11-06-2024, 09:14 PM
![[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]](https://img87.pixhost.to/images/599/359020115_tuto.jpg)
27.33 GB | 00:17:50 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
001 Welcome To The Course (33.16 MB)
003 Download Unity & VS Code (42.53 MB)
004 Introducing Unity (48.66 MB)
005 Set Up VS Code (18.19 MB)
006 Community & Support (27.84 MB)
007 Accessing Our Projects (24.69 MB)
001 Section Intro - Obstacle Dodge (22.46 MB)
002 Start() & Update() (89.54 MB)
003 Introducing Variables (41.41 MB)
004 Using SerializeField (50.17 MB)
005 C# Formatting (20.31 MB)
006 Using Input GetAxis() (39.7 MB)
007 Time deltaTime (27.5 MB)
008 Introducing Cinemachine (47.42 MB)
009 Basic Collisions (88.36 MB)
010 Understanding Methods (42.11 MB)
011 Practicing With Methods (36 MB)
012 Using OnCollisionEnter() (23.43 MB)
013 Using GetComponent() (30.33 MB)
014 Incrementing a Score (41.14 MB)
015 Using Time time (76.43 MB)
016 If Statements (21.35 MB)
017 Caching A Reference (50.71 MB)
018 Using Tags (48 MB)
019 Rotate An Object (76.96 MB)
020 Fly At Player (72.97 MB)
021 Destroy Object (26.18 MB)
022 Trigger Projectile (70.61 MB)
023 Introducing Prefabs (65.72 MB)
024 Unity Order of Execution (28.85 MB)
025 Level Layout (114.34 MB)
026 Add Hazards To Level (88.94 MB)
027 Wrap Up - Obstacle Dodge (21.15 MB)
001 Section Intro - Rocket Boost (29.48 MB)
002 2-RB-UC3D4-GameDev tv-Sci-Fi-Starter-Assets (2.09 MB)
002 Importing Assets (107.62 MB)
003 Namespaces & Classes (60.18 MB)
004 Using Input Actions (27.44 MB)
005 Using AddRelativeForce() (88.9 MB)
006 Rotation Input (57.83 MB)
007 Rotate The Rocket (55.46 MB)
008 Cinemachine Follow Camera (27.39 MB)
009 Rigidbody Tuning (94.16 MB)
010 10-RB-UC3D4-Rocket-Boost-SFX (237.47 KB)
010 Unity Audio Introduction (46.11 MB)
011 Play AudioSource SFX (58.83 MB)
012 Switch Statements (64.5 MB)
013 Respawn Using SceneManager (59.69 MB)
014 Load Next Scene (46.42 MB)
015 Using Invoke() (93.79 MB)
016 Code Layout (12.73 MB)
017 Multiple Audio Clips (74.26 MB)
018 Bool Variable For State (70.89 MB)
019 19-RB-UC3D4-Introduction-To-Particles (20.99 KB)
019 Intro To Particles (152.4 MB)
020 Trigger Booster Particles (87.9 MB)
021 Refactor Our Methods (25.77 MB)
022 Respond To Debug Keys (82.81 MB)
023 Assets & Colliders (93.56 MB)
024 Create A Level Layout (97.21 MB)
025 Quick Game Tuning (26.04 MB)
026 Set Dressing Your Level (146.89 MB)
027 Intro To Post Processing (64.6 MB)
028 How To Add Lights In Unity (183.44 MB)
029 A Quick Note About Prefabbing (102.23 MB)
030 Oscillating Object Script (137.03 MB)
031 Quit Application Script (22.71 MB)
032 Design Ideas (55.22 MB)
033 How To Build & Share Your Game (48.59 MB)
034 Wrap Up - Rocket Boost (17.24 MB)
001 Section Intro - Galaxy Strike (33.27 MB)
002 Using Terrain Tools (115.11 MB)
003 Additional Terrain Features (107.41 MB)
004 Texturing Terrain (136.83 MB)
005 Master Timeline (165.25 MB)
006 Animation Curves (110.99 MB)
007 Animate Enemy Using Timeline (45.24 MB)
008 Input Action Map (90.15 MB)
009 Player Ship Movement (52.31 MB)
010 Mathf Clamp() Ship Movement (63.3 MB)
011 Roll Our Ship (69.04 MB)
012 Lerping Ship Rotation (29.65 MB)
013 Rotating Pitch (31.25 MB)
014 GDTV-Particle-Sprites (11.7 KB)
014 Particle System Ship Laser (149.16 MB)
015 Laser Fire Input (89.71 MB)
016 C# Arrays & Foreach Loops (54.8 MB)
017 Crosshair Rect Transform (61.85 MB)
018 ScreenToWorldPoint Target (56.4 MB)
019 Vector Arithmetic (25.28 MB)
020 Collision & Triggers (44.23 MB)
021 Particle Collision (23.03 MB)
022 Instantiate at Runtime (96.69 MB)
023 Nested Prefabs & Prefab Variants (167.08 MB)
024 Enemy Ship Variants (112.67 MB)
025 Tune & Tweak (96.39 MB)
026 Enemy Hit Points (57.93 MB)
