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Udemy Master CSS Understand How To Manipulate CSS Properties
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
55.54 GB | 00:23:06 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Welcome (125.14 MB)
10 -Importing the lesson folder into the visual studio code (88.86 MB)
10 -weblesson (182.19 MB)
2 -IMPORTANT Watch this before you buy- There is NO flexbox or Grid in this course (9.5 MB)
3 -Projects we will create - part 1 (88.98 MB)
4 -Projects we will create - part 2 (47.68 MB)
5 -Projects we will create - part 3 (69.34 MB)
6 -Projects we will create - part 4 (54.97 MB)
7 -Projects we will create - part 5 (29.67 MB)
8 -Introduction to the tools you can use for this course (67.56 MB)
9 -Getting familiar with Visual Studio code (80.67 MB)
1 -Introduction to Google Icons (65.69 MB)
2 -Linking and using Material Symbols (124.82 MB)
3 -Linking and using Material Icons (157.2 MB)
1 -Display - inline, inline-block, block, etc (128.3 MB)
1 -Box model - width (99.23 MB)
10 -Box model - Border part 1 (118.95 MB)
11 -Box model - Border part 2 (104.63 MB)
12 -Box model - Border radius part 1 (120.88 MB)
13 -Box model - Border radius part 2 (130.83 MB)
14 -Border-radius- Horizontal-Vertical values - Part 1 (135.34 MB)
15 -Border-radius- Horizontal-Vertical values - Part 2 (156.21 MB)
16 -Box model - Margin part 1 (107.94 MB)
17 -Box model - Margin part 2 (108.9 MB)
18 -Box model - Margin Auto (78.24 MB)
19 -Box model - Margin negative (127.44 MB)
2 -Box model - min and max width for texts (93.7 MB)
20 -Outline property (129.22 MB)
21 -Block-size and Inline-size property (91.5 MB)
22 -Aspect Ratio (176.17 MB)
3 -Box model - min and max width for images (201.69 MB)
4 -Box model - height (125.27 MB)
5 -Box model - min and max height for texts (171.52 MB)
6 -Box model - min and max height for images (163.56 MB)
7 -Sizing keywords - min-content, max-content, auto, fit-content (113.01 MB)
8 -Box model - padding part 1 (145.39 MB)
9 -Box model - padding part 2 (124.92 MB)
1 -Box sizing (131.59 MB)
2 -Importance of setting Box sizing as border-box (70.93 MB)
1 -Overflow property (147.37 MB)
2 -Text overflow property (54.55 MB)
1 -Apply Vertical align property to inline element (153.21 MB)
1 -Calc ( ) Function (186.54 MB)
2 -Var ( ) Function (138.4 MB)
3 -Min( ) and Max ( ) function (79.95 MB)
4 -Clamp ( ) function (143.22 MB)
1 -Introduction to @Media query and @media print (131.96 MB)
2 -Understanding screen sizes of mobile devices (105.54 MB)
3 -CSS Media Query @media screen (max-width) (190.73 MB)
4 -CSS Media Query @media screen (min-width) - Part 1 (135.42 MB)
5 -CSS Media Query @media screen (min-width) - Part 2 (128.54 MB)
1 -Float property (126.36 MB)
2 -Containing and clearing the float (91.46 MB)
1 -Creating 2 equal columns (183.1 MB)
10 -Creating image columns and image gallery - part 1 (229.59 MB)
11 -Creating image columns and image gallery - part 2 (122.81 MB)
12 -Nesting images in columns (115.62 MB)
13 -Creating video columns and gallery (189.54 MB)
14 -Creating Equal columns with space (215.95 MB)
15 -Creating unequal columns with space (120.03 MB)
16 -Nesting spaced columns inside columns (321.44 MB)
17 -Nesting full columns inside other columns (129.87 MB)
18 -Nesting full column images and videos inside other columns (205.19 MB)
19 -Nesting full columns and half columns inside a column (247.57 MB)
2 -Creating 3 Equal columns and their responsiveness (127.61 MB)
20 -Nesting columns inside full column (237.53 MB)
21 -Removing default margin bottom from images (108.41 MB)
22 -More on Nesting spaced columns (204.02 MB)
23 -Creating columns with inline-block (134.65 MB)
24 -Creating spaced columns with inline-block (136.89 MB)
