12-02-2024, 09:53 PM
![[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]](https://img100.pixhost.to/images/404/537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg)
5.71 GB | 44min 23s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
001 Course Outcomes & Curriculum.mp4 (24.87 MB)
002 Why we Need Data Structures.mp4 (14.25 MB)
003 Why Learn Algorithms.mp4 (7.66 MB)
004 Abstract Data Type (ADT).mp4 (13.9 MB)
005 Visual Studio C# Execution Environment.mp4 (38.79 MB)
001 Time Complexity.mp4 (55.2 MB)
002 Order of Growth.mp4 (17.74 MB)
003 Asymptotic Analysis.mp4 (8.76 MB)
004 Big-Oh Notation.mp4 (10.26 MB)
005 Big Omega Notation.mp4 (5.64 MB)
006 Big Theta Notation.mp4 (4.51 MB)
007 Performance Summary.mp4 (3.92 MB)
008 Space Complexity.mp4 (9.5 MB)
001 How Recursion Works.mp4 (15.53 MB)
002 Lab Iteration Vs Recursion - Implementation.mp4 (16.66 MB)
003 Time Complexity of Recursion - Recurrence Relation.mp4 (20.16 MB)
004 Recurrence Relation - Another example.mp4 (15.3 MB)
005 Tail and Head Recursion.mp4 (25.98 MB)
006 Tree Recursion.mp4 (65.3 MB)
007 Indirect Recursion.mp4 (5.91 MB)
008 Sum of N Natural Numbers.mp4 (10.2 MB)
009 Lab Sum of N Numbers - Implementation.mp4 (11.29 MB)
010 Factorial.mp4 (8.11 MB)
011 Lab Factorial - Implementation.mp4 (8.6 MB)
001 Linear Search Algorithm.mp4 (18.21 MB)
002 Lab Linear Search - Implementation.mp4 (12.57 MB)
003 Binary Search Iterative Algorithm.mp4 (21.99 MB)
004 Lab Binary Search using Iterations - Implementation.mp4 (16.06 MB)
005 Binary Search Recursive Algorithm.mp4 (14.79 MB)
006 Lab Binary Search using Recursion - Implementation.mp4 (16.47 MB)
001 Sorting Introduction.mp4 (4.06 MB)
002 Stable and Unstable Sorting.mp4 (5.36 MB)
003 Selection Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (13.37 MB)
004 Selection Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (23.08 MB)
005 Lab Selection Sort - Implementation.mp4 (15.87 MB)
006 Insertion Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (7.94 MB)
007 Insertion Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (16.17 MB)
008 Lab Insertion Sort - Implementation.mp4 (18.46 MB)
009 Bubble Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (11.66 MB)
011 Lab Bubble Sort - Implementation.mp4 (17.74 MB)
012 Shell Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (10.01 MB)
013 Shell Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (8.93 MB)
014 Lab Shell Sort - Implementation.mp4 (18.09 MB)
015 Merge Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (13.18 MB)
016 Merge Sort - Algorithm.mp4 (10.08 MB)
017 Merging - Algorithm.mp4 (22.65 MB)
018 Merge Sort - Complexity Analysis.mp4 (7.79 MB)
019 Lab Merge Sort - Implementation.mp4 (24.66 MB)
020 Quick Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (41.88 MB)
021 Quick Sort - Algorithm.mp4 (8.11 MB)
022 Quick Sort - Complexity Analysis.mp4 (16.7 MB)
023 Lab Quick Sort - Implementation.mp4 (24.14 MB)
024 Summary of Complexities - Sorting Algorithms.mp4 (28.57 MB)
001 Why do we use Linked List.mp4 (26.08 MB)
002 Creating Node of Linked List.mp4 (12.68 MB)
003 Playing with the links of Linked List.mp4 (12.14 MB)
004 How to Create Linked List.mp4 (7.86 MB)
005 Displaying or Traversing Linked List.mp4 (16.86 MB)
006 Lab Creating and Displaying Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (26.12 MB)
007 Insert Element at the Beginning of Linked List.mp4 (8.65 MB)
008 Lab Insert Element at the Beginning of Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (10.93 MB)
009 Insert Element Anywhere in between the Linked List.mp4 (21.58 MB)
010 Lab Insert Element Anywhere in Between the Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (13.68 MB)
011 Delete Element at Beginning of Linked List.mp4 (11.24 MB)
012 Lab Delete Element at Beginning of the Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (12.82 MB)
013 Delete Element at End of Linked List.mp4 (14.52 MB)
014 Lab Delete Element at End of Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (12.55 MB)
015 Delete Element Anywhere in between Linked List.mp4 (14.68 MB)
016 Lab Delete Element Anywhere in between Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (13.85 MB)
017 Searching Element in Linked List.mp4 (14.42 MB)
018 Lab Searching the Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (9.86 MB)
019 24 Exercise Solution Inserting Elements in Sorted Order.mp4 (11.11 MB)
001 What is Circular Linked List.mp4 (8.58 MB)
002 Creating Circular Linked List.mp4 (10.23 MB)
003 Traversing Circular Linked List.mp4 (19.33 MB)
004 Lab Creating and Displaying Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (20.26 MB)
005 Insert Element at the Beginning of Circular Linked List.mp4 (11.62 MB)
006 Lab Insert Element at the Beginning of Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (11.29 MB)
007 Insert Element Anywhere in between the Circular Linked List.mp4 (17.46 MB)
008 Lab Insert Element Anywhere in Between the Circular Linked List -Implementation.mp4 (13.14 MB)
009 Delete Element at Beginning of Circular Linked List.mp4 (12.32 MB)
010 Lab Delete Element at Beginning of the Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (10.91 MB)
011 Delete Element at End of Circular Linked List.mp4 (14.23 MB)
012 Lab Delete Element at End of Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (12.01 MB)
013 Delete Element Anywhere in between Circular Linked List.mp4 (17.67 MB)
014 Lab Delete Element Anywhere in between Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (13.71 MB)
001 What is Doubly Linked List.mp4 (2.71 MB)
