10-12-2024, 11:55 PM
35.46 GB | 01:14:10 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
001 Course Introduction & Overview (13.8 MB)
001 Basics Of Hacking - Part 1 (6.09 MB)
002 Basics Of Hacking - Part 2 (6.39 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Hacking Lab (6.04 MB)
001 Download and Install VM (8.2 MB)
002 Configuring the VM (10.24 MB)
003 Download and Install Kali Linux [Latest] (12.86 MB)
004 Configuring the Kali Linux (22.82 MB)
005 Download and Install Metasploitable (30.64 MB)
006 Configuring the Metasploitable (75.89 MB)
007 Download & Install Windows 10, Windows 7 & Windows XP (87.78 MB)
008 Configuring All Windows Systems (297.71 MB)
009 Download & Install Mac OS X, Ubuntu (55.02 MB)
010 Configuring the Mac OS X & Ubuntu (222.87 MB)
011 Download and Install Mobile Platform on PC such as Android, IOS, Windows, etc (24.13 MB)
012 Configuring All Mobile Platforms (99.59 MB)
001 VM, Metasploitable - Basics to Advanced (14.51 MB)
002 All Windows Systems, Mac OS X & Ubuntu - Basics to Advanced (19.43 MB)
003 Learn About All Mobile Platforms - Basics to Advanced (23.31 MB)
001 Kali Linux Basics, Terminal and CLI - Part 1 (10.98 MB)
002 Kali Linux Basics, Terminal and CLI - Part 2 (16.2 MB)
001 Increasing The Internet Speed & More Configuration (149.37 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of Anonymity (17.72 MB)
001 The Best Operating System For Anonymity - Setting Up (8.84 MB)
002 Using The Operating System For Anonymity [Demonstration] (12.88 MB)
001 Basics of Virtual Private Network & Which one is the Best (33.86 MB)
002 Setting Up Open VPN Server & Open VPN Client - Part 1 (13.75 MB)
003 Setting Up Open VPN Server & Open VPN Client - Part 2 (14.72 MB)
004 Get The Best Virtual Private Network (Free) (34.23 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic of Social Engineering (24.04 MB)
001 The Art of Human Attack by Social Engineering (24.79 MB)
002 Psychological Manipulation Using Social Engineering (15.55 MB)
003 Human Based Social Engineering VS Computer Based Social Engineering (9.2 MB)
001 Generating Payload, Backdoor, Keylogger, Trojan & Bypassing Antivirus (42.98 MB)
002 Changing Evil File's Icon, Embedding With Any File & Configuring to Run Silently (14.38 MB)
003 Using Different Delivery Methods For Getting Control Of The System (17.4 MB)
004 Email Spoofing, Hack Using Fake Updates & Using Metasploit For Getting Access (26.24 MB)
005 Hack any System Using Social Engineering (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, etc ) (10.65 MB)
001 Maintaining Access Using Undetectable Methods (Rootkits & more) (24.74 MB)
002 Capturing Key Strikes, Taking Screen Shots, Opening Camera, Mic & more! (35.47 MB)
003 Capturing Password, Cookie (saveunsaved) & Control hacked system by command (19.31 MB)
004 Gaining Full Control Over The System & Pivoting (use this system to hack others) (19.19 MB)
001 Social Engineering using - Credential Harvester (16.05 MB)
002 Social Engineering using - Java Applet Attack & Injecting Payload (26.64 MB)
003 Social Engineering using - Payload (Listening for Incoming Connection) (33.64 MB)
004 Social Engineering using - Meterpreter (Post Exploitation) (40.34 MB)
005 Advanced Social Engineering Techniques [Demonstration] (29.68 MB)
001 Phishing Attack Using BEEF (28.4 MB)
002 Phishing Attack Using PHISH5 (24.55 MB)
003 Spear Phishing, Phishing Pages, Phishing Emails & more! (36.33 MB)
004 Filter Evasion & Concealment Techniques (32.74 MB)
001 Scamming with Cold Call Virus [Demonstration] (9 MB)
002 Call from a Scammer ! (I got - Live) (14.81 MB)
003 Getting Control Over Scammer Computer [Real-World example - Scamming] (19.23 MB)
004 Making the Scam Perfect with Debt[Real-World example-Scamming] (12.93 MB)
005 Taking $125 48 by One Scam ! (21.81 MB)
001 How to do Identity Theft[Real-World Example] - Part 1 (23.22 MB)
002 How to do Identity Theft[Real-World Example] - Part 2 (21.34 MB)
003 Buy & Sell Identities (13.63 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Social Engineering Hacking [Demonstration] (118.1 MB)
001 Basics Of Website Hacking & Penetration Testing (14.09 MB)
001 Basics & Setting Up Tor & Tails (Configuration Included) (61.9 MB)
002 Tor Relays, Tor Bridges, Pluggable Transports & Obfsproxy (17.5 MB)
003 Tor Hidden Services, Security & Anonymity Practices [Demonstration] (30.65 MB)
001 Local File Inclusion Vulnerabilities - Part 1 (16.99 MB)
002 Local File Inclusion Vulnerabilities - Part 2 (5.93 MB)
001 Basic of Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability [Discover RFI vulnerabilities] (13.06 MB)
002 Exploiting Basic Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities (13.67 MB)
003 Exploiting Advanced Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities (13.28 MB)
001 Code Execution Vulnerabilities - Part 1 (28.31 MB)
002 Code Execution Vulnerabilities - Part 2 (20.47 MB)
001 Uploading Files Vulnerabilities - Part 1 (17.83 MB)
002 Uploading Files Vulnerabilities - Part 2 (14.69 MB)
001 The Union Operator & Executing Union Injection (29.91 MB)
002 Extracting Schema Details - Union Injection (21.65 MB)
003 Database Structure Discovery - Error based Injection (15.73 MB)
004 Extracting Schema details with error based Injection (21.96 MB)
001 Learn & Understand Blind SQL Injection (17.01 MB)
002 Enumerating via ASCII Values (10.97 MB)
003 Constructing Yes or No - Boolean based Injection (7.38 MB)
004 Boolean based Injection applying (8.5 MB)
005 Blind SQL Injection [Demonstration] (18.43 MB)
001 Enumeration other Database on the System (10.45 MB)
002 Network Reconnaissance & Creating Database Logins (21.81 MB)
003 Replicating a table using OPENROWSET (13.57 MB)
004 Extracting Passwords from SQL Server Hashes (11.03 MB)
005 Executing Commands on the Operating System (18.56 MB)
001 Evasion Techniques & Automating attacks - Part 1 (19.88 MB)
002 Evasion Techniques & Automating attacks - Part 2 (34.45 MB)
001 Basics of XSS & Anti Forgery Tokens (21.44 MB)
002 Taking it against APIS (15.42 MB)
003 Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) (17.89 MB)
001 Untrusted Data Sensation and Input Sensation Practices (20.91 MB)
002 Output encoding For Cross Site Scripting (12.64 MB)
003 Mounting Clickjacking attack (19.6 MB)
004 Mounting Cross Site Scripting(XSS) attack (16.2 MB)
005 Hacking a Website with Cross Site Scripting attack - Part 1 (15 MB)
006 Hacking a Website with Cross Site Scripting attack - Part 2 (75.73 MB)
001 Using JonDonym For Anonymity - Part 1 (17.53 MB)
002 Using JonDonym For Anonymity - Part 2 (17.65 MB)
001 Reconnaissance and Footprinting (11.88 MB)
002 Enumeration, Crawling and Directory Traversal (11.64 MB)
003 HTTP Fingerprinting and Mirroring a Website (6.59 MB)
004 Social Engineering (16.05 MB)
001 Weakness in Default Configuration (8.03 MB)
002 Internal Leakage and Excessive Access Rights (13.83 MB)
003 Debug Setting of the Webserver (7.99 MB)
001 Splitting Response of HTTP (4.74 MB)
002 Defacement attack (11.63 MB)
003 Poisoning the web cache (10.53 MB)
004 Brute Force Attack (9.83 MB)
005 Streamline Testing with Automation (5.43 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Website Hacking [Demonstration] (52.09 MB)
001 Introduction (21.67 MB)
001 Exploiting Android devices (111.43 MB)
002 Using Metasploit for Exploiting Android (37.41 MB)
003 Using Armitage for Exploiting Android (17.78 MB)
004 Even more Usage of Armitage for exploiting Android (42.06 MB)
005 Creating Malicious Android app & Giving the app to the Victim (13.5 MB)
006 Getting Meterpreter Session for Controlling the Android mobile (128.96 MB)
007 Stagefright Attack (104.55 MB)
008 Using Social Engineering Toolkit(SET) for hacking Android - Part 1 (58.76 MB)
009 Using Social Engineering Toolkit(SET) for hacking Android - Part 2 (61.91 MB)
010 Generating Fake Emails for Hacking the Android device (62.66 MB)
011 Generating Spoofed Mobile number for Hacking the Android device (81.24 MB)
012 Generating Spoofed SMS (75.45 MB)
013 Remote Attack on Android Device (183.47 MB)
001 Network Spoofing, Poisoning & Attacking (28.64 MB)
002 Using DSPLOIT (12.33 MB)
003 Using Bugtroid (16.64 MB)