3 -Creating 4 to 6 Equal columns and their responsiveness (216.37 MB)
4 -Creating 2 unequal columns - part 1 (171.99 MB)
5 -Creating 2 unequal columns - part 2 (81.82 MB)
6 -Creating 3 unequal columns (114.66 MB)
7 -Creating 4 unequal columns (110.76 MB)
8 -Nesting columns inside columns (259.95 MB)
9 -Adding border-radius and box-shadow to a column (55.7 MB)
1 -Introduction to CSS (74.66 MB)
2 -Minifying my CSS code on one line (46.64 MB)
3 -Inline and Internal CSS styling (141.66 MB)
4 -External and @import CSS styling (140.1 MB)
1 -Complex Float Layout - 1 (171.28 MB)
10 -Complex layout - 3 - part 3 (90.89 MB)
11 -Responsiveness of layout (84.74 MB)
12 -A column challenge (10.06 MB)
13 -Complex Float Layout - 4 (176.82 MB)
2 -Responsiveness of layout (58.4 MB)
3 -Adding media to the layout (173.95 MB)
4 -Extending the layout (51.91 MB)
5 -Complex Float Layout - 2 (219.87 MB)
6 -Responsiveness of layout (61.49 MB)
7 -Adding Content to the layout (284.02 MB)
8 -Complex layout - 3 - part 1 (130.5 MB)
9 -Complex layout - 3 - part 2 (122.37 MB)
1 -Using column-count to create multiple columns- part 1 (60.05 MB)
2 -Using column-count to create multiple columns- part 2 (102.46 MB)
1 -Styling the scroll bar of a web browser (123.09 MB)
2 -CSS cursors - part 1 (77.45 MB)
3 -CSS cursors - part 2 (79.68 MB)
1 -Relative Positioning - Part 1 (117.92 MB)
10 -Fixed positioning - fixed side bar -Part 1 (214.8 MB)
11 -Fixed positioning - fixed side bar -Part 2 (144.89 MB)
12 -Sticky Positioning (184.61 MB)
13 -Practice on positioning (193.84 MB)
14 -Positioning a text over an image (250.05 MB)
2 -Relative Positioning - Part 2 (122.36 MB)
3 -Understanding z-index property (119.12 MB)
4 -More on Relative Positioning (188.38 MB)
5 -Absolute Positioning - Part 1 (158.98 MB)
6 -Absolute Positioning - Part 2 (121.38 MB)
7 -Fixed Positioning (117.13 MB)
8 -Fixed Positioning - fixed header (153.48 MB)
9 -Fixed Positioning - fixed side icons (146.1 MB)
1 -Linear Gradient - horizontal and vertical (121.79 MB)
2 -Linear Gradient - diagonal and the use of degrees (182.52 MB)
3 -Linear Gradient - using percentages (150.58 MB)
4 -Exploring more on Linear Gradient (162.1 MB)
5 -Radial Gradient - Part 1 (112.16 MB)
6 -Radial Gradient - Part 2 (132.58 MB)
7 -Conic Gradient (132.56 MB)
8 -Creating a Pie Chart With Conic Gradient (61.88 MB)
9 -Gradient's Start-Stop position using other CSS units apart from % (145.46 MB)
1 -Repeating linear gradient (118.57 MB)
2 -Repeating radial gradient (49.72 MB)
3 -Repeating conic gradient (81.54 MB)
4 -Repeating Gradient's Start-Stop position using other CSS units apart from % (82.33 MB)
1 -Object-fit property of images (206.44 MB)
2 -Object-fit property of videos (123.55 MB)
3 -object position for fill, contain and scale-down (228.54 MB)
4 -object position for cover and none (257.67 MB)
1 -Background-repeat (127.81 MB)
10 -Parallax effect with Background-attachment (124.18 MB)
11 -Background-origin (128.18 MB)
2 -Background-position (142.02 MB)
3 -Background-size (192.2 MB)
4 -Grouping multiple images together (156.89 MB)
5 -Overlay colour on images - using box offset and position (88.19 MB)
6 -Overlay colour on images - using linear gradient (128.63 MB)
7 -Hover overlay colour on images - part 1 (90.97 MB)
8 -Hover overlay colour on images - part 2 (137.28 MB)
9 -Centering a button in a background image (48.1 MB)
1 -Background-clip Property (56.88 MB)
2 -Background-clip with text value (50.35 MB)
3 -Application of background-clip text (86.48 MB)
4 -Creating a border gradient colour - First Method (117.86 MB)
5 -Creating a border gradient colour - Second Method (157.49 MB)
1 -CSS Filter property - brightness and grayscale (95.31 MB)
