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Ellsberg, Daniel (4 books, 80+ papers)-[EPUB]-[En]
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Most Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War | 707 | Steve Sheinkin | 2002 | Macmillan | 9781596439535

Veterans of recent conflicts describe their individual journeys from raw recruit to war resister in this collection of testimonials. Although it is not well publicized, the long tradition of refusing to fight unjust wars continues today within the American military. The stories in this book provide an intimate, honest look at the personal transformation of each of these young people and at the same time constitute a powerful argument against militarization and endless war. Also included are exclusive interviews with Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg addressing the U.S. wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan and the role civilian and GI resistance plays in bringing the troops home.

Sheinkin, Steve - Most Dangerous_ Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War Roaring Brook, 2015.epub (6.74 MB)
Wells, Tom - Wild Man_ The Life and Times of Daniel Ellsberg Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.pdf (4.77 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Doomsday Machine_ Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner Bloomsbury, 2017.epub (835.19 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Doomsday Machine_ Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner Bloomsbury, 2017.pdf (3.01 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Papers on the War Simon & Schuster, 1972.pdf (6.99 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Risk, Ambiguity, and Decision Garland, 2001.pdf (6.58 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Secrets _ A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers Penguin, 2014.epub (3.42 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Secrets _ A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers Penguin, 2014.pdf (15.44 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - A Conversation Friends of the Earth, February 1980.pdf (1.18 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - A Final Comment 1958.pdf (229.13 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - A Life Among Secrets [interview] NYT, 26 March 2023.pdf (1.58 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - A Manhattan Project II Against Nuclear Weapons 1992.pdf (1.47 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - An interview with Daniel Ellsberg 1989.pdf (2.11 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Assange's Espionage Charges 2019.pdf (146.04 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Bargaining and Group Decision Making [review] 1961.pdf (122.46 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Betting on the Third Wave RAND, 1968.pdf (12.32 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Can We Win in Vietnam [review] 1969.pdf (234.75 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Classic and Current Notions of Measurable Utility 1954.pdf (3.46 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Counterinsurgency Tactics Led to Haditha, My Lai [interview] 2006.pdf (87.15 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Decision Making by Donald Davidson [review] 1958.pdf (204.3 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Direct Action for Disarmament New Age, May 1980.pdf (887.57 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Escalating in a Quagmire 1970.pdf (11.52 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Extended Biographical Statement 2006.pdf (1.33 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - First Strike [interview] Inquiry, 13 April 1981.pdf (813.69 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Foreword and Afterword to 'Flirting with Disaster' [Gerstein] 2008.epub (872.24 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Foreword to 'Dissent_ Voices of Conscience' [Wright] 2008.pdf (230.05 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Foreword to 'Made Love, Got War' [Solomon] 2007.pdf (101.23 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Foreword to 'Vietnam Labyrinth' [Tran Ngoc Chau] 2012.pdf (179.14 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - How the Pentagon Papers Came to be Published by Beacon Press 2007.pdf (183.11 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Interview with Democracy Now, Part 1 2021.pdf (183.62 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Interview with Democracy Now, Part 2 2021.pdf (128.99 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Interview with Democracy Now, Part 3 2021.pdf (158.67 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Interview with Kurt Jacobsen 2002.pdf (47.09 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Interview with Rolling Stone Magazine 1973.pdf (3.7 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Interview with Timothy Naftali 2008.pdf (437.33 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Introduction to 'Blood on the Tracks' [Willson] PM, 2011.epub (16.23 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Introduction to 'Protest and Survive' [ed. Thompson & Smith] 1981.pdf (924.14 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Laos_ What Nixon Is Up To NYRB, 11 March 1971.pdf (783.92 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Living on a Deadline in the Nuclear Age_ Some Personal News 2023.pdf (76.86 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Manhattan Project II Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May 1992.pdf (4.15 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Manhattan Project II_ Abolishing Nuclear Weapons 1996.pdf (828.04 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Manhattan Project II_ Caging the Beast Unleashed Progressive, August 1993.pdf (9.91 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Manhattan Project II_ To End the Threat of Nuclear War 1992.pdf (251.36 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - My Papers at UMass Show How Much Is Concealed... 