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The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp
[Image: f815e2179c85fb0450fa011f5cde95b5.jpg]
The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp
MP4 | Video: 1280x720 | Duration: 29.5 Hours | 4.9 GB | Subtitles: VTT | Project files
Author: Colt Steele | Language: English | Skill level: All Levels

This course has nearly 200 interactive challenges you can complete right here in your browser. I didn't just tack on a couple of exercises at the end; this course is fully built around the coding exercises. This course is all about getting you writing code ASAP, rather than sitting back watching a bunch of videos.

In development, I referred to this course as a hybrid between a typical Udemy course and an interactive Codecademy-style course. You get over 25 hours of in-depth videos and my dumb jokes along with meticulously created exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge as you go.

Many of the older Python courses still focus on Python 2. This course is all about writing the most modern, up-to-date Python code, so Python 3 was the obvious choice. The course covers all the latest additions and changes to the Python language. The course also places a large emphasis on thinking like a Python developer, and writing code the "Pythonic" way.
Python is consistently ranked in either first or second place as the most in-demand programming languages across the job market. It has applications in data science, machine learning, web development, self-driving cars, automation, and many many other disciplines. There has never been a better time to learn it!

I'm spent years teaching people to program at in-person bootcamps in the San Francisco Bay Area. In recent years, I've started bringing my methods from the classroom to the online world. In my first year teaching online, I was selected as the Best Newcomer Instructor in the Udemy Instructor Awards 2015. I'm passionate about making the best possible online learning experiences that mirror my in-person courses.

What you'll learn:
Learn all the coding fundamentals in Python!
Work through nearly 200 exercises and quizzes!
Learn about all of the latest features in Python 3.6
Use Python to create an automated web crawler and scraper
Make complex HTTP requests to APIs using Python
Master the quirks of Python style and conventions
Really Really Understand Object Oriented programming in Python
Learn testing and TDD (Test Driven Development) with Python
Write your own Decorators and higher order functions
Write your own Generators and other Iterators
Confidently work with Lambdas!
Master tricky topics like Multiple Inheritance and Polymorphism
Build larger projects that span across multiple files
Work with all the Python data structures: lists, dictionaries, sets, tuples, and more!
Become an expert at list and dictionary comprehensions
Master built-in python functions like zip and filter
Handle errors and debug code
Write your own custom modules
Work with files, including CSV


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