2 -CSS Filter property - sepia, contrast, saturate, blur (124.94 MB)
3 -CSS Filter property - opacity, hue-rotate, invert, drop-shadow (142.01 MB)
1 -CSS colors introduction (19.07 MB)
2 -Colours - Keywords and Hexadecimal (142.6 MB)
3 -Colours, opacity and websafe colours (96.42 MB)
4 -Colours - RGB( ) function (115.02 MB)
5 -Colours - HSL( ) function - part 1 (104.2 MB)
6 -Colours - HSL( ) function - part 2 (150.82 MB)
7 -Colours - HWB() function (170.03 MB)
1 -Mix-blend-mode (174.86 MB)
2 -Background-blend-mode (113.08 MB)
1 -Styling a list marker (35.99 MB)
2 -List-style-type property (97.65 MB)
3 -List-style-position and -image (66.62 MB)
4 -Creating an image List Gallery - part 1 (167.4 MB)
5 -Creating an image List Gallery - part 2 (102.42 MB)
6 -Creating an image List Gallery - part 3 (125.71 MB)
7 -Creating a video List Gallery (111.59 MB)
1 -HTML Structure of the form - Part 1 (123.69 MB)
2 -HTML Structure of the form - Part 2 (257.8 MB)
3 -Styling the form - Part 1 (104.68 MB)
4 -Styling the form - Part 2 (186.41 MB)
5 -Responsiveness of the form (158.57 MB)
1 -CSS counter - part 1 (157.17 MB)
2 -CSS counter - part 2 (163.07 MB)
3 -CSS counter - part 3 (135.04 MB)
4 -CSS counter - counters function (138.83 MB)
5 -CSS counter - creating reference counter link (102.17 MB)
1 -Creating a horizontal navbar (163.12 MB)
10 -Creating a Navbar with a dropdown - part 2 (96.95 MB)
11 -Creating a Navbar with a dropdown - part 3 (171.53 MB)
12 -Creating a Navbar with a dropdown - part 4 (84.96 MB)
13 -Creating a submenu (124.4 MB)
14 -Creating a mega menu with 3 equal columns (157.59 MB)
15 -Making the megamenu responsive (75.84 MB)
16 -Creating a mega menu with 4 and 5 equal columns (65.23 MB)
17 -Creating a mega menu that has media (158.4 MB)
18 -Creating a vertical navbar - part 1 (142.83 MB)
19 -Creating a vertical navbar - part 2 (90.32 MB)
2 -Making a responsive navbar (47.48 MB)
20 -Creating a vertical side navigation - part 1 (131.61 MB)
21 -Creating a vertical side navigation - part 2 (116.52 MB)
22 -Creating a vertical side nav drop down - part 1 (74.8 MB)
23 -Creating a vertical side nav drop down - part 2 (165.03 MB)
3 -Pushing navigation bar to the right (144.75 MB)
4 -Navigation bar with equal width (83.43 MB)
5 -Adding font awesome to navigation bar (77.62 MB)
6 -Sticky Navbar (72.59 MB)
7 -Navbar inside the background image (77.67 MB)
8 -Creating a navbar without using a list (27.96 MB)
9 -Creating a Navbar with a dropdown - part 1 (179.53 MB)
1 -Creating CSS Accordion - part 1 (91.22 MB)
2 -Creating CSS Accordion - part 2 (87.03 MB)
3 -Creating CSS Accordion - part 3 (121.95 MB)
1 -creating tool tips - part 1 (137.91 MB)
2 -Difference between display none and visibility hidden (35.2 MB)
3 -creating tool tips - part 2 (103.75 MB)
4 -Responsiveness of the tool tip (64.56 MB)
5 -creating bottom tool tips (127.04 MB)
6 -creating right and left tool tips (120.22 MB)
1 -Creating the structure (157.83 MB)
2 -Styling the accordion (204.33 MB)
1 -Creating a basic HTML table (120.75 MB)
2 -Styling a basic table (194.29 MB)
3 -Responsiveness of the table (45.84 MB)
4 -Designing a borderless and striped table (102.81 MB)
5 -Designing a table with hover effect and border-radius (155.91 MB)
6 -Block-like responsive table (187.56 MB)
7 -Designing a colspan and rowspan table (146.49 MB)
1 -Pricing table - part 1 (105.39 MB)
10 -Price Plan with table element - part 4 (108.05 MB)
11 -Price Plan with table element - part 5 (163.91 MB)
2 -Pricing table - part 2 (134.21 MB)
3 -Pricing table - part 3 (79.98 MB)
4 -Pricing table - part 4 (79.98 MB)
5 -Pricing table - part 5 (143.49 MB)
6 -Responsive Pricing table (65.57 MB)
7 -Price Plan with table element - part 1 (136.33 MB)