027 Public Methods C# (41.41 MB)
028 Scoreboard UI (97.01 MB)
029 Enemy Waves Using Control Tracks (137.99 MB)
030 Timeline Audio (48.46 MB)
030 Voice-Lines (7.58 MB)
031 Displaying Dialogue Using Signals (127.38 MB)
032 Portrait Camera Render Texture (172.4 MB)
033 Paint Trees on Terrain (185.75 MB)
034 Rendering, Lighting, & Shadows (98.89 MB)
035 Skybox (42.12 MB)
036 Post Processing (83.42 MB)
037 Layers & Multiple Volume Profiles (88.39 MB)
038 Reload Level Using Coroutines (50.64 MB)
039 Music Singleton (66.1 MB)
039 Music-SFX (3.72 MB)
040 Your Vertical Slice (61.77 MB)
041 Wrap Up - Galaxy Strike (24.95 MB)
001 Section Intro - Royal Run (21.53 MB)
002 Project Setup & Import Assets (31.23 MB)
003 Level Generation Using For Loops (106.72 MB)
004 Chunk Movement (64.24 MB)
005 C# Lists (56.96 MB)
006 Player Movement (119.06 MB)
007 Restrain Player Using Clamp (60.29 MB)
008 Obstacles Using While Loops (62.3 MB)
009 Physics Materials (121.75 MB)
010 Obstacle Prefab Variants (113.81 MB)
011 Fence Chunk Hazard (68.77 MB)
012 Lane Detection (68.12 MB)
013 Lane Pickups (148.91 MB)
014 Physics Collision Setup (99.03 MB)
015 Destroy Obstacles (41.79 MB)
016 Player Hit Animation (103.94 MB)
017 Trigger Animation Through Code (31.68 MB)
018 Inheritance (83.43 MB)
019 Modifying Physics (72.85 MB)
020 Cinemachine Camera Controller (126.81 MB)
021 Speed Up Particle System (63.74 MB)
022 Inspector Tooltips & Headers (52.12 MB)
023 Score Manager (59.96 MB)
024 Dependency Injection (71.05 MB)
025 Time Lose Condition (110 MB)
026 Properties (57.61 MB)
027 Modulus Operator (116.21 MB)
028 Checkpoint Increase Time (35.04 MB)
029 Beautify Checkpoint Prefab (26.85 MB)
030 Lighting & Post Processing pt 1 (46.59 MB)
031 Lighting & Post Processing pt 2 (107.81 MB)
032 Cinemachine Composer (73.38 MB)
033 Fog Particle System (170.38 MB)
034 Cinemachine Screen Shake (112.58 MB)
035 Rock Collision FX (131.12 MB)
036 Music & Camera Noise (62.56 MB)
037 Tune, Tweak, & Balance (121.63 MB)
038 Wrap Up - Royal Run (24.74 MB)
001 Section Intro - Sharp Shooter (21.01 MB)
002 First Person Starter Asset (52.88 MB)
003 Nav Mesh Agent (112.5 MB)
004 Agent Jump & Drop Height (46.76 MB)
005 Equip a Gun (40.17 MB)
006 Raycasting (58.25 MB)
007 Shoot Input (51.41 MB)
008 Enemy Health (26.57 MB)
009 Muzzle Flash (122.79 MB)
010 Weapon Animation (38.12 MB)
011 Hit VFX (30.31 MB)
012 Robot Animator & Animation (23.61 MB)
013 Intro to Probuilder (71.03 MB)
014 ProBuilder Level Blockout (131.47 MB)
015 ProBuilder Tips & Tricks (128.49 MB)
016 New Scene Prep (90.11 MB)
017 Scriptable Objects (52.64 MB)
018 Shoot Cooldown (90.66 MB)
019 Machine Gun (70.55 MB)
020 Weapon Pickup (72.69 MB)
021 Switching Weapons (46.02 MB)
022 Sniper Rifle (106.79 MB)
023 Weapon Zoom (98.35 MB)
024 Base Pickup Using Inheritance (50.88 MB)
025 Raycast Overloads (41.94 MB)
026 Ammo (115.72 MB)
027 Ammo Pickup (59.79 MB)
028 Weapon Viewport (52.3 MB)
029 Gun Recoil Screenshake (78.98 MB)
030 Robot Explosion VFX (119.31 MB)
031 Explosion OnDrawGizmos() (61.53 MB)
032 Physics OverlapSphere() (52.04 MB)
033 Death Camera Transition (58.31 MB)
034 Player Shield UI (88.82 MB)
035 Enemy Spawn Gate (107.33 MB)
036 Turret (136.25 MB)
037 Projectile (99.2 MB)
038 TMP Font Asset Creator (71.3 MB)
039 Ternary Operator (37.71 MB)
040 Event System (66.42 MB)
041 Win Condition (56.38 MB)
042 Polish (124.31 MB)
043 Wrap Up - Sharp Shooter (21.3 MB)
001 Welcome To The Course (88.36 MB)
002 Download Unity & VS Code (44.55 MB)
004 Introducing Unity (81.16 MB)
005 Introducing Prefabs (46.95 MB)
006 Your First Script (59.91 MB)
007 Community & Support (33.02 MB)
001 Section Intro - Obstacle Course (15.71 MB)
002 Game Design - Obstacle Course (43.67 MB)
003 Start() & Update() (84.76 MB)
