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Udemy Analog Electronics Mastering Analog Circuit Design by OpAmp
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
51.69 GB | 00:21:04 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - Introduction (56.08 MB)
10 - Diode Ratings (348.39 MB)
11 - Half Wave Rectifier (248.81 MB)
12 - Parameters of Half Wave Rectifier (422.85 MB)
13 - Full Wave Rectifier (332.81 MB)
14 - Full Wave Bridge Rectifier (346.06 MB)
15 - Parameters of Full Wave Rectifier (506.78 MB)
16 - Half Wave Vs Full Wave Vs Bridge Rectifier (514.45 MB)
17 - Requirement of Filters in Rectifier (325 MB)
18 - C Filter in Rectifier (443.79 MB)
19 - L Filter in Rectifier (374.8 MB)
2 - Energy Bands and Material Classification (394.45 MB)
20 - Pi Filter and T Filter in Rectifier (609.36 MB)
21 - Linear and Non Linear Wave Shaping Circuit (164.86 MB)
22 - Clipper Circuits (329.23 MB)
23 - Biased Clipper Circuits (371.72 MB)
24 - Combinational Clipper (430.68 MB)
25 - Examples of Clipper Circuits (450.44 MB)
26 - Clamper Circuits (428.38 MB)
27 - Clipper Vs Clamper Circuits (166.37 MB)
28 - Examples on Diode Circuit (290.19 MB)
29 - Examples on Diode Circuit (112.74 MB)
3 - Types of Semiconductor Materials (422.19 MB)
30 - Examples on Diode Circuit (77.55 MB)
31 - Examples on Diode Circuit (95.15 MB)
32 - Examples on Diode Applications (526.32 MB)
4 - PN Junction Diode (334.41 MB)
5 - VI Characteristics of PN Junction (366.08 MB)
6 - Dynamic Resistance of Diode (410.64 MB)
7 - Effect of Temperature on PN junction (532.3 MB)
8 - Diode testing and diode quality verification (224.81 MB)
9 - Ideal and Practical Diode Approximations (266.01 MB)
0 - Emitter Bias of BJT (536.04 MB)
33 - BJT basics (465.13 MB)
34 - BJT Operational Regions (357.95 MB)
35 - BJT Working (539.95 MB)
36 - Common Base Configuration of BJT (104.57 MB)
37 - Common Emitter Configuration of BJT (507.18 MB)
38 - Relationship of Alfa Beta and Gamma in Transistor (381.82 MB)
39 - Comparison of CB CE and CC Configuration of BJ (393.87 MB)
40 - DC Load Line and Q Point (678.47 MB)
41 - Bias Stabilization of BJT (399.64 MB)
42 - Stability Factor in BJT (253.4 MB)
43 - Fixed Bias of BJT (458 MB)
44 - Collector Feedback Bias of BJT (504.17 MB)
45 - Voltage Divider Bias of BJT (612.84 MB)
46 - Solved Examples of Transistor Biasing (484.24 MB)
47 - Solved Examples of Transistor Biasing (544.03 MB)
48 - Solved Examples of Transistor Biasing (470.03 MB)
49 - Transistor as Switch (237.3 MB)
100 - Examples on Filter (193.8 MB)
101 - RC Phase Shift Oscillator using OpAmp (741.36 MB)
102 - Designing of RC Phase Shift Oscillator (310.26 MB)
103 - Wein Bridge Oscillator using OpAmp (651.39 MB)
104 - Designing of Wein Bridge Oscillator using OpAm (406.03 MB)
105 - Designing of Oscillators by OpAmp (613.07 MB)
106 - Examples of OpAmp (773.48 MB)
107 - Examples of OpAmp (458.36 MB)
108 - Examples of OpAmp (795.82 MB)
50 - OpAmp Basics (574.59 MB)
51 - Parameters of Operational Amplifier (605.55 MB)
52 - Examples of Parameters of OpAmp (510.42 MB)
53 - Examples of Parameters of OpAmp (321.51 MB)
54 - Characteristics of Ideal Operational Amplifier (359.67 MB)
55 - Feedback in Operational Amplifier (558.35 MB)
56 - Virtual Short and Virtual Ground (364.92 MB)
57 - Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier (457.4 MB)
58 - Voltage Follower using Operational Amplifier (71.46 MB)
59 - Summing Averaging and Scaling using OpAmp (609.99 MB)
60 - Summing using Differential OpAmp (336.53 MB)
61 - Subtractor using Differential OpAmp (299.82 MB)
62 - Circuit Design from Equation using OpAmp (346.13 MB)
63 - Circuit Design from Equation using OpAmp (360.19 MB)
64 - 741 IC of Operational Amplifier (392.35 MB)
65 - Examples of Operational Amplifier Circuits (638.99 MB)
66 - V to I Converter (610.07 MB)
67 - I to V Converter (394.02 MB)
68 - Differentiator using Operational Amplifier (860.67 MB)
69 - Examples of Differentiator (551.32 MB)
70 - Integrator (638.72 MB)
71 - Examples of Integrator (539.63 MB)
72 - Examples of integrator (542.12 MB)
73 - Monostable using OpAmp (591.49 MB)
74 - Plus Width Monostable Multivibrator by OpAmp (379.33 MB)
75 - Designing of Monostable Multivibrator by OpAmp (407.92 MB)
76 - Astable Multivibrator using OpAmp (630.87 MB)
77 - Frequency Derivation of Astable Multivibrator (623.1 MB)
78 - Designing of Astable Multivibrator using OpAmp (647.48 MB)
79 - Bistable Multivibrator by OpAmp (372.86 MB)
80 - Triangular Wave Generator by OpAmp (544.57 MB)
81 - Peak Detector using OpAmp (390.66 MB)
82 - Sample Hold Circuit using OpAmp (360.31 MB)
83 - Comparator using OpAmp (509.97 MB)
84 - Schmitt Trigger (679.57 MB)
85 - Schmitt Trigger Problems (774.37 MB)
86 - Instrumentation Amplifier (416.7 MB)
87 - Designing of Instrumentation Amplifier (340.25 MB)
88 - Precision rectifier using OpAmp (807.89 MB)
89 - Log Amplifier using Operational Amplifier (350.69 MB)
90 - Antilog Amplifier using Operational Amplifier (329.31 MB)
91 - Clipper Circuits using OpAmp (53.05 MB)
92 - Active Filters (450.17 MB)
93 - 1st Order Butterworth LPF (478.89 MB)
94 - 1st Order Butterworth HPF (510.06 MB)
95 - Designing of LPF and HPF (50.48 MB)
96 - Wide Band BPF using OpAmp (650.06 MB)
97 - Narrow BPF using OpAmp (528.18 MB)
98 - Wide Band Stop Filter using OpAmp (324.85 MB)
99 - Narrow Band Stop Filter using OpAmp (403.44 MB)
109 - 555 Timer IC (752.94 MB)
110 - Astable Multivibrator using 555 (694.14 MB)
111 - Monostable multivibrator using 555 (89.48 MB)
112 - Bistable Multivibrator using 555 (294.03 MB)
113 - Designing of Multivibrators using 555 (652.65 MB)
114 - Phase Lock Loop (519.44 MB)
115 - 565 PLL IC (561.3 MB)
116 - VCO (560.38 MB)
117 - 566 VCO IC (408.19 MB)
118 - Fixed Voltage Regulators (650.38 MB)
119 - Adjustable voltage regulators (756.23 MB)]
[Image: U9mdbN6y_o.jpg]


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