002 Creating Node of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (24.3 MB)
003 Playing with links of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (15.83 MB)
004 Creating Doubly Linked List.mp4 (8.9 MB)
005 Traversing Doubly Linked List.mp4 (8.09 MB)
006 Lab Creating and Displaying Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (24.81 MB)
007 Insert Element at the Beginning of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (11.3 MB)
008 Lab Insert Element at the Beginning of Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (9.93 MB)
009 Insert Element Anywhere in between the Doubly Linked List.mp4 (16.87 MB)
010 Lab Insert Element Anywhere in Between the Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (12.42 MB)
011 Delete Element at Beginning of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (10.38 MB)
012 Lab Delete Element at Beginning of the Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (9.87 MB)
013 Delete Element at End of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (7.98 MB)
014 Lab Delete Element at End of Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (9.71 MB)
015 Delete Element Anywhere in between Doubly Linked List.mp4 (13.78 MB)
016 Lab Delete Element Anywhere in between Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (15.24 MB)
001 What is Stack Data Structure.mp4 (13.99 MB)
002 Stacks using Arrays.mp4 (5.29 MB)
003 Lab Stacks using Arrays - Implementation.mp4 (30.02 MB)
004 Stacks using Linked List.mp4 (24.7 MB)
005 Lab Stacks using Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (38.41 MB)
001 What is Queue Data Structure.mp4 (9.56 MB)
002 Queues using Arrays.mp4 (5.64 MB)
003 Lab Queues using Arrays - Implementation.mp4 (26.52 MB)
004 Queues using Linked List.mp4 (25.89 MB)
005 Lab Queues using Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (29.2 MB)
006 What are Double Ended Queues.mp4 (8.05 MB)
007 Lab Double Ended Queues using Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (19.73 MB)
001 Tree Data Structure - Its Definitions and Properties.mp4 (9.23 MB)
002 Trees - Terminology.mp4 (14.88 MB)
003 Height and Levels of Trees.mp4 (7.99 MB)
004 Degree of Node and Tree.mp4 (9.13 MB)
005 Binary Trees and Its Properties.mp4 (20.15 MB)
006 Proper Binary Tree.mp4 (8.8 MB)
007 Full Binary Tree.mp4 (13.97 MB)
008 Complete Binary Tree.mp4 (14.17 MB)
009 Full Vs Complete Vs Proper Binary Tree.mp4 (20.61 MB)
010 Binary Tree Representation - Array Based.mp4 (29.35 MB)
011 Binary Tree Representation - Linked Based.mp4 (12.65 MB)
012 Traversing Binary Trees.mp4 (1.92 MB)
013 Binary Trees Traversal - Preorder.mp4 (11.1 MB)
014 Binary Trees Traversal - Inorder.mp4 (10.46 MB)
015 Binary Trees Traversal - Postorder.mp4 (11.02 MB)
016 Binary Trees Traversal - Level Order.mp4 (7.16 MB)
017 Easy way of remembering Binary Trees Traversals.mp4 (5.12 MB)
001 What are Binary Search Trees.mp4 (21.31 MB)
002 Binary Search Trees - Searching (Concept).mp4 (9.84 MB)
003 Binary Search Trees - Iterative Search Function.mp4 (24.12 MB)
004 Binary Search Trees - Recursive Search Function.mp4 (27.65 MB)
005 Binary Search Trees - Insertion (Concept).mp4 (7.95 MB)
006 Binary Search Trees - Iterative Insert Function.mp4 (38.98 MB)
007 Binary Search Trees - Recursive Insert Function.mp4 (31.17 MB)
008 Traversing Binary Search Tree.mp4 (10.06 MB)
009 Function for Inorder Traversal.mp4 (19.26 MB)
010 Lab Insertion in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (28 MB)
011 Lab Recursive Insertion in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (15.55 MB)
012 Function for Preorder Traversal.mp4 (20.3 MB)
013 Lab Preorder Traversal - Implementation.mp4 (9.14 MB)
014 Function for Postorder Traversal.mp4 (21.32 MB)
015 Lab Postorder Traversal - Implementation.mp4 (18.08 MB)
016 Function for Level Order Traversal.mp4 (18.31 MB)
017 Lab Level Order Traversal - Implementation.mp4 (19.45 MB)
018 Lab Iterative Searching in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (10.32 MB)
019 Lab Recursive Searching in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (10.68 MB)
020 Binary Search Tree - Deletion.mp4 (3.31 MB)
021 Binary Search Tree - Deletion Case-Leaf Node.mp4 (3.1 MB)
022 Binary Search Tree - Deletion Case-Node with One Subtree.mp4 (10.03 MB)
023 Binary Search Tree - Deletion Case-Node with Both Subtrees.mp4 (25.66 MB)
024 Lab Deletion in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (20.82 MB)
025 Count Number of Nodes in Binary Tree.mp4 (29.57 MB)
026 Lab Count Operations of Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (11.61 MB)
027 Find Height of Binary Tree.mp4 (29.25 MB)
028 Lab Height Operations of Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (13.27 MB)
029 Performance and Problem of Binary Search Trees.mp4 (21.19 MB)
001 Balanced Search Trees.mp4 (4.31 MB)
002 AVL Trees.mp4 (15.92 MB)
003 AVL Tree Rotations for Insertion.mp4 (23.72 MB)
004 AVL Tree - LL Rotation.mp4 (17.2 MB)
005 AVL Tree - RR Rotation.mp4 (17.87 MB)
006 AVL Tree - LR Rotation.mp4 (15.84 MB)
007 AVL Tree - RL Rotation.mp4 (15.68 MB)
008 AVL Tree Rotations after Deletion.mp4 (28.94 MB)
009 Performance Analysis of AVL Trees.mp4 (3.3 MB)
010 Red-Black Trees.mp4 (9.2 MB)
011 Red-Black Trees - Restructuring.mp4 (16.94 MB)
012 Red-Black Trees - Insertion.mp4 (15.48 MB)
013 Red-Black Trees - Deletion.mp4 (19.16 MB)
014 Performance Analysis of Red-Black Trees.mp4 (3.03 MB)
015 Splay Trees.mp4 (6.16 MB)
016 Splay Trees - Zig-Zig Restructuring.mp4 (8.72 MB)
017 Splay Trees - Zig-Zag Restructuring.mp4 (9.64 MB)
018 Splay Trees - Zig Restructuring.mp4 (5.66 MB)
019 Splay Trees - Splaying.mp4 (10.21 MB)