8 -Price Plan with table element - part 2 (148.63 MB)
9 -Price Plan with table element - part 3 (95.66 MB)
1 -Font Properties Introduction (18.23 MB)
2 -Font-size, Font-style and Font-variant (149.57 MB)
3 -Font-weight and line-height (112.34 MB)
4 -Font Family (184.68 MB)
5 -Shorthand Font Property (150.59 MB)
6 -Google Fonts (146.28 MB)
7 -Understanding unset, initial and inherit CSS values (128.15 MB)
1 -Clip path - circle (106.8 MB)
10 -Exploring other clip path polygons (208.42 MB)
11 -Application of left and right point clip path (136.49 MB)
12 -Application of polygon clip path as a container (187.95 MB)
2 -Application of circle clip path (144.96 MB)
3 -Clip path - ellipse (63.93 MB)
4 -Application of ellipse clip path (73.6 MB)
5 -Clip path - inset (89.18 MB)
6 -Clip path polygon - triangle (99.66 MB)
7 -Clip path polygon - trapezoid and rhombus (83.37 MB)
8 -Clip path polygon - parallelogram and pentagon (131.38 MB)
9 -Application of parallelogram clip path (157.72 MB)
1 -Mask-image property - part 1 (107.64 MB)
2 -Mask-image property - part 2 (91.36 MB)
1 -CSS 2D Transform - translate (93.84 MB)
2 -CSS 2D Transform - scale (118.15 MB)
3 -CSS 2D Transform - rotate (113.27 MB)
4 -CSS 2D Transform - skew (90.38 MB)
5 -2d-3d transform files (3.45 KB)
5 -CSS 2D Transform - matrix (103.91 MB)
1 -CSS 3D Transform - translateZ and perspective - part 1 (111.56 MB)
10 -3D box using perspective and transform - part 1 (136.4 MB)
11 -3D box using perspective and transform - part 2 (99.89 MB)
12 -3D box using perspective and transform - part 3 (102.3 MB)
13 -3D BIG box using the width, height and translateZ (136.79 MB)
14 -3D cube image box (91.96 MB)
15 -3D flip card using transform - part 1 (121.55 MB)
16 -3D flip card using transform - part 2 (116.81 MB)
17 -3D flip card image using transform (60.31 MB)
2 -CSS 3D Transform - translateZ and perspective - part 2 (130.8 MB)
3 -CSS 3D perspective origin (82.32 MB)
4 -CSS 3D Transform - rotate (115.95 MB)
5 -CSS 3D Transform - scale (68.65 MB)
6 -CSS 3D Transform - matrix (74.29 MB)
7 -CSS 3D Transform - Combining transforms (140.32 MB)
8 -CSS 3D Transform Origin (172.68 MB)
9 -CSS 3D Transform style - preserve 3d (122.06 MB)
1 -CSS Transition - Introduction (98.58 MB)
10 -CSS Transition - finishing touches (70.01 MB)
2 -CSS Transition - Applying transition to the flip card (65.21 MB)
3 -CSS Transition - Transition timing function - part 1 (142.23 MB)
4 -CSS Transition - Transition timing function - part 2 (77.47 MB)
5 -CSS Transition - Steps Transition timing function - part 1 (137.26 MB)
6 -CSS Transition - Steps Transition timing function - part 2 (73.33 MB)
7 -CSS Transition - cubic-bezier (143.26 MB)
8 -CSS Transition- comparing them in translate(X) - part 1 (162.94 MB)
9 -CSS Transition- comparing them in translate(X) - part 2 (27.08 MB)
1 -CSS Animation - Basics - animating flipcard (139.75 MB)
10 -Animating font awesome alphabets (211.12 MB)
11 -Animation timing function - part 1 (185.53 MB)
12 -Animation timing function - part 2 (133.17 MB)
13 -Animation timing function - part 3 (125.98 MB)
14 -Animation fill mode (151.22 MB)
15 -Understanding the default values in animation (89.54 MB)
16 -Grow and shrink animation (79.35 MB)
17 -Fading effect animation (23.3 MB)
18 -Spinning circle loader animation (101.85 MB)
19 -Moving loader animation (104.61 MB)
2 -CSS Animation - Basics - animating 3D cube (145.08 MB)
20 -Sliding balls animation (143.85 MB)
21 -Rotating loader - part 1 (151.26 MB)
22 -Rotating loader - part 2 (99.62 MB)
23 -Square loader - part 1 (114.41 MB)
24 -Square loader - part 2 (130.24 MB)
25 -Spinning top loader (179.66 MB)
26 -Water effect loader (119.96 MB)
27 -Text Blur Animation (157.35 MB)
28 -Swatch Animation (210.54 MB)