004 Introducing Variables (33.34 MB)
005 Using SerializeField (47.68 MB)
006 C# Formatting & Input GetAxis() (79.94 MB)
007 Time deltaTime (39.01 MB)
008 Cinemachine Follow Camera (50.45 MB)
009 Basic Collision (49.06 MB)
010 Introduction To Methods (64.59 MB)
011 Practicing With Methods (72.94 MB)
012 Using OnCollisionEnter() (42.96 MB)
013 Using GetComponent() (34.31 MB)
014 Incrementing A Score (63.31 MB)
015 Using Time time (52.3 MB)
016 If Statements (30.25 MB)
017 Caching A Reference (101.41 MB)
018 Using Tags (79.14 MB)
019 Rotate An Object (61.65 MB)
020 Prepare Our Prefabs (55.17 MB)
021 Build An Obstacle Course (75.92 MB)
022 Wrap Up - Obstacle Course (23.59 MB)
001 Section Intro - Project Boost (9.94 MB)
002 Game Design - Project Boost (13 MB)
003 Onion Design (46.29 MB)
004 Unity Units (96.87 MB)
005 Introducing Classes (70.05 MB)
006 Basic Input Binding (84.51 MB)
007 Using AddRelativeForce() (40.39 MB)
008 Variable For Thrusting (19.05 MB)
009 Transform Rotate() Our Rocket (74.95 MB)
010 Rigidbody Constraints (91.44 MB)
011 Our Source Control Repo (85.25 MB)
012 Unity Audio Introduction (54.36 MB)
013 Play AudioSource SFX (54.62 MB)
014 Switch Statements (99.78 MB)
015 Respawn Using SceneManager (26.98 MB)
016 Load Next Level (46.55 MB)
017 Using Invoke (85.5 MB)
018 Multiple Audio Clips (72.9 MB)
019 Bool Variable For State (52.72 MB)
020 Make Rocket Look Spiffy (114.5 MB)
021 How To Trigger Particles (86.49 MB)
022 Particles For Rocket Boosters (68.55 MB)
023 Refactor With Extract Method (24.65 MB)
024 Add Cheat Debug Keys (39.35 MB)
025 Make Environment From Cubes (69.69 MB)
026 How To Add Lights In Unity (132.27 MB)
027 Move Obstacle With Code (66.14 MB)
028 Mathf Sin() For Oscillation (90.38 MB)
029 Protect Against NaN Error (45.28 MB)
030 Designing Level Moments (70.43 MB)
031 Quit Application (13.15 MB)
032 How To Build & Publish A Game (20.04 MB)
033 Wrap Up - Project Boost (10.59 MB)
001 Section Intro - Argon Assault (22.09 MB)
002 Game Design - Argon Assault (35.84 MB)
003 How To Add Terrain (111.51 MB)
004 Unity Terrain Tools (95.31 MB)
005 How To Use Unity Asset Store (53.69 MB)
006 Texturing Terrain In Unity (169.03 MB)
007 Add Trees To Terrain (92.29 MB)
008 Master Timeline For Player Rail (172.13 MB)
009 Animate Enemy Using Timeline (100.55 MB)
010 Import Player Ship Asset (85.89 MB)
011 Using GetAxis() For Movement (103.49 MB)
012 Unity's New Input System (124.53 MB)
013 Start Moving Our Player (66.66 MB)
014 Move Player Using Input (24.63 MB)
015 Mathf Clamp() To Constrain Movement (75.31 MB)
016 How To Set Local Rotation (94.98 MB)
017 Rotate Ship With Position & Throw (139.91 MB)
018 Time To Tune And Tweak (148.96 MB)
019 Particle System Laser Bullet (173.64 MB)
020 Exploring Nested Prefabs In Unity (75.76 MB)
021 Set Up Firing Input (56.88 MB)
022 Arrays & Foreach Loops (121.7 MB)
023 Deactivating Particle System Emission (46.09 MB)
024 Header & Tooltips Attributes (53.48 MB)
025 Understanding Collisions & Triggers (245.72 MB)
026 Detecting Particle Collisions (130.09 MB)
027 Reload Scene After Collision (102.28 MB)
028 Create Explosion Particle Effect (152.24 MB)
029 Trigger Player Explosion (69.04 MB)
030 Instantiate At Runtime (140.11 MB)
031 Public Methods In Unity C# (60.17 MB)
032 Simple User Interface For Score (44.52 MB)
033 ToString() To Display Score (42.64 MB)
034 Enemy Hit Points (88.98 MB)
035 Set Up Enemy Prefabs (54.39 MB)
036 Using FindWithTag() (98.24 MB)
037 Control Tracks For Enemy Waves (126.08 MB)
038 Timeline For Dialogue (61.12 MB)
039 Singleton Pattern For Music Player (107.06 MB)
040 Sneaky Explosion SFX (110.62 MB)
041 Skybox & Lighting (176.31 MB)
042 Add Post Processing (125.77 MB)
043 Your 3 Minute Experience (83.73 MB)
