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Python Masterclass (2025) Job Ready With 15 Projects + GenAI
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
8.66 GB | 29min 10s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Course Introduction.mp4 (89.56 MB)
2 -Welcome - Lets Get Started!.mp4 (12.04 MB)
3 -Resources [Important].mp4 (69.48 MB)
4 -Python Programming - Is Python A Bubble.mp4 (36.71 MB)
1 -Comments and Doc Strings.mp4 (13.54 MB)
2 -Diving Deep With Strings.mp4 (46.6 MB)
1 -Diving Deep - List.mp4 (40.45 MB)
2 -Diving Deep - Tuples.mp4 (25.27 MB)
3 -Diving Deep - Dictionaries.mp4 (32.2 MB)
4 -Indexing, Slicing, Negative Indexing.mp4 (44.7 MB)
1 -What are Functions.mp4 (10.74 MB)
2 -Parameters, Arguments, Return.mp4 (24.86 MB)
3 -Formal and Actual Arguments (arg, arg, karg).mp4 (34.41 MB)
4 -Local and Global Variables.mp4 (12.51 MB)
1 -Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP).mp4 (46.06 MB)
10 -Creating And Importing Module.mp4 (19.56 MB)
11 -Creating User Defined Module.mp4 (24.64 MB)
12 -Multiple Inheritance.mp4 (26.96 MB)
13 -Understanding super() Function [Part 1].mp4 (10.3 MB)
14 -Understanding super() Function [Part 2].mp4 (21.53 MB)
15 -Python Naming Convention (Classes, Variables, Functions, Methods ).mp4 (19.14 MB)
16 -Composition.mp4 (39.57 MB)
17 -Aggregation.mp4 (24.93 MB)
18 -Abstract Classes.mp4 (31.85 MB)
19 -Discussing Over import And from.mp4 (8.54 MB)
2 -Classes and Objects in Python (OOP).mp4 (35.59 MB)
20 -Operator Overloading [Part 1].mp4 (24.33 MB)
21 -Operator Overloading [Part 2].mp4 (24.59 MB)
3 -Understanding init() Method and 'self ' Parameter.mp4 (43.89 MB)
4 -Solving Task OOPS.mp4 (35.81 MB)
5 -Defining Multiple Constructors in Python.mp4 (19.99 MB)
6 -Encapsulation.mp4 (36.94 MB)
7 -Public And Private Methods.mp4 (21.82 MB)
8 -Inheritance.mp4 (11.86 MB)
9 -Getter and Setter.mp4 (42.49 MB)
1 -Errors - Types of Errors!.mp4 (23.56 MB)
2 -Exceptions.mp4 (14.63 MB)
3 -Exceptions Handling Introduction.mp4 (12.26 MB)
4 -Exceptions Handling.mp4 (36.41 MB)
5 -Try, Except, Else And Finally.mp4 (19.58 MB)
6 -Raising Exception.mp4 (19.24 MB)
7 -Creating User Defined Exception.mp4 (18.75 MB)
1 -if name == main.mp4 (15.42 MB)
1 -Creating Text File And Write Content.mp4 (31.14 MB)
2 -Appending Files - 1 Solving Example - File Handling.mp4 (15.83 MB)
3 -Appending Files - 2 Solving Example - File Handling.mp4 (17.19 MB)
4 -How To Read Content From A File.mp4 (40.38 MB)
1 -pip - PyPI for Managing Python packages.mp4 (66.81 MB)
1 -What is OpenCV.mp4 (33.61 MB)
2 -OpenCV Face Detection With Python.mp4 (40 MB)
3 -Detecting 'Elon Musk' And 'Mark Zuckerberg' Faces.mp4 (17.16 MB)
4 -Detecting Faces Of All Images In The Folder.mp4 (59.67 MB)
1 -Random Module.mp4 (33.7 MB)
2 -Random Password Generator.mp4 (19.88 MB)
