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Udemy Flutter 2 2 Firebase build a complete app from scratch
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
6.16 GB | 00:36:19 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Introduction (4.72 MB)
002 What is Flutter And what is the Firebase (1.85 MB)
003 App overview (65.12 MB)
004 Udemy courses by me, and suggestions for you (8.33 MB)
005 My Youtube channel (9.02 MB)
001 Project on Github (11.68 MB)
002 Create a new project and set up our up theme (94.74 MB)
001 Implement the animated background in the login screen (174.87 MB)
002 Finish the login screen design (524.37 MB)
003 Implement the Signup screen (147.21 MB)
004 Allow the user to navigate between Text Field using keyboard button (FocusNode) (116.99 MB)
005 Implement the forget password screen (95.02 MB)
006 Implement the main screen design (224.54 MB)
007 Change the drawer Icon color and Icon Data (43.7 MB)
008 animated wallpaper (88.93 KB)
008 Implement the delete task dialog (38.72 MB)
009 Implement the filter dialog design in the main screen (128.94 MB)
009 login screen done (90.12 KB)
010 Implement the drawer header, add a constant class and explain what static means (81.31 MB)
011 Add the drawer body (85.29 MB)
011 forget password (6.44 KB)
012 forget password (6.44 KB)
012 Implement the sign out dialog design (54.28 MB)
013 Implement the add task screen design (394.55 MB)
014 Add the drawer in the add task screen (38.73 MB)
014 Main Screen (7.85 KB)
015 Implement the task category dialog in the add task screen (69.28 MB)
016 filter-dialog (8.59 KB)
016 Implement the choose date dialog (73.09 MB)
017 Fix a null error if no date is picked (10.68 MB)
018 drawer (9.6 KB)
018 Implement the all registered workers screen (56.46 MB)
019 Create the user profile screen UI (297.39 MB)
019 signOut dialog (9.87 KB)
020 Change the sign up screen design and add more widgets to it (241.48 MB)
021 Add a task screen (11.78 KB)
021 Implement the image picker dialog (53.77 MB)
022 Implement the image picker functions (67.58 MB)
023 Implement the image cropper function (68.49 MB)
024 implement the dialogs in the add task screen (12.41 KB)
024 Start implementing the task details screen (294.31 MB)
025 Animated switcher to add a comment (128.74 MB)
025 Registered workers screen (101.34 KB)
026 Implement the comment widget design (94.44 MB)
026 profile screen (15.48 KB)
027 Add dynamic border color for the commenter profile image (54.99 MB)
027 add few changes to the sign up screen (16.63 KB)
028 add the image picker dialog (16.75 KB)
028 Send message via whatsapp (81.83 MB)
029 Image picker using camera and gallery (18.46 KB)
029 Send an email from the app (32.48 MB)
030 image cropper (18.56 KB)
030 Open contact dialer app to allow the user to reach other workers numbers (33.04 MB)
031 task details first part (18.84 KB)
033 comments added (20.04 KB)
034 Task details finished (20.16 KB)
035 Whatsapp fct (21.7 KB)
036 30- Send an email from the app (30.15 MB)
037 dialer (20.46 KB)
001 What is Firebase (33.73 MB)
002 Connect our app to Firebase (63.82 MB)
003 Get started with Firebase Auth (75.22 MB)
004 Initialize the Firebase app to fix the Firebase initialization error (82.83 MB)
005 Allow the users to Signup using Email and Password (56.68 MB)
006 Errors handling (59.89 MB)
007 Allow the users to login (52.82 MB)
008 Error Handling from one dart class only (48.93 MB)
009 Show different screens wether the user is signed in or not (95.53 MB)
010 Implement the sign out method and code improvement (30.96 MB)
011 What is Firebase Firestore (30.49 MB)
012 Save extra user data on the cloud Firestore (90.32 MB)
013 Upload user image to the Firebase storage and save the link in the Firestore (87.17 MB)
014 Fetch the user data and display it in the profile screen (209.02 MB)
015 Show the correct data for each user in the profiel screen (64.72 MB)
016 Start fetching all the workers from the Firebase Firestore (77.92 MB)
017 Display the correct data for each worker (66.27 MB)
018 Check if this is the same logged in user in the profile screen (81.33 MB)
019 Start with uploading task to the Firestore database (87.8 MB)
020 Generate a dynamic unique ID for each task (26.97 MB)
021 Add a spinner and show a toast (52.49 MB)
022 Handle empty task category and empty deadline date (30.91 MB)
023 Clear the form (25.84 MB)
024 Fetch the tasks from the Firestore (86.27 MB)
025 Allow only the task uploader to delete the task (103.03 MB)
026 Start fetching the task details (252.71 MB)
027 Allow the uploader to change task state if done or not done and other improv (78.27 MB)
028 Implement the Post a comment method ( write its function ) (87.69 MB)
029 Start fetching the comments from the Firestore (65.64 MB)
030 Display the comments on the screen (59.49 MB)
031 Allow the users to visit commenters profile (13.21 MB)
041 initilize app (22.14 KB)
043 resgiter error handling (21.07 KB)
044 login (22.59 KB)
044 resgiter error handling (21.07 KB)
045 Global error handling (21.83 KB)
047 Sign out (22.45 KB)
049 save extra user data on the firestore (22.7 KB)
050 image upload (24.2 KB)
051 fetch data in the profile screen (24.71 KB)
052 Fetch each user data (24.79 KB)
053 start fetching worker from the FIREBASE (25.07 KB)
054 show all workers with corespondant data (24.06 KB)
055 1- is same user (24.36 KB)
056 2- start with task upload (25.97 KB)
058 3-spinner-toast-error handling (26.13 KB)
059 4- handle empty task deadline and empty task category (26.22 KB)
060 5- Clear the upload form (26.25 KB)
061 6- fetch all tasks from the firestore (26.68 KB)
062 7- delete (51.27 KB)
064 9- change task done state (27.92 KB)
065 10- upload comments (28.25 KB)
066 11- start fetching the comments (28.4 KB)
068 12- Allow the users to view commenters profile (27.28 KB)
[Image: Gnx032Vn_o.jpg]

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