020 Performance Analysis of Splay Trees.mp4 (5.53 MB)
001 What are Priority Queues.mp4 (6.56 MB)
002 Heaps Data Structure.mp4 (17.35 MB)
003 Heaps - Insertion.mp4 (12.28 MB)
004 Heaps - Insert Function.mp4 (38.9 MB)
005 Lab Creating Heaps using Insert function - Implementation.mp4 (25.27 MB)
006 Heaps - Deletion.mp4 (9.2 MB)
007 Heaps - Delete Function.mp4 (22.26 MB)
008 Lab Deletion in Heaps - Implementation.mp4 (11.03 MB)
009 Heap Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (8.89 MB)
010 Heap Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (5.7 MB)
011 Lab Heap Sort - Implementation.mp4 (16.07 MB)
001 What is Hashing.mp4 (25.37 MB)
002 Chaining - Collision Detection Scheme.mp4 (29.47 MB)
003 Lab Hash Chaining - Implementation.mp4 (23.42 MB)
004 Linear Probing.mp4 (23.89 MB)
005 Lab Hash Linear Probing - Implementation.mp4 (23.01 MB)
006 Quadratic Probing.mp4 (19.07 MB)
007 Double Hashing.mp4 (23.07 MB)
001 Count Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (15.97 MB)
002 Count Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (11.17 MB)
003 Radix Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (16.84 MB)
004 Radix Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (15.73 MB)
005 Bucket Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (13.18 MB)
006 Bucket Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (7.68 MB)
007 Summary of Complexities - Index Based Sorting Algorithms.mp4 (4.82 MB)
001 Graphs - Introduction.mp4 (21.27 MB)
002 Degree of a Vertex.mp4 (6.92 MB)
003 Path and Cycle.mp4 (10.96 MB)
004 Subgraphs and Connected Components.mp4 (12.5 MB)
005 Graphs Abstract Data Type.mp4 (8.22 MB)
006 Graphs Representation.mp4 (4.01 MB)
007 Edge List Representation.mp4 (13.98 MB)
008 Adjacency List Representation.mp4 (27.5 MB)
009 Adjacency Matrix Representation.mp4 (40.37 MB)
010 Graphs Representation - Summary of Performance.mp4 (7.91 MB)
011 Lab Graphs ADT - Implementation.mp4 (25.79 MB)
012 Lab Undirected Graph - Implementation.mp4 (26.78 MB)
013 Lab Weighted Undirected Graph - Implementation.mp4 (31.88 MB)
014 Lab Directed Graph - Implementation.mp4 (44.74 MB)
015 Lab Weighted Directed Graph - Implementation.mp4 (36.08 MB)
001 Graph Traversals.mp4 (7.86 MB)
002 Breadth First Search.mp4 (24.66 MB)
003 Breadth First Search Algorithm.mp4 (19.59 MB)
004 Lab Breadth First Search - Implementation.mp4 (22.99 MB)
005 Depth First Search.mp4 (12.86 MB)
006 Depth First Search Algorithm.mp4 (17.29 MB)
007 Lab Depth First Search - Implementation.mp4 (11.91 MB)
001 Disjoint Sets Data Structure.mp4 (22.25 MB)
002 Union Operation & Algorithm.mp4 (12.09 MB)
003 Find Operation & Algorithm.mp4 (19.98 MB)
004 Weighted Union Operation & Algorithm.mp4 (24.94 MB)
005 Collapsing Find Operation & Algorithm.mp4 (23.76 MB)
006 Application - Find Number of Connected Components.mp4 (12.04 MB)
007 Application - Checking Vertices in Same Component.mp4 (13.5 MB)
008 Application - Detecting Cycle in Graph.mp4 (5.32 MB)
009 Application - Determine Edge Leads to Cycle.mp4 (7.78 MB)
010 Application - Computing Spanning Tree.mp4 (9.97 MB)
001 Divide and Conquer - Introduction.mp4 (5.86 MB)
002 Control Abstraction for Divide and Conquer.mp4 (2.87 MB)
001 Binary Search - Introduction.mp4 (5 MB)
002 Idea Behind Binary Search.mp4 (3.41 MB)
003 How Binary Search Works.mp4 (16.18 MB)
004 Divide and Conquer Strategy.mp4 (2.09 MB)
005 Binary Search Iterative Algorithm.mp4 (5.3 MB)
006 Analysis of Iterative Binary Search Algorithm.mp4 (23.2 MB)
007 Binary Search Recursive Algorithm.mp4 (8.32 MB)
008 Analysis of Recursive Binary Search Algorithm.mp4 (14.3 MB)
001 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (2.49 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (12.64 MB)
003 MaxMin Algorithm.mp4 (9.47 MB)
004 Analysis of MaxMin Algorithm.mp4 (5.81 MB)
005 Solving MaxMin Recurrence Relation.mp4 (15.89 MB)
006 Straight MaxMin Algorithm.mp4 (3.61 MB)
007 Analysis of Straight MaxMin Algorithm.mp4 (2.06 MB)
008 Summary.mp4 (1.36 MB)
001 Idea behind Merge Sort.mp4 (936.44 KB)
002 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (2.65 MB)
003 Merging Example.mp4 (20.62 MB)
004 Merge Algorithm.mp4 (13.89 MB)
005 Merge Sort Algorithm.mp4 (5.09 MB)
006 Working of Merge Sort Algorithm.mp4 (20.08 MB)
007 Analysis of Merge Algorithm.mp4 (2.4 MB)
008 Analysis of Merge Sort Algorithm.mp4 (18.9 MB)
009 Summary.mp4 (1.81 MB)
001 Idea Behind Quick Sort.mp4 (1.55 MB)
002 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (2.79 MB)
003 Understanding Pivot Element.mp4 (5.03 MB)
004 Partition Example.mp4 (12.61 MB)
005 Partition Algorithm.mp4 (7.59 MB)
006 Quick Sort Algorithm.mp4 (3.53 MB)
007 Working of Quick Sort Algorithm.mp4 (21.74 MB)
008 Analysis of Partition Algorithm.mp4 (2.29 MB)
009 Analysis of Quick Sort Algorithm.mp4 (9.95 MB)
010 Summary.mp4 (3.03 MB)
001 Idea Behind Selection Algorithm.mp4 (3.56 MB)
002 Partition Algorithm.mp4 (7.67 MB)
003 Selection of k smallest element.mp4 (1.69 MB)
004 Selection Algorithm with Example.mp4 (8.41 MB)
005 Analysis of Selection Algorithm.mp4 (2.25 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (2.16 MB)
002 Algorithm and Analysis of Mathematical Formula.mp4 (3.63 MB)
003 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (20.88 MB)
004 Analysis of Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (6.9 MB)
005 Strassen's Approach.mp4 (6.29 MB)
006 Analysis of Strassen's Approach.mp4 (6.12 MB)
007 Summary.mp4 (1.31 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (1.21 MB)
002 Brute Force Approach and Algorithm.mp4 (1.75 MB)