004 Rubber Ducky Script & more! (61.47 MB)
001 Hacking IOS device - Part 1 (12.35 MB)
002 Hacking IOS device - Part 2 (24.28 MB)
001 Hacking Mobile Devices Using Malware - Part 1 (19.85 MB)
002 Hacking Mobile Devices Using Malware - Part 2 (37.77 MB)
001 Hacking Windows Phones (complete) (11.22 MB)
002 Hacking BlackBerry Phones (11.21 MB)
001 Basics Of MAC Address & How To Change It (11.51 MB)
002 Using Macchanger For Changing Our MAC Address [Demonstration] (32.84 MB)
003 Advanced Uses Of Macchanger For Anonymity [Demonstration] (15.94 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Mobile Hacking [Demonstration] (128.96 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of Keylogger & Trojan (34.06 MB)
001 Setting Up & Writing Our First C++ Program (19.58 MB)
002 Operators - Arithmetic, Assignment, Relational, Logical, & Bitwise (17.06 MB)
003 Arrays & Loops (20.06 MB)
004 Functions, Exception Handling & Classes (19.65 MB)
005 Decomposition, WinAPI & Encryption (19.89 MB)
006 Pointers, References & Enum (Creating an application included) (134.25 MB)
001 Basics & Writing The Header Of Our Keylogger (143.08 MB)
002 Key Constant & Hooking The Keyboard (127.09 MB)
003 Main Function Of The Keylogger (22.05 MB)
004 Timer Header (24.48 MB)
005 Sending Email & Using Encryption (27.46 MB)
006 Hiding The Keylogger Window (rootkit) (30.58 MB)
007 Decrypt The Email & Taking Control Over The System (193.73 MB)
001 Creating Our Own Trojan With C++ - Part 1 (34.94 MB)
002 Creating Our Own Trojan With C++ - Part 2 (30.55 MB)
003 Creating Our Own Trojan With C++ - Part 3 (24.57 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Using Keylogger & Trojan [Demonstration] (49.1 MB)
001 Introduction of Nmap and Wireshark (9.66 MB)
001 Downloading & Installing (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Kali) (21.23 MB)
002 Basics of Nmap - Complete (85.46 MB)
003 Discovery, Network Scanning, Port Scanning, Algorithms & more! (119.27 MB)
004 Finger printing methods used by Nmap -complete (TCP, IP, ICMP, UDP, etc ) (16.54 MB)
005 Nmap Scripting Engine(NSE) - complete (32.46 MB)
006 Firewall, IDS Evasion & Spoofing (75.46 MB)
007 Nmap Output and Extras (109.96 MB)
008 Zenmap - Complete (773.36 MB)
009 Writing custom scripts & Nmap API (advanced) (407.68 MB)
010 Learn to use Nmap like a Black-Hat hacker or Bad Guys [Demonstration] (50.66 MB)
011 Detecting and subverting Firewalls and Intrusion detection systems (837.26 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Using Nmap [Demonstration] (177.29 MB)
001 Downloading & Installing (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Kali) (15.47 MB)
002 Wireshark Basics - Complete (250.35 MB)
003 Capturing Packets & Packet Analysis - Complete (47.33 MB)
004 Command Lines & Other Utilities (26.33 MB)
005 Ip networks, Subnets, Switching & Routing (57.43 MB)
006 Network protocols, Application protocols, Performance Analysis, etc (77.57 MB)
007 Tshark, Tshark Output Formatting & more! (122.95 MB)
008 Tunneling, Customization, Unauthorized Traffic monitoring & more! (45.41 MB)
009 Wireshark and Nmap Interaction (162.01 MB)
010 Advanced Uses Of Wireshark - Complete (670.3 MB)
001 Basic of Different Proxies & Proxy Chain (16.73 MB)
002 Set Up Your Own Proxy Server & Proxy Chain - Part 1 (18.68 MB)
003 Set Up Your Own Proxy Server & Proxy Chain - Part 2 (14.93 MB)
004 Proxy Tunneling, Traffic Monitoring & Practical Anonymity (15.08 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Using Wireshark [Demonstration] (212.96 MB)
001 Detect and defend Network Attacks (45.77 MB)
002 Detect and defend Computer Device attacks (60.94 MB)
003 Detect and defend Website Hacking Attacks (59.66 MB)
004 Detect and defend Mobile Device attacks (53.3 MB)
005 Detect and defend remain all hacking attacks - Part 1 (57.6 MB)
006 Detect and defend remain all hacking attacks - Part 2 (160.04 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of Digital Forensics (20.68 MB)
001 Investigation - Part 1 (20.26 MB)
002 Investigation - Part 2 (20.49 MB)
001 File system & Structure of Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, CD, etc (34.18 MB)
002 RAID, Autostarting, Disk Partitions & more! (24.49 MB)
003 Forensics of Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) (29.1 MB)
001 Image Acquisition & Network Acquisition - Part 1 (27.89 MB)
002 Image Acquisition & Network Acquisition - Part 2 (45.65 MB)
003 Image Acquisition & Network Acquisition - Part 3 (16.96 MB)
001 Data Spaces & Data Recovery - Part 1 (28.83 MB)
002 Data Spaces & Data Recovery - Part 2 (24.19 MB)
001 Malware & Mobile Forensics - Part 1 (28.79 MB)
002 Malware & Mobile Forensics - Part 2 (28.94 MB)
001 Kali Linux as a Forensic Workstation (28.57 MB)
002 Forensic Images & Forensic Image Tools (16.97 MB)
003 LIBEWF Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (14.45 MB)
004 DD & DC3DD Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (18.04 MB)
005 AFFLIB Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (18.37 MB)
006 Hashdeep Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (123.4 MB)
007 Sumtools Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (35 MB)
008 RaHash2 Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (33.42 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Computer Forensics [Demonstration] (48.62 MB)
001 Best Kali Linux Tools For Anonymity - Part 1 (35.49 MB)
002 Best Kali Linux Tools For Anonymity - Part 2 (36.91 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic of Bug Bounty (31.3 MB)
001 Top 25+ tools for Bug Hunt - Part 1 (203.66 MB)
002 Top 25+ tools for Bug Hunt - Part 2 (53.85 MB)
003 Cross Site Scripting - complete (19.64 MB)
004 Clickjacking - complete (15.69 MB)
005 SQL Injection - complete (17.41 MB)
006 Buffer Overflow - complete (91.27 MB)
007 Denial Of Service - complete (107.17 MB)
008 HTML Injection, XML, XXE & Sub Domain Takeover (100.6 MB)
009 CSRF, CRF, CRLF, SSRF & Shellshock (106.73 MB)
010 DNS misconfiguration with IDOR (110.6 MB)
011 Remote file Insulation & Remote Code Execution (112.86 MB)
012 Follow Up Leakages & Reporting (76.24 MB)
001 More Ways To Earn Money Legally - Part 1 (2.87 MB)
002 More Ways To Earn Money Legally - Part 2 (142.45 MB)
001 My Tips For Earning Money Legally (67.86 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Earning Money Legally [Demonstration] (68.3 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics (24.34 MB)
001 Installing & Configuring Tor & Tails (43.81 MB)
002 Installing Qubes OS - Basics included (140.72 MB)
001 Deep Web Nauches (62.61 MB)
002 Search engines, Web mail providers, Social networks & more! (58.27 MB)
003 Market places(Guns, Drugs, Hitman Killing, etc ) (15.61 MB)
001 Blockchain Explained (25.35 MB)
002 Choosing A Bitcoin Wallet - Get the best wallet! (40.26 MB)
003 Earn Free Bitcoin - Step by Step (24.41 MB)
001 PGP basics - Installing And Configuring gpg4win (28.36 MB)
002 PGP Tutorial (Encryption, Decryption, Different Keys, more!) (32.52 MB)
001 Using Cellular Networks & I2P - Part 1 (24.6 MB)
002 Using Cellular Networks & I2P - Part 2 (24.6 MB)
001 Find & Navigate Dark Net Market Places (18.46 MB)
002 Purchasing Products on Dark Net Markets (Illegal arms, drugs, Killing, etc ) (10.76 MB)
001 Deep Web & Dark Net Links (Huge Onion link collection) (38.41 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of Python (31.45 MB)
001 Installing Python & PyCharm (12.05 MB)
002 Integers and Floats (13.72 MB)
003 Tuples, Lists, Files, Dictionaries (58.23 MB)
004 Booleans & Sets (19.99 MB)
005 If, elif & Else (16.05 MB)
006 While Loops & For Loops (90.81 MB)
007 Function & Function Argument (79.85 MB)
008 Let's Make a Web App for Clearing your Concept - Part 1 (223.02 MB)
009 Let's Make a Web App for Clearing your Concept - Part 2 (302.84 MB)
001 Writing a Network Scanner (152.93 MB)
002 Writing a Vulnerability Scanner (203.22 MB)
003 Writing a WiFi Network Jammer (65.98 MB)
004 Writing a Mac Changer (Custom Anonymity) (33.03 MB)
005 Writing an ARP Spoofer & DNS Spoofer (210.54 MB)
006 Bypassing HTTPS - Replacing Downloads & Injecting Codes included (513.12 MB)
007 Writing a File Interceptor & Packet Sniffer (477.56 MB)
