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Udemy GraphQL with NextJS Build a Fullstack App From S
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
19.38 GB | 00:16:55 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - Walkthrough of complete application (77.04 MB)
76 - MongoDB monitor model (9.41 MB)
77 - MongoDB connection method (59.59 MB)
78 - MongoDB monitor heartbeat start method (184.23 MB)
79 - MongoDB service methods (65.42 MB)
80 - Test mongodb monitor (69.89 MB)
81 - Redis monitor heartbeat model and service (72.7 MB)
82 - Redis ping method (127.64 MB)
83 - Redis monitor assertion method (135.77 MB)
84 - Redis monitor success method fix (12.24 MB)
85 - Redis monitor error method (26.85 MB)
86 - Test redis monitor (80.98 MB)
87 - TCP monitor heartbeat model and service (80.79 MB)
88 - TCP ping method (43.54 MB)
89 - TCP monitor heartbeat start method (64.14 MB)
90 - TCP monitor success method fix (16.37 MB)
91 - Test tcp monitor (53.42 MB)
92 - Create email templates method (142.99 MB)
93 - Email sender method (80.73 MB)
94 - Use email sender method (78.55 MB)
100 - Get certificate info (124.61 MB)
101 - Certification info reject unauthorized (161.76 MB)
102 - Setup ssl info (173.07 MB)
103 - Test certificate ssl info method (53.41 MB)
104 - SSL monitor start method (115.82 MB)
105 - SSL monitor graphQL schema (51.97 MB)
106 - SSL monitor graphQL resolver (199.1 MB)
107 - Update ssl interface (4.92 MB)
108 - SSL monitor issue (12.8 MB)
109 - Test ssl monitor (144.07 MB)
110 - Copy email templates to build (45.1 MB)
95 - SSL model (36.98 MB)
95 - ssl model (1.2 KB)
96 - SSL monitor service (108.02 MB)
97 - Update ssl info method (30.35 MB)
98 - Start ssl monitor method (99.97 MB)
99 - Get days remaining method (61.53 MB)
111 - What is Nextjs (6.78 MB)
112 - Nextjs routing introduction (9.14 MB)
113 - Nextjs documentation (56.77 MB)
114 - Create a sample Nextjs application (69.27 MB)
115 - Defining Nextjs routes (49.76 MB)
116 - Nextjs route layouts (20.9 MB)
117 - Nextjs dynamic routes (20.79 MB)
118 - Server and client components (104 MB)
119 - Uptimer Nextjs project setup (20.6 MB)
120 - Folder structure (5.75 MB)
121 - Nextjs features to be used (4.66 MB)
122 - editorconfig (297 B)
122 - Index header component (76.35 MB)
123 - Nextjs turbo command (24.19 MB)
124 - Resize observer (120.52 MB)
125 - Responsive index header component (114.27 MB)
126 - Index page content (130.09 MB)
127 - Install graphQL apollo client library (35.99 MB)
128 - Setup websocket connection (105.26 MB)
129 - Setup apollo client persistor (65.14 MB)
130 - Convert ApolloProvider to a client component (111.41 MB)
131 - Add button and input components (32.59 MB)
131 - input interface (591 B)
132 - Signup component (119.85 MB)
133 - Signup form validation (158.03 MB)
134 - useRegister hook (91.38 MB)
135 - GraphQL register user mutation (39.65 MB)
136 - Use the apollo client useMutation hook (76.99 MB)
137 - Register user method (130.08 MB)
138 - Page loader component (140.55 MB)
139 - Toggle password input (40.58 MB)
140 - Install React toastify (43 MB)
141 - Create a new react context (65.63 MB)
141 - notification interface (1.08 KB)
141 - user interface (815 B)
142 - React context state reducer Record video again (21.35 MB)
143 - Fix monitor provider issue (12.79 MB)
144 - Login page html (117.12 MB)
145 - auth (1.24 KB)
145 - GraphQL login user mutation (81.89 MB)
146 - Test login feature (7.94 MB)
147 - Create firebase project (13.49 MB)
148 - Initialize firebase app (39.59 MB)
149 - Register with google feature Part 1 (86.63 MB)
150 - Register with google feature Part 2 (190.04 MB)