003 Analysis of Brute Force Method.mp4 (1.14 MB)
004 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (10.95 MB)
005 Closest Pair Algorithm.mp4 (2.21 MB)
006 Analysis of Closest Pair Algorithm.mp4 (4.48 MB)
007 Summary.mp4 (892.08 KB)
001 Convex Hull Introduction.mp4 (8.63 MB)
002 Quick Hull Algorithmv.mp4 (8.87 MB)
003 Analysis of Quick Hull Algorithm.mp4 (2.97 MB)
004 Summary of Quick Hull Algorithm.mp4 (1.35 MB)
005 Graham's Scan.mp4 (17.14 MB)
006 Graham's Scan Algorithm.mp4 (1.77 MB)
007 Scan Algorithm.mp4 (4.43 MB)
008 Analysis of Graham's Scan Algorithm.mp4 (1.39 MB)
009 Convex Hull Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (2.94 MB)
010 Merging Convex Hulls.mp4 (11.04 MB)
011 Analysis of Convex Hull DC Approach.mp4 (3.54 MB)
001 Greedy Method - Introduction.mp4 (9.24 MB)
002 Greedy Method - Control Abstraction.mp4 (3.16 MB)
003 Brute-Force and Greedy Algorithms.mp4 (2.19 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (2.82 MB)
002 Selecting objects according to decreasing Profits.mp4 (17.1 MB)
003 Selecting objects according to increasing Weights.mp4 (10.46 MB)
004 Selecting objects according to decreasing ratio of Profit by Weight.mp4 (11.81 MB)
005 Knapsack Algorithm.mp4 (4.44 MB)
006 Analysis of Knapsack Algorithm.mp4 (4.09 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (3.68 MB)
002 Example.mp4 (24.64 MB)
003 Greedy Method.mp4 (7.45 MB)
004 Job Sequencing Algorithm.mp4 (2.19 MB)
005 Detailed Job Sequencing Algorithm.mp4 (4.17 MB)
006 Analysis of JS Algorithm.mp4 (2.5 MB)
001 Minimum Cost Spanning Trees.mp4 (19.54 MB)
002 Working of Prims Algorithm.mp4 (44.68 MB)
003 Prims Algorithm.mp4 (7.31 MB)
004 Analysis of Prims Algorithm.mp4 (2.73 MB)
005 Working of Kruskals Algorithm.mp4 (15.64 MB)
006 Kruskals Algorithm.mp4 (9.61 MB)
007 Analysis of Kruskals Algorithm.mp4 (2.7 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (3.56 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (21.36 MB)
003 Analysis.mp4 (2.14 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (4.59 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (19.36 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (6.1 MB)
002 Relaxation Technique.mp4 (5.29 MB)
003 Working of Dijkstra's Algorithm.mp4 (21.08 MB)
004 Dijkstra's Algorithm.mp4 (3.72 MB)
005 Analysis of Dijkstra's Algorithm.mp4 (2.12 MB)
001 Dynamic Programming - Introduction.mp4 (13.95 MB)
002 Dynamic Programming Vs Divide and Conquer Strategy.mp4 (1.89 MB)
003 Dynamic Programming Vs Greedy Method.mp4 (3.94 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (13.9 MB)
002 Solving Multistage Graph Problem.mp4 (62.48 MB)
003 Multistage Graph Algorithm.mp4 (3.87 MB)
004 Analysis of Multistage Graph Forward Approach Algorithm.mp4 (1.96 MB)
005 Backward Approach Introduction.mp4 (6.17 MB)
006 Solving Multistage Graph Barkward.mp4 (33.16 MB)
007 Multistage Graph Algorithm Backward Approach.mp4 (3.62 MB)
008 Analysis of Multistage Graph Backward Approach Algorithm.mp4 (1.8 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (12.39 MB)
002 Solving All Pairs Shortest Path.mp4 (38.12 MB)
003 All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm.mp4 (1.78 MB)
004 Analysis of All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm.mp4 (976.24 KB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (10.22 MB)
002 Solving Single Source Shortest Path.mp4 (73.77 MB)
003 BellmenFord Algorithm.mp4 (2.35 MB)
004 Analysis of Bellmen Ford Algorithm.mp4 (2.69 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (8.97 MB)
002 Probabilities of Successful & Unsuccessful Search.mp4 (11.11 MB)
003 Solving with equal Probabilities.mp4 (24.36 MB)
004 Solving with different Probabilities.mp4 (19.45 MB)
005 Deriving Dynamic Programming Formula.mp4 (31.89 MB)
006 Solved Example using Dynamic Programming.mp4 (113.35 MB)
007 OBST Algorithm.mp4 (8.87 MB)
008 Analysis of OBST Algorithm.mp4 (1.77 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (7.2 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (41.35 MB)
003 Summary.mp4 (7.38 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (8.19 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (73.34 MB)
003 Analysis.mp4 (838.78 KB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (14.08 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (25.89 MB)
003 Analysis.mp4 (1.46 MB)
001 Backtracking - Introduction.mp4 (49.6 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (18.95 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (33.21 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (11.9 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (10.16 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (46.96 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (3.77 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (17.9 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (70.79 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (5.46 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (6.6 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (25.53 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (5.24 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (6.33 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (49.18 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (9.39 MB)
001 Branch and Bound Introduction.mp4 (8.73 MB)
002 Control Abstraction for LC Branch and Bound.mp4 (3.06 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (2.48 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (48.08 MB)
001 Job Sequencing FIFO Branch and Bound.mp4 (42.07 MB)
002 Job Sequencing LC Branch and Bound.mp4 (14.63 MB)