008 Writing different Malware (Backdoors, Keylogger, Packaging, etc ) (497.34 MB)
009 Writing a Crawler (313.39 MB)
010 Writing a Python Fuzzer (113.27 MB)
001 Installing WingIDE on Kali & WingIDE Overview (15.92 MB)
002 Writing a TCP Client in Python (14.2 MB)
003 Writing a UDP Client in Python (6.8 MB)
004 Writing a TCP Server in Python (11.4 MB)
005 Developing an application like Netcat (9.8 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking With Python & Kali Linux [Demonstration] (493.8 MB)
001 Introduction (25.03 MB)
001 Different Methods of using Metasploit Framework (11.2 MB)
002 Components of Metasploit Framework (15.36 MB)
001 Metasploit Exploit Modules & Auxiliary Modules - Part 1 (17.61 MB)
002 Metasploit Exploit Modules & Auxiliary Modules - Part 2 (10.19 MB)
001 Using Nesting & Chaining Together - Part 1 (16.58 MB)
002 Using Nesting & Chaining Together - Part 2 (19.24 MB)
001 Working with metasploit payloads (7.76 MB)
002 Generating complex Payloads (18.07 MB)
003 Working with Encoders (7.35 MB)
004 Hacking using Metasploit Payloads & Encoders [Demonstration] (17.47 MB)
001 Basics & Gaining Access to the System using Metasploit Exploits (15.18 MB)
002 Gaining Access to the System using Metasploit Payloads (24.94 MB)
003 Gaining Access to the System using Metasploit Meterpreter (23.49 MB)
004 Gaining Access to the System using Metasploit [Advanced] (26.36 MB)
001 Maintaining access to the System & Post Exploitation - Part 1 (13.2 MB)
002 Maintaining access to the System & Post Exploitation - Part 2 (9.34 MB)
003 Maintaining access to the System & Post Exploitation - Part 3 (6.2 MB)
001 Setting up Persistent Connection using Meterpreter & Passing Hash (9.33 MB)
002 Meterpreter Networking & Railgun (14.82 MB)
003 Pivoting [Basics to Advanced with Demonstration] (10.96 MB)
001 Scanning with Armitage (9.78 MB)
002 Launching Exploits against a Target Using Armitage (7.38 MB)
003 Post Exploitation Using Armitage (10.94 MB)
001 Agenda and Payload Techniques (12.08 MB)
002 Creating a payload with msfvenom & Pushing it using Metasaploit (11.33 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Metasploit Hacking [Demonstration] (43.05 MB)
001 Actions and Behavior Required For Anonymity - Part 1 (15.92 MB)
002 Actions and Behavior Required For Anonymity - Part 2 (20.17 MB)
001 My Tips & Tricks to Maintain Complete Privacy, Anonymity & Security (16.42 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Maintaining Anonymity Online & Offline [Demonstration] (183.22 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Information Gathering (113.51 MB)
001 People Search(hidden) (26.12 MB)
002 Gathering InFo from Job Sites & Social Websites (like-FB,Linkedin) (28.33 MB)
003 Netcraft (27 MB)
004 Maltego - Part 1 (13.89 MB)
005 Maltego - Part 2 (15.7 MB)
006 Google Hacking - Part 1 (75.67 MB)
007 Google Hacking - Part 2 (130.04 MB)
008 RIRS & EDGAR - Get Critical InFo Easily (35.6 MB)
009 Using ICMP, SNMP, SMTP, NTP, Netbios & LDAP For Information Gathering (133.44 MB)
010 Using Best Kali linux tools for Passive Information Gathering (52.08 MB)
011 How to get any Hidden Information easily ! (24.08 MB)
001 Using Search Engines & Different Websites (62.54 MB)
002 Using WHOis (29.71 MB)
003 Advanced DNS Tricks (19.15 MB)
004 Using Finger, RpcInfo, ShowMount & Enum4Linux (22.11 MB)
005 Advanced Google Search Operators - Google Hacking (32.53 MB)
006 Google Hacking Database , Best Tools & more - Google Hacking (181.11 MB)
007 Nmap , Nmap NSE Scripts, Zenmap (133.41 MB)
008 DNS transfer Zone (69.2 MB)
009 SMB Null Session and SMB Enumeration (79.11 MB)
010 Using Best Kali Linux Tools For Active Information Gathering (164.11 MB)
011 Advanced Methods For Gathering Active Information (69.34 MB)
001 Getting Any Victim's IP Address & Details (52.89 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Information Gathering [Demonstration] (183.34 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of WiFi & Wired Hacking (10.23 MB)
001 Wireless Network Penetration testing process (15 MB)
002 Advanced Preconnection attack (23.56 MB)
001 Gathering Module Information & Capturing packet (27.33 MB)
002 Gathering Information from the Target Network[Demonstration] (222.14 KB)
003 Identifying Hidden Networks [Demonstration] (58.76 MB)
001 Non Disrupting Techniques (23.49 MB)
002 Eavesdropping (21.62 MB)
003 Denial of Service attack (DOS) on Wireless Network (28.48 MB)
004 Deauthentication Attack (Disconnecting Any Device From The Network) (48.27 MB)
001 Hacking WEP Networks (30.57 MB)
002 Hacking WPAWPA2 Networks (58.56 MB)
003 Hacking WPS enabled networks (60.45 MB)
004 Gaining Access - WiFi & Wired Hacking [Advanced] (48.57 MB)
001 Gaining Access To Captive Portals - Part 1 (53.67 MB)
002 Gaining Access To Captive Portals - Part 2 (60.66 MB)
001 Advanced - ARP Poisoning, Spoofing & Sniffing Sensitive Data username, password (36.62 MB)
002 Setting Up SSL Strips manually & Hacking HTTPS Websites (attacking user) (38.32 MB)
003 Generating Backdoor, Payload, Keylogger & Getting Meterpreter Connection (55.66 MB)
004 Interacting With The Client Using Meterpreter & Pivoting (36.78 MB)
005 Generating Backdoor, Payload, Keylogger & Getting Meterpreter Connection (55.64 MB)
001 Writing Custom Scripts & Executing Our Custom Attacks - Part 1 (61.19 MB)
002 Writing Custom Scripts & Executing Our Custom Attacks - Part 2 (43.31 MB)
001 Creating a Rogue Access Point - Part 1 (105.42 MB)
002 Creating a Rogue Access Point - Part 2 (89.6 MB)
001 Creating Fake Captive Portals - Part 1 (118.77 MB)
002 Creating Fake Captive Portals - Part 2 (101.96 MB)
001 Disposable VMs - Covering our Tracks (22.56 MB)
002 Changing our MAC addresses (44.37 MB)
003 Wireless Penetration testing Accessories (130.05 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of WiFi & Wired Hacking [Demonstration] (144.29 MB)
001 Introduction (20.47 MB)
001 Scanning [Definition & Basics] (68.7 MB)
002 Types & Techniques of Scanning (96.09 MB)
003 Tools Used for Scanning (115.83 MB)
004 How to do Scanning out of your own Network (125.69 MB)
001 Nmap [Demonstration] (142.92 MB)
002 Angry Ip & Nmap [Demonstration] (133.47 MB)
003 Netcat [Demonstration] (41.29 MB)
004 Hping3 for Scanning [Demonstration] (53.5 MB)
005 Firewalking [Demonstration] (95.14 MB)
006 Os Finger Printing & Nmap [Demonstration] (142.84 MB)
007 The three way handshake [Understanding & Demonstration] (113.24 MB)
008 Advanced technique of scanning [Demonstration] (31.54 MB)
001 Vulnerability Scanning [Definition & Basics] (54.75 MB)
002 Nessus [Demonstration] (78.45 MB)
003 Skipfish & Vega [Demonstration] (89.02 MB)
004 Nmap Scripting Engine, Running NSE Script [Demonstration] (142.79 MB)
005 Metasploit Scanner Modules [Demonstration] (43.06 MB)
006 Owasp-Zap [Demonstration] (25.85 MB)
001 Scan Out Of Your Own Network - Part 1 (27.61 MB)
002 Scan Out Of Your Own Network - Part 2 (13.27 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Scanning [Demonstration] (125.66 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of DOS & DDOS Attack (25.36 MB)
001 Understand DOS & DDOS attack properly (20.96 MB)
002 The Computer Networking OSI Model (29.04 MB)
003 The Role Of Botnets in DDOS (35.57 MB)
004 Live DDOS attack - see it right now (World Map with DDOS attack ! ) (93.02 MB)
001 SYN Flood attacks (34.36 MB)
002 HTTP Flood attacks (43.48 MB)
003 UDP and ICMP Flood attacks (25.52 MB)
004 Reflection & DNS Amplification attacks (38.1 MB)
005 Peer to Peer attack (9.72 MB)
006 Permanent DOS and Phlashing (9.14 MB)
007 Github Man on the Side attack (13.15 MB)
008 Slowloris Attacks (16.04 MB)
009 Attacking with LOIC & Js Loic (37.71 MB)
010 Stressers and Booters (32.1 MB)
011 Best Kali Linux Tools For DOS & DDOS Attacks (17.39 MB)
012 DDOS as a service ! - Let's look inside (54.1 MB)
013 Other Tools that Hacker Community use for DOS & DDOS attack (28.46 MB)
001 Creating Zombie Computers, Botnets & Executing DDOS Attack - Part 1 (21.28 MB)
002 Creating Zombie Computers, Botnets & Executing DDOS Attack - Part 2 (54.65 MB)
003 Creating Zombie Computers, Botnets & Executing DDOS Attack - Part 3 (123.83 MB)
