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Udemy Java Spring Boot Professional eCommerce Project Masterclass
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
20.04 GB | 00:23:36 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Course Introduction (152.25 MB)
003 Installing Java 21 on Windows (71.75 MB)
004 Installing Java 21 on Mac OS (35.44 MB)
005 Installing Java 21 on Ubuntu (21.73 MB)
006 Installing and Setting up Intellij Idea (78.26 MB)
001 How Does the Web Work (19.94 MB)
002 What is a Client Server (22.13 MB)
003 What are API's (19.11 MB)
004 Types of API Requests (10.73 MB)
005 What is REST API and its Architecture (13.61 MB)
006 http vs https (14.17 MB)
007 What are Status codes (24.41 MB)
008 What is Resource, URI and Sub-Resource (17.58 MB)
009 Well Let's Do It (7.58 MB)
001 What is Web Framework (24.23 MB)
002 Introduction to Spring Framework (14.6 MB)
003 Introduction to Tight Coupling and Loose Coupling (18.54 MB)
004 Hands On Introduction to Tight Coupling and Loose Coupling (146.21 MB)
004 sbfs-20-hands-on-tight-loose (14.98 KB)
005 Core Concepts of Spring Framework Java Web Development (104.77 MB)
006 Spring Container and Configuration (9.53 MB)
007 Setting Up a Spring Project (63.94 MB)
008 Creating Your First Bean (101.49 MB)
008 sbfs-24-creating-your-first-bean (19.79 KB)
009 Lifecycle of Bean (6.36 MB)
010 Dependency Injection (DI) (3.67 MB)
011 Constructor Injection Dependency Injection (75.54 MB)
011 sbfs-27-constructor-di (25.59 KB)
012 sbfs-28-setter-di (30.52 KB)
012 Setter Injection Dependency Injection (42.8 MB)
013 Challenge Inversion of Control (IoC) (168.3 MB)
013 sbfs-29-challenge-ioc (38.83 KB)
014 Introduction to Autowiring and its types (31.44 MB)
015 Autowiring by Name (110.87 MB)
015 sbfs-31-autowiring-name (44.29 KB)
016 Autowiring by Type (34.7 MB)
016 sbfs-32-autowiring-type (49.13 KB)
017 Autowiring by Constructor (26.67 MB)
017 sbfs-33-autowiring-constructor (54.14 KB)
001 Introduction to Annotations (10.21 MB)
002 Understanding Components and ComponentScan (13.03 MB)
003 Hands on Component and Component Scan with Spring [Without Annotations] (70.15 MB)
003 sbfs-37-hands-on-component-component-scan (58.08 KB)
004 @Value Annotation (16.97 MB)
004 sbfs-38-value-annotation (58.19 KB)
005 sbfs-39-xml-to-annotations (62.53 KB)
005 Transition from XML to Annotations in Spring Framework (50.07 MB)
006 @Autowired Annotation (53.27 MB)
006 sbfs-40-autowired-annotation (68.46 KB)
007 @Qualifier Annotation (12.2 MB)
007 sbfs-41-qualifier-annotation (68.49 KB)
001 Review So Far (9.94 MB)
002 Introduction to Spring Boot (36.74 MB)
003 How does Spring Boot work - Architecture (14.09 MB)
004 Getting Started with Spring Initializer (44.15 MB)
005 Setting up and understanding a Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ (73.18 MB)
006 Let's discuss Dependencies in Spring Boot (47.45 MB)
007 Designing our First Hello World API (31.81 MB)
007 sbfs-52-designing-our-first-hello-world-api (17.13 KB)
008 How did our API work (33.33 MB)
009 Understanding Spring Boot Auto-Configuration (19.24 MB)
010 Introduction to application properties (28.72 MB)
010 sbfs-55-introduction-to-application properties (17.15 KB)
011 Creating a POST request (18.43 MB)
012 Introduction and Setup for POSTMAN (30.65 MB)
013 Completing Setup of POSTMAN (40.6 MB)
014 Getting JSON Response (59.14 MB)
014 sbfs-60 1-json-response (18.79 KB)
015 Making use of @Pathvariable (49.91 MB)
