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Developing Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
[Image: 541638588_oip.jpg]
1.46 GB | 00:20:03 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 1 Setting up your development environment.mp4 (29.3 MB)
1 2 Downloading the example code.mp4 (21.73 MB)
1 3 Applying your first Terraform.mp4 (19.52 MB)
2 1 Beginning with a look back How did we get here.mp4 (31.13 MB)
2 2 Deciding why you should use Infrastructure as Code.mp4 (36.66 MB)
2 3 Learning definitions.mp4 (60.18 MB)
2 4 Exploring approaches to IaC.mp4 (23.97 MB)
2 5 Understanding the software development lifecycle and IaC.mp4 (16.96 MB)
3 1 Building your mental model What is Terraform.mp4 (21.72 MB)
3 2 Learning what Terraform is (and is not).mp4 (20.76 MB)
3 3 Learning about Terraform state, with demo.mp4 (37.64 MB)
3 4 Learning the Terraform features.mp4 (32.83 MB)
3 5 Discover if Terraform is multicloud.mp4 (8.76 MB)
3 6 Review How did Hello Terraform work.mp4 (39.98 MB)
4 10 Learning about provisioners.mp4 (19.34 MB)
4 1 Learning the basics Overview of HCL structure.mp4 (7.17 MB)
4 2 Learning Terraform providers.mp4 (17.05 MB)
4 3 Learning Terraform data sources and resources.mp4 (22.03 MB)
4 4 Learning about dependencies in Terraform.mp4 (41.89 MB)
4 5 Learning about expressions in HCL.mp4 (74.45 MB)
4 6 Learning Terraform variables and outputs.mp4 (57.13 MB)
4 7 Learning for each and count properties.mp4 (69.66 MB)
4 8 Learn about Resource Lifecycle.mp4 (41.69 MB)
4 9 Learn about refactoring features.mp4 (18.8 MB)
5 1 Understanding Terraform modules.mp4 (13.01 MB)
5 2 Creating a module demo.mp4 (127.77 MB)
5 3 Distributing your modules.mp4 (32.59 MB)
6 1 Exploring the phases of IaC adoption.mp4 (19.46 MB)
6 2 IaC Maturity Model and Terraform.mp4 (5.5 MB)
7 1 Introducing providers in Terraform.mp4 (19.29 MB)
7 2 Working with AWS demo.mp4 (52.04 MB)
7 3 Working with GCP demo.mp4 (43.28 MB)
7 4 Working with Azure demo.mp4 (52.81 MB)
7 5 Using other providers demo.mp4 (21.09 MB)
8 1 Understanding Terraform and version control systems (VCS).mp4 (20.88 MB)
8 2 Setup HCP Terraform.mp4 (24.87 MB)
8 3 HCP Terraform Module Registry.mp4 (37.75 MB)
8 4 HCP Terraform Workspaces.mp4 (76.96 MB)
9 1 Reviewing what we have learned.mp4 (20.78 MB)
9 2 Understanding what s next.mp4 (19.94 MB)
Developing Infrastructure as Code with Terraform Introduction (1).mp4 (29.76 MB)
Developing Infrastructure as Code with Terraform Introduction.mp4 (29.76 MB)
Developing Infrastructure as Code with Terraform Summary.mp4 (5.45 MB)
Intro (1).mp4 (10.02 MB)
Intro (2).mp4 (5.72 MB)
Intro.mp4 (4.88 MB)
Learning objectives (1).mp4 (6.8 MB)
Learning objectives (2).mp4 (10.38 MB)
Learning objectives (3).mp4 (7.71 MB)
Learning objectives (4).mp4 (6.56 MB)
Learning objectives (5).mp4 (3.34 MB)
Learning objectives (6).mp4 (4.58 MB)
Learning objectives (7).mp4 (6.08 MB)
Learning objectives (8).mp4 (2.87 MB)
Learning objectives.mp4 (5.98 MB)]

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