001 Crash or Taking Down Websites & Signal Jamming Using DOS & DDOS ATTACK -Part 1 (27.7 MB)
002 Crash or Taking Down Websites & Signal Jamming Using DOS & DDOS ATTACK -Part 2 (129.35 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of DOS & DDOS Attacks [Demonstration] (151.3 MB)
001 Introduction (26.44 MB)
001 Using Best Tools For ARP Poisoning & ARP Spoofing attacks [Demonstration] (480.73 MB)
002 Advanced ARP Poisoning & ARP Spoofing attacks [Demonstration] (356.92 MB)
003 Sniffing with Windump & TCP Dump [Demonstration] (338.81 MB)
004 Wireshark For Sniffing [Demonstration] (84.58 MB)
001 DNS Poisoning [Definition & Basics] (98.9 MB)
002 DNS Poisoning - Under the Hood (91.15 MB)
003 DNS Poisoning [Next Level] (143.43 MB)
004 DNS Poisoning for setting up Proxy Servers (79.85 MB)
005 DNS Poisoning for Cache (103.43 MB)
006 DNS Poisoning [Demonstration] (84.78 MB)
001 Writing scripts, Converting downloads to Trojan on fly - Part 1 (539.15 MB)
002 Writing scripts, Converting downloads to Trojan on fly - Part 2 (879.8 MB)
001 Flooding , Spoofing & Poisoning together [Demonstration] (57 MB)
002 Advanced Man in the Middle Attack [Demonstration] (45.25 MB)
003 SSL Strips & Advance use of Ettercap [Demonstration] (133.05 MB)
004 Cain and Abel [Demonstration] (41.21 MB)
005 Sidejacking & Sniffing [Demonstration] (80.9 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Sniffing [Demonstration] (109.35 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Session Hijacking (24.16 MB)
001 Hijacking Session - TCP Hijacking (102.59 MB)
002 Session Hijacking - UDP Hijacking (12.55 MB)
003 Session Hijacking - IP Spoofing (18.76 MB)
004 Hijacking Session - Blind Hijacking (21.45 MB)
005 Session Hijacking - Advance Man in the Middle attack (26.89 MB)
006 Session Hijacking - Attacking Browser (21.75 MB)
001 URL Based Session Hijacking (54.69 MB)
002 Hijacking Cookies that are already exposed (60.82 MB)
003 Hijacking Cookies using Cross Site Scripting (31.78 MB)
004 Brute Forcing Session Hijacking (21.34 MB)
005 Even more - Web Application Session Hijacking (32.29 MB)
001 Automating Session Hijacking - Part 1 (61.24 MB)
002 Automating Session Hijacking - Part 2 (120.49 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Session Hijacking [Demonstration] (126.26 MB)
001 Introduction & The Basic Of Buffer Overflow (19.88 MB)
001 Understanding The Buffer Overflow Exploitation & Attacks (87.2 MB)
002 Buffer Overflow & The Stack Code (27.1 MB)
003 Overflowing the Stack & Exploiting the Stack Overflows (28.22 MB)
004 Inside of Heaps & Exploiting Heap Overflows (31.13 MB)
005 Even More Details About Buffer Overflow (43.65 MB)
001 Static Code analysis (32.85 MB)
002 Binary Code analysis (39.64 MB)
003 Automated Code analysis (27.54 MB)
004 Buffer Overflow with Programming (28.66 MB)
005 Buffer Overflow with Malware (30 MB)
006 Buffer Overflow - Database Hacking & Reporting (40.71 MB)
001 Search for the Vulnerability (35.64 MB)
002 Compromise a System through Buffer Overflow (17.82 MB)
003 Debugger for Buffer Overflow (15.84 MB)
004 EIP & ESP for Buffer Overflow (30.12 MB)
005 Getting Access to the System (18.57 MB)
006 Compromising the Victim (29.39 MB)
007 Changing the Payload (28.63 MB)
008 Even More with Buffer Overflow [Demonstration] (27.42 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Buffer Overflow [Demonstration] (122.34 MB)
001 Introduction (8.35 MB)
001 Cryptography [Definition & Basics] (8.72 MB)
002 Learning Cryptography in a Nutshell (8 MB)
003 PGP Explanation (22.61 MB)
004 GAK Explanation (12.88 MB)
005 Side Chanel Attack (20.91 MB)
006 DSA Explanation (18.51 MB)
007 Breaking down the Outline (7.07 MB)
001 SSH - Secure Shell (13.44 MB)
002 Hashing Tools (16.65 MB)
003 Even more tools and Documentations on Cryptography (24.23 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Cryptography [Demonstration] (161.2 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics (12.49 MB)
001 Guessing Methods For Hacking Password - Using Tools Included (62.91 MB)
001 Hydra Attack - Online & Offline Cracking (118.22 MB)
002 John The Ripper - Basic & Advanced Attacks (19.23 MB)
003 Medusa For Brute Force (107.43 MB)
001 Creating An Advance Kelogger Without Any Coding [using RAT for hiding] (84.08 MB)
002 Getting Victim's All Keystrokes By Email (83.57 MB)
001 Best Kali Linux Tools For Password Cracking- Part 1 (29.92 MB)
002 Best Kali Linux Tools For Password Cracking- Part 2 (41.56 MB)
001 HashCat and oclHashcat - Hash Password Cracking (100.57 MB)
002 Samdump2 - OS Password Cracking (30.66 MB)
003 Using Ophcrack & Rainbow Tables (93.34 MB)
004 More Advanced Methods Of Password Hacking (94.64 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Password Hacking [Demonstration] (199.28 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Web Application Hacking (14.88 MB)
001 Understanding web application security (77.49 MB)
002 Client Base & Browser Based Web Application Security (122.19 MB)
003 Exploiting Web application (111.71 MB)
004 More of Web Application Hacking (140.48 MB)
001 Identifying Vulnerable Target with Shodan (74.37 MB)
002 Banner Grabbing using Wget [Demonstration] (13.06 MB)
003 Nmap & Netsparker [Demonstration] (130.26 MB)
004 Artefacts with Acunetix [Demonstration] (96.05 MB)
005 Burpsuite & Traversal [Demonstration] (116.67 MB)
001 OWASP and Top ten web application security risk (54.14 MB)
002 Parameter Tampering (23.31 MB)
003 Cookie Poisoning (28.83 MB)
004 Untrusted Data - Understanding (42.85 MB)
005 Hidden Field Tamperipng (19.08 MB)
006 Mass Assignment Attack (22.37 MB)
001 Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) (30.02 MB)
002 Persistent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) (27.67 MB)
003 Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) (30.64 MB)
004 Involving Clients Web Application Hacking (44.11 MB)
001 Weaknesses in-Identity Management (22.57 MB)
002 Hacking using Remember Me Feature (114.14 MB)
003 Insufficient Access Control (20.35 MB)
004 Privilege Elevation (38.07 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Web Applications [Demonstration] (86.19 MB)
001 Introduction (7.16 MB)
001 Malware Definition & Basics (71.54 MB)
002 Destructive Malware (87.2 MB)
003 Trojan Virus(All you need to know) (93.89 MB)
004 Virus & Worms(All you need to know) (103.51 MB)
005 Beast [Demonstration] (66.37 MB)
001 Creating a Trojan [Demonstration] (167.07 MB)
002 Different ways to enter in the System[Demonstration] (42.47 MB)
003 Evading Anti Virus software[Demonstration] (49.08 MB)
004 Destroying The System [Demonstration] (96.04 MB)
001 Creating a Virus Worm - Part 1 (126.42 MB)
002 Creating a Virus Worm - Part 2 (120.49 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Using Malware [Demonstration] (67.43 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of System Hacking (7.35 MB)
001 Basics (118.74 MB)
002 Hashes & Salting (76.46 MB)
003 NTLM Authentication (92.54 MB)
004 Kerberos Authentication (88.34 MB)
005 Rainbow Tables & More (100.4 MB)
001 Undetectable Payloads, Backdoors & Using Of Metasploit -Part 1 (110.56 MB)
002 Undetectable Payloads, Backdoors & Using Of Metasploit -Part 2 (141.92 MB)
003 Adequate rights & permissions (79.02 MB)
004 Escalating Privileges (29.53 MB)
001 Keyloggers (77.37 MB)
002 Payload & Backdoor - Part 1 (54.43 MB)
003 Payload & Backdoor - Part 2 (89.32 MB)
001 Hiding Our Tools from Victim Computer (30.57 MB)
002 Steganography & Alternate Data Streams (75.18 MB)
001 Basic & Advanced Methods for Clearing Our Logs & Evidence (95.62 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Systems [Demonstration] (1.02 GB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Cloud Computing Hacking (6.56 MB)
001 Cloud Computing Architecture (97.52 MB)
002 Understanding IaaS, PaaS, SaaS (52.56 MB)
003 Data Sovereignty (109.33 MB)
004 Shadow IT (81.38 MB)
001 Basics (43.32 MB)
002 Hypervisor Breakouts (36.9 MB)
003 Malicious code Users (61.19 MB)
004 Service Hijacking Via Social Engineering (41.14 MB)
005 Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) (44.43 MB)
