12-03-2024, 05:41 PM
![[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]](https://img100.pixhost.to/images/404/537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg)
3.48 GB | 10min 56s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 -Introduction to Angular v18 (Course Introd.mp4 (51.68 MB)
2 -Angu.mp4 (28.64 MB)
3 -Understanding Project St.mp4 (51.34 MB)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -First Component with Archi.mp4 (80.44 MB)
10 -IQ - Event.mp4 (7.9 MB)
11 -Task - Creating Counter.mp4 (22.05 MB)
12 -Binding other mouse related.mp4 (20.56 MB)
13 -Binding keyboard.mp4 (19.88 MB)
14 -$event.mp4 (28.92 MB)
15 -IQ - $event.mp4 (34.09 MB)
16 -Task - Checking Shift key.mp4 (17.6 MB)
17 -Task - Keydown to incrementdecrement.mp4 (30.49 MB)
18 -Two way binding (n.mp4 (39.64 MB)
19 -IQ - Two way binding (n.mp4 (34.73 MB)
2 -IQ - First Component with Archi.mp4 (13.93 MB)
20 -Task (Two-way Binding) - Get input field value on butto.mp4 (17.97 MB)
21 -Task - Simple Cart Calculation - Two way.mp4 (23.96 MB)
3 -Displaying message dynamically (Interpo.mp4 (22.28 MB)
4 -IQ - Interp.mp4 (13.07 MB)
5 -Task - Display sum of two.mp4 (12.91 MB)
6 -Property.mp4 (27.93 MB)
7 -IQ - Property.mp4 (16.87 MB)
8 -Task - Property binding with im.mp4 (13.18 MB)
9 -Event binding with clic.mp4 (20.57 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (325 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (404 B)
app.ts (77 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (219 B)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Directives Intro.mp4 (13.73 MB)
10 -Attribute Directives [n.mp4 (39.71 MB)
11 -Task - Toggle functionality using.mp4 (38.16 MB)
12 -Attribute Directives [n.mp4 (24.01 MB)
13 -Task [ngStyle] - Changing the color of inpu.mp4 (62.75 MB)
14 -Grouping elements with ng-co.mp4 (34.67 MB)
15 -HTML templates with ng-t.mp4 (27.5 MB)
16 -IQ - ng-template Vs ng-co.mp4 (16.13 MB)
17 -Task - Display msg if input remains empty (ng-container & ng-te.mp4 (32.68 MB)
18 -Rendering templates with ngTemplateOutlet -.mp4 (39.67 MB)
19 -Rendering templates with ngTemplateOutlet -.mp4 (26.52 MB)
2 -Structural Directives.mp4 (27.09 MB)
20 -IQ - ngTemplateOutlet Di.mp4 (19.19 MB)
21 -Task - Portfolio Builder (Phase 1) - Defining T.mp4 (22.55 MB)
22 -Task - Portfolio Builder (Phase 2.mp4 (50.01 MB)
23 -Task - Portfolio Builder (Phase 3) -.mp4 (49.88 MB)
3 -IQ - ngIf di.mp4 (14.39 MB)
4 -Task - Implementing show & hide functionality wi.mp4 (16.46 MB)
5 -Structural Directives.mp4 (16.8 MB)
6 -IQ - ngFor Di.mp4 (47.8 MB)
7 -Structural Directives (ng.mp4 (25.69 MB)
8 -IQ - ngSwitch di.mp4 (21.84 MB)
9 -Task Implementing age validation functi.mp4 (21.63 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (520 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (404 B)
app.ts (77 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (219 B)
1 -Intro.mp4 (20.36 MB)
10 -Understanding the ngAfterContentInit.mp4 (58.8 MB)
11 -IQ - ngAfterConten.mp4 (18.47 MB)
12 -Checking The Content With ngAfterContentChecked.mp4 (28.61 MB)
13 -Loading Content With ngAfterViewInit.mp4 (31.01 MB)
14 -IQ - ngAfterVie.mp4 (45.37 MB)
15 -Checking The Component View With ngAfterViewChecked.mp4 (22.76 MB)
16 -Destroying Component With ngDestroy.mp4 (28.43 MB)