015 sbfs-60 2-pathvariable (18.82 KB)
001 Setting up Project (23.07 MB)
002 Structuring Thoughts (88.67 MB)
003 Fetching All Categories (42.04 MB)
003 sbfs-64-fetching-all-categories (18.89 KB)
004 Adding New Categories (27.68 MB)
004 sbfs-65-adding-new-categories (19.21 KB)
005 sbfs-66-setting-up-category-service (21.64 KB)
005 Setting up Category Service (75.59 MB)
006 Challenge Managing ID's (35.67 MB)
006 sbfs-67-challenge-managing-ids (21.78 KB)
007 Delete Category (89.12 MB)
007 sbfs-68-delete-category (22.83 KB)
008 ResponseEntity Class (90.58 MB)
008 sbfs-69-responseentity-class (23.37 KB)
009 sbfs-69-responseentity-for-all (23.57 KB)
009 Using ResponseEntity for all Endpoints (52.58 MB)
010 Challenge Update Category (96.43 MB)
010 sbfs-70-challenge-update-category (24.44 KB)
011 @RequestMapping Annotation (66.9 MB)
011 sbfs-71-requestmapping (24.47 KB)
001 Basics Understanding Data and Databases (31.79 MB)
002 What is DBMS (10.84 MB)
003 Introduction to Relational Databases Concepts (20.77 MB)
004 Overview of SQL (11.4 MB)
005 What is ORM (28.63 MB)
001 What is JPA (11.37 MB)
002 Let's understand Data Layer (12.23 MB)
003 H2 database (17.33 MB)
004 Configuring our Project for JPA (109.75 MB)
004 sbfs-82-configuring-project-for-jpa (24.6 KB)
005 sbfs-83-understanding-entities-jpa (24.71 KB)
005 Understanding Entities in JPA (54.27 MB)
006 Behind the Scenes and Additional Properties (54.32 MB)
006 sbfs-84-behind-scenes-add-prop (24.8 KB)
007 Generation Types For Identity (46.02 MB)
007 sbfs-85-generation-types (24.85 KB)
008 Defining JPA Repositories (45.22 MB)
008 sbfs-86-defining-jpa-repositories (25.41 KB)
009 Making Category Persistent (55.43 MB)
009 sbfs-87-category-persistent (25.5 KB)
010 Testing changes (22.22 MB)
011 sbfs-89-using-optionals-services (25.74 KB)
011 Using Optionals in Services [Optimizing Code And Queries] (78.79 MB)
012 Experimenting Beyond (63.58 MB)
012 sbfs-90-experimenting-beyond (25.65 KB)
001 What is Lombok (25.39 MB)
002 Lombok Annotations You Should Know (92.4 MB)
003 Dark Mode in IntelliJ (4.94 MB)
004 Lombok in Action (41.51 MB)
004 sbfs-94-lombok-action (26.39 KB)
001 Introduction to Validations in Spring Boot (19.92 MB)
001 sbfs-94-validations-spring-boot (26.33 KB)
002 Making use of Hibernate Validator (54.19 MB)
002 sbfs-95-hibernate-validator (26.48 KB)
003 Making use of @Valid (64.39 MB)
003 sbfs-96-use-valid (26.54 KB)
004 Making Things More User Friendly (163.05 MB)
004 sbfs-97-making-user-friendly (28.95 KB)
005 Adding More Validations (27.85 MB)
005 sbfs-98-more-validations (29.06 KB)
006 Introduction to Custom Exceptions in Spring Boot (18.2 MB)
007 Implementing ResourceNotFoundException (69.89 MB)
007 sbfs-100-resourcenotfoundexception (29.67 KB)
008 Challenge Implement ResourceNotFoundException Services (34.47 MB)
008 sbfs-101-challenge-services (30.5 KB)
009 Adding More Custom Exceptions APIException (103.48 MB)
009 sbfs-102-more-custom-exceptions (31.92 KB)
010 sbfs-103-validation-no-categories (31.94 KB)
010 Validation For No Categories Present (22.71 MB)
011 Cleaning Up Controllers (52.28 MB)
011 sbfs-104-cleaning-up-controllers (31.77 KB)
001 What is Pagination and How it Works (91.01 MB)
002 Pagination in Our Project (78.25 MB)
003 What is DTO Pattern (8.78 MB)
004 Implementing DTO Pattern (59.23 MB)
004 sbfs-108-implementing-dto-pattern (32.47 KB)
005 Introduction and Usage Of Model Mapper (106.16 MB)
005 sbfs-109-intro-model-mapper (36.97 KB)