001 01 Knapsack FIFO Branch and Bound.mp4 (58.45 MB)
002 01 Knapsack LC Branch and Bound.mp4 (52.97 MB)]
![[Image: xU3uJ7Km_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/e7/a6/xU3uJ7Km_o.jpg)
001 Course Outcomes & Curriculum.mp4 (24.87 MB)
002 Why we Need Data Structures.mp4 (14.25 MB)
003 Why Learn Algorithms.mp4 (7.66 MB)
004 Abstract Data Type (ADT).mp4 (13.9 MB)
005 Visual Studio C# Execution Environment.mp4 (38.79 MB)
001 Time Complexity.mp4 (55.2 MB)
002 Order of Growth.mp4 (17.74 MB)
003 Asymptotic Analysis.mp4 (8.76 MB)
004 Big-Oh Notation.mp4 (10.26 MB)
005 Big Omega Notation.mp4 (5.64 MB)
006 Big Theta Notation.mp4 (4.51 MB)
007 Performance Summary.mp4 (3.92 MB)
008 Space Complexity.mp4 (9.5 MB)
001 How Recursion Works.mp4 (15.53 MB)
002 Lab Iteration Vs Recursion - Implementation.mp4 (16.66 MB)
003 Time Complexity of Recursion - Recurrence Relation.mp4 (20.16 MB)
004 Recurrence Relation - Another example.mp4 (15.3 MB)
005 Tail and Head Recursion.mp4 (25.98 MB)
006 Tree Recursion.mp4 (65.3 MB)
007 Indirect Recursion.mp4 (5.91 MB)
008 Sum of N Natural Numbers.mp4 (10.2 MB)
009 Lab Sum of N Numbers - Implementation.mp4 (11.29 MB)
010 Factorial.mp4 (8.11 MB)
011 Lab Factorial - Implementation.mp4 (8.6 MB)
001 Linear Search Algorithm.mp4 (18.21 MB)
002 Lab Linear Search - Implementation.mp4 (12.57 MB)
003 Binary Search Iterative Algorithm.mp4 (21.99 MB)
004 Lab Binary Search using Iterations - Implementation.mp4 (16.06 MB)
005 Binary Search Recursive Algorithm.mp4 (14.79 MB)
006 Lab Binary Search using Recursion - Implementation.mp4 (16.47 MB)
001 Sorting Introduction.mp4 (4.06 MB)
002 Stable and Unstable Sorting.mp4 (5.36 MB)
003 Selection Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (13.37 MB)
004 Selection Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (23.08 MB)
005 Lab Selection Sort - Implementation.mp4 (15.87 MB)
006 Insertion Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (7.94 MB)
007 Insertion Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (16.17 MB)
008 Lab Insertion Sort - Implementation.mp4 (18.46 MB)
009 Bubble Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (11.66 MB)
011 Lab Bubble Sort - Implementation.mp4 (17.74 MB)
012 Shell Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (10.01 MB)
013 Shell Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (8.93 MB)
014 Lab Shell Sort - Implementation.mp4 (18.09 MB)
015 Merge Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (13.18 MB)
016 Merge Sort - Algorithm.mp4 (10.08 MB)
017 Merging - Algorithm.mp4 (22.65 MB)
018 Merge Sort - Complexity Analysis.mp4 (7.79 MB)
019 Lab Merge Sort - Implementation.mp4 (24.66 MB)
020 Quick Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (41.88 MB)
021 Quick Sort - Algorithm.mp4 (8.11 MB)
022 Quick Sort - Complexity Analysis.mp4 (16.7 MB)
023 Lab Quick Sort - Implementation.mp4 (24.14 MB)
024 Summary of Complexities - Sorting Algorithms.mp4 (28.57 MB)
001 Why do we use Linked List.mp4 (26.08 MB)
002 Creating Node of Linked List.mp4 (12.68 MB)
003 Playing with the links of Linked List.mp4 (12.14 MB)
004 How to Create Linked List.mp4 (7.86 MB)
005 Displaying or Traversing Linked List.mp4 (16.86 MB)
006 Lab Creating and Displaying Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (26.12 MB)
007 Insert Element at the Beginning of Linked List.mp4 (8.65 MB)
008 Lab Insert Element at the Beginning of Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (10.93 MB)
009 Insert Element Anywhere in between the Linked List.mp4 (21.58 MB)
010 Lab Insert Element Anywhere in Between the Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (13.68 MB)
011 Delete Element at Beginning of Linked List.mp4 (11.24 MB)
012 Lab Delete Element at Beginning of the Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (12.82 MB)
013 Delete Element at End of Linked List.mp4 (14.52 MB)
014 Lab Delete Element at End of Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (12.55 MB)
015 Delete Element Anywhere in between Linked List.mp4 (14.68 MB)
016 Lab Delete Element Anywhere in between Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (13.85 MB)
017 Searching Element in Linked List.mp4 (14.42 MB)
018 Lab Searching the Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (9.86 MB)
019 24 Exercise Solution Inserting Elements in Sorted Order.mp4 (11.11 MB)
001 What is Circular Linked List.mp4 (8.58 MB)
002 Creating Circular Linked List.mp4 (10.23 MB)
003 Traversing Circular Linked List.mp4 (19.33 MB)
004 Lab Creating and Displaying Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (20.26 MB)
005 Insert Element at the Beginning of Circular Linked List.mp4 (11.62 MB)
006 Lab Insert Element at the Beginning of Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (11.29 MB)
007 Insert Element Anywhere in between the Circular Linked List.mp4 (17.46 MB)
008 Lab Insert Element Anywhere in Between the Circular Linked List -Implementation.mp4 (13.14 MB)
009 Delete Element at Beginning of Circular Linked List.mp4 (12.32 MB)
010 Lab Delete Element at Beginning of the Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (10.91 MB)
011 Delete Element at End of Circular Linked List.mp4 (14.23 MB)
012 Lab Delete Element at End of Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (12.01 MB)
013 Delete Element Anywhere in between Circular Linked List.mp4 (17.67 MB)
014 Lab Delete Element Anywhere in between Circular Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (13.71 MB)
001 What is Doubly Linked List.mp4 (2.71 MB)
002 Creating Node of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (24.3 MB)