2 -Component Creation Hook - ngOnCh.mp4 (36.1 MB)
3 -IQ - ngOnCh.mp4 (10.7 MB)
4 -Understanding SimpleChanges.mp4 (32.99 MB)
5 -IQ - SimpleChanges.mp4 (29.56 MB)
6 -Component Creation Hook - ngO.mp4 (52.59 MB)
7 -IQ - ngO.mp4 (33.08 MB)
8 -Detecting Custom Changes With ngDoCheck.mp4 (50.67 MB)
9 -IQ - ngDo.mp4 (52.68 MB)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Introduction To Dec.mp4 (13.43 MB)
10 -Property Decorators - Accessing Child Components With @Vi.mp4 (62.8 MB)
11 -IQ - @ViewChild de.mp4 (9.73 MB)
12 -Property Decorators - Accessing The Projected Content With @Conte.mp4 (36.06 MB)
13 -IQ - @ContentChild() De.mp4 (10.05 MB)
14 -Property Decorators - Binding Properties With @Host.mp4 (32.12 MB)
15 -Method Decorators - Binding Methods To Events With @HostL.mp4 (45.54 MB)
16 -Task - Implementing Color.mp4 (45.01 MB)
17 -Parameter Dec.mp4 (8.45 MB)
2 -Class Decorators @N.mp4 (30.83 MB)
3 -Class Decorators - @Component De.mp4 (21.18 MB)
4 -Property Decorators - @Input() de.mp4 (25.84 MB)
5 -IQ - @Input() de.mp4 (16.22 MB)
6 -Task - @Input() De.mp4 (24.27 MB)
7 -Property Decorators - @Output de.mp4 (30.82 MB)
8 -IQ - @Output de.mp4 (8.8 MB)
9 -Task - Using @Input and @Output T.mp4 (53.15 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (505 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (404 B)
app.ts (77 B)
child co.ts (715 B)
highlight-element di.ts (922 B)
test co.ts (641 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Pipes Intro.mp4 (20.61 MB)
2 -Task - Implementing the built-i.mp4 (29.18 MB)
3 -Understanding Sli.mp4 (18.6 MB)
4 -Task - Page navigation using slice pipe (.mp4 (53.01 MB)
5 -Task - Page navigation using slice pipe (.mp4 (65.75 MB)
6 -Understanding Numb.mp4 (16.62 MB)
7 -Task - Pound to Kg Converter Using Numb.mp4 (35.97 MB)
8 -Understanding JS.mp4 (17 MB)
9 -Displaying Table Data To JSON.mp4 (41.07 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (875 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (404 B)
app.ts (77 B)
test co.ts (638 B)
main.ts (264 B)
1 -Creating Custo.mp4 (25.82 MB)
2 -IQ - Custo.mp4 (9.87 MB)
3 -Task - Creating Custom Pipe For Sorting.mp4 (41.56 MB)
4 -Task - Creating Custom Pipe For Lette.mp4 (22.37 MB)
5 -Pure Vs Impu.mp4 (33.52 MB)
6 -Using Impur.mp4 (23.34 MB)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Routing Intro.mp4 (22.64 MB)
10 -IQ - Wildcard.mp4 (12.36 MB)
11 -Understanding Nested.mp4 (18.93 MB)
12 -IQ - Nested.mp4 (11.57 MB)
13 -Task - Creating a multi-lev.mp4 (29.15 MB)
14 -Redirecting.mp4 (30.44 MB)
15 -IQ - Redirecting.mp4 (7.74 MB)
16 -Understanding Activat.mp4 (34.86 MB)
17 -IQ - Activat.mp4 (15.41 MB)
18 -Query Parameters In.mp4 (34.56 MB)
19 -IQ - Query Parameters In.mp4 (15.18 MB)
2 -Creating a simple route - router.mp4 (26.8 MB)
20 -Navigating.mp4 (56.04 MB)
21 -IQ - navigate().mp4 (23.62 MB)
22 -Task - Displaying Course Details And Fetching The Query Par.mp4 (46.29 MB)
3 -IQ - router.mp4 (11.87 MB)
4 -Creating A Navigation Link With "routerLink" Di.mp4 (14.46 MB)
5 -IQ - routerLink Di.mp4 (8.24 MB)
6 -Creating A NavBar Using.mp4 (50.99 MB)
7 -Passing Route Parameters (Dynamic R.mp4 (24.74 MB)
8 -IQ - Dynamic.mp4 (9.94 MB)
9 -Wildcard Routes - Displaying The '40.mp4 (25.73 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