006 Challenge Implementing DTOs For CreateCategory (72.63 MB)
006 sbfs-110-implement-dtos-createcategory (37.12 KB)
007 Challenge Implementing DTOs For UpdateCategory (44.68 MB)
007 sbfs-111-implementing-dtos-updatecategory (36.91 KB)
008 Challenge Implementing DTOs For DeleteCategory (42.66 MB)
008 sbfs-112-implement-dtos-deletecategory (36.76 KB)
009 @RequestParam Annotation (82.47 MB)
009 sbfs-113-requestparam (37.12 KB)
010 Accepting Pagination Parameters (29.92 MB)
010 sbfs-114-accepting-pagination-param (37.1 KB)
011 Pageable and PageRequest (70.76 MB)
011 sbfs-115-pageable-pagerequest (37.15 KB)
012 Testing Changes (42.09 MB)
013 sbfs-117-updating-response-structure (38.35 KB)
013 Updating Response Structure to Include Pagination Details (55.41 MB)
014 Adding Default Values (31.18 MB)
014 sbfs-118-adding-default-values (39.28 KB)
015 Implementing Sorting (110.38 MB)
015 sbfs-119-implement-sorting (39.9 KB)
016 Implement APIResponse (38.67 MB)
016 sbfs-120-implement-apiresponse (41.5 KB)
001 Working with Multiple Entities Relationships (23.59 MB)
002 Social Media Platform (4.15 MB)
003 sbfs-123-setting-project (68.63 KB)
003 Setting Up the Project (17.81 MB)
004 One to One Relationship (54.88 MB)
004 sbfs-124-one-to-one-relationship (41.5 KB)
005 Bi-directional Mapping in One To One Relationship (59.63 MB)
005 sbfs-125-bi-directional-mapping (41.5 KB)
006 One to Many AND Many to One Relationship (70.79 MB)
006 sbfs-126-one-many-many-one (41.5 KB)
007 Many to Many Relationships (65.62 MB)
007 sbfs-127-many-to-many (41.5 KB)
008 sbfs-128-setting-up-apis (34.71 KB)
008 Setting Up API's (231.01 MB)
009 Circular References Using @JsonIgnore (55.76 MB)
009 sbfs-129-circular-references (34.81 KB)
010 Cascading (50.22 MB)
010 sbfs-130-cascading (34.88 KB)
011 CascadeType ALL (71.16 MB)
011 sbfs-131-cascade-all (35.16 KB)
012 CascadeType Persist (79.96 MB)
012 sbfs-132-cascade-persist (36.08 KB)
013 CascadeType REMOVE (18.31 MB)
013 sbfs-134-cascadetype-remove (35.99 KB)
014 Multiple Cascading at Once (17.38 MB)
014 sbfs-135-multiple-cascading (36 KB)
015 FetchTypes (8.73 MB)
016 Eager fetch type (63.66 MB)
016 sbfs-137-eager-fetch-type (36.44 KB)
017 Lazy fetch type (8.57 MB)
017 sbfs-138-lazy-fetch-type (36.47 KB)
018 Relationships in our Project (8.58 MB)
001 Understanding the Product Module (39.32 MB)
002 sbfs-141-setting-product-module (43.46 KB)
002 Setting Up Product Module (37.07 MB)
003 sbfs-142-dtos-products (44.2 KB)
003 Setting up DTOs for Products (20.59 MB)
004 Saving Products to a Category (148.53 MB)
004 sbfs-143-saving-products-category (54.09 KB)
005 Getting All the Products (75.09 MB)
005 sbfs-144-get-all-products (54.87 KB)
006 Get Products by Category (97.1 MB)
006 sbfs-145-get-products-by-category (55.49 KB)
007 Get Products by Keyword (92.85 MB)
007 sbfs-146-get-products-by-keyword (56.13 KB)
008 Challenge Update Product (128.49 MB)
008 sbfs-147-challenge-update-product (56.79 KB)
009 Challenge Delete Product (59.57 MB)
009 sbfs-148-challenge-delete-product (57.05 KB)
010 Loose Ends Using Product DTO in Controllers (85.61 MB)
010 sbfs-149-loose-ends-product-dto (57.24 KB)
011 sbfs-150-update-product-image (117.76 KB)
011 Update Product Image (254.61 MB)
012 Making Use of FileService and application properties (75.38 MB)
012 sbfs-151-fileservice-application-prop (178.43 KB)
013 Challenge Adding Validations and Custom Exceptions (144.45 MB)
