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Udemy Both Java SpringBoot from Basics to Advanced
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
24.34 GB | 1h 36min 41s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -OOPs Fundamentals 4 Pillar of Java.mp4 (983.88 MB)
10 -Java Classes - Part1 Nested, Concrete, Abstract, Object, Super & Sub Classes.mp4 (478.36 MB)
11 -Java Generic Classes Java Classes in Depth - Part2.mp4 (441.95 MB)
12 -Java Enum, POJO and Final Classes Explained with Examples Java Classes - Part3.mp4 (420.14 MB)
13 -Java Singleton & Immutable Class Explained with Examples Java Classes - Part4.mp4 (298.94 MB)
14 -Java Interface in Depth - Part1.mp4 (480.79 MB)
15 -Default, Static & Private Method in Interface - Java Interfaces Part-2.mp4 (323.97 MB)
16 -Java Reflection in Depth (Using Examples).mp4 (394.6 MB)
17 -Java Annotations with Examples.mp4 (790.15 MB)
18 -Exception Handling in Java with Examples.mp4 (802.48 MB)
19 -Operators in Java Different Types of Operators in JAVA.mp4 (756.43 MB)
2 -How Java Program Works and its 3 Important Components (JVM, JRE and JDK).mp4 (243.66 MB)
20 -Control Flow Statements in Java Decision Making, Looping & Branching Statement.mp4 (457.02 MB)
21 -Collections in Java - Part1 Java Collections Framework in depth.mp4 (417.23 MB)
22 -Collections in Java - Part2 Comparator Vs Comparable PriorityQueue.mp4 (510.41 MB)
23 -Collections in Java - Part3 Deque and List in Depth.mp4 (712.72 MB)
24 -Collections in Java - Part4 HashMap Internal Working in Java.mp4 (522.6 MB)
25 -Collections in Java - Part5 LinkedHashMap and TreeMap in depth.mp4 (363.64 MB)
26 -Collections in Java - Part6 SET.mp4 (212.75 MB)
27 -Streams in Java8 Collections in Java - Part7.mp4 (673.82 MB)
28 -Multithreading and Concurrency in Java Part1.mp4 (428.92 MB)
29 -Thread Creation, Thread Lifecycle and Inter-Thread Communication Part2.mp4 (560.58 MB)
3 -Quiz Question Why only 1 Public Class in JAVA file.mp4 (41.74 MB)
30 -Thread Joining, Daemon Thread, Thread Priority Multithreading in Java Part3.mp4 (363.77 MB)
31 -Locks and Condition Java Multithreading Part4.mp4 (368.93 MB)
32 -Lock-Free Concurrency Compare-and-Swap Part5.mp4 (407.88 MB)
33 -Thread Pools in Java ThreadPoolExecutor Framework Multithreading Part6.mp4 (741.51 MB)
34 -Java8 CompletableFuture Future & Callable in Java Part7.mp4 (573.24 MB)
35 -ForkJoinPool, WorkStealingPool, FixedThreadPool, CachedThreadPool & SingleThread.mp4 (404.8 MB)
36 -Java ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor Shutdown Vs AwaitTermination.mp4 (171.36 MB)
37 -Java VirtualThreads vs Normal Threads ThreadLocal in Java.mp4 (179.84 MB)
4 -Java Variables - Part1 Primitive Data Types in Depth.mp4 (344.38 MB)
5 -How FLOAT and DOUBLE Number Stored in Memory IEEE 754 Representation.mp4 (153.48 MB)
6 -Java Variables - Part2 ReferenceNon-Primitive Data Types in Depth.mp4 (354.32 MB)
7 -Java Methods in Depth Different Types of Methods with Examples.mp4 (592.41 MB)
8 -Java Constructor in Depth Different Types of Constructor with Examples.mp4 (258.4 MB)
9 -Java Memory Management and Garbage Collection in Depth.mp4 (415.42 MB)
1 -Introduction to Spring boot Its Advantage over Spring MVC and Servlets.mp4 (533.16 MB)
10 -Spring boot @Profile annotation How Profiling works in Spring boot.mp4 (391.82 MB)
11 -Spring boot AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming).mp4 (755.28 MB)
12 -Spring boot @Transactional Annotation - Part1.mp4 (260.34 MB)
13 -Transactional Annotation Part2 Declarative,Programmatic Approach & Propagation.mp4 (425.52 MB)
14 -Spring boot @Transactional Annotation - Part3 Isolation Level and its types.mp4 (473.52 MB)
15 -Spring boot @Async Annotation - Part1 ThreadPoolExecutor.mp4 (557.55 MB)
16 -@Async Annotation - Part2 Async Annotation Important Interview questions.mp4 (237.49 MB)
17 -Custom Interceptors How to Intercept Incoming HTTP Request & Custom Annotation.mp4 (329.62 MB)
18 -Filters vs Interceptors Filters & Interceptors Advantage and Usecases for both.mp4 (238.01 MB)
19 -Spring boot HATEOAS Restful API Advantage, Disadvantage with Example.mp4 (256.49 MB)
2 -Spring boot Project setup and Layered Architecture Introduction.mp4 (184.61 MB)
20 -Spring boot ResponseEntity & Response Codes 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx Codes.mp4 (448.56 MB)
21 -Spring boot Exception Handling.mp4 (630.69 MB)
3 -Introduction to Maven and its Lifecycle Spring boot Maven project.mp4 (535.75 MB)
4 -Spring boot Annotations (Controller Layer) Controller, RestController etc.mp4 (348.14 MB)
5 -Spring boot Bean and its Lifecycle Inversion of Control (IOC).mp4 (368.09 MB)
6 -Dependency Injection in Spring boot With Advantages and Disadvantages.mp4 (431.82 MB)
7 -Spring boot Bean Scopes Singleton, Prototype, Request, Session Scopes.mp4 (505.99 MB)
8 -Spring boot Dynamically Initialized Beans Value Annotation.mp4 (133.18 MB)
9 -Spring boot @ConditionalOnProperty Annotation.mp4 (235.67 MB)]
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