151 - Create a resuable method (71.12 MB)
152 - Facebook app setup (34.91 MB)
153 - Register with facebook feature (50.17 MB)
154 - Login with google and facebook (88.08 MB)
155 - Create graphQL fragments (29.87 MB)
2 - What is GraphQL (41.16 MB)
3 - GraphQL schemes and types (51.48 MB)
4 - GraphQL resolvers (30.58 MB)
5 - GraphQL query (49.71 MB)
6 - Setup sample graphQL server (131.39 MB)
7 - GraphQL mutations (109.67 MB)
8 - GraphQL field resolvers (39.9 MB)
156 - Home page structure (2.21 MB)
157 - Create status route (33.33 MB)
158 - Layout body component (69.93 MB)
159 - Sidebar component (51.64 MB)
160 - Sidebar menu component (143.96 MB)
161 - Toggle sidebar (34.02 MB)
162 - Home header component (74.65 MB)
163 - Create protected route component (103.49 MB)
164 - Navigate component (56.58 MB)
165 - GraphQL logout mutation (68.14 MB)
166 - Read current user data from apollo client cache (66.24 MB)
167 - Home group buttons (146.01 MB)
167 - monitor interface (4.3 KB)
168 - Home buttons count method (63.9 MB)
169 - Render refresh buttons (32.7 MB)
170 - Home table and grid components (66.08 MB)
171 - status (2.31 KB)
171 - useHomeHook Part 1 (122.44 MB)
172 - useHomeHook Part 2 (174.54 MB)
173 - useHomeHook Part 3 (162.49 MB)
174 - Update render buttons method (129.51 MB)
175 - Create heartbeats display component (148.52 MB)
176 - Create chart component (145.06 MB)
177 - Setup apollo client subscription type (62.16 MB)
178 - Apollo client useSubscription onData callback (92.73 MB)
179 - Update apollo cache with useSubscription response data (123.79 MB)
180 - Uptime monitor create button (59.68 MB)
181 - Uptime group buttons (92.76 MB)
182 - Monitor selection modal (41.79 MB)
183 - Open modal from sidebar (81.91 MB)
184 - HTTP monitor create route (156.06 MB)
185 - useHttpCreate hook (92.48 MB)
186 - HTTP monitor authentication fields (155.83 MB)
187 - Assertion component (135.79 MB)
188 - HTTP monitor validation (199.77 MB)
188 - http (2.57 KB)
189 - React useTransition hook (149 MB)
190 - Update cache after mutation (38.06 MB)
191 - useHomeTableBtnGroup hook (160.05 MB)
192 - Access http edit route (57.31 MB)
193 - Edit http monitor (254.65 MB)
194 - mongo (1000 B)
194 - useMongoDBCreate and useMongoDBEdit hooks (134.66 MB)
195 - MongoDB monitor create route (137.33 MB)
196 - MongoDB monitor edit route (17.97 MB)
197 - Redis monitor create and edit routes (127.67 MB)
197 - redis (998 B)
198 - tcp (1.13 KB)
198 - useTCPCreate and useTCPEdit hooks (90.47 MB)
199 - TCP monitor create and edit routes (121.46 MB)
200 - Paginate component (131.25 MB)
201 - useUptimeView (6.59 KB)
201 - View monitor route (117.71 MB)
202 - Add monitor to React context (100.96 MB)
203 - Monitor heartbeat graphQL query (155.61 MB)
204 - Change auto refresh button if no active monitor (86.86 MB)
205 - Add home component skeleton (31.28 MB)
206 - ssl interface (2.57 KB)
206 - ssl (1.04 KB)
206 - sslStatus (1.6 KB)
206 - useSSLCreate hook (167.29 MB)
207 - useSSLEdit hook (51.78 MB)
208 - useSSLTable and useSSLHome hooks (199.32 MB)
209 - SSL route (51.27 MB)
210 - SSL home component (170.77 MB)
211 - SSL button group (112.71 MB)
212 - SSL create route (107.91 MB)
213 - Test ssl create (23.85 MB)
214 - SSL edit route (102.71 MB)
215 - Fix ssl edit issue (11.75 MB)
216 - useSSLInfoModal hook (65.42 MB)
217 - SSL information modal (72.27 MB)
218 - Fix ssl information modal overflow (33.99 MB)
219 - contactGroup (762 B)
219 - useViewContact hook (70.57 MB)
220 - View contact group route (35 MB)
221 - Contact group table body (116.93 MB)
222 - useContactGroupCreate hook (154.78 MB)
223 - useContactGroupEdit hook (71.93 MB)
