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Udemy - Learn Photoshop, Web Design & Profitable Freelancing 2024
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
6.82 GB | 00:13:35 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 A few things you need to know (45.5 MB)
003 Photoshop is essential for your future (59.55 MB)
004 Exercise Your first design challenge (27.77 MB)
005 How to solve the previous exercise (36.58 MB)
006 Set up Photoshop for web design (31.21 MB)
007 Key areas in Photoshop (24.37 MB)
008 Six career options after my courses (51.82 MB)
001 Discover what freelancing is REALLY all about (52.41 MB)
002 Without this skill, you can't succeed! (81.9 MB)
003 Best and worst way to get started as a freelancer (38.07 MB)
004 How to set up your freelancing profile (41.8 MB)
005 The truth about freelancing platforms Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr (43.56 MB)
006 Crowdsourcing revealed the pro's and con's (37.72 MB)
007 Poll What are your goals (7.22 MB)
008 Don't go on 99designs before you watch this! (31.94 MB)
009 Revealed Coding and Photoshop vs Adobe XD vs Figma (22.45 MB)
010 Here's how to start a portfolio and get clients (46.65 MB)
011 The importance of your mindset (102.23 MB)
012 Is the competition too difficult on 99designs (39.61 MB)
013 9 tools for working longer fix eye, back, neck pain (55 MB)
014 Improve your mood & concentration (19.85 MB)
001 Understanding and using layers like a pro (40.37 MB)
002 Hands on Photoshop in 10 easy steps (45.67 MB)
003 25 common mistakes in Photoshop - Part 1 (33.65 MB)
004 25 common mistakes in Photoshop - Part 2 (44.55 MB)
006 Section conclusion (23.15 MB)
001 Section introduction (9.12 MB)
002 This is how professionals move layers (23.54 MB)
003 Test your speed with this fun challenge (12.34 MB)
004 Raster layers demystified (16.45 MB)
005 Discover vector layers in Photoshop (24.09 MB)
006 Adjustment layers and non-destructive editing (23.41 MB)
007 How to get beautiful fonts (38.54 MB)
008 This is how you should work with text (23.54 MB)
009 Find out why smart objects are amazing (14.44 MB)
010 Layer types exercise (2.61 MB)
011 Solving the layer types exercise (17.06 MB)
012 How to export your work like a pro (22.4 MB)
013 Learn the best way to align layers (10.68 MB)
014 How to solve the previous exercise (11.01 MB)
015 Section conclusion (1.62 MB)
001 Section introduction (1.96 MB)
002 Here's what you need to know about artboards (23.87 MB)
003 Gain flexibility with Undo and the History Panel (11.26 MB)
004 Unlock the power of the Marquee tool (15.91 MB)
005 Crop and eye dropper explained (10.33 MB)
006 Eraser, gradient, paint bucket with a big twist (12.34 MB)
007 The brush tool and layer masks (39.71 MB)
008 The powerful Direct Selection Tool in CS6 and CC (8.66 MB)
009 Fantastic selections with The Magic Wand and The Quick Selection Tool (27.8 MB)
010 Pen tool comprehensive create intricate shapes and selections (10.6 MB)
011 Important notes about other tools (25.32 MB)
012 Section conclusion (5.76 MB)
001 Introduction (1.7 MB)
002 Must-watch No coding explained (9.37 MB)
003 10 essential tips to get started (9.63 MB)
004 The power of a well-written brief (9.12 MB)
005 Layer styles in CS6 and CC (16.51 MB)
006 Blending modes explained (23.5 MB)
007 Hands on navigation - creating modern main menus #1 (13.53 MB)
008 Hands on navigation - creating modern main menus #2 (8.59 MB)
009 Hands on navigation - creating modern main menus #3 (18.68 MB)
010 Hands on navigation - a different main menu (19.39 MB)
011 Hands on buttons creating effective call to actions (22.17 MB)
012 Understanding hero areas (49.24 MB)