006 Compromising the Victim (43.32 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Through Cloud Computing [Demonstration] (52.1 MB)
001 Course Introduction & Overview (13.8 MB)
001 Basics Of Hacking - Part 1 (6.09 MB)
002 Basics Of Hacking - Part 2 (6.39 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Hacking Lab (6.04 MB)
001 Download and Install VM (8.2 MB)
002 Configuring the VM (10.24 MB)
003 Download and Install Kali Linux [Latest] (12.86 MB)
004 Configuring the Kali Linux (22.82 MB)
005 Download and Install Metasploitable (30.64 MB)
006 Configuring the Metasploitable (75.89 MB)
007 Download & Install Windows 10, Windows 7 & Windows XP (87.78 MB)
008 Configuring All Windows Systems (297.71 MB)
009 Download & Install Mac OS X, Ubuntu (55.02 MB)
010 Configuring the Mac OS X & Ubuntu (222.87 MB)
011 Download and Install Mobile Platform on PC such as Android, IOS, Windows, etc (24.13 MB)
012 Configuring All Mobile Platforms (99.59 MB)
001 VM, Metasploitable - Basics to Advanced (14.51 MB)
002 All Windows Systems, Mac OS X & Ubuntu - Basics to Advanced (19.43 MB)
003 Learn About All Mobile Platforms - Basics to Advanced (23.31 MB)
001 Kali Linux Basics, Terminal and CLI - Part 1 (10.98 MB)
002 Kali Linux Basics, Terminal and CLI - Part 2 (16.2 MB)
001 Increasing The Internet Speed & More Configuration (149.37 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of Anonymity (17.72 MB)
001 The Best Operating System For Anonymity - Setting Up (8.84 MB)
002 Using The Operating System For Anonymity [Demonstration] (12.88 MB)
001 Basics of Virtual Private Network & Which one is the Best (33.86 MB)
002 Setting Up Open VPN Server & Open VPN Client - Part 1 (13.75 MB)
003 Setting Up Open VPN Server & Open VPN Client - Part 2 (14.72 MB)
004 Get The Best Virtual Private Network (Free) (34.23 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic of Social Engineering (24.04 MB)
001 The Art of Human Attack by Social Engineering (24.79 MB)
002 Psychological Manipulation Using Social Engineering (15.55 MB)
003 Human Based Social Engineering VS Computer Based Social Engineering (9.2 MB)
001 Generating Payload, Backdoor, Keylogger, Trojan & Bypassing Antivirus (42.98 MB)
002 Changing Evil File's Icon, Embedding With Any File & Configuring to Run Silently (14.38 MB)
003 Using Different Delivery Methods For Getting Control Of The System (17.4 MB)
004 Email Spoofing, Hack Using Fake Updates & Using Metasploit For Getting Access (26.24 MB)
005 Hack any System Using Social Engineering (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, etc ) (10.65 MB)
001 Maintaining Access Using Undetectable Methods (Rootkits & more) (24.74 MB)
002 Capturing Key Strikes, Taking Screen Shots, Opening Camera, Mic & more! (35.47 MB)
003 Capturing Password, Cookie (saveunsaved) & Control hacked system by command (19.31 MB)
004 Gaining Full Control Over The System & Pivoting (use this system to hack others) (19.19 MB)
001 Social Engineering using - Credential Harvester (16.05 MB)
002 Social Engineering using - Java Applet Attack & Injecting Payload (26.64 MB)
003 Social Engineering using - Payload (Listening for Incoming Connection) (33.64 MB)
004 Social Engineering using - Meterpreter (Post Exploitation) (40.34 MB)
005 Advanced Social Engineering Techniques [Demonstration] (29.68 MB)
001 Phishing Attack Using BEEF (28.4 MB)
002 Phishing Attack Using PHISH5 (24.55 MB)
003 Spear Phishing, Phishing Pages, Phishing Emails & more! (36.33 MB)
004 Filter Evasion & Concealment Techniques (32.74 MB)
001 Scamming with Cold Call Virus [Demonstration] (9 MB)
002 Call from a Scammer ! (I got - Live) (14.81 MB)
003 Getting Control Over Scammer Computer [Real-World example - Scamming] (19.23 MB)
004 Making the Scam Perfect with Debt[Real-World example-Scamming] (12.93 MB)
005 Taking $125 48 by One Scam ! (21.81 MB)
001 How to do Identity Theft[Real-World Example] - Part 1 (23.22 MB)
002 How to do Identity Theft[Real-World Example] - Part 2 (21.34 MB)
003 Buy & Sell Identities (13.63 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Social Engineering Hacking [Demonstration] (118.1 MB)
001 Basics Of Website Hacking & Penetration Testing (14.09 MB)
001 Basics & Setting Up Tor & Tails (Configuration Included) (61.9 MB)
002 Tor Relays, Tor Bridges, Pluggable Transports & Obfsproxy (17.5 MB)
003 Tor Hidden Services, Security & Anonymity Practices [Demonstration] (30.65 MB)
001 Local File Inclusion Vulnerabilities - Part 1 (16.99 MB)
002 Local File Inclusion Vulnerabilities - Part 2 (5.93 MB)
001 Basic of Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability [Discover RFI vulnerabilities] (13.06 MB)
002 Exploiting Basic Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities (13.67 MB)
003 Exploiting Advanced Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities (13.28 MB)
001 Code Execution Vulnerabilities - Part 1 (28.31 MB)
002 Code Execution Vulnerabilities - Part 2 (20.47 MB)
001 Uploading Files Vulnerabilities - Part 1 (17.83 MB)
002 Uploading Files Vulnerabilities - Part 2 (14.69 MB)
001 The Union Operator & Executing Union Injection (29.91 MB)
002 Extracting Schema Details - Union Injection (21.65 MB)
003 Database Structure Discovery - Error based Injection (15.73 MB)
004 Extracting Schema details with error based Injection (21.96 MB)
001 Learn & Understand Blind SQL Injection (17.01 MB)
002 Enumerating via ASCII Values (10.97 MB)
003 Constructing Yes or No - Boolean based Injection (7.38 MB)
004 Boolean based Injection applying (8.5 MB)
005 Blind SQL Injection [Demonstration] (18.43 MB)
001 Enumeration other Database on the System (10.45 MB)
002 Network Reconnaissance & Creating Database Logins (21.81 MB)
003 Replicating a table using OPENROWSET (13.57 MB)
004 Extracting Passwords from SQL Server Hashes (11.03 MB)
005 Executing Commands on the Operating System (18.56 MB)
001 Evasion Techniques & Automating attacks - Part 1 (19.88 MB)
002 Evasion Techniques & Automating attacks - Part 2 (34.45 MB)
001 Basics of XSS & Anti Forgery Tokens (21.44 MB)
002 Taking it against APIS (15.42 MB)
003 Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) (17.89 MB)
001 Untrusted Data Sensation and Input Sensation Practices (20.91 MB)
002 Output encoding For Cross Site Scripting (12.64 MB)
003 Mounting Clickjacking attack (19.6 MB)
004 Mounting Cross Site Scripting(XSS) attack (16.2 MB)
005 Hacking a Website with Cross Site Scripting attack - Part 1 (15 MB)
006 Hacking a Website with Cross Site Scripting attack - Part 2 (75.73 MB)
001 Using JonDonym For Anonymity - Part 1 (17.53 MB)
002 Using JonDonym For Anonymity - Part 2 (17.65 MB)
001 Reconnaissance and Footprinting (11.88 MB)
002 Enumeration, Crawling and Directory Traversal (11.64 MB)
003 HTTP Fingerprinting and Mirroring a Website (6.59 MB)
004 Social Engineering (16.05 MB)
001 Weakness in Default Configuration (8.03 MB)
002 Internal Leakage and Excessive Access Rights (13.83 MB)
003 Debug Setting of the Webserver (7.99 MB)
001 Splitting Response of HTTP (4.74 MB)
002 Defacement attack (11.63 MB)
003 Poisoning the web cache (10.53 MB)
004 Brute Force Attack (9.83 MB)
005 Streamline Testing with Automation (5.43 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Website Hacking [Demonstration] (52.09 MB)
001 Introduction (21.67 MB)
001 Exploiting Android devices (111.43 MB)
002 Using Metasploit for Exploiting Android (37.41 MB)
003 Using Armitage for Exploiting Android (17.78 MB)
004 Even more Usage of Armitage for exploiting Android (42.06 MB)
005 Creating Malicious Android app & Giving the app to the Victim (13.5 MB)
006 Getting Meterpreter Session for Controlling the Android mobile (128.96 MB)
007 Stagefright Attack (104.55 MB)
008 Using Social Engineering Toolkit(SET) for hacking Android - Part 1 (58.76 MB)
009 Using Social Engineering Toolkit(SET) for hacking Android - Part 2 (61.91 MB)
010 Generating Fake Emails for Hacking the Android device (62.66 MB)
011 Generating Spoofed Mobile number for Hacking the Android device (81.24 MB)
012 Generating Spoofed SMS (75.45 MB)
013 Remote Attack on Android Device (183.47 MB)
001 Network Spoofing, Poisoning & Attacking (28.64 MB)
002 Using DSPLOIT (12.33 MB)
003 Using Bugtroid (16.64 MB)