about co.ts (230 B)
app co.ts (427 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (422 B)
app.ts (420 B)
child co.ts (710 B)
child1 co.ts (234 B)
child2 co.ts (234 B)
contact co.ts (238 B)
course-detail co.ts (2.98 KB)
employee co.ts (985 B)
employee-detail co.ts (727 B)
highlight-element di.ts (399 B)
home co.ts (226 B)
letter-cou.ts (371 B)
news co.ts (226 B)
products co.ts (301 B)
page-not-found co.ts (263 B)
pants co.ts (230 B)
parent co.ts (317 B)
services co.ts (242 B)
shirts co.ts (234 B)
shoes co.ts (230 B)
sort-numbers pi.ts (208 B)
sum-of-numbe.ts (312 B)
test co.ts (633 B)
work co.ts (226 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (219 B)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Introduction To S.mp4 (48.46 MB)
2 -IQ - Introduction to S.mp4 (9.38 MB)
3 -Dependency In.mp4 (26.73 MB)
4 -IQ - Dependency In.mp4 (7.55 MB)
5 -Providing S.mp4 (39.65 MB)
6 -IQ - Providing S.mp4 (13.24 MB)
7 -Injecting services using i.mp4 (48.36 MB)
8 -IQ - inject() f.mp4 (11.23 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (468 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (422 B)
app.ts (77 B)
append-te.ts (254 B)
append-text pi.ts (204 B)
child co.ts (468 B)
employee.ts (855 B)
employee servi.ts (367 B)
product.ts (210 B)
employee co.ts (575 B)
increment-cou.ts (298 B)
my-component co.ts (537 B)
notification co.ts (984 B)
products co.ts (437 B)
cube.ts (290 B)
notification.ts (358 B)
power.ts (126 B)
sort-numbe.ts (407 B)
sort-numbers pi.ts (208 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (219 B)]
![[Image: EKG3TVRR_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/85/af/EKG3TVRR_o.jpg)
1 -Introduction to Angular v18 (Course Introd.mp4 (51.68 MB)
2 -Angu.mp4 (28.64 MB)
3 -Understanding Project St.mp4 (51.34 MB)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -First Component with Archi.mp4 (80.44 MB)
10 -IQ - Event.mp4 (7.9 MB)
11 -Task - Creating Counter.mp4 (22.05 MB)
12 -Binding other mouse related.mp4 (20.56 MB)
13 -Binding keyboard.mp4 (19.88 MB)
14 -$event.mp4 (28.92 MB)
15 -IQ - $event.mp4 (34.09 MB)
16 -Task - Checking Shift key.mp4 (17.6 MB)
17 -Task - Keydown to incrementdecrement.mp4 (30.49 MB)
18 -Two way binding (n.mp4 (39.64 MB)
19 -IQ - Two way binding (n.mp4 (34.73 MB)
2 -IQ - First Component with Archi.mp4 (13.93 MB)
20 -Task (Two-way Binding) - Get input field value on butto.mp4 (17.97 MB)
21 -Task - Simple Cart Calculation - Two way.mp4 (23.96 MB)
3 -Displaying message dynamically (Interpo.mp4 (22.28 MB)
4 -IQ - Interp.mp4 (13.07 MB)
5 -Task - Display sum of two.mp4 (12.91 MB)
6 -Property.mp4 (27.93 MB)
7 -IQ - Property.mp4 (16.87 MB)
8 -Task - Property binding with im.mp4 (13.18 MB)
9 -Event binding with clic.mp4 (20.57 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (325 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (404 B)
app.ts (77 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (219 B)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Directives Intro.mp4 (13.73 MB)
10 -Attribute Directives [n.mp4 (39.71 MB)
11 -Task - Toggle functionality using.mp4 (38.16 MB)
12 -Attribute Directives [n.mp4 (24.01 MB)
13 -Task [ngStyle] - Changing the color of inpu.mp4 (62.75 MB)
