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Udemy PowerShell from Beginner To Sheller And Scripter
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
7.22 GB | 12min 28s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Introductions and Prerequisites.mp4 (96.52 MB)
2 The fun stuff you will learn.mp4 (35.03 MB)
1 Introduction to Module 0.mp4 (13.34 MB)
2 M0 What is PowerShell and PowerShell versions.mp4 (65.01 MB)
3 M0 Why PowerShell and examples.mp4 (96.79 MB)
4 M0 Word of note.mp4 (21.55 MB)
1 M1 Module 1 introduction.mp4 (17.34 MB)
10 M1 How does the pipeline work Part 3.mp4 (39.98 MB)
11 M1 Outputting to a text file.mp4 (44.01 MB)
12 M1 Parameters -ne Properties.mp4 (54.99 MB)
13 M1 Formatting data in PowerShell.mp4 (46.43 MB)
14 M1 Lab 1 Challenge.mp4 (33.96 MB)
15 M1 Lab 1 Solution.mp4 (138.49 MB)
16 M1 PowerShell Objects a deeper look.mp4 (107.5 MB)
17 M1 Getting to properties and methods.mp4 (59.94 MB)
18 M1 What kind of properties do we have.mp4 (102.63 MB)
19 M1 What kind of parameters do we have Part 1.mp4 (87.2 MB)
2 M1 Getting to know PowerShell.mp4 (48.42 MB)
20 M1 What kind of parameters do we have Part 2.mp4 (73.08 MB)
21 M1 Using Where-Object to filter properties Part 1.mp4 (77.86 MB)
22 M1 Using Where-Object to filter properties Part 2.mp4 (78.37 MB)
23 M1 Select-Object for outputting specific information.mp4 (57.16 MB)
24 M1 Sorting stuff with Sort-Object.mp4 (22.8 MB)
25 M1 Outputting to CSV.mp4 (92.3 MB)
26 M1 Things that can go wrong and.mp4 (70.19 MB)
27 M1 Lab 2 Challenge.mp4 (13.58 MB)
28 M1 Lab 2 Solution.mp4 (90.86 MB)
29 M1 Lab 3 Challenge.mp4 (8.61 MB)
3 M1 Cmdlets and parameters part 1.mp4 (110.79 MB)
30 M1 Lab 3 Solution.mp4 (49.58 MB)
31 End of Module 1 Mini-Challenge.mp4 (46.06 MB)
32 End of Module 1 Mini-Challenge Solution.mp4 (147.46 MB)
4 M1 Cmdlets and parameters part 2 Examples with Get and Set.mp4 (73.8 MB)
5 M1 Getting the help for PowerShell you need.mp4 (96.1 MB)
6 M1 Which Cmdlet does the job for you.mp4 (73.2 MB)
7 M1 What are modules.mp4 (76.13 MB)
8 M1 How does the pipeline work Part 1.mp4 (78.94 MB)
9 M1 How does the pipeline work Part 2.mp4 (62.89 MB)
1 M2 Module 2 introduction.mp4 (28.32 MB)
10 M2 Lab 1 Solution.mp4 (43.69 MB)
11 M2 Objects, objects objects !.mp4 (76.72 MB)
12 M2 Decisions with if Part 1.mp4 (99.59 MB)
13 M2 Decisions with if Part 2.mp4 (78.83 MB)
14 M2 Decisions with if Part 3.mp4 (82 MB)
15 M2 Decisions with if Part 4.mp4 (115.85 MB)
16 M2 Decisions with if Part 5.mp4 (70.67 MB)
17 M2 Nesting our if statement part 1.mp4 (86.32 MB)
18 M2 Nesting our if statement part 2.mp4 (83.09 MB)
19 M2 Lab 2 Challenge.mp4 (32.76 MB)
2 M2 Our old friend the ISE.mp4 (78.92 MB)
20 M2 Lab 2 Solution.mp4 (107.49 MB)
21 M2 Comparison operators.mp4 (88.94 MB)
22 M2 Logical Operators.mp4 (79.4 MB)
23 M2 Shall we play a game Guess my number part 1.mp4 (32.31 MB)
24 M2 Shall we play a game Guess my number part 1 Solution.mp4 (39.6 MB)
25 M2 Looping with the While loop part 1.mp4 (84.9 MB)
26 M2 Looping with the While loop part 2.mp4 (83.52 MB)
27 M2 Lab 3 Challenge.mp4 (25.89 MB)
28 M2 Lab 3 Solution.mp4 (88.13 MB)
29 M2 Shall we play a game Guess my number part 2.mp4 (16.94 MB)