004 Rubber Ducky Script & more! (61.47 MB)
001 Hacking IOS device - Part 1 (12.35 MB)
002 Hacking IOS device - Part 2 (24.28 MB)
001 Hacking Mobile Devices Using Malware - Part 1 (19.85 MB)
002 Hacking Mobile Devices Using Malware - Part 2 (37.77 MB)
001 Hacking Windows Phones (complete) (11.22 MB)
002 Hacking BlackBerry Phones (11.21 MB)
001 Basics Of MAC Address & How To Change It (11.51 MB)
002 Using Macchanger For Changing Our MAC Address [Demonstration] (32.84 MB)
003 Advanced Uses Of Macchanger For Anonymity [Demonstration] (15.94 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Mobile Hacking [Demonstration] (128.96 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of Keylogger & Trojan (34.06 MB)
001 Setting Up & Writing Our First C++ Program (19.58 MB)
002 Operators - Arithmetic, Assignment, Relational, Logical, & Bitwise (17.06 MB)
003 Arrays & Loops (20.06 MB)
004 Functions, Exception Handling & Classes (19.65 MB)
005 Decomposition, WinAPI & Encryption (19.89 MB)
006 Pointers, References & Enum (Creating an application included) (134.25 MB)
001 Basics & Writing The Header Of Our Keylogger (143.08 MB)
002 Key Constant & Hooking The Keyboard (127.09 MB)
003 Main Function Of The Keylogger (22.05 MB)
004 Timer Header (24.48 MB)
005 Sending Email & Using Encryption (27.46 MB)
006 Hiding The Keylogger Window (rootkit) (30.58 MB)
007 Decrypt The Email & Taking Control Over The System (193.73 MB)
001 Creating Our Own Trojan With C++ - Part 1 (34.94 MB)
002 Creating Our Own Trojan With C++ - Part 2 (30.55 MB)
003 Creating Our Own Trojan With C++ - Part 3 (24.57 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Using Keylogger & Trojan [Demonstration] (49.1 MB)
001 Introduction of Nmap and Wireshark (9.66 MB)
001 Downloading & Installing (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Kali) (21.23 MB)
002 Basics of Nmap - Complete (85.46 MB)
003 Discovery, Network Scanning, Port Scanning, Algorithms & more! (119.27 MB)
004 Finger printing methods used by Nmap -complete (TCP, IP, ICMP, UDP, etc ) (16.54 MB)
005 Nmap Scripting Engine(NSE) - complete (32.46 MB)
006 Firewall, IDS Evasion & Spoofing (75.46 MB)
007 Nmap Output and Extras (109.96 MB)
008 Zenmap - Complete (773.36 MB)
009 Writing custom scripts & Nmap API (advanced) (407.68 MB)
010 Learn to use Nmap like a Black-Hat hacker or Bad Guys [Demonstration] (50.66 MB)
011 Detecting and subverting Firewalls and Intrusion detection systems (837.26 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Using Nmap [Demonstration] (177.29 MB)
001 Downloading & Installing (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Kali) (15.47 MB)
002 Wireshark Basics - Complete (250.35 MB)
003 Capturing Packets & Packet Analysis - Complete (47.33 MB)
004 Command Lines & Other Utilities (26.33 MB)
005 Ip networks, Subnets, Switching & Routing (57.43 MB)
006 Network protocols, Application protocols, Performance Analysis, etc (77.57 MB)
007 Tshark, Tshark Output Formatting & more! (122.95 MB)
008 Tunneling, Customization, Unauthorized Traffic monitoring & more! (45.41 MB)
009 Wireshark and Nmap Interaction (162.01 MB)
010 Advanced Uses Of Wireshark - Complete (670.3 MB)
001 Basic of Different Proxies & Proxy Chain (16.73 MB)
002 Set Up Your Own Proxy Server & Proxy Chain - Part 1 (18.68 MB)
003 Set Up Your Own Proxy Server & Proxy Chain - Part 2 (14.93 MB)
004 Proxy Tunneling, Traffic Monitoring & Practical Anonymity (15.08 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Using Wireshark [Demonstration] (212.96 MB)
001 Detect and defend Network Attacks (45.77 MB)
002 Detect and defend Computer Device attacks (60.94 MB)
003 Detect and defend Website Hacking Attacks (59.66 MB)
004 Detect and defend Mobile Device attacks (53.3 MB)
005 Detect and defend remain all hacking attacks - Part 1 (57.6 MB)
006 Detect and defend remain all hacking attacks - Part 2 (160.04 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of Digital Forensics (20.68 MB)
001 Investigation - Part 1 (20.26 MB)
002 Investigation - Part 2 (20.49 MB)
001 File system & Structure of Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, CD, etc (34.18 MB)
002 RAID, Autostarting, Disk Partitions & more! (24.49 MB)
003 Forensics of Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) (29.1 MB)
001 Image Acquisition & Network Acquisition - Part 1 (27.89 MB)
002 Image Acquisition & Network Acquisition - Part 2 (45.65 MB)
003 Image Acquisition & Network Acquisition - Part 3 (16.96 MB)
001 Data Spaces & Data Recovery - Part 1 (28.83 MB)
002 Data Spaces & Data Recovery - Part 2 (24.19 MB)
001 Malware & Mobile Forensics - Part 1 (28.79 MB)
002 Malware & Mobile Forensics - Part 2 (28.94 MB)
001 Kali Linux as a Forensic Workstation (28.57 MB)
002 Forensic Images & Forensic Image Tools (16.97 MB)
003 LIBEWF Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (14.45 MB)
004 DD & DC3DD Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (18.04 MB)
005 AFFLIB Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (18.37 MB)
006 Hashdeep Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (123.4 MB)
007 Sumtools Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (35 MB)
008 RaHash2 Forensic Tool [Demonstration] (33.42 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Computer Forensics [Demonstration] (48.62 MB)
001 Best Kali Linux Tools For Anonymity - Part 1 (35.49 MB)
002 Best Kali Linux Tools For Anonymity - Part 2 (36.91 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic of Bug Bounty (31.3 MB)
001 Top 25+ tools for Bug Hunt - Part 1 (203.66 MB)
002 Top 25+ tools for Bug Hunt - Part 2 (53.85 MB)
003 Cross Site Scripting - complete (19.64 MB)
004 Clickjacking - complete (15.69 MB)
005 SQL Injection - complete (17.41 MB)
006 Buffer Overflow - complete (91.27 MB)
007 Denial Of Service - complete (107.17 MB)
008 HTML Injection, XML, XXE & Sub Domain Takeover (100.6 MB)
009 CSRF, CRF, CRLF, SSRF & Shellshock (106.73 MB)
010 DNS misconfiguration with IDOR (110.6 MB)
011 Remote file Insulation & Remote Code Execution (112.86 MB)
012 Follow Up Leakages & Reporting (76.24 MB)
001 More Ways To Earn Money Legally - Part 1 (2.87 MB)
002 More Ways To Earn Money Legally - Part 2 (142.45 MB)
001 My Tips For Earning Money Legally (67.86 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Earning Money Legally [Demonstration] (68.3 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics (24.34 MB)
001 Installing & Configuring Tor & Tails (43.81 MB)
002 Installing Qubes OS - Basics included (140.72 MB)
001 Deep Web Nauches (62.61 MB)
002 Search engines, Web mail providers, Social networks & more! (58.27 MB)
003 Market places(Guns, Drugs, Hitman Killing, etc ) (15.61 MB)
001 Blockchain Explained (25.35 MB)
002 Choosing A Bitcoin Wallet - Get the best wallet! (40.26 MB)
003 Earn Free Bitcoin - Step by Step (24.41 MB)
001 PGP basics - Installing And Configuring gpg4win (28.36 MB)
002 PGP Tutorial (Encryption, Decryption, Different Keys, more!) (32.52 MB)
001 Using Cellular Networks & I2P - Part 1 (24.6 MB)
002 Using Cellular Networks & I2P - Part 2 (24.6 MB)
001 Find & Navigate Dark Net Market Places (18.46 MB)
002 Purchasing Products on Dark Net Markets (Illegal arms, drugs, Killing, etc ) (10.76 MB)
001 Deep Web & Dark Net Links (Huge Onion link collection) (38.41 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of Python (31.45 MB)
001 Installing Python & PyCharm (12.05 MB)
002 Integers and Floats (13.72 MB)
003 Tuples, Lists, Files, Dictionaries (58.23 MB)
004 Booleans & Sets (19.99 MB)
005 If, elif & Else (16.05 MB)
006 While Loops & For Loops (90.81 MB)
007 Function & Function Argument (79.85 MB)
008 Let's Make a Web App for Clearing your Concept - Part 1 (223.02 MB)
009 Let's Make a Web App for Clearing your Concept - Part 2 (302.84 MB)
001 Writing a Network Scanner (152.93 MB)
002 Writing a Vulnerability Scanner (203.22 MB)
003 Writing a WiFi Network Jammer (65.98 MB)
004 Writing a Mac Changer (Custom Anonymity) (33.03 MB)
005 Writing an ARP Spoofer & DNS Spoofer (210.54 MB)
006 Bypassing HTTPS - Replacing Downloads & Injecting Codes included (513.12 MB)
007 Writing a File Interceptor & Packet Sniffer (477.56 MB)