3 -Readable Password Generator.mp4 (61.78 MB)
1 -Python 3 x Installation.mp4 (48.44 MB)
2 -Different Methods To Execute Python Codes.mp4 (93.66 MB)
1 -What is Pandas.mp4 (55.86 MB)
10 -Adding and Updating new Columns and Rows.mp4 (39.33 MB)
2 -Starting With Pandas And iPython.mp4 (65.33 MB)
3 -Working with Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 (19.56 MB)
4 -Important Jupyter Notebook Commands.mp4 (46.4 MB)
5 -Working with CSV, Excel, TXT and JSON Files.mp4 (54.77 MB)
6 -Working with API Response.mp4 (20.16 MB)
7 -Indexing and Slicing Dataframe Tables [Part 1].mp4 (29.27 MB)
8 -Indexing and Slicing Dataframe Tables [Part 2].mp4 (20.52 MB)
9 -Deleting Columns and Rows.mp4 (23.22 MB)
1 -What is API and Request Methods.mp4 (15.8 MB)
2 -Working with CoinMarketCap API.mp4 (58.06 MB)
3 -API Format.mp4 (34.23 MB)
4 -Fetching API Data.mp4 (29.72 MB)
5 -Extracting API and Coin Data.mp4 (34.99 MB)
6 -Creating Coin List & Understanding Portfolio.mp4 (43.11 MB)
7 -Creating Portfolio Dictionary.mp4 (34.47 MB)
8 -Calculating Profit and Loss.mp4 (81.59 MB)
1 -GUI Introduction - Graphical User Interface.mp4 (22.26 MB)
2 -Understanding 3 Steps Tkinter Working.mp4 (17.79 MB)
3 -Tkinter Main Window and Labels.mp4 (28.66 MB)
4 -Application Formatting - Adding Header.mp4 (42.72 MB)
5 -Application Formatting - Adding More Data.mp4 (56.57 MB)
6 -Application Formatting - Improving User Interface.mp4 (74.6 MB)
7 -Color Indication For Profit and Loss.mp4 (42.49 MB)
8 -Adding Update Button.mp4 (45.18 MB)
9 -Creating Executable App ( exe file).mp4 (49.3 MB)
1 -Databases - SQL vs SQLite3.mp4 (16.81 MB)
2 -Introduction to SQLite3 and its Workings.mp4 (11.24 MB)
3 -Creating Table Working with DB Browser.mp4 (21.45 MB)
4 -Insert Values - Databases.mp4 (18.06 MB)
5 -Update Values - Databases.mp4 (10.75 MB)
6 -Fetching Data From Database.mp4 (27.77 MB)
7 -Delete Data - Database.mp4 (17.87 MB)
8 -Creating Functions For Operation - Database.mp4 (21.96 MB)
1 -Connecting With Database.mp4 (32.77 MB)
2 -Fetching Data From Database.mp4 (31.9 MB)
3 -Modifying Current Application.mp4 (53.61 MB)
4 -Adding Add Coin Button.mp4 (49.68 MB)
5 -Adding Update Coin - Delete Coin Button.mp4 (48.05 MB)
6 -Solving Multiple Layer Issue.mp4 (47.12 MB)
7 -Adding Notification System - Popup Box.mp4 (25.31 MB)
8 -Adding Navigation System - Menu Bar.mp4 (46.64 MB)
1 -Project Introduction - Web Scraping Bot.mp4 (6.67 MB)
10 -Extracting Table Content - II.mp4 (45.43 MB)
11 -Extracting All Stock Result.mp4 (22.23 MB)
12 -Working with Static File.mp4 (19.63 MB)
13 -Storing Stock Content in CSV File.mp4 (23.13 MB)
14 -Sending Text Mail Through SMTPLIB.mp4 (28.41 MB)
15 -Sending Text Mail Through Email Module.mp4 (30.65 MB)
16 -Sending Attachment Through Email Module.mp4 (25.82 MB)
17 -Integrating Mail System with Web Scraper.mp4 (24.8 MB)