013 sbfs-152-challenge-validations-exceptions (179.72 KB)
014 Challenge Implementing Pagination and Sorting (261.1 MB)
014 sbfs-153-challenge-pagination-sorting (182.57 KB)
002 Introduction to Security Before Getting Started With Spring Security (16.77 MB)
003 How Spring Security Works Flow and Internal Details (17.94 MB)
004 Getting Started with Spring Security Securing Spring Boot Applications (33.17 MB)
005 Understanding the default behaviour of Spring Security (47.07 MB)
006 More with Form Based Authentication in Spring Security (13.81 MB)
007 Writing your own Security Filter with Spring Security (102.72 MB)
008 Form Based vs Basic Authentication with Spring Security (24.22 MB)
009 Making Basic Authentication Stateless with Spring Security (20.55 MB)
010 Working with Postman with Spring Security (22.34 MB)
011 In-Memory Authentication with Spring Security (76.26 MB)
012 Role Based Authorization with Spring Security (53.82 MB)
013 Enabling H2 Database with Spring Security (70.62 MB)
014 Using Database to Store User Credentials with Spring Security (119.03 MB)
015 What is Hashing and Why its Important (6.5 MB)
016 Password Encoding and Hashing with Spring Security Password Security (47.42 MB)
017 JWT What is it and Why use it with Spring Security [JSON Web Token] (19.21 MB)
018 Understanding the Implementation (10.51 MB)
019 Setting up the project (17.38 MB)
020 Implementing JwtUtils (40.91 MB)
021 Creating Custom Filter for JWT Authentication with Spring Security (98.57 MB)
022 Defining AuthEntryPointJwt (43.11 MB)
023 Sign-in Flow with JWT and Spring Security (128.74 MB)
024 Managing Security Configurations with Spring Security (90.04 MB)
025 Testing Changes of JWT and Spring Security (160.27 MB)
001 How are we going to manage Users and their information (19.91 MB)
002 Implement Users (55.11 MB)
002 sbfs-179-implement-users (184.1 KB)
003 Implement Relationships (39.01 MB)
003 sbfs-180-implement-relationships (15.7 KB)
004 sbfs-181-uniqueconstraints (15.76 KB)
004 uniqueConstraints attribute (78.34 MB)
005 sbfs-182-seller-side (15.82 KB)
005 Seller Side of things (41.56 MB)
006 Implementing Addresses (64.53 MB)
006 sbfs-183-implementing-addresses (16.22 KB)
007 Loose Ends (32.09 MB)
007 sbfs-184-loose-ends (16.28 KB)
008 sbfs-185-testing-viewing-changes (16.28 KB)
008 Testing and viewing changes (13.64 MB)
001 Configuring Project to work with JWT [ JSON Web Token] (65.8 MB)
001 sbfs-186-configuring-project-jwt (22.95 KB)
002 Understanding UserDetails and UserDetailsService (96.05 MB)
003 Custom UserDetails (69.13 MB)
003 sbfs-188-custom-userdetails (24.08 KB)
004 Custom UserDetailService (45.63 MB)
004 sbfs-189-custom-userdetailservice (24.72 KB)
005 Creating UserRepository (19.58 MB)
005 sbfs-190-creating-userrepository (25.13 KB)
006 Managing Security Config (144.68 MB)
006 sbfs-191-managing-security-config (26.26 KB)
007 Overview of Authentication Controller (43.34 MB)
007 sbfs-192-overview-auth-controller (25.09 KB)
008 sbfs-193-signin-endpoint (26.2 KB)
008 Signin Endpoint (110.14 MB)
009 sbfs-194-signup-endpoint (27.6 KB)
009 Signup Endpoint (224.92 MB)
010 Creating RoleRepository (24.64 MB)
010 sbfs-195-rolerepository (27.99 KB)
011 Loose ends (105.11 MB)
011 sbfs-196-loose-ends (28.63 KB)
012 Testing Changes (131.76 MB)
013 Cookie Based Authentication in JWT (13.84 MB)
014 Modifying code to implement Cookie Based Auth (208.5 MB)
014 sbfs-199-implement-cookie-auth (28.8 KB)
015 Getting Authenticated User Details (108.41 MB)