044 Wrap Up - Argon Assault (4.58 MB)
001 Introduction - Realm Rush (12.99 MB)
002 Realm Rush Game Design (49.94 MB)
003 Grid Snapping (24.4 MB)
004 Text Labels (43.83 MB)
005 Coordinate System (64.8 MB)
006 Lists (44.94 MB)
007 Introducing Coroutines (39.42 MB)
008 Importing Assets (42.03 MB)
009 Prefab Variants (80.11 MB)
010 Smooth Enemy Movement (77.05 MB)
011 Detect Mouse Input (67.76 MB)
012 Targeting Enemies (59.62 MB)
013 Damaging Enemies (105.56 MB)
014 Debugging Tools (45.95 MB)
015 Finding the Path (34.64 MB)
016 Instantiating Enemies (27.48 MB)
017 Object Pools (77.76 MB)
018 Target Closest Enemy (71.87 MB)
019 Currency System (Part 1) (68.76 MB)
020 Currency System (Part 2) (35.06 MB)
021 UI Text (81.63 MB)
022 Increasing Difficulty (30.8 MB)
023 Refactoring (97.19 MB)
024 Playtest and Balance (119.65 MB)
025 Review and Reflect (24.26 MB)
026 Pathfinding Decisions (53.26 MB)
027 Breadth First Search (64.6 MB)
028 Pure C# Classes (41.61 MB)
029 Dictionaries (58.11 MB)
030 More Debugging Tools (82.22 MB)
031 Exploring Neighbors (67.54 MB)
032 Exploring the World (58.06 MB)
033 Finding the Path (again!) (66.93 MB)
034 Blocking Nodes (106.46 MB)
035 Valid Path (76.84 MB)
036 Script Execution Order (108.72 MB)
037 Broadcast Message (53.49 MB)
038 Overloading Methods (84.13 MB)
039 Build Timer (43.48 MB)
040 Ambience (107.29 MB)
041 Post Processing (118.72 MB)
042 Section Wrap-Up (25.08 MB)
001 Welcome To Zombie Runner (90.31 MB)
002 Zombie Runner Game Design (29.4 MB)
004 Adding First Person Controller (32.89 MB)
005 Make A Prototyping Sandbox (55.55 MB)
006 Using NavMeshAgent For AI (73.47 MB)
007 Getting Stuck & Jittering (44.89 MB)
008 Enemy AI - Chase Range (50.1 MB)
009 Using OnDrawGizmosSelected() (27.36 MB)
010 Enemy AI - Attack If Provoked (62.29 MB)
011 Give That Player A Gun (47.87 MB)
011 Survival-Carbine-Michael-Randall (5.38 MB)
012 Introduction To Raycasting (48.17 MB)
013 Enemy Health & Damage (50.67 MB)
014 Implement A Muzzle Flash (69.43 MB)
014 Muzzle-Flash-VFX (17.48 KB)
015 13-ZR-UY3-Muzzle-Flash-VFX (17.48 KB)
015 Creating Shooting Hit Effect (84.27 MB)
016 Introduction To Animator Controller (58.35 MB)
017 Creating A Simple Animation (46.34 MB)
018 Animator Transition Conditions (36.22 MB)
019 Trigger Animation In Code (81.86 MB)
020 Use Animation Events (47.19 MB)
021 Create Player Health Class (54.3 MB)
022 Rotate To Face Target (53.93 MB)
023 Game Over User Interface (97.61 MB)
024 Create A Death Handler (23.47 MB)
025 Using BroadcastMessage (49.32 MB)
026 Early Gameplay Loop (52.09 MB)
027 Weapon System Overview (46.47 MB)
028 Weapon Zoom - Field Of View (63.49 MB)
029 Weapon Zoom - Mouse Sensitivity (52.1 MB)
030 Basic Ammo Functionality (37.23 MB)
031 Multiple Weapon Types (79.62 MB)
032 Weapon Differentiation (130.62 MB)
033 Set Active Weapon (53.16 MB)
034 Player Input To Select Weapon (79.25 MB)
035 Public Enum & Private Class (85.83 MB)
036 Different Weapon Different Ammo (49.61 MB)
037 Quick Bug Fix Challenge (41.52 MB)
038 Ammo Pickup - Part 1 (42.8 MB)
039 Ammo Pickup - Part 2 (83.3 MB)
040 Let's Add A Zombie (142.45 MB)
041 Quick Zombie Attack Challenge (13.73 MB)
042 Flex Your Level Design Muscles (79.43 MB)
043 Add Terrain & Trees (220.81 MB)
044 ProBuilder For Making Props (177.52 MB)
045 ProBuilder To Make Rooms (184.18 MB)
046 ProBuilder To Make Levels (120.11 MB)
047 Adding Textures With ProBuilder (155.35 MB)
047 Generic-Wall-Textures (34.93 MB)
048 We Need Some Lights (136.08 MB)
049 Create A FlashLight (95.73 MB)
050 Create A Battery Pickup (141.43 MB)
051 Display Current Ammo UI (97.49 MB)
052 Damage Received UI (85.52 MB)
053 Props & Polish (83.34 MB)
001 Congratulations (13.26 MB)
001 Welcome To The Course (33.16 MB)