18 -File Name According To Today's Date.mp4 (19.23 MB)
2 -Project Demo - Web Scraping Bot.mp4 (7.85 MB)
3 -How Do We Scrape Data.mp4 (36.76 MB)
4 -Web Scraping - Overview.mp4 (18.76 MB)
5 -Project Setup + Installing Libraries.mp4 (18.7 MB)
6 -Working With BeautifulSoup.mp4 (29.6 MB)
7 -Filtering Required Data.mp4 (30.68 MB)
8 -Extracting Current Price.mp4 (29.72 MB)
9 -Extracting Table Content - I.mp4 (55.25 MB)
1 -Project Introduction Automate Weather Forecast.mp4 (25.07 MB)
10 -Exercise Automate For Stories.mp4 (12.54 MB)
2 -OpenWeatherMap API.mp4 (61 MB)
3 -Working With API Data.mp4 (48.63 MB)
4 -Working With Pillow Library.mp4 (110.85 MB)
5 -Adding Content Date and Time.mp4 (78.21 MB)
6 -Adding Content Multiple City Position.mp4 (82.48 MB)
7 -Adding Content Multiple City Data.mp4 (68.74 MB)
8 -Adding Content Multiple Country Data.mp4 (60.46 MB)
9 -Saving Post as PNG and PDF.mp4 (37.79 MB)
1 -Project 8 - Python Image Optimization and Transformations.mp4 (12.94 MB)
2 -Project 9 - Web Scraping Encyclopedia Article.mp4 (10.77 MB)
1 -Twitter API Update [Important].mp4 (7.86 MB)
10 -Storing Replied Tweet ID's.mp4 (40.18 MB)
11 -Storing-Accessing Last Seen ID.mp4 (24.12 MB)
12 -Replying Tweet.mp4 (41.5 MB)
13 -Formatting Function and Testing Bot.mp4 (28.82 MB)
14 -Auto Retweet and Auto Like.mp4 (37.5 MB)
15 -Setting-up PythonAnyWhere.mp4 (38.84 MB)
16 -Deployment Done Along Testing.mp4 (42.92 MB)
17 -Auto Retweet To Particular Hashtag.mp4 (43.17 MB)
18 -Implementing Error Handling And Testing Bot.mp4 (31.23 MB)
2 -Project Introduction Twitter Bot.mp4 (12.43 MB)
3 -Creating Twitter Developer Account.mp4 (32.78 MB)
4 -Creating App and Generation Access Tokens.mp4 (13.11 MB)
5 -Installing Tweepy.mp4 (14.26 MB)
6 -Update Status Through Bot.mp4 (25.49 MB)
7 -Introduction To Auto-Reply.mp4 (9.23 MB)
8 -Working With Timeline and Mentions.mp4 (60.8 MB)
9 -Iterate Tweets And Add Condition.mp4 (20.46 MB)
1 -What is Recursion.mp4 (19.95 MB)
2 -Control of a Function.mp4 (17.42 MB)
3 -Tracing Tree.mp4 (48.08 MB)
4 -Call Stack.mp4 (43.08 MB)
5 -Tree Recursion.mp4 (58.97 MB)
6 -Example Factorial of a Number.mp4 (19.73 MB)
1 -Variables and Python Memory Management.mp4 (23.1 MB)
1 -Lambda Functions.mp4 (21.43 MB)
2 -Map.mp4 (34.54 MB)
3 -Filter.mp4 (17.71 MB)
4 -Reduce.mp4 (19.5 MB)
1 -List Comprehension.mp4 (24.1 MB)
1 -Why We Use Regular Expressions.mp4 (33.97 MB)
2 -Different Methods With RegEx.mp4 (40.41 MB)
3 -Writing Patterns.mp4 (130.18 MB)
4 -Creating Pattern For Email Validation.mp4 (38.7 MB)
1 -Decorators.mp4 (24.89 MB)
1 -Logging.mp4 (58.61 MB)
1 -Date and Time.mp4 (50.55 MB)
1 -Python 3 8 Walrus Operator, Positional-Only Argument & f-String.mp4 (70.54 MB)
2 -Python 3 9 Union Operators.mp4 (34.67 MB)
3 -Python 3 9 Type Hinting.mp4 (21.81 MB)
4 -Python 3 9 New String Class Methods.mp4 (16.82 MB)