008 Writing different Malware (Backdoors, Keylogger, Packaging, etc ) (497.34 MB)
009 Writing a Crawler (313.39 MB)
010 Writing a Python Fuzzer (113.27 MB)
001 Installing WingIDE on Kali & WingIDE Overview (15.92 MB)
002 Writing a TCP Client in Python (14.2 MB)
003 Writing a UDP Client in Python (6.8 MB)
004 Writing a TCP Server in Python (11.4 MB)
005 Developing an application like Netcat (9.8 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking With Python & Kali Linux [Demonstration] (493.8 MB)
001 Introduction (25.03 MB)
001 Different Methods of using Metasploit Framework (11.2 MB)
002 Components of Metasploit Framework (15.36 MB)
001 Metasploit Exploit Modules & Auxiliary Modules - Part 1 (17.61 MB)
002 Metasploit Exploit Modules & Auxiliary Modules - Part 2 (10.19 MB)
001 Using Nesting & Chaining Together - Part 1 (16.58 MB)
002 Using Nesting & Chaining Together - Part 2 (19.24 MB)
001 Working with metasploit payloads (7.76 MB)
002 Generating complex Payloads (18.07 MB)
003 Working with Encoders (7.35 MB)
004 Hacking using Metasploit Payloads & Encoders [Demonstration] (17.47 MB)
001 Basics & Gaining Access to the System using Metasploit Exploits (15.18 MB)
002 Gaining Access to the System using Metasploit Payloads (24.94 MB)
003 Gaining Access to the System using Metasploit Meterpreter (23.49 MB)
004 Gaining Access to the System using Metasploit [Advanced] (26.36 MB)
001 Maintaining access to the System & Post Exploitation - Part 1 (13.2 MB)
002 Maintaining access to the System & Post Exploitation - Part 2 (9.34 MB)
003 Maintaining access to the System & Post Exploitation - Part 3 (6.2 MB)
001 Setting up Persistent Connection using Meterpreter & Passing Hash (9.33 MB)
002 Meterpreter Networking & Railgun (14.82 MB)
003 Pivoting [Basics to Advanced with Demonstration] (10.96 MB)
001 Scanning with Armitage (9.78 MB)
002 Launching Exploits against a Target Using Armitage (7.38 MB)
003 Post Exploitation Using Armitage (10.94 MB)
001 Agenda and Payload Techniques (12.08 MB)
002 Creating a payload with msfvenom & Pushing it using Metasaploit (11.33 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Metasploit Hacking [Demonstration] (43.05 MB)
001 Actions and Behavior Required For Anonymity - Part 1 (15.92 MB)
002 Actions and Behavior Required For Anonymity - Part 2 (20.17 MB)
001 My Tips & Tricks to Maintain Complete Privacy, Anonymity & Security (16.42 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Maintaining Anonymity Online & Offline [Demonstration] (183.22 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Information Gathering (113.51 MB)
001 People Search(hidden) (26.12 MB)
002 Gathering InFo from Job Sites & Social Websites (like-FB,Linkedin) (28.33 MB)
003 Netcraft (27 MB)
004 Maltego - Part 1 (13.89 MB)
005 Maltego - Part 2 (15.7 MB)
006 Google Hacking - Part 1 (75.67 MB)
007 Google Hacking - Part 2 (130.04 MB)
008 RIRS & EDGAR - Get Critical InFo Easily (35.6 MB)
009 Using ICMP, SNMP, SMTP, NTP, Netbios & LDAP For Information Gathering (133.44 MB)
010 Using Best Kali linux tools for Passive Information Gathering (52.08 MB)
011 How to get any Hidden Information easily ! (24.08 MB)
001 Using Search Engines & Different Websites (62.54 MB)
002 Using WHOis (29.71 MB)
003 Advanced DNS Tricks (19.15 MB)
004 Using Finger, RpcInfo, ShowMount & Enum4Linux (22.11 MB)
005 Advanced Google Search Operators - Google Hacking (32.53 MB)
006 Google Hacking Database , Best Tools & more - Google Hacking (181.11 MB)
007 Nmap , Nmap NSE Scripts, Zenmap (133.41 MB)
008 DNS transfer Zone (69.2 MB)
009 SMB Null Session and SMB Enumeration (79.11 MB)
010 Using Best Kali Linux Tools For Active Information Gathering (164.11 MB)
011 Advanced Methods For Gathering Active Information (69.34 MB)
001 Getting Any Victim's IP Address & Details (52.89 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Information Gathering [Demonstration] (183.34 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics Of WiFi & Wired Hacking (10.23 MB)
001 Wireless Network Penetration testing process (15 MB)
002 Advanced Preconnection attack (23.56 MB)
001 Gathering Module Information & Capturing packet (27.33 MB)
002 Gathering Information from the Target Network[Demonstration] (222.14 KB)
003 Identifying Hidden Networks [Demonstration] (58.76 MB)
001 Non Disrupting Techniques (23.49 MB)
002 Eavesdropping (21.62 MB)
003 Denial of Service attack (DOS) on Wireless Network (28.48 MB)
004 Deauthentication Attack (Disconnecting Any Device From The Network) (48.27 MB)
001 Hacking WEP Networks (30.57 MB)
002 Hacking WPAWPA2 Networks (58.56 MB)
003 Hacking WPS enabled networks (60.45 MB)
004 Gaining Access - WiFi & Wired Hacking [Advanced] (48.57 MB)
001 Gaining Access To Captive Portals - Part 1 (53.67 MB)
002 Gaining Access To Captive Portals - Part 2 (60.66 MB)
001 Advanced - ARP Poisoning, Spoofing & Sniffing Sensitive Data username, password (36.62 MB)
002 Setting Up SSL Strips manually & Hacking HTTPS Websites (attacking user) (38.32 MB)
003 Generating Backdoor, Payload, Keylogger & Getting Meterpreter Connection (55.66 MB)
004 Interacting With The Client Using Meterpreter & Pivoting (36.78 MB)
005 Generating Backdoor, Payload, Keylogger & Getting Meterpreter Connection (55.64 MB)
001 Writing Custom Scripts & Executing Our Custom Attacks - Part 1 (61.19 MB)
002 Writing Custom Scripts & Executing Our Custom Attacks - Part 2 (43.31 MB)
001 Creating a Rogue Access Point - Part 1 (105.42 MB)
002 Creating a Rogue Access Point - Part 2 (89.6 MB)
001 Creating Fake Captive Portals - Part 1 (118.77 MB)
002 Creating Fake Captive Portals - Part 2 (101.96 MB)
001 Disposable VMs - Covering our Tracks (22.56 MB)
002 Changing our MAC addresses (44.37 MB)
003 Wireless Penetration testing Accessories (130.05 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of WiFi & Wired Hacking [Demonstration] (144.29 MB)
001 Introduction (20.47 MB)
001 Scanning [Definition & Basics] (68.7 MB)
002 Types & Techniques of Scanning (96.09 MB)
003 Tools Used for Scanning (115.83 MB)
004 How to do Scanning out of your own Network (125.69 MB)
001 Nmap [Demonstration] (142.92 MB)
002 Angry Ip & Nmap [Demonstration] (133.47 MB)
003 Netcat [Demonstration] (41.29 MB)
004 Hping3 for Scanning [Demonstration] (53.5 MB)
005 Firewalking [Demonstration] (95.14 MB)
006 Os Finger Printing & Nmap [Demonstration] (142.84 MB)
007 The three way handshake [Understanding & Demonstration] (113.24 MB)
008 Advanced technique of scanning [Demonstration] (31.54 MB)
001 Vulnerability Scanning [Definition & Basics] (54.75 MB)
002 Nessus [Demonstration] (78.45 MB)
003 Skipfish & Vega [Demonstration] (89.02 MB)
004 Nmap Scripting Engine, Running NSE Script [Demonstration] (142.79 MB)
005 Metasploit Scanner Modules [Demonstration] (43.06 MB)
006 Owasp-Zap [Demonstration] (25.85 MB)
001 Scan Out Of Your Own Network - Part 1 (27.61 MB)
002 Scan Out Of Your Own Network - Part 2 (13.27 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Scanning [Demonstration] (125.66 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of DOS & DDOS Attack (25.36 MB)
001 Understand DOS & DDOS attack properly (20.96 MB)
002 The Computer Networking OSI Model (29.04 MB)
003 The Role Of Botnets in DDOS (35.57 MB)
004 Live DDOS attack - see it right now (World Map with DDOS attack ! ) (93.02 MB)
001 SYN Flood attacks (34.36 MB)
002 HTTP Flood attacks (43.48 MB)
003 UDP and ICMP Flood attacks (25.52 MB)
004 Reflection & DNS Amplification attacks (38.1 MB)
005 Peer to Peer attack (9.72 MB)
006 Permanent DOS and Phlashing (9.14 MB)
007 Github Man on the Side attack (13.15 MB)
008 Slowloris Attacks (16.04 MB)
009 Attacking with LOIC & Js Loic (37.71 MB)
010 Stressers and Booters (32.1 MB)
011 Best Kali Linux Tools For DOS & DDOS Attacks (17.39 MB)
012 DDOS as a service ! - Let's look inside (54.1 MB)
013 Other Tools that Hacker Community use for DOS & DDOS attack (28.46 MB)
001 Creating Zombie Computers, Botnets & Executing DDOS Attack - Part 1 (21.28 MB)
002 Creating Zombie Computers, Botnets & Executing DDOS Attack - Part 2 (54.65 MB)
003 Creating Zombie Computers, Botnets & Executing DDOS Attack - Part 3 (123.83 MB)