015 sbfs-200-authenticated-user-details (28.86 KB)
016 sbfs-201-signout (28.93 KB)
016 Signout Endpoint (49.52 MB)
001 Thinking About Shopping Cart (41.85 MB)
002 Designing Cart Module (59.03 MB)
003 Creation of Cart Models (73.35 MB)
003 sbfs-205-cart-models (29.94 KB)
004 Relationships with Cart (39.08 MB)
004 sbfs-206-relationships-cart (30.08 KB)
005 DTOs and Repositories (35.03 MB)
005 sbfs-207-dtos-repositories (31.52 KB)
006 Adding Product to the Cart (207.87 MB)
006 sbfs-208-adding-product-cart (33.71 KB)
007 AuthUtils Class (86.74 MB)
007 sbfs-209-authutils-class (34.45 KB)
008 Fetching All Carts (59.31 MB)
008 sbfs-211-fetch-all-carts (34.66 KB)
009 Fetching Users Cart (184.11 MB)
009 sbfs-212-fetch-users-cart (34.94 KB)
010 sbfs-213-update-quantity-cart (35.31 KB)
010 Update Product Quantity in the Cart (141.94 MB)
011 Deleting Product from the Cart (62.08 MB)
011 sbfs-214-deleting-product-cart (35.5 KB)
012 sbfs-215-testing-changes (35.61 KB)
012 Testing Changes (116.83 MB)
013 sbfs-216-product-updated-deleted (35.97 KB)
013 What happens if a product is updated or deleted (129.01 MB)
001 Section Introduction (8.85 MB)
002 Different Databases and Magic of JPA (26.43 MB)
003 Installing MySQL on Windows (101.33 MB)
004 Installing MySQL on Mac (65.32 MB)
005 Installing MySQL on Linux (119.21 MB)
006 MySQL Interface (49 MB)
007 Configuring Application to work with MySQL (52.46 MB)
007 sbfs-225-config-app-mysql (36.05 KB)
008 Testing Changes (52.03 MB)
009 Database Schema Management (40.04 MB)
010 Installing PostgreSQL on Windows (31.86 MB)
011 Postgres and PgAdmin (11.47 MB)
012 Configuring Application to work with PostgreSQL (40.67 MB)
012 sbfs-233-config-app-postgresql (36.05 KB)
013 sbfs-234-testing-changes (36.05 KB)
013 Testing Changes (46.95 MB)
001 Thinking about managing Addresses (18.42 MB)
002 sbfs-239-dto-repository (36.76 KB)
002 Setting up DTO and Repository (27.45 MB)
003 Challenge Creating Addresses (196.14 MB)
003 sbfs-240-creating-addresses (38.3 KB)
004 Challenge Getting Addresses (65.3 MB)
004 sbfs-241-getting-addresses (38.37 KB)
005 Challenge Getting Specific Address (47.23 MB)
005 sbfs-242-get-specific-address (38.53 KB)
006 Challenge Getting Address By User (45.16 MB)
006 sbfs-243-get-address-by-user (38.58 KB)
007 Challenge Updating Address (111.97 MB)
007 sbfs-244-updating-address (38.81 KB)
008 Challenge Deleting Address (54.13 MB)
008 sbfs-245-deleting-address (38.89 KB)
001 sbfs-249-models-order (40 KB)
001 Setting up the models for Order Management (46.82 MB)
002 Managing Payments (44.02 MB)
002 sbfs-250-managing-payments (40.63 KB)
003 sbfs-251-dtos (42.16 KB)
003 Setting up DTO's (45.21 MB)
004 sbfs-252-order-repositories (43.25 KB)
004 Setting Up Repositories to Manage Orders (10.48 MB)
005 Managing Order Placements (26.64 MB)
005 sbfs-253-order-placements (43.91 KB)
006 Managing Order Placements Service Layer (231.5 MB)
006 sbfs-254-order-placements-service (45.53 KB)
007 Testing Order Placement (73.36 MB)
008 Fixing Quantity in All Carts API (22.71 MB)
008 sbfs-256-fixing-all-cart (45.59 KB)
001 Understanding Deployments (19.88 MB)
002 Overview of AWS and Setting up AWS Account (39.88 MB)
003 Setting up RDS in AWS Console (82.28 MB)
004 Preparing Our Spring Boot Application for Deployment (29.09 MB)
005 Point Your Application to Amazon RDS (39.83 MB)
006 Creating JAR File for our application (47.97 MB)
007 Deploying API's on Elastic BeanStalk (91.05 MB)