224 - Create contact group route (131.79 MB)
225 - Add emails to list (109.15 MB)
226 - Edit contact group route (43.52 MB)
227 - Create postgres database on render (19.75 MB)
228 - Create github repo for server project (53.19 MB)
229 - Deploy uptimer server to render (38.14 MB)
230 - Check deployed service (13.03 MB)
231 - Update apollo client component (108.27 MB)
232 - Fix Nextjs build issue (133.43 MB)
233 - Push Nextjs code to github (25.49 MB)
234 - Fix monitor delete bug (55.94 MB)
235 - Deploy Nextjs app to rendercom (14.52 MB)
236 - Add client domain to firebase authentication (5.41 MB)
237 - Show issue with pm2 on server (37.79 MB)
238 - Show bug fix change (7.98 MB)
10 - Connect to database using a DB tool (60.2 MB)
11 - Setup server project (54.07 MB)
12 - Database connection (88.13 MB)
13 - Setup express server (76.52 MB)
14 - Apollo server Part 1 (183.35 MB)
15 - Apollo server Part 2 (73.75 MB)
16 - Health route (17.17 MB)
17 - Install pino logger (24.33 MB)
9 - Setup postgres DB (73.34 MB)
18 - User inteface (48.24 MB)
19 - User model Part 1 (185.16 MB)
20 - User model Part 2 (144.84 MB)
21 - Notification model (28.62 MB)
22 - User service (141.58 MB)
23 - Notification service (48.67 MB)
24 - User graphQL schema (79.7 MB)
25 - Add merged schemes to server (29.87 MB)
26 - Register user mutation Part 1 (151.33 MB)
27 - Register user mutation Part 2 (150.61 MB)
28 - Create new user (111.02 MB)
29 - Fix createdAt issue (27.52 MB)
30 - isEmail (247 B)
30 - Login user mutation (135.6 MB)
31 - Social auth mutation (98.08 MB)
32 - Logout mutation (127.01 MB)
33 - GraphQL authentication route method (81.38 MB)
34 - user (1.44 KB)
34 - Validate auth data (146.59 MB)
35 - Notification schema (58.46 MB)
36 - GraphQL get notification query (73.15 MB)
37 - GraphQL create notification mutation (86.08 MB)
38 - GraphQL update notification mutation (25.09 MB)
39 - GraphQL delete notification mutation (34.69 MB)
40 - Section introduction (13.34 MB)
41 - Monitor model Part 1 (117.8 MB)
41 - monitor interface (1.17 KB)
42 - Monitor model Part 2 (45.91 MB)
43 - Monitor create and get service methods (93.43 MB)
44 - Monitor update service method (109.92 MB)
45 - Monitor delete service method (47.69 MB)
46 - Monitor graphQL scheme Part 1 (103.2 MB)
46 - monitor (777 B)
47 - Monitor graphQL scheme Part 2 (18.1 MB)
48 - Create monitor mutation resolver (200.56 MB)
49 - Create cron jobs methods (125.19 MB)
50 - Toggle monitor mutation resolver (198.99 MB)
51 - Update and delete monitor mutation resolvers (58.64 MB)
52 - Monitor result field resolver (84.15 MB)
53 - Monitor query resolvers (30.88 MB)
54 - Auto refresh query resolver (89.08 MB)
55 - Start monitor method (164.47 MB)
56 - Stop auto refresh (77.32 MB)
57 - Setup websocket server (146.92 MB)
58 - GraphQL subscription type (34.59 MB)
59 - Monitor subscription resolver (137.19 MB)
60 - Test subscriptions on dev tool (59.13 MB)
61 - Enable auto refresh Part 1 (158.38 MB)
62 - Enable auto refresh Part 2 (116.17 MB)
63 - HTTP monitor model (34.09 MB)
64 - Create and get http heartbeats (37.54 MB)
65 - HTTP status cron job method (59.08 MB)
66 - HTTP monitor heartbeat method Part 1 (154.84 MB)
67 - HTTP monitor heartbeat method Part 2 (164.48 MB)
68 - Success and error http monitor methods (73.88 MB)
69 - HTTP monitor error method (144.22 MB)
70 - Test http monitor method (223.45 MB)
71 - Get http heartbeats method (192.4 MB)
72 - Calculate monitor uptime (126.39 MB)
73 - Delete heartbeats (43.6 MB)
74 - GraphQL heartbeat schema (16.11 MB)
75 - GraphQL heartbeat resolver (69.72 MB)
[Image: Ffa2U0Yx_o.jpg]

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