003 Download Unity & VS Code (42.53 MB)
004 Introducing Unity (48.66 MB)
005 Set Up VS Code (18.19 MB)
006 Community & Support (27.84 MB)
007 Accessing Our Projects (24.69 MB)
001 Section Intro - Obstacle Dodge (22.46 MB)
002 Start() & Update() (89.54 MB)
003 Introducing Variables (41.41 MB)
004 Using SerializeField (50.17 MB)
005 C# Formatting (20.31 MB)
006 Using Input GetAxis() (39.7 MB)
007 Time deltaTime (27.5 MB)
008 Introducing Cinemachine (47.42 MB)
009 Basic Collisions (88.36 MB)
010 Understanding Methods (42.11 MB)
011 Practicing With Methods (36 MB)
012 Using OnCollisionEnter() (23.43 MB)
013 Using GetComponent() (30.33 MB)
014 Incrementing a Score (41.14 MB)
015 Using Time time (76.43 MB)
016 If Statements (21.35 MB)
017 Caching A Reference (50.71 MB)
018 Using Tags (48 MB)
019 Rotate An Object (76.96 MB)
020 Fly At Player (72.97 MB)
021 Destroy Object (26.18 MB)
022 Trigger Projectile (70.61 MB)
023 Introducing Prefabs (65.72 MB)
024 Unity Order of Execution (28.85 MB)
025 Level Layout (114.34 MB)
026 Add Hazards To Level (88.94 MB)
027 Wrap Up - Obstacle Dodge (21.15 MB)
001 Section Intro - Rocket Boost (29.48 MB)
002 2-RB-UC3D4-GameDev tv-Sci-Fi-Starter-Assets (2.09 MB)
002 Importing Assets (107.62 MB)
003 Namespaces & Classes (60.18 MB)
004 Using Input Actions (27.44 MB)
005 Using AddRelativeForce() (88.9 MB)
006 Rotation Input (57.83 MB)
007 Rotate The Rocket (55.46 MB)
008 Cinemachine Follow Camera (27.39 MB)
009 Rigidbody Tuning (94.16 MB)
010 10-RB-UC3D4-Rocket-Boost-SFX (237.47 KB)
010 Unity Audio Introduction (46.11 MB)
011 Play AudioSource SFX (58.83 MB)
012 Switch Statements (64.5 MB)
013 Respawn Using SceneManager (59.69 MB)
014 Load Next Scene (46.42 MB)
015 Using Invoke() (93.79 MB)
016 Code Layout (12.73 MB)
017 Multiple Audio Clips (74.26 MB)
018 Bool Variable For State (70.89 MB)
019 19-RB-UC3D4-Introduction-To-Particles (20.99 KB)
019 Intro To Particles (152.4 MB)
020 Trigger Booster Particles (87.9 MB)
021 Refactor Our Methods (25.77 MB)
022 Respond To Debug Keys (82.81 MB)
023 Assets & Colliders (93.56 MB)
024 Create A Level Layout (97.21 MB)
025 Quick Game Tuning (26.04 MB)
026 Set Dressing Your Level (146.89 MB)
027 Intro To Post Processing (64.6 MB)
028 How To Add Lights In Unity (183.44 MB)
029 A Quick Note About Prefabbing (102.23 MB)
030 Oscillating Object Script (137.03 MB)
031 Quit Application Script (22.71 MB)
032 Design Ideas (55.22 MB)
033 How To Build & Share Your Game (48.59 MB)
034 Wrap Up - Rocket Boost (17.24 MB)
001 Section Intro - Galaxy Strike (33.27 MB)
002 Using Terrain Tools (115.11 MB)
003 Additional Terrain Features (107.41 MB)
004 Texturing Terrain (136.83 MB)
005 Master Timeline (165.25 MB)
006 Animation Curves (110.99 MB)
007 Animate Enemy Using Timeline (45.24 MB)
008 Input Action Map (90.15 MB)
009 Player Ship Movement (52.31 MB)
010 Mathf Clamp() Ship Movement (63.3 MB)
011 Roll Our Ship (69.04 MB)
012 Lerping Ship Rotation (29.65 MB)
013 Rotating Pitch (31.25 MB)
014 GDTV-Particle-Sprites (11.7 KB)
014 Particle System Ship Laser (149.16 MB)
015 Laser Fire Input (89.71 MB)
016 C# Arrays & Foreach Loops (54.8 MB)
017 Crosshair Rect Transform (61.85 MB)
018 ScreenToWorldPoint Target (56.4 MB)
019 Vector Arithmetic (25.28 MB)
020 Collision & Triggers (44.23 MB)
021 Particle Collision (23.03 MB)
022 Instantiate at Runtime (96.69 MB)
023 Nested Prefabs & Prefab Variants (167.08 MB)
024 Enemy Ship Variants (112.67 MB)
025 Tune & Tweak (96.39 MB)
026 Enemy Hit Points (57.93 MB)
027 Public Methods C# (41.41 MB)
028 Scoreboard UI (97.01 MB)
029 Enemy Waves Using Control Tracks (137.99 MB)
030 Timeline Audio (48.46 MB)
030 Voice-Lines (7.58 MB)
031 Displaying Dialogue Using Signals (127.38 MB)
032 Portrait Camera Render Texture (172.4 MB)