013 Techniques that prepare an image for the hero area (10.62 MB)
014 How to get fantastic images for your designs (18.72 MB)
015 Hands on typography 10 rules to handle text like a pro (31.19 MB)
016 Hands on clipping masks (17.42 MB)
017 Hands on testimonials creating a modern design #1 (10.44 MB)
018 Hands on testimonials creating a modern design #2 (11.02 MB)
019 Understanding footers (13.94 MB)
020 Responsive web design (13.74 MB)
021 Conclusions (1.62 MB)
001 Introduction (2.08 MB)
002 Best way to get initial feedback on your design (22.16 MB)
003 99designs and Freepik (18.79 MB)
004 Should I quit my job to freelance (9.3 MB)
005 3 surprising advantages of being a freelance web designer (20.25 MB)
006 Discovering ways to outperform competition (10.13 MB)
007 Best places for design projects (23.83 MB)
008 15 tips for selecting the best projects (27.43 MB)
009 Using speed to your advantage 10 tips to increase it (12.52 MB)
010 Working smart and consistent (7.33 MB)
011 Using freebies - more complicated than you think (34.54 MB)
012 Using inspiration - the right way (36.36 MB)
013 Should you report a similar or stolen design (36.42 MB)
014 Should you reuse designs (6.65 MB)
015 Conclusions (1.92 MB)
001 $1200 project for one of my students (45.67 MB)
002 How did I select the designer (43.72 MB)
003 Explore the client's brief and his mistakes (33.71 MB)
004 Keep it professional! (61.73 MB)
005 Analyze the first version of the homepage (36.96 MB)
006 Control the flow of the project (59.32 MB)
007 Analyze the second version of the homepage (38.84 MB)
008 Analyze the product details page & checkout (17.73 MB)
009 Live Explore the complete desktop design (27.67 MB)
010 See the biggest mistake in the mobile version (32.53 MB)
011 Live Explore the complete mobile version (31.66 MB)
012 The biggest disappointment as a designer (28.02 MB)
001 Introduction (24.05 MB)
002 The profile of a contest holder (37.69 MB)
003 Setting up a contest and brief (41.32 MB)
004 Getting designs and managing feedback (43.57 MB)
005 Communicating with designers (28.59 MB)
006 Asking other people for feedback (20.56 MB)
007 Conclusions (36.63 MB)
001 Introduction (6.22 MB)
002 Exploring the project in depth (22.25 MB)
003 Setting up the foundation of the design (6.85 MB)
004 Choosing the right fonts for our project (18.97 MB)
005 Creating the header (13.55 MB)
006 Creating the hero area (9.95 MB)
007 Setting the style for the design (10.44 MB)
008 Creating the content area (37.45 MB)
009 Conclusions (8.5 MB)
010 Optional What's my skill level after 10 years (142.9 MB)
001 Introduction (40.28 MB)
002 The biggest mistake when you're applying for a job (55.84 MB)
003 The truth about your social media profiles! (54.65 MB)
004 Your portfolio own website or a designer platform (92.49 MB)
005 Computer skills, diplomas, being artsy (89.5 MB)
006 What to say and what not to say in the skills test (69.52 MB)
007 What about confidence Unexpected! (87.81 MB)
008 My top tips for getting a great job as a designer (57.87 MB)
001 About the Upcoming Real World Projects (5.76 MB)
002 Brief Analysis (18.7 MB)
003 Header Content (13.88 MB)
004 Header Style Part 1 (17.97 MB)
005 Header Style Part 2 (17.14 MB)
006 Left Column Part 1 (24.08 MB)
007 Left Column Part 2 (19 MB)
008 Feed Filter (17.34 MB)
009 Posts Section (29.99 MB)
010 Right Column & Wrap Up (24.37 MB)
011 Presenting our Design (21.54 MB)
012 First Feedback - First Revision (47.65 MB)
013 How to Handle Additional Feedback (24.48 MB)
014 How Quickly Things Change (14.71 MB)
015 The Next Stage of the Project (22.03 MB)
016 Project Conclusions (19.57 MB)
017 Extras When is it time to abandon a project (10.13 MB)