3 M2 Writing our first script.mp4 (53.08 MB)
30 M2 Shall we play a game Guess my number part 2 Solution.mp4 (31.35 MB)
31 M2 Shall we play a game Guess my number part 3.mp4 (27.89 MB)
32 M2 Shall we play a game Guess my number part 3 Solution.mp4 (40.91 MB)
33 M2 PowerShell arrays.mp4 (82.2 MB)
34 M2 Looping with Foreach.mp4 (60.95 MB)
35 M2 PowerShell Array with Local Users.mp4 (79.93 MB)
36 M2 Using Foreach to loop through Local User Objects.mp4 (52 MB)
37 M2 One two three combo with Foreach and if (Just not that violent ).mp4 (67.61 MB)
38 M2 In case you didn't get my two Where-Objects One-Liners remark.mp4 (41.76 MB)
39 M2 Lab 4 Challenge.mp4 (26.59 MB)
4 M2 What are variables.mp4 (93.95 MB)
40 M2 Lab 4 Solution.mp4 (54.57 MB)
41 M2 Shall we play a game Guess my number part 4.mp4 (94.87 MB)
42 M2 Shall we play a game Guess my number part 4 Solution.mp4 (115.47 MB)
43 M2 Getting text input.mp4 (55.3 MB)
44 M2 Getting text input again.mp4 (46.28 MB)
45 M2 Creating a CSV (No PowerShell).mp4 (30.58 MB)
46 M2 Importing CSV files for some cool stuff !.mp4 (72.04 MB)
47 M2 Using a CSV file to actually create something !.mp4 (96.75 MB)
48 M2 Lab 5 Challenge.mp4 (42.51 MB)
49 M2 Lab 5 Solution.mp4 (96.17 MB)
5 M2 Different kind of variables.mp4 (51.58 MB)
50 M2 Moving to Active Directory and creating a user.mp4 (105.63 MB)
51 M2 Moving to Active Directory and retrieving a user.mp4 (42.99 MB)
52 M2 Moving to Active Directory and setting AD user properties.mp4 (44.97 MB)
53 M2 Moving to Active Directory and creating and moving between OUs.mp4 (71.3 MB)
54 M2 Moving to Active Directory and filtering with Where-Object.mp4 (44.76 MB)
55 M2 Creating Active Directory users from a simple text file.mp4 (68.54 MB)
56 M2 Creating Active Directory users from a CSV file.mp4 (71.68 MB)
57 M2 Lab 6 Challenge.mp4 (40.26 MB)
58 M2 Lab 6 Solution.mp4 (134.73 MB)
59 M2 What is PowerShell remoting.mp4 (41.47 MB)
6 M2 Defining Data Types in PowerShell.mp4 (56.68 MB)
60 M2 Enabling PowerShell remoting.mp4 (45.21 MB)
61 M2 One-To-Many with PowerShell Remoting.mp4 (49.99 MB)
62 M2 One-To-Many and using persistent sessions.mp4 (77.25 MB)
63 M2 Preparing for your End Project.mp4 (31.76 MB)
64 M2 End Project Challenge.mp4 (74.85 MB)
65 M2 End Project Solution Part 1.mp4 (67.4 MB)
66 M2 End Project Solution Part 2.mp4 (148.7 MB)
67 M2 End Project Solution Part 3.mp4 (91.91 MB)
7 M2 Read-Host to learn dealing with data.mp4 (63.58 MB)
8 M2 How operators operate.mp4 (63.23 MB)
9 M2 Lab 1 Challenge.mp4 (23.25 MB)
1 A great achievement.mp4 (30.64 MB)
1 Overview of our Lab Environment.mp4 (49.54 MB)
2 Installing Hyper-V and checking prerequisites.mp4 (46.39 MB)
3 Downloading the Server 2022 and Windows 10 ISO evaluation.mp4 (47.87 MB)
4 Creating the Virtual Machines DC1, MEMBER1 and CLIENT1.mp4 (51.57 MB)
5 Installing the Operating Systems on the VMS DC1, MEMBER1 and CLIENT.mp4 (61.95 MB)
6 Post Configuration, setting the IP Addresses and changing Names.mp4 (60.72 MB)
7 Installing and Configuring Active Directory.mp4 (56.07 MB)
8 Joining MEMBER1 and CLIENT1 to our domain ROOT LOCAL.mp4 (79.06 MB)]
[Image: 5rb3DVQM_o.jpg]

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