with issubclass().mp4 (4.09 MB)
5 Defining subclasscheck in Practice.mp4 (14.31 MB)
6 Virtual Base Classes from collections abc.mp4 (4.07 MB)
7 Non-transitive Subclass Relationships.mp4 (4.01 MB)
8 Method Resolution with Virtual Base Classes.mp4 (3.67 MB)
1 Replacing Metaclasses with Abstract Base Classes.mp4 (11.7 MB)
2 Virtual Subclass Registration.mp4 (9.8 MB)
3 Combining Subclass Detection and Registration.mp4 (8.03 MB)
4 The ABC Convenience Base Class.mp4 (2.25 MB)
5 The abstractmethod Decorator.mp4 (19.7 MB)
6 Combining abstractmethod with Other Decorators.mp4 (1.68 MB)
7 Detecting and Propagating Abstractness.mp4 (5.44 MB)
1 Python Peculiarities.mp4 (2.25 MB)
2 Flattening Sequences with Negatypes.mp4 (22.68 MB)
3 Checking Invariants.mp4 (42.45 MB)
4 Diagnosing and Fixing a Subtle Failure.mp4 (16.15 MB)
5 Summary.mp4 (5.74 MB)]