008 Testing Live Application (26.96 MB)
001 Old Promo Video - This gives you a sense of what's covered (46.71 MB)
002 Downloading required tools (24.25 MB)
003 Installing java on windows (11.03 MB)
004 Installing java on mac (3.26 MB)
005 Installing and configuring Intellij (19.08 MB)
001 What are API's (9.12 MB)
001 What is the Spring framework (6.87 MB)
002 What is Spring boot (10.7 MB)
003 Spring vs Spring boot (12.57 MB)
004 How does Spring Boot work - Architecture (10.95 MB)
001 Introduction to Spring initializer (16.07 MB)
002 Setting up spring boot project in Intellij (10.93 MB)
003 Exploring our Spring boot project (43.26 MB)
004 Other ways of working with Spring boot (STS and eclipse) (99.58 MB)
005 What is Maven and why do we need it (21.12 MB)
006 Simple API with Spring boot (4.3 MB)
007 What is application properties (15.02 MB)
008 Installing and setting up POSTMAN (25.95 MB)
009 Creating a controller and mapping it to a URL (100.59 MB)
010 Creating a service (44.12 MB)
011 Different types of API request (6.4 MB)
012 Getting a single employee (38.89 MB)
013 Adding a new employee using POST (77.86 MB)
014 Updating an existing employee (79.78 MB)
015 Deleting an employee (94.36 MB)
016 Specific mappings for your requests (101.17 MB)
001 What is JPA (4.38 MB)
002 Creating data access layer (41.13 MB)
003 H2 In-memory database (18.17 MB)
004 Using data access layer to get data (71.34 MB)
005 Moving other functionality to Db Update and delete Employee (74.2 MB)
006 Moving other functionality to Db getting all employees and single employee (30.7 MB)
007 Overview of project (12.65 MB)
008 Database Mappings (4.5 MB)
009 OneToOne Mapping (96.17 MB)
010 OneToMany Mapping (33.22 MB)
011 ManyToOne Mapping (21.39 MB)
012 ManyToMany Mapping (116.42 MB)
013 What is Cascading (14.42 MB)
014 Cascade ALL (123.17 MB)
015 Cascade PERSIST (31.8 MB)
016 Cascade REMOVE (16.81 MB)
017 Fetch Types (2.05 MB)
018 Eager fetch type (153.24 MB)
019 Lazy fetch type (43.03 MB)
020 EmployeeApplication-JPA (146.44 KB)
001 What is Thymeleaf (4.54 MB)
002 Creating our first Thymeleaf project (43.25 MB)
003 Adding javascript and css to the Thymeleaf template (23.14 MB)
004 Conditional statements with Thymeleaf (76.64 MB)
005 Iteration with Thymeleaf (59.6 MB)
006 Fragments in Thymeleaf (86.88 MB)
001 What are we going to build (15.03 MB)
002 Structuring our application (6.25 MB)
003 Creating our project with dependencies and setting up the database (14.34 MB)
004 Creating entities (119.16 MB)
005 Introducing Lombok (14.3 MB)
006 Defining endpoints (5.02 MB)
007 Creating data access and service layer for Book (55.34 MB)
008 Challenge Data access and service layer for Category, Publisher, Author (3.17 MB)
009 Creating data access and service layer for Author (21.07 MB)
010 Creating data access and service layer for Publisher (16.78 MB)
011 Creating data access and service layer for Category (20.4 MB)
012 Setting up dummy data (47.4 MB)
013 Defining presentation layer for Book Getting list and displaying on UI (171.13 MB)
014 Viewing book details (28.31 MB)
015 Deleting a book (19.13 MB)
016 Updating book (124.77 MB)
017 Adding a new Book (29.76 MB)
018 Challenge Presentation layer for Category, Publisher, Author (4.81 MB)
019 Defining presentation layer for Categories Getting list and displaying on UI (30.68 MB)
020 Deleting a category (8.82 MB)
021 Updating a category (30.57 MB)
022 Adding a new category (42.45 MB)