033 Paint Trees on Terrain (185.75 MB)
034 Rendering, Lighting, & Shadows (98.89 MB)
035 Skybox (42.12 MB)
036 Post Processing (83.42 MB)
037 Layers & Multiple Volume Profiles (88.39 MB)
038 Reload Level Using Coroutines (50.64 MB)
039 Music Singleton (66.1 MB)
039 Music-SFX (3.72 MB)
040 Your Vertical Slice (61.77 MB)
041 Wrap Up - Galaxy Strike (24.95 MB)
001 Section Intro - Royal Run (21.53 MB)
002 Project Setup & Import Assets (31.23 MB)
003 Level Generation Using For Loops (106.72 MB)
004 Chunk Movement (64.24 MB)
005 C# Lists (56.96 MB)
006 Player Movement (119.06 MB)
007 Restrain Player Using Clamp (60.29 MB)
008 Obstacles Using While Loops (62.3 MB)
009 Physics Materials (121.75 MB)
010 Obstacle Prefab Variants (113.81 MB)
011 Fence Chunk Hazard (68.77 MB)
012 Lane Detection (68.12 MB)
013 Lane Pickups (148.91 MB)
014 Physics Collision Setup (99.03 MB)
015 Destroy Obstacles (41.79 MB)
016 Player Hit Animation (103.94 MB)
017 Trigger Animation Through Code (31.68 MB)
018 Inheritance (83.43 MB)
019 Modifying Physics (72.85 MB)
020 Cinemachine Camera Controller (126.81 MB)
021 Speed Up Particle System (63.74 MB)
022 Inspector Tooltips & Headers (52.12 MB)
023 Score Manager (59.96 MB)
024 Dependency Injection (71.05 MB)
025 Time Lose Condition (110 MB)
026 Properties (57.61 MB)
027 Modulus Operator (116.21 MB)
028 Checkpoint Increase Time (35.04 MB)
029 Beautify Checkpoint Prefab (26.85 MB)
030 Lighting & Post Processing pt 1 (46.59 MB)
031 Lighting & Post Processing pt 2 (107.81 MB)
032 Cinemachine Composer (73.38 MB)
033 Fog Particle System (170.38 MB)
034 Cinemachine Screen Shake (112.58 MB)
035 Rock Collision FX (131.12 MB)
036 Music & Camera Noise (62.56 MB)
037 Tune, Tweak, & Balance (121.63 MB)
038 Wrap Up - Royal Run (24.74 MB)
001 Section Intro - Sharp Shooter (21.01 MB)
002 First Person Starter Asset (52.88 MB)
003 Nav Mesh Agent (112.5 MB)
004 Agent Jump & Drop Height (46.76 MB)
005 Equip a Gun (40.17 MB)
006 Raycasting (58.25 MB)
007 Shoot Input (51.41 MB)
008 Enemy Health (26.57 MB)
009 Muzzle Flash (122.79 MB)
010 Weapon Animation (38.12 MB)
011 Hit VFX (30.31 MB)
012 Robot Animator & Animation (23.61 MB)
013 Intro to Probuilder (71.03 MB)
014 ProBuilder Level Blockout (131.47 MB)
015 ProBuilder Tips & Tricks (128.49 MB)
016 New Scene Prep (90.11 MB)
017 Scriptable Objects (52.64 MB)
018 Shoot Cooldown (90.66 MB)
019 Machine Gun (70.55 MB)
020 Weapon Pickup (72.69 MB)
021 Switching Weapons (46.02 MB)
022 Sniper Rifle (106.79 MB)
023 Weapon Zoom (98.35 MB)
024 Base Pickup Using Inheritance (50.88 MB)
025 Raycast Overloads (41.94 MB)
026 Ammo (115.72 MB)
027 Ammo Pickup (59.79 MB)
028 Weapon Viewport (52.3 MB)
029 Gun Recoil Screenshake (78.98 MB)
030 Robot Explosion VFX (119.31 MB)
031 Explosion OnDrawGizmos() (61.53 MB)
032 Physics OverlapSphere() (52.04 MB)
033 Death Camera Transition (58.31 MB)
034 Player Shield UI (88.82 MB)
035 Enemy Spawn Gate (107.33 MB)
036 Turret (136.25 MB)
037 Projectile (99.2 MB)
038 TMP Font Asset Creator (71.3 MB)
039 Ternary Operator (37.71 MB)
040 Event System (66.42 MB)
041 Win Condition (56.38 MB)
042 Polish (124.31 MB)
043 Wrap Up - Sharp Shooter (21.3 MB)
001 Welcome To The Course (88.36 MB)
002 Download Unity & VS Code (44.55 MB)
004 Introducing Unity (81.16 MB)
005 Introducing Prefabs (46.95 MB)
006 Your First Script (59.91 MB)
007 Community & Support (33.02 MB)
001 Section Intro - Obstacle Course (15.71 MB)
002 Game Design - Obstacle Course (43.67 MB)
003 Start() & Update() (84.76 MB)
004 Introducing Variables (33.34 MB)
005 Using SerializeField (47.68 MB)
006 C# Formatting & Input GetAxis() (79.94 MB)
007 Time deltaTime (39.01 MB)
008 Cinemachine Follow Camera (50.45 MB)
009 Basic Collision (49.06 MB)