14 -Grouping elements with ng-co.mp4 (34.67 MB)
15 -HTML templates with ng-t.mp4 (27.5 MB)
16 -IQ - ng-template Vs ng-co.mp4 (16.13 MB)
17 -Task - Display msg if input remains empty (ng-container & ng-te.mp4 (32.68 MB)
18 -Rendering templates with ngTemplateOutlet -.mp4 (39.67 MB)
19 -Rendering templates with ngTemplateOutlet -.mp4 (26.52 MB)
2 -Structural Directives.mp4 (27.09 MB)
20 -IQ - ngTemplateOutlet Di.mp4 (19.19 MB)
21 -Task - Portfolio Builder (Phase 1) - Defining T.mp4 (22.55 MB)
22 -Task - Portfolio Builder (Phase 2.mp4 (50.01 MB)
23 -Task - Portfolio Builder (Phase 3) -.mp4 (49.88 MB)
3 -IQ - ngIf di.mp4 (14.39 MB)
4 -Task - Implementing show & hide functionality wi.mp4 (16.46 MB)
5 -Structural Directives.mp4 (16.8 MB)
6 -IQ - ngFor Di.mp4 (47.8 MB)
7 -Structural Directives (ng.mp4 (25.69 MB)
8 -IQ - ngSwitch di.mp4 (21.84 MB)
9 -Task Implementing age validation functi.mp4 (21.63 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (520 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (404 B)
app.ts (77 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (219 B)
1 -Intro.mp4 (20.36 MB)
10 -Understanding the ngAfterContentInit.mp4 (58.8 MB)
11 -IQ - ngAfterConten.mp4 (18.47 MB)
12 -Checking The Content With ngAfterContentChecked.mp4 (28.61 MB)
13 -Loading Content With ngAfterViewInit.mp4 (31.01 MB)
14 -IQ - ngAfterVie.mp4 (45.37 MB)
15 -Checking The Component View With ngAfterViewChecked.mp4 (22.76 MB)
16 -Destroying Component With ngDestroy.mp4 (28.43 MB)
2 -Component Creation Hook - ngOnCh.mp4 (36.1 MB)
3 -IQ - ngOnCh.mp4 (10.7 MB)
4 -Understanding SimpleChanges.mp4 (32.99 MB)
5 -IQ - SimpleChanges.mp4 (29.56 MB)
6 -Component Creation Hook - ngO.mp4 (52.59 MB)
7 -IQ - ngO.mp4 (33.08 MB)
8 -Detecting Custom Changes With ngDoCheck.mp4 (50.67 MB)
9 -IQ - ngDo.mp4 (52.68 MB)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Introduction To Dec.mp4 (13.43 MB)
10 -Property Decorators - Accessing Child Components With @Vi.mp4 (62.8 MB)
11 -IQ - @ViewChild de.mp4 (9.73 MB)
12 -Property Decorators - Accessing The Projected Content With @Conte.mp4 (36.06 MB)
13 -IQ - @ContentChild() De.mp4 (10.05 MB)
14 -Property Decorators - Binding Properties With @Host.mp4 (32.12 MB)
15 -Method Decorators - Binding Methods To Events With @HostL.mp4 (45.54 MB)
16 -Task - Implementing Color.mp4 (45.01 MB)
17 -Parameter Dec.mp4 (8.45 MB)
2 -Class Decorators @N.mp4 (30.83 MB)
3 -Class Decorators - @Component De.mp4 (21.18 MB)
4 -Property Decorators - @Input() de.mp4 (25.84 MB)
5 -IQ - @Input() de.mp4 (16.22 MB)
6 -Task - @Input() De.mp4 (24.27 MB)
7 -Property Decorators - @Output de.mp4 (30.82 MB)
8 -IQ - @Output de.mp4 (8.8 MB)
9 -Task - Using @Input and @Output T.mp4 (53.15 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (505 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (404 B)
app.ts (77 B)
child co.ts (715 B)
highlight-element di.ts (922 B)
test co.ts (641 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Pipes Intro.mp4 (20.61 MB)
2 -Task - Implementing the built-i.mp4 (29.18 MB)
3 -Understanding Sli.mp4 (18.6 MB)
4 -Task - Page navigation using slice pipe (.mp4 (53.01 MB)
5 -Task - Page navigation using slice pipe (.mp4 (65.75 MB)
6 -Understanding Numb.mp4 (16.62 MB)
7 -Task - Pound to Kg Converter Using Numb.mp4 (35.97 MB)