003 Playing with links of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (15.83 MB)
004 Creating Doubly Linked List.mp4 (8.9 MB)
005 Traversing Doubly Linked List.mp4 (8.09 MB)
006 Lab Creating and Displaying Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (24.81 MB)
007 Insert Element at the Beginning of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (11.3 MB)
008 Lab Insert Element at the Beginning of Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (9.93 MB)
009 Insert Element Anywhere in between the Doubly Linked List.mp4 (16.87 MB)
010 Lab Insert Element Anywhere in Between the Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (12.42 MB)
011 Delete Element at Beginning of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (10.38 MB)
012 Lab Delete Element at Beginning of the Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (9.87 MB)
013 Delete Element at End of Doubly Linked List.mp4 (7.98 MB)
014 Lab Delete Element at End of Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (9.71 MB)
015 Delete Element Anywhere in between Doubly Linked List.mp4 (13.78 MB)
016 Lab Delete Element Anywhere in between Doubly Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (15.24 MB)
001 What is Stack Data Structure.mp4 (13.99 MB)
002 Stacks using Arrays.mp4 (5.29 MB)
003 Lab Stacks using Arrays - Implementation.mp4 (30.02 MB)
004 Stacks using Linked List.mp4 (24.7 MB)
005 Lab Stacks using Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (38.41 MB)
001 What is Queue Data Structure.mp4 (9.56 MB)
002 Queues using Arrays.mp4 (5.64 MB)
003 Lab Queues using Arrays - Implementation.mp4 (26.52 MB)
004 Queues using Linked List.mp4 (25.89 MB)
005 Lab Queues using Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (29.2 MB)
006 What are Double Ended Queues.mp4 (8.05 MB)
007 Lab Double Ended Queues using Linked List - Implementation.mp4 (19.73 MB)
001 Tree Data Structure - Its Definitions and Properties.mp4 (9.23 MB)
002 Trees - Terminology.mp4 (14.88 MB)
003 Height and Levels of Trees.mp4 (7.99 MB)
004 Degree of Node and Tree.mp4 (9.13 MB)
005 Binary Trees and Its Properties.mp4 (20.15 MB)
006 Proper Binary Tree.mp4 (8.8 MB)
007 Full Binary Tree.mp4 (13.97 MB)
008 Complete Binary Tree.mp4 (14.17 MB)
009 Full Vs Complete Vs Proper Binary Tree.mp4 (20.61 MB)
010 Binary Tree Representation - Array Based.mp4 (29.35 MB)
011 Binary Tree Representation - Linked Based.mp4 (12.65 MB)
012 Traversing Binary Trees.mp4 (1.92 MB)
013 Binary Trees Traversal - Preorder.mp4 (11.1 MB)
014 Binary Trees Traversal - Inorder.mp4 (10.46 MB)
015 Binary Trees Traversal - Postorder.mp4 (11.02 MB)
016 Binary Trees Traversal - Level Order.mp4 (7.16 MB)
017 Easy way of remembering Binary Trees Traversals.mp4 (5.12 MB)
001 What are Binary Search Trees.mp4 (21.31 MB)
002 Binary Search Trees - Searching (Concept).mp4 (9.84 MB)
003 Binary Search Trees - Iterative Search Function.mp4 (24.12 MB)
004 Binary Search Trees - Recursive Search Function.mp4 (27.65 MB)
005 Binary Search Trees - Insertion (Concept).mp4 (7.95 MB)
006 Binary Search Trees - Iterative Insert Function.mp4 (38.98 MB)
007 Binary Search Trees - Recursive Insert Function.mp4 (31.17 MB)
008 Traversing Binary Search Tree.mp4 (10.06 MB)
009 Function for Inorder Traversal.mp4 (19.26 MB)
010 Lab Insertion in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (28 MB)
011 Lab Recursive Insertion in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (15.55 MB)
012 Function for Preorder Traversal.mp4 (20.3 MB)
013 Lab Preorder Traversal - Implementation.mp4 (9.14 MB)
014 Function for Postorder Traversal.mp4 (21.32 MB)
015 Lab Postorder Traversal - Implementation.mp4 (18.08 MB)
016 Function for Level Order Traversal.mp4 (18.31 MB)
017 Lab Level Order Traversal - Implementation.mp4 (19.45 MB)
018 Lab Iterative Searching in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (10.32 MB)
019 Lab Recursive Searching in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (10.68 MB)
020 Binary Search Tree - Deletion.mp4 (3.31 MB)
021 Binary Search Tree - Deletion Case-Leaf Node.mp4 (3.1 MB)
022 Binary Search Tree - Deletion Case-Node with One Subtree.mp4 (10.03 MB)
023 Binary Search Tree - Deletion Case-Node with Both Subtrees.mp4 (25.66 MB)
024 Lab Deletion in Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (20.82 MB)
025 Count Number of Nodes in Binary Tree.mp4 (29.57 MB)
026 Lab Count Operations of Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (11.61 MB)
027 Find Height of Binary Tree.mp4 (29.25 MB)
028 Lab Height Operations of Binary Search Tree - Implementation.mp4 (13.27 MB)
029 Performance and Problem of Binary Search Trees.mp4 (21.19 MB)
001 Balanced Search Trees.mp4 (4.31 MB)
002 AVL Trees.mp4 (15.92 MB)
003 AVL Tree Rotations for Insertion.mp4 (23.72 MB)
004 AVL Tree - LL Rotation.mp4 (17.2 MB)
005 AVL Tree - RR Rotation.mp4 (17.87 MB)
006 AVL Tree - LR Rotation.mp4 (15.84 MB)
007 AVL Tree - RL Rotation.mp4 (15.68 MB)
008 AVL Tree Rotations after Deletion.mp4 (28.94 MB)
009 Performance Analysis of AVL Trees.mp4 (3.3 MB)
010 Red-Black Trees.mp4 (9.2 MB)
011 Red-Black Trees - Restructuring.mp4 (16.94 MB)
012 Red-Black Trees - Insertion.mp4 (15.48 MB)
013 Red-Black Trees - Deletion.mp4 (19.16 MB)
014 Performance Analysis of Red-Black Trees.mp4 (3.03 MB)
015 Splay Trees.mp4 (6.16 MB)
016 Splay Trees - Zig-Zig Restructuring.mp4 (8.72 MB)
017 Splay Trees - Zig-Zag Restructuring.mp4 (9.64 MB)
018 Splay Trees - Zig Restructuring.mp4 (5.66 MB)
019 Splay Trees - Splaying.mp4 (10.21 MB)
020 Performance Analysis of Splay Trees.mp4 (5.53 MB)