5 -Python 3 9 Native Time Support (Zoneinfo).mp4 (31.04 MB)
6 -Python 3 10 Match Case, Better Errors & More.mp4 (198.12 MB)
7 -Python 3 11 Exception Notes & Speed.mp4 (63.61 MB)
8 -Python 3 12 Improved Error Messages.mp4 (36.84 MB)
1 -Project Introduction Podcast Script Writer With OpenAI.mp4 (27.52 MB)
2 -Introduction To OpenAI.mp4 (72.63 MB)
3 -OpenAI Playground & Common Terms.mp4 (78.19 MB)
4 -AI Writing Podcast Script.mp4 (115.84 MB)
1 -Project Demo Conversational AI Chatbot.mp4 (20.34 MB)
2 -How Prompt Work For Conversations.mp4 (36.35 MB)
3 -Updating Prompt, Max Tokens & Chat History.mp4 (133.45 MB)
4 -Storing Chat History To TXT File.mp4 (31.65 MB)
5 -Hiding API Key With ENV File.mp4 (34.22 MB)
6 -Specific Role To AI.mp4 (35.92 MB)
7 -Chat History Format With Timestamps.mp4 (54.66 MB)
1 -Generating Images Using OpenAI DALL-E.mp4 (128.17 MB)
1 -Datatypes in Python.mp4 (33.92 MB)
2 -Sequences in Python.mp4 (50.29 MB)
3 -Sets, Dictionary.mp4 (37.92 MB)
4 -Literals and Identifiers.mp4 (20.24 MB)
5 -Reserve Words - You Cann't Use Them!.mp4 (8.68 MB)
1 -Project Introduction Building Video Summarizer With ChatGPT.mp4 (32.46 MB)
2 -Asking ChatGPT To Write Code.mp4 (176.96 MB)
3 -ChatGPT Code Explanation.mp4 (82.62 MB)
1 -Project Introduction Web Application Using Flask.mp4 (8.56 MB)
10 -Error Handling 404 Not Found.mp4 (20.68 MB)
11 -Redirection.mp4 (41.13 MB)
12 -Rendering Static Files.mp4 (62.99 MB)
13 -Control Flow Inside Template For Loop.mp4 (39.06 MB)
14 -HTML Page Structure.mp4 (80.2 MB)
15 -Base Template.mp4 (119.24 MB)
16 -Improving Design With CSS.mp4 (149.67 MB)
2 -Flask Introduction & Installation.mp4 (25.77 MB)
3 -Initiating Flask App.mp4 (31.6 MB)
4 -Routes, Folder Structure & Blueprint.mp4 (66.4 MB)
5 -Template Rendering.mp4 (59.31 MB)
6 -URL Parameters.mp4 (61.92 MB)
7 -Query Parameters.mp4 (54.52 MB)
8 -Conditional Rendering Inside Template If Statement.mp4 (38.66 MB)
9 -Returning JSON Response.mp4 (46.14 MB)
1 -Bonus - What's Next.mp4 (51.18 MB)
1 -Operators Arithmetic, Assignment.mp4 (28.92 MB)
2 -Operators Unary Minus, Relational, Logical, Boolean.mp4 (27.02 MB)
3 -Understanding Escape Characters.mp4 (27.77 MB)
1 -Introduction to Input and Output Statements.mp4 (13.77 MB)
2 -Output Statements.mp4 (94.49 MB)
3 -Input Statements.mp4 (19.39 MB)
4 -Python Built-in Functions and Built-in Module.mp4 (75.95 MB)
1 -Working With Code Editor.mp4 (76.04 MB)
1 -Conditionals If, If Else and Indentation.mp4 (20.11 MB)
2 -Conditionals If Else Statements With Operators.mp4 (32.28 MB)
3 -Conditionals if elif else Statements + Nested if Statements.mp4 (12.74 MB)
1 -While Loop.mp4 (27.77 MB)
2 -For Loops - Part 1.mp4 (11.57 MB)
3 -For Loops - Part 2.mp4 (23.57 MB)
4 -Break and Continue Statements.mp4 (20.34 MB)]
[Image: jkJccUZx_o.jpg]

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