2019.pdf (3.61 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Notes on Vietnam Policy_ A Strategy of Dissent 1970.pdf (13 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Nuclear Armaments [interview] 1980.pdf (1.82 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Nuclear Hair Triggers The Nation, 1-8 Nov. 2021.pdf (785.76 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Nuclear Security and the Soviet Collapse 1991.pdf (2.32 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Nuclear Winter Is a Very Real Possibility, Unless We Act Now [interview] 2018.pdf (5.76 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - On Nuclear Annihilation and Other Topics 2022.pdf (64.94 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - On the Release of the "Top Secret" Pentagon Papers 2019.pdf (355.07 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - On Walking Together Away From the Brink Seagull, 1982.pdf (1.39 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Preface, Trial Testimony, and Afterword to 'A Year of Disobedience' [Daniel] 2013.pdf (4.08 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Presidents as the Perfect Detonators 1959.pdf (1.07 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Public Goods and Public Bads RAND P-4029, February 1969.pdf (5.73 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Putin Is Already Using His Nuclear Weapons [interview] 2022.pdf (617.6 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Reflects On Current Whistleblower Situation 2019.pdf (374.29 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Rejoinder to Recurrent Objections to the Minimax Strategy 1959.pdf (117.92 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Revolutionary Judo 1970.pdf (4.33 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms 1961.pdf (1.98 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms_ Reply 1963.pdf (730.51 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Secrecy and National Security Whistleblowing 2010.pdf (1.96 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Servants of the State Harpers, February 1972.pdf (13.64 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Some Lessons from Failure in Vietnam RAND P-4036, July 1969.pdf (779.98 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Still Thinking About the Papers He Didn't Get to Leak 2017.pdf (1.59 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Courage to Reveal the Truth [interview] 2010.epub (8.03 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Crude Analysis of Strategic Choices 1961.pdf (450.76 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Day Loc Tien Was Pacified 1971.pdf (1.63 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter [interview] 2018.epub (658.04 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Next War Harpers, Oct. 2006.pdf (8.2 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Outside Man [profile] New Yorker, 19 Dec 2016.pdf (765.07 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Political Uses of Madness 1959.pdf (2.59 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Secret History of the Bomb Esquire, Dec 2017-January 2018.pdf (441.99 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Theory and Practice of Blackmail 1959 [1975].pdf (610.78 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Third Wave's Third Way 2008.pdf (60.46 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - The Truth Teller [interview] 2019.pdf (440.3 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Theory of the Reluctant Duelist 1956.pdf (2.13 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Thoughts on Trump's Whistleblower 2019.pdf (1.55 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Undoing the Doomsday Machine Washington Post, 1992-05-10.pdf (3.35 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Vagueness and Decision_ A Rejoinder RAND P-2705, February 1963.pdf (10.6 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Vietnam Diary The Reporter, 13 January 1966.pdf (8.55 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Whistleblowers Preserve American Democracy 2019.pdf (559.99 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Why I Did It [interview] Reason, June 1973.pdf (230.5 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 1_ US Aims and Leverage in VN, 1950-65 1969.pdf (12.46 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 2_ Critical Postures on US Decision Making 1969.pdf (101.61 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 3_ US Policy and the Politics of Others 1969.pdf (13.19 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 4_ Vu Van Thai on US Aims and Intervention 1969.pdf (12.9 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 5_ Confucians and Communists 1969.pdf (159.93 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 6_ On Pacification 1969.pdf (13.45 MB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 7_ Communists and Vietnamese 1969.pdf (713.52 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 8_ US Support of Diem 1969.pdf (751.77 KB)
Ellsberg, Daniel - Working Notes on Vietnam, No. 9_ Infeasible Aims and the Politics of Stalemate 1969.pdf (3.03 MB)
_Obituary of Daniel Ellsberg NYT, 17 June 2023.pdf (3.33 MB)
_Obituary of Daniel Ellsberg WaPo, 17 June 2023.pdf (724.34 KB)

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