023 Defining presentation layer for Publisher Getting list and displaying on UI (41.62 MB)
024 Deleting a publisher (14.38 MB)
025 Updating a publisher (40.99 MB)
026 Adding a new publisher (21.24 MB)
027 Defining presentation layer for Author Getting list and displaying on UI (26.96 MB)
028 Deleting an author (13.02 MB)
029 Updating an author (43.54 MB)
030 Adding a new author (25.65 MB)
031 Creating a home page (25.13 MB)
032 Let's do a review (12.44 MB)
033 courselibrary (195.35 KB)
001 Project Overview (12.88 MB)
002 Setting up the Project (8.66 MB)
003 Structuring thoughts (4.07 MB)
004 Fetching All Jobs (51.01 MB)
005 Adding New Jobs (62.06 MB)
006 Setting Up PostMan (35.57 MB)
007 Setting up Job Service (59.65 MB)
008 Challenge Managing IDs (26.78 MB)
009 Getting Single Job (108.38 MB)
010 ResponseEntity Class (107 MB)
011 Challenge Delete Job (83.51 MB)
012 Challenge Update Job (91 MB)
013 RequestMapping Annotation (57.58 MB)
001 Let's understand Data Layer (11.38 MB)
002 Configuring our Project for JPA (40.11 MB)
003 Understanding Entities in JPA (54.25 MB)
004 Defining JPA Repositories (26.81 MB)
005 Making Jobs Persistent (73.66 MB)
006 Testing changes (131.36 MB)
001 What's Next (16.96 MB)
002 Setting up Company Controller, Service and Repository (12.66 MB)
003 Getting All Companies (70.66 MB)
004 Challenge Update Companies (74.71 MB)
005 Creating Companies (56.22 MB)
006 Company and Job Relationship (85.97 MB)
007 Challenge Delete Company (44.23 MB)
008 Challenge Get a Specific Company (48.33 MB)
009 Thinking about defining Reviews API (5.33 MB)
010 Challenge Defining Review Controller, Service and Repository (40.73 MB)
011 Company and Review Relationship (17.44 MB)
012 Getting All Reviews Of a Specific Company (84.1 MB)
013 Add a review for a specific company (98.79 MB)
014 Get a review by review ID for a specific company (69.04 MB)
015 Update a review by review ID for a specific company (71.52 MB)
016 Delete a review by review ID for a specific company (93.76 MB)
001 Introduction to Spring Boot Actuator (8.02 MB)
002 Setting up Spring Boot Actuator (58.56 MB)
003 Enabling all endpoints (28.34 MB)
004 Understanding Actuator Endpoints (14.43 MB)
005 Exploring health endpoint (36.79 MB)
006 Exploring info endpoint (17.26 MB)
007 Exploring metrics endpoint (39.06 MB)
008 Exploring loggers endpoint (39.5 MB)
009 Exploring beans endpoint (35.69 MB)
010 Exploring shutdown endpoint (32.27 MB)
001 Introduction to Docker (82.95 MB)
002 Docker Architecture (15.95 MB)
003 Concepts in Docker (7.44 MB)
004 Docker Registry (49.29 MB)
005 Docker and Spring Boot (36.89 MB)
006 Containerizing Our Spring Boot Application (90.33 MB)
007 Docker Commands (23.07 MB)
008 Running our Spring Boot Project with Docker (50.63 MB)
001 What Is PostgreSQL and Why Use It (20.03 MB)
002 Understanding dependencies (13.26 MB)
003 Configuring our application to work with PostgreSQL (39.38 MB)
004 Introducing Docker Networks (126.52 MB)
005 Running PostgreSQL locally with Docker (14.06 MB)
006 Docker Compose for Multi-Container Spring Boot Applications (78.53 MB)
007 Creating Databases using PGAdmin (33.01 MB)
008 Testing our application (39.52 MB)
001 Before Microservices (4.87 MB)
002 Problems with Monolithic Architecture (26.74 MB)
003 What are Microservices (15.22 MB)
004 Overcoming Monolithic Architecture Challenges (11.04 MB)
002 Course Bonus (37.85 MB)
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