8 -Understanding JS.mp4 (17 MB)
9 -Displaying Table Data To JSON.mp4 (41.07 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (875 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (404 B)
app.ts (77 B)
test co.ts (638 B)
main.ts (264 B)
1 -Creating Custo.mp4 (25.82 MB)
2 -IQ - Custo.mp4 (9.87 MB)
3 -Task - Creating Custom Pipe For Sorting.mp4 (41.56 MB)
4 -Task - Creating Custom Pipe For Lette.mp4 (22.37 MB)
5 -Pure Vs Impu.mp4 (33.52 MB)
6 -Using Impur.mp4 (23.34 MB)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Routing Intro.mp4 (22.64 MB)
10 -IQ - Wildcard.mp4 (12.36 MB)
11 -Understanding Nested.mp4 (18.93 MB)
12 -IQ - Nested.mp4 (11.57 MB)
13 -Task - Creating a multi-lev.mp4 (29.15 MB)
14 -Redirecting.mp4 (30.44 MB)
15 -IQ - Redirecting.mp4 (7.74 MB)
16 -Understanding Activat.mp4 (34.86 MB)
17 -IQ - Activat.mp4 (15.41 MB)
18 -Query Parameters In.mp4 (34.56 MB)
19 -IQ - Query Parameters In.mp4 (15.18 MB)
2 -Creating a simple route - router.mp4 (26.8 MB)
20 -Navigating.mp4 (56.04 MB)
21 -IQ - navigate().mp4 (23.62 MB)
22 -Task - Displaying Course Details And Fetching The Query Par.mp4 (46.29 MB)
3 -IQ - router.mp4 (11.87 MB)
4 -Creating A Navigation Link With "routerLink" Di.mp4 (14.46 MB)
5 -IQ - routerLink Di.mp4 (8.24 MB)
6 -Creating A NavBar Using.mp4 (50.99 MB)
7 -Passing Route Parameters (Dynamic R.mp4 (24.74 MB)
8 -IQ - Dynamic.mp4 (9.94 MB)
9 -Wildcard Routes - Displaying The '40.mp4 (25.73 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
about co.ts (230 B)
app co.ts (427 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (422 B)
app.ts (420 B)
child co.ts (710 B)
child1 co.ts (234 B)
child2 co.ts (234 B)
contact co.ts (238 B)
course-detail co.ts (2.98 KB)
employee co.ts (985 B)
employee-detail co.ts (727 B)
highlight-element di.ts (399 B)
home co.ts (226 B)
letter-cou.ts (371 B)
news co.ts (226 B)
products co.ts (301 B)
page-not-found co.ts (263 B)
pants co.ts (230 B)
parent co.ts (317 B)
services co.ts (242 B)
shirts co.ts (234 B)
shoes co.ts (230 B)
sort-numbers pi.ts (208 B)
sum-of-numbe.ts (312 B)
test co.ts (633 B)
work co.ts (226 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (219 B)
ts.ts (1.69 KB)
1 -Introduction To S.mp4 (48.46 MB)
2 -IQ - Introduction to S.mp4 (9.38 MB)
3 -Dependency In.mp4 (26.73 MB)
4 -IQ - Dependency In.mp4 (7.55 MB)
5 -Providing S.mp4 (39.65 MB)
6 -IQ - Providing S.mp4 (13.24 MB)
7 -Injecting services using i.mp4 (48.36 MB)
8 -IQ - inject() f.mp4 (11.23 MB)
ts.ts (250 B)
app co.ts (468 B)
app compone.ts (946 B)
app config server.ts (350 B)
app config.ts (422 B)
app.ts (77 B)
append-te.ts (254 B)
append-text pi.ts (204 B)
child co.ts (468 B)
employee.ts (855 B)
employee servi.ts (367 B)
product.ts (210 B)
employee co.ts (575 B)
increment-cou.ts (298 B)
my-component co.ts (537 B)
notification co.ts (984 B)
products co.ts (437 B)
cube.ts (290 B)
notification.ts (358 B)
power.ts (126 B)
sort-numbe.ts (407 B)
sort-numbers pi.ts (208 B)
main.ts (264 B)
ts.ts (219 B)]
![[Image: EKG3TVRR_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/85/af/EKG3TVRR_o.jpg)
Rapidgator links are free direct download only for my subscriber, other hosts are free download for free users
![[Image: signature.png]](https://softwarez.info/images/avsg/signature.png)