010 Introduction To Methods (64.59 MB)
011 Practicing With Methods (72.94 MB)
012 Using OnCollisionEnter() (42.96 MB)
013 Using GetComponent() (34.31 MB)
014 Incrementing A Score (63.31 MB)
015 Using Time time (52.3 MB)
016 If Statements (30.25 MB)
017 Caching A Reference (101.41 MB)
018 Using Tags (79.14 MB)
019 Rotate An Object (61.65 MB)
020 Prepare Our Prefabs (55.17 MB)
021 Build An Obstacle Course (75.92 MB)
022 Wrap Up - Obstacle Course (23.59 MB)
001 Section Intro - Project Boost (9.94 MB)
002 Game Design - Project Boost (13 MB)
003 Onion Design (46.29 MB)
004 Unity Units (96.87 MB)
005 Introducing Classes (70.05 MB)
006 Basic Input Binding (84.51 MB)
007 Using AddRelativeForce() (40.39 MB)
008 Variable For Thrusting (19.05 MB)
009 Transform Rotate() Our Rocket (74.95 MB)
010 Rigidbody Constraints (91.44 MB)
011 Our Source Control Repo (85.25 MB)
012 Unity Audio Introduction (54.36 MB)
013 Play AudioSource SFX (54.62 MB)
014 Switch Statements (99.78 MB)
015 Respawn Using SceneManager (26.98 MB)
016 Load Next Level (46.55 MB)
017 Using Invoke (85.5 MB)
018 Multiple Audio Clips (72.9 MB)
019 Bool Variable For State (52.72 MB)
020 Make Rocket Look Spiffy (114.5 MB)
021 How To Trigger Particles (86.49 MB)
022 Particles For Rocket Boosters (68.55 MB)
023 Refactor With Extract Method (24.65 MB)
024 Add Cheat Debug Keys (39.35 MB)
025 Make Environment From Cubes (69.69 MB)
026 How To Add Lights In Unity (132.27 MB)
027 Move Obstacle With Code (66.14 MB)
028 Mathf Sin() For Oscillation (90.38 MB)
029 Protect Against NaN Error (45.28 MB)
030 Designing Level Moments (70.43 MB)
031 Quit Application (13.15 MB)
032 How To Build & Publish A Game (20.04 MB)
033 Wrap Up - Project Boost (10.59 MB)
001 Section Intro - Argon Assault (22.09 MB)
002 Game Design - Argon Assault (35.84 MB)
003 How To Add Terrain (111.51 MB)
004 Unity Terrain Tools (95.31 MB)
005 How To Use Unity Asset Store (53.69 MB)
006 Texturing Terrain In Unity (169.03 MB)
007 Add Trees To Terrain (92.29 MB)
008 Master Timeline For Player Rail (172.13 MB)
009 Animate Enemy Using Timeline (100.55 MB)
010 Import Player Ship Asset (85.89 MB)
011 Using GetAxis() For Movement (103.49 MB)
012 Unity's New Input System (124.53 MB)
013 Start Moving Our Player (66.66 MB)
014 Move Player Using Input (24.63 MB)
015 Mathf Clamp() To Constrain Movement (75.31 MB)
016 How To Set Local Rotation (94.98 MB)
017 Rotate Ship With Position & Throw (139.91 MB)
018 Time To Tune And Tweak (148.96 MB)
019 Particle System Laser Bullet (173.64 MB)
020 Exploring Nested Prefabs In Unity (75.76 MB)
021 Set Up Firing Input (56.88 MB)
022 Arrays & Foreach Loops (121.7 MB)
023 Deactivating Particle System Emission (46.09 MB)
024 Header & Tooltips Attributes (53.48 MB)
025 Understanding Collisions & Triggers (245.72 MB)
026 Detecting Particle Collisions (130.09 MB)
027 Reload Scene After Collision (102.28 MB)
028 Create Explosion Particle Effect (152.24 MB)
029 Trigger Player Explosion (69.04 MB)
030 Instantiate At Runtime (140.11 MB)
031 Public Methods In Unity C# (60.17 MB)
032 Simple User Interface For Score (44.52 MB)
033 ToString() To Display Score (42.64 MB)
034 Enemy Hit Points (88.98 MB)
035 Set Up Enemy Prefabs (54.39 MB)
036 Using FindWithTag() (98.24 MB)
037 Control Tracks For Enemy Waves (126.08 MB)
038 Timeline For Dialogue (61.12 MB)
039 Singleton Pattern For Music Player (107.06 MB)
040 Sneaky Explosion SFX (110.62 MB)
041 Skybox & Lighting (176.31 MB)
042 Add Post Processing (125.77 MB)
043 Your 3 Minute Experience (83.73 MB)
044 Wrap Up - Argon Assault (4.58 MB)
001 Introduction - Realm Rush (12.99 MB)
002 Realm Rush Game Design (49.94 MB)
003 Grid Snapping (24.4 MB)
004 Text Labels (43.83 MB)
005 Coordinate System (64.8 MB)
006 Lists (44.94 MB)