001 Brief Analysis (21.66 MB)
002 Setting the Style & Getting Inspiration (26.74 MB)
003 Header (14.92 MB)
004 Hero Area (17.28 MB)
005 Services Section (35.69 MB)
006 Content Area (19.72 MB)
007 Testimonials (16.97 MB)
008 Blog Element (16.28 MB)
009 Footer (20.77 MB)
010 Presenting our Design & A Shocking Update (12.23 MB)
011 Getting Feedback (18.22 MB)
012 Project Conclusions (45.08 MB)
013 Extras Analysing Intermediaries (25.07 MB)
001 Brief Analysis & Getting Inspiration (10.91 MB)
002 Analyse the Client & Getting Inspiration (31.97 MB)
003 Layout & Style (12.55 MB)
004 Header (25.32 MB)
005 Hero Area (27.96 MB)
006 Content Area (15.1 MB)
007 Product Section (19.01 MB)
008 Footer (22.31 MB)
009 Analyse our Competition (13.13 MB)
010 Changing the Design Style (26.22 MB)
011 New Product Area (30.45 MB)
012 New Footer & Sending the Design (13.91 MB)
013 Big Updates (18.4 MB)
014 Project Conclusions (25.81 MB)
015 Extras Two Other Concepts (141.97 MB)
001 Notice (1.01 MB)
002 Brief Analysis (18.89 MB)
003 Layout (10.09 MB)
004 Main Menu & Style (22.73 MB)
005 Hero Area (29.65 MB)
006 Content Section (27.27 MB)
007 Presenting our Design (7.59 MB)
008 Project Conclusions (4.88 MB)
009 Extras Avoid These Projects (5.75 MB)
010 Extras A New Concept (27.04 MB)
001 Notice (1.01 MB)
002 Brief Analysis (9.89 MB)
003 Layout (24.26 MB)
004 Header (20.22 MB)
005 Creating the Hero Elements (32.32 MB)
006 Slider (28.8 MB)
007 Product Section (25.66 MB)
008 Image Gallery (33.27 MB)
009 Testimonials (19.1 MB)
010 FAQ & Partners (28.1 MB)
011 Trouble Sending the Design (18.32 MB)
012 Feedback & Revisions (30.52 MB)
013 Changing the Background (9.39 MB)
014 Client Feedback (8.52 MB)
015 Project Conclusions (9.69 MB)
016 Winning Design (9.11 MB)
017 Extras A New Concept (15.38 MB)
001 Notice (1.01 MB)
002 Brief Analysis (6.81 MB)
003 Layout (18.97 MB)
004 Content (13.55 MB)
005 Main Menu & Style (16.22 MB)
006 Hero Area (32.77 MB)
007 Central Section (30.2 MB)
008 Product Area (19.42 MB)
009 Testimonials (24.01 MB)
010 Newsletter (20.4 MB)
011 Presenting our Design (3.99 MB)
012 Feedback (2.48 MB)
013 Revision (12.36 MB)
014 Presenting our Updated Design (918.78 KB)
015 Feedback & Another Revision (9.01 MB)
016 Our Position & Multiple Options (35.92 MB)
017 Fine Adjustments (12.69 MB)
018 Quick Revision (6.45 MB)
019 Small Design Tweaks (10.19 MB)
020 Small Design Tweaks 2 (21.62 MB)
021 Another Revision (11.32 MB)
022 Fixing an Error (7.06 MB)
023 Final Stage of the Project (4.75 MB)
024 Project Wrap Up (17.15 MB)
025 Conclusions & Next Steps (16.22 MB)
026 Extras Avoid These Projects (4.54 MB)
027 Extras A New Concept (16.08 MB)
001 Notice (1.01 MB)
002 Brief Analysis (6.67 MB)
003 Analyzing the Competition (21.81 MB)
004 Layout (10.2 MB)
005 Central Section (19.02 MB)
006 Hero Area (31.67 MB)
007 Testimonials & Product Area (23.21 MB)
008 Finishing the Design and Presenting it (10.75 MB)
009 Design Variation (45.01 MB)
010 Finishing the Variation (22.66 MB)
011 Presenting our Design (926.36 KB)
012 Rating (3.47 MB)
013 New Design (36.83 MB)
014 Conclusions (2.98 MB)
015 Revision (13.77 MB)
016 Interior Page (24.53 MB)
017 Product Page (25.21 MB)
018 Upload (2.43 MB)
019 Image Update (5.31 MB)
020 PSD Clean Up (18.34 MB)
021 Project Conclusions (2.04 MB)
022 Extras A New Concept (14.03 MB)
001 Do this before you start freelancing (37.8 MB)
002 Design Feedback #1 (16.79 MB)
003 Design Feedback #2 (27.84 MB)
004 Design Feedback #3 (24.68 MB)
005 Design Feedback #4 (20.35 MB)
006 Design Feedback #5 (27 MB)
007 Design Feedback #6 (56.26 MB)
[Image: L6SwlDVG_o.jpg]

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