001 What are Priority Queues.mp4 (6.56 MB)
002 Heaps Data Structure.mp4 (17.35 MB)
003 Heaps - Insertion.mp4 (12.28 MB)
004 Heaps - Insert Function.mp4 (38.9 MB)
005 Lab Creating Heaps using Insert function - Implementation.mp4 (25.27 MB)
006 Heaps - Deletion.mp4 (9.2 MB)
007 Heaps - Delete Function.mp4 (22.26 MB)
008 Lab Deletion in Heaps - Implementation.mp4 (11.03 MB)
009 Heap Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (8.89 MB)
010 Heap Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (5.7 MB)
011 Lab Heap Sort - Implementation.mp4 (16.07 MB)
001 What is Hashing.mp4 (25.37 MB)
002 Chaining - Collision Detection Scheme.mp4 (29.47 MB)
003 Lab Hash Chaining - Implementation.mp4 (23.42 MB)
004 Linear Probing.mp4 (23.89 MB)
005 Lab Hash Linear Probing - Implementation.mp4 (23.01 MB)
006 Quadratic Probing.mp4 (19.07 MB)
007 Double Hashing.mp4 (23.07 MB)
001 Count Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (15.97 MB)
002 Count Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (11.17 MB)
003 Radix Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (16.84 MB)
004 Radix Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (15.73 MB)
005 Bucket Sort - How does it Work.mp4 (13.18 MB)
006 Bucket Sort - Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (7.68 MB)
007 Summary of Complexities - Index Based Sorting Algorithms.mp4 (4.82 MB)
001 Graphs - Introduction.mp4 (21.27 MB)
002 Degree of a Vertex.mp4 (6.92 MB)
003 Path and Cycle.mp4 (10.96 MB)
004 Subgraphs and Connected Components.mp4 (12.5 MB)
005 Graphs Abstract Data Type.mp4 (8.22 MB)
006 Graphs Representation.mp4 (4.01 MB)
007 Edge List Representation.mp4 (13.98 MB)
008 Adjacency List Representation.mp4 (27.5 MB)
009 Adjacency Matrix Representation.mp4 (40.37 MB)
010 Graphs Representation - Summary of Performance.mp4 (7.91 MB)
011 Lab Graphs ADT - Implementation.mp4 (25.79 MB)
012 Lab Undirected Graph - Implementation.mp4 (26.78 MB)
013 Lab Weighted Undirected Graph - Implementation.mp4 (31.88 MB)
014 Lab Directed Graph - Implementation.mp4 (44.74 MB)
015 Lab Weighted Directed Graph - Implementation.mp4 (36.08 MB)
001 Graph Traversals.mp4 (7.86 MB)
002 Breadth First Search.mp4 (24.66 MB)
003 Breadth First Search Algorithm.mp4 (19.59 MB)
004 Lab Breadth First Search - Implementation.mp4 (22.99 MB)
005 Depth First Search.mp4 (12.86 MB)
006 Depth First Search Algorithm.mp4 (17.29 MB)
007 Lab Depth First Search - Implementation.mp4 (11.91 MB)
001 Disjoint Sets Data Structure.mp4 (22.25 MB)
002 Union Operation & Algorithm.mp4 (12.09 MB)
003 Find Operation & Algorithm.mp4 (19.98 MB)
004 Weighted Union Operation & Algorithm.mp4 (24.94 MB)
005 Collapsing Find Operation & Algorithm.mp4 (23.76 MB)
006 Application - Find Number of Connected Components.mp4 (12.04 MB)
007 Application - Checking Vertices in Same Component.mp4 (13.5 MB)
008 Application - Detecting Cycle in Graph.mp4 (5.32 MB)
009 Application - Determine Edge Leads to Cycle.mp4 (7.78 MB)
010 Application - Computing Spanning Tree.mp4 (9.97 MB)
001 Divide and Conquer - Introduction.mp4 (5.86 MB)
002 Control Abstraction for Divide and Conquer.mp4 (2.87 MB)
001 Binary Search - Introduction.mp4 (5 MB)
002 Idea Behind Binary Search.mp4 (3.41 MB)
003 How Binary Search Works.mp4 (16.18 MB)
004 Divide and Conquer Strategy.mp4 (2.09 MB)
005 Binary Search Iterative Algorithm.mp4 (5.3 MB)
006 Analysis of Iterative Binary Search Algorithm.mp4 (23.2 MB)
007 Binary Search Recursive Algorithm.mp4 (8.32 MB)
008 Analysis of Recursive Binary Search Algorithm.mp4 (14.3 MB)
001 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (2.49 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (12.64 MB)
003 MaxMin Algorithm.mp4 (9.47 MB)
004 Analysis of MaxMin Algorithm.mp4 (5.81 MB)
005 Solving MaxMin Recurrence Relation.mp4 (15.89 MB)
006 Straight MaxMin Algorithm.mp4 (3.61 MB)
007 Analysis of Straight MaxMin Algorithm.mp4 (2.06 MB)
008 Summary.mp4 (1.36 MB)
001 Idea behind Merge Sort.mp4 (936.44 KB)
002 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (2.65 MB)
003 Merging Example.mp4 (20.62 MB)
004 Merge Algorithm.mp4 (13.89 MB)
005 Merge Sort Algorithm.mp4 (5.09 MB)
006 Working of Merge Sort Algorithm.mp4 (20.08 MB)
007 Analysis of Merge Algorithm.mp4 (2.4 MB)
008 Analysis of Merge Sort Algorithm.mp4 (18.9 MB)
009 Summary.mp4 (1.81 MB)
001 Idea Behind Quick Sort.mp4 (1.55 MB)
002 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (2.79 MB)
003 Understanding Pivot Element.mp4 (5.03 MB)
004 Partition Example.mp4 (12.61 MB)
005 Partition Algorithm.mp4 (7.59 MB)
006 Quick Sort Algorithm.mp4 (3.53 MB)
007 Working of Quick Sort Algorithm.mp4 (21.74 MB)
008 Analysis of Partition Algorithm.mp4 (2.29 MB)
009 Analysis of Quick Sort Algorithm.mp4 (9.95 MB)
010 Summary.mp4 (3.03 MB)
001 Idea Behind Selection Algorithm.mp4 (3.56 MB)
002 Partition Algorithm.mp4 (7.67 MB)
003 Selection of k smallest element.mp4 (1.69 MB)
004 Selection Algorithm with Example.mp4 (8.41 MB)
005 Analysis of Selection Algorithm.mp4 (2.25 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (2.16 MB)
002 Algorithm and Analysis of Mathematical Formula.mp4 (3.63 MB)
003 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (20.88 MB)
004 Analysis of Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (6.9 MB)
005 Strassen's Approach.mp4 (6.29 MB)
006 Analysis of Strassen's Approach.mp4 (6.12 MB)
007 Summary.mp4 (1.31 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (1.21 MB)
002 Brute Force Approach and Algorithm.mp4 (1.75 MB)
003 Analysis of Brute Force Method.mp4 (1.14 MB)
004 Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (10.95 MB)