001 Crash or Taking Down Websites & Signal Jamming Using DOS & DDOS ATTACK -Part 1 (27.7 MB)
002 Crash or Taking Down Websites & Signal Jamming Using DOS & DDOS ATTACK -Part 2 (129.35 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of DOS & DDOS Attacks [Demonstration] (151.3 MB)
001 Introduction (26.44 MB)
001 Using Best Tools For ARP Poisoning & ARP Spoofing attacks [Demonstration] (480.73 MB)
002 Advanced ARP Poisoning & ARP Spoofing attacks [Demonstration] (356.92 MB)
003 Sniffing with Windump & TCP Dump [Demonstration] (338.81 MB)
004 Wireshark For Sniffing [Demonstration] (84.58 MB)
001 DNS Poisoning [Definition & Basics] (98.9 MB)
002 DNS Poisoning - Under the Hood (91.15 MB)
003 DNS Poisoning [Next Level] (143.43 MB)
004 DNS Poisoning for setting up Proxy Servers (79.85 MB)
005 DNS Poisoning for Cache (103.43 MB)
006 DNS Poisoning [Demonstration] (84.78 MB)
001 Writing scripts, Converting downloads to Trojan on fly - Part 1 (539.15 MB)
002 Writing scripts, Converting downloads to Trojan on fly - Part 2 (879.8 MB)
001 Flooding , Spoofing & Poisoning together [Demonstration] (57 MB)
002 Advanced Man in the Middle Attack [Demonstration] (45.25 MB)
003 SSL Strips & Advance use of Ettercap [Demonstration] (133.05 MB)
004 Cain and Abel [Demonstration] (41.21 MB)
005 Sidejacking & Sniffing [Demonstration] (80.9 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Sniffing [Demonstration] (109.35 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Session Hijacking (24.16 MB)
001 Hijacking Session - TCP Hijacking (102.59 MB)
002 Session Hijacking - UDP Hijacking (12.55 MB)
003 Session Hijacking - IP Spoofing (18.76 MB)
004 Hijacking Session - Blind Hijacking (21.45 MB)
005 Session Hijacking - Advance Man in the Middle attack (26.89 MB)
006 Session Hijacking - Attacking Browser (21.75 MB)
001 URL Based Session Hijacking (54.69 MB)
002 Hijacking Cookies that are already exposed (60.82 MB)
003 Hijacking Cookies using Cross Site Scripting (31.78 MB)
004 Brute Forcing Session Hijacking (21.34 MB)
005 Even more - Web Application Session Hijacking (32.29 MB)
001 Automating Session Hijacking - Part 1 (61.24 MB)
002 Automating Session Hijacking - Part 2 (120.49 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Session Hijacking [Demonstration] (126.26 MB)
001 Introduction & The Basic Of Buffer Overflow (19.88 MB)
001 Understanding The Buffer Overflow Exploitation & Attacks (87.2 MB)
002 Buffer Overflow & The Stack Code (27.1 MB)
003 Overflowing the Stack & Exploiting the Stack Overflows (28.22 MB)
004 Inside of Heaps & Exploiting Heap Overflows (31.13 MB)
005 Even More Details About Buffer Overflow (43.65 MB)
001 Static Code analysis (32.85 MB)
002 Binary Code analysis (39.64 MB)
003 Automated Code analysis (27.54 MB)
004 Buffer Overflow with Programming (28.66 MB)
005 Buffer Overflow with Malware (30 MB)
006 Buffer Overflow - Database Hacking & Reporting (40.71 MB)
001 Search for the Vulnerability (35.64 MB)
002 Compromise a System through Buffer Overflow (17.82 MB)
003 Debugger for Buffer Overflow (15.84 MB)
004 EIP & ESP for Buffer Overflow (30.12 MB)
005 Getting Access to the System (18.57 MB)
006 Compromising the Victim (29.39 MB)
007 Changing the Payload (28.63 MB)
008 Even More with Buffer Overflow [Demonstration] (27.42 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Buffer Overflow [Demonstration] (122.34 MB)
001 Introduction (8.35 MB)
001 Cryptography [Definition & Basics] (8.72 MB)
002 Learning Cryptography in a Nutshell (8 MB)
003 PGP Explanation (22.61 MB)
004 GAK Explanation (12.88 MB)
005 Side Chanel Attack (20.91 MB)
006 DSA Explanation (18.51 MB)
007 Breaking down the Outline (7.07 MB)
001 SSH - Secure Shell (13.44 MB)
002 Hashing Tools (16.65 MB)
003 Even more tools and Documentations on Cryptography (24.23 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Cryptography [Demonstration] (161.2 MB)
001 Introduction & Basics (12.49 MB)
001 Guessing Methods For Hacking Password - Using Tools Included (62.91 MB)
001 Hydra Attack - Online & Offline Cracking (118.22 MB)
002 John The Ripper - Basic & Advanced Attacks (19.23 MB)
003 Medusa For Brute Force (107.43 MB)
001 Creating An Advance Kelogger Without Any Coding [using RAT for hiding] (84.08 MB)
002 Getting Victim's All Keystrokes By Email (83.57 MB)
001 Best Kali Linux Tools For Password Cracking- Part 1 (29.92 MB)
002 Best Kali Linux Tools For Password Cracking- Part 2 (41.56 MB)
001 HashCat and oclHashcat - Hash Password Cracking (100.57 MB)
002 Samdump2 - OS Password Cracking (30.66 MB)
003 Using Ophcrack & Rainbow Tables (93.34 MB)
004 More Advanced Methods Of Password Hacking (94.64 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Password Hacking [Demonstration] (199.28 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Web Application Hacking (14.88 MB)
001 Understanding web application security (77.49 MB)
002 Client Base & Browser Based Web Application Security (122.19 MB)
003 Exploiting Web application (111.71 MB)
004 More of Web Application Hacking (140.48 MB)
001 Identifying Vulnerable Target with Shodan (74.37 MB)
002 Banner Grabbing using Wget [Demonstration] (13.06 MB)
003 Nmap & Netsparker [Demonstration] (130.26 MB)
004 Artefacts with Acunetix [Demonstration] (96.05 MB)
005 Burpsuite & Traversal [Demonstration] (116.67 MB)
001 OWASP and Top ten web application security risk (54.14 MB)
002 Parameter Tampering (23.31 MB)
003 Cookie Poisoning (28.83 MB)
004 Untrusted Data - Understanding (42.85 MB)
005 Hidden Field Tamperipng (19.08 MB)
006 Mass Assignment Attack (22.37 MB)
001 Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) (30.02 MB)
002 Persistent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) (27.67 MB)
003 Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) (30.64 MB)
004 Involving Clients Web Application Hacking (44.11 MB)
001 Weaknesses in-Identity Management (22.57 MB)
002 Hacking using Remember Me Feature (114.14 MB)
003 Insufficient Access Control (20.35 MB)
004 Privilege Elevation (38.07 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Web Applications [Demonstration] (86.19 MB)
001 Introduction (7.16 MB)
001 Malware Definition & Basics (71.54 MB)
002 Destructive Malware (87.2 MB)
003 Trojan Virus(All you need to know) (93.89 MB)
004 Virus & Worms(All you need to know) (103.51 MB)
005 Beast [Demonstration] (66.37 MB)
001 Creating a Trojan [Demonstration] (167.07 MB)
002 Different ways to enter in the System[Demonstration] (42.47 MB)
003 Evading Anti Virus software[Demonstration] (49.08 MB)
004 Destroying The System [Demonstration] (96.04 MB)
001 Creating a Virus Worm - Part 1 (126.42 MB)
002 Creating a Virus Worm - Part 2 (120.49 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Using Malware [Demonstration] (67.43 MB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of System Hacking (7.35 MB)
001 Basics (118.74 MB)
002 Hashes & Salting (76.46 MB)
003 NTLM Authentication (92.54 MB)
004 Kerberos Authentication (88.34 MB)
005 Rainbow Tables & More (100.4 MB)
001 Undetectable Payloads, Backdoors & Using Of Metasploit -Part 1 (110.56 MB)
002 Undetectable Payloads, Backdoors & Using Of Metasploit -Part 2 (141.92 MB)
003 Adequate rights & permissions (79.02 MB)
004 Escalating Privileges (29.53 MB)
001 Keyloggers (77.37 MB)
002 Payload & Backdoor - Part 1 (54.43 MB)
003 Payload & Backdoor - Part 2 (89.32 MB)
001 Hiding Our Tools from Victim Computer (30.57 MB)
002 Steganography & Alternate Data Streams (75.18 MB)
001 Basic & Advanced Methods for Clearing Our Logs & Evidence (95.62 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Systems [Demonstration] (1.02 GB)
001 Introduction & Basic Of Cloud Computing Hacking (6.56 MB)
001 Cloud Computing Architecture (97.52 MB)
002 Understanding IaaS, PaaS, SaaS (52.56 MB)
003 Data Sovereignty (109.33 MB)
004 Shadow IT (81.38 MB)
001 Basics (43.32 MB)
002 Hypervisor Breakouts (36.9 MB)
003 Malicious code Users (61.19 MB)
004 Service Hijacking Via Social Engineering (41.14 MB)
005 Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) (44.43 MB)
006 Compromising the Victim (43.32 MB)
001 Real-World Example Of Hacking Through Cloud Computing [Demonstration] (52.1 MB)