007 Introducing Coroutines (39.42 MB)
008 Importing Assets (42.03 MB)
009 Prefab Variants (80.11 MB)
010 Smooth Enemy Movement (77.05 MB)
011 Detect Mouse Input (67.76 MB)
012 Targeting Enemies (59.62 MB)
013 Damaging Enemies (105.56 MB)
014 Debugging Tools (45.95 MB)
015 Finding the Path (34.64 MB)
016 Instantiating Enemies (27.48 MB)
017 Object Pools (77.76 MB)
018 Target Closest Enemy (71.87 MB)
019 Currency System (Part 1) (68.76 MB)
020 Currency System (Part 2) (35.06 MB)
021 UI Text (81.63 MB)
022 Increasing Difficulty (30.8 MB)
023 Refactoring (97.19 MB)
024 Playtest and Balance (119.65 MB)
025 Review and Reflect (24.26 MB)
026 Pathfinding Decisions (53.26 MB)
027 Breadth First Search (64.6 MB)
028 Pure C# Classes (41.61 MB)
029 Dictionaries (58.11 MB)
030 More Debugging Tools (82.22 MB)
031 Exploring Neighbors (67.54 MB)
032 Exploring the World (58.06 MB)
033 Finding the Path (again!) (66.93 MB)
034 Blocking Nodes (106.46 MB)
035 Valid Path (76.84 MB)
036 Script Execution Order (108.72 MB)
037 Broadcast Message (53.49 MB)
038 Overloading Methods (84.13 MB)
039 Build Timer (43.48 MB)
040 Ambience (107.29 MB)
041 Post Processing (118.72 MB)
042 Section Wrap-Up (25.08 MB)
001 Welcome To Zombie Runner (90.31 MB)
002 Zombie Runner Game Design (29.4 MB)
004 Adding First Person Controller (32.89 MB)
005 Make A Prototyping Sandbox (55.55 MB)
006 Using NavMeshAgent For AI (73.47 MB)
007 Getting Stuck & Jittering (44.89 MB)
008 Enemy AI - Chase Range (50.1 MB)
009 Using OnDrawGizmosSelected() (27.36 MB)
010 Enemy AI - Attack If Provoked (62.29 MB)
011 Give That Player A Gun (47.87 MB)
011 Survival-Carbine-Michael-Randall (5.38 MB)
012 Introduction To Raycasting (48.17 MB)
013 Enemy Health & Damage (50.67 MB)
014 Implement A Muzzle Flash (69.43 MB)
014 Muzzle-Flash-VFX (17.48 KB)
015 13-ZR-UY3-Muzzle-Flash-VFX (17.48 KB)
015 Creating Shooting Hit Effect (84.27 MB)
016 Introduction To Animator Controller (58.35 MB)
017 Creating A Simple Animation (46.34 MB)
018 Animator Transition Conditions (36.22 MB)
019 Trigger Animation In Code (81.86 MB)
020 Use Animation Events (47.19 MB)
021 Create Player Health Class (54.3 MB)
022 Rotate To Face Target (53.93 MB)
023 Game Over User Interface (97.61 MB)
024 Create A Death Handler (23.47 MB)
025 Using BroadcastMessage (49.32 MB)
026 Early Gameplay Loop (52.09 MB)
027 Weapon System Overview (46.47 MB)
028 Weapon Zoom - Field Of View (63.49 MB)
029 Weapon Zoom - Mouse Sensitivity (52.1 MB)
030 Basic Ammo Functionality (37.23 MB)
031 Multiple Weapon Types (79.62 MB)
032 Weapon Differentiation (130.62 MB)
033 Set Active Weapon (53.16 MB)
034 Player Input To Select Weapon (79.25 MB)
035 Public Enum & Private Class (85.83 MB)
036 Different Weapon Different Ammo (49.61 MB)
037 Quick Bug Fix Challenge (41.52 MB)
038 Ammo Pickup - Part 1 (42.8 MB)
039 Ammo Pickup - Part 2 (83.3 MB)
040 Let's Add A Zombie (142.45 MB)
041 Quick Zombie Attack Challenge (13.73 MB)
042 Flex Your Level Design Muscles (79.43 MB)
043 Add Terrain & Trees (220.81 MB)
044 ProBuilder For Making Props (177.52 MB)
045 ProBuilder To Make Rooms (184.18 MB)
046 ProBuilder To Make Levels (120.11 MB)
047 Adding Textures With ProBuilder (155.35 MB)
047 Generic-Wall-Textures (34.93 MB)
048 We Need Some Lights (136.08 MB)
049 Create A FlashLight (95.73 MB)
050 Create A Battery Pickup (141.43 MB)
051 Display Current Ammo UI (97.49 MB)
052 Damage Received UI (85.52 MB)
053 Props & Polish (83.34 MB)
001 Congratulations (13.26 MB)
![[Image: 7AAOGAy3_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/d2/08/7AAOGAy3_o.jpg)
![[Image: 7AAOGAy3_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/d2/08/7AAOGAy3_o.jpg)
![[Image: signature.png]](https://softwarez.info/images/avsg/signature.png)