005 Closest Pair Algorithm.mp4 (2.21 MB)
006 Analysis of Closest Pair Algorithm.mp4 (4.48 MB)
007 Summary.mp4 (892.08 KB)
001 Convex Hull Introduction.mp4 (8.63 MB)
002 Quick Hull Algorithmv.mp4 (8.87 MB)
003 Analysis of Quick Hull Algorithm.mp4 (2.97 MB)
004 Summary of Quick Hull Algorithm.mp4 (1.35 MB)
005 Graham's Scan.mp4 (17.14 MB)
006 Graham's Scan Algorithm.mp4 (1.77 MB)
007 Scan Algorithm.mp4 (4.43 MB)
008 Analysis of Graham's Scan Algorithm.mp4 (1.39 MB)
009 Convex Hull Divide and Conquer Approach.mp4 (2.94 MB)
010 Merging Convex Hulls.mp4 (11.04 MB)
011 Analysis of Convex Hull DC Approach.mp4 (3.54 MB)
001 Greedy Method - Introduction.mp4 (9.24 MB)
002 Greedy Method - Control Abstraction.mp4 (3.16 MB)
003 Brute-Force and Greedy Algorithms.mp4 (2.19 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (2.82 MB)
002 Selecting objects according to decreasing Profits.mp4 (17.1 MB)
003 Selecting objects according to increasing Weights.mp4 (10.46 MB)
004 Selecting objects according to decreasing ratio of Profit by Weight.mp4 (11.81 MB)
005 Knapsack Algorithm.mp4 (4.44 MB)
006 Analysis of Knapsack Algorithm.mp4 (4.09 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (3.68 MB)
002 Example.mp4 (24.64 MB)
003 Greedy Method.mp4 (7.45 MB)
004 Job Sequencing Algorithm.mp4 (2.19 MB)
005 Detailed Job Sequencing Algorithm.mp4 (4.17 MB)
006 Analysis of JS Algorithm.mp4 (2.5 MB)
001 Minimum Cost Spanning Trees.mp4 (19.54 MB)
002 Working of Prims Algorithm.mp4 (44.68 MB)
003 Prims Algorithm.mp4 (7.31 MB)
004 Analysis of Prims Algorithm.mp4 (2.73 MB)
005 Working of Kruskals Algorithm.mp4 (15.64 MB)
006 Kruskals Algorithm.mp4 (9.61 MB)
007 Analysis of Kruskals Algorithm.mp4 (2.7 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (3.56 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (21.36 MB)
003 Analysis.mp4 (2.14 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (4.59 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (19.36 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (6.1 MB)
002 Relaxation Technique.mp4 (5.29 MB)
003 Working of Dijkstra's Algorithm.mp4 (21.08 MB)
004 Dijkstra's Algorithm.mp4 (3.72 MB)
005 Analysis of Dijkstra's Algorithm.mp4 (2.12 MB)
001 Dynamic Programming - Introduction.mp4 (13.95 MB)
002 Dynamic Programming Vs Divide and Conquer Strategy.mp4 (1.89 MB)
003 Dynamic Programming Vs Greedy Method.mp4 (3.94 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (13.9 MB)
002 Solving Multistage Graph Problem.mp4 (62.48 MB)
003 Multistage Graph Algorithm.mp4 (3.87 MB)
004 Analysis of Multistage Graph Forward Approach Algorithm.mp4 (1.96 MB)
005 Backward Approach Introduction.mp4 (6.17 MB)
006 Solving Multistage Graph Barkward.mp4 (33.16 MB)
007 Multistage Graph Algorithm Backward Approach.mp4 (3.62 MB)
008 Analysis of Multistage Graph Backward Approach Algorithm.mp4 (1.8 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (12.39 MB)
002 Solving All Pairs Shortest Path.mp4 (38.12 MB)
003 All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm.mp4 (1.78 MB)
004 Analysis of All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm.mp4 (976.24 KB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (10.22 MB)
002 Solving Single Source Shortest Path.mp4 (73.77 MB)
003 BellmenFord Algorithm.mp4 (2.35 MB)
004 Analysis of Bellmen Ford Algorithm.mp4 (2.69 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (8.97 MB)
002 Probabilities of Successful & Unsuccessful Search.mp4 (11.11 MB)
003 Solving with equal Probabilities.mp4 (24.36 MB)
004 Solving with different Probabilities.mp4 (19.45 MB)
005 Deriving Dynamic Programming Formula.mp4 (31.89 MB)
006 Solved Example using Dynamic Programming.mp4 (113.35 MB)
007 OBST Algorithm.mp4 (8.87 MB)
008 Analysis of OBST Algorithm.mp4 (1.77 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (7.2 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (41.35 MB)
003 Summary.mp4 (7.38 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (8.19 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (73.34 MB)
003 Analysis.mp4 (838.78 KB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (14.08 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (25.89 MB)
003 Analysis.mp4 (1.46 MB)
001 Backtracking - Introduction.mp4 (49.6 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (18.95 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (33.21 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (11.9 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (10.16 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (46.96 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (3.77 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (17.9 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (70.79 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (5.46 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (6.6 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (25.53 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (5.24 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (6.33 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (49.18 MB)
003 Algorithm and Analysis.mp4 (9.39 MB)
001 Branch and Bound Introduction.mp4 (8.73 MB)
002 Control Abstraction for LC Branch and Bound.mp4 (3.06 MB)
001 Introduction.mp4 (2.48 MB)
002 Solved Example.mp4 (48.08 MB)
001 Job Sequencing FIFO Branch and Bound.mp4 (42.07 MB)
002 Job Sequencing LC Branch and Bound.mp4 (14.63 MB)
001 01 Knapsack FIFO Branch and Bound.mp4 (58.45 MB)
002 01 Knapsack LC Branch and Bound.mp4 (52.97 MB)]
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