29 -Spinning image album - Part 1 (223.82 MB)
3 -Animating 3D image cube - part 1 (139.87 MB)
30 -Spinning image album (adding perspective) - Part 2 (241.14 MB)
31 -Wiggle Animation (89.05 MB)
32 -Beat animation (166.56 MB)
4 -Animating 3D image cube - part 2 (140.67 MB)
5 -Animation a ball object from top to bottom (65.37 MB)
6 -Understanding the @keyframes rule (46.73 MB)
7 -Understanding the animation direction (151.9 MB)
8 -Animating a bouncing ball effect (91.84 MB)
9 -Animating a bouncing image effect (150.51 MB)
1 -Note to consider for best practice (29 MB)
10 -Concluding part of the responsiveness of the navigation bar (146.12 MB)
11 -Creating the slideshow's framework (162.81 MB)
12 -Working more on the slideshow (183.1 MB)
13 -Animating the slideshow (290.21 MB)
14 -Customizing a scrollbar track and thumb (70.38 MB)
15 -Responsiveness of the slideshow (213.3 MB)
16 -Creating the structure of the welcome section (134.04 MB)
17 -Styling and making responsive the welcome section (265.34 MB)
18 -Some finishing touches (121.92 MB)
19 -Creating the services section - part 1 (174.26 MB)
2 -Introduction to the Home page web project (99.39 MB)
20 -Creating the services section - part 2 (167.35 MB)
21 -Creating the services section - part 3 (224.42 MB)
22 -Creating the process section - part 1 (195.72 MB)
23 -Creating the process section - part 2 (245.8 MB)
24 -Creating the F A Q section - part 1 (216.75 MB)
25 -Creating the F A Q section - part 2 (189.61 MB)
26 -Creating the policy section - part 1 (207.59 MB)
27 -Creating the policy section - part 2 (102.58 MB)
28 -Creating the footer - part 1 (252.51 MB)
29 -Creating the footer - part 2 (244.67 MB)
3 -Creating the basic structure (90.55 MB)
30 -Creating the footer - part 3 (165.17 MB)
4 -Creating and styling the topbar (119.07 MB)
5 -Responsiveness of the toplist (107.95 MB)
6 -Working with the navigation bar - part 1 (120.9 MB)
7 -Working with the navigation bar - part 2 (195.3 MB)
8 -Working with the navigation bar - part 3 (268.85 MB)
9 -Working with the navigation bar - part 4 (122.06 MB)
1 -Introduction to the Courses page (47.41 MB)
10 -Responsiveness of the courses page - part 2 (181.83 MB)
2 -Creating the image header - part 1 (207.32 MB)
3 -Creating the image header - part 2 (180.78 MB)
4 -Creating the courses column - part 1 (151.3 MB)
5 -Creating the courses column - part 2 (134.18 MB)
6 -Creating a tooltip for the courses - part 1 (264.2 MB)
7 -Creating a tooltip for the courses - part 2 (242.71 MB)
8 -Creating the last tooltip for the course and finishing touches (239.07 MB)
9 -Responsiveness of the courses page - part 1 (252.28 MB)
1 -Introduction to the Team page (168.39 MB)
2 -Creating the team page - part 1 (160.26 MB)
3 -Creating the team page - part 2 (187.44 MB)
4 -Creating the team page - part 3 (106.66 MB)
5 -Creating the team page - part 4 (170.27 MB)
1 -Introduction to the Blog page (108.03 MB)
2 -Creating the blog section - part 1 (315.71 MB)
3 -Creating the blog section - part 2 (214.55 MB)
4 -Creating the blog section - part 3 (170.88 MB)
5 -Creating the blog section - part 4 (182.2 MB)
1 -Length units introduction (17.98 MB)
2 -CSS Absolute Length Units (114.53 MB)
3 -CSS Relative Length unit REM (142.01 MB)
4 -CSS Relative Length unit EM (212.81 MB)
5 -CSS Relative Length unit EX and CH - part 1 (86.54 MB)
6 -CSS Relative Length unit EX and CH - part 2 (167.19 MB)
7 -CSS Percentage Length unit (195.59 MB)
8 -CSS Viewport Length unit - VW and VH (95.02 MB)
9 -CSS Viewport Length unit - VMAX and VMIN (106.67 MB)
1 -Introduction to the Contact page (136.24 MB)
2 -Creating the contact section - part 1 (286.31 MB)
3 -Creating the contact section - part 2 (198.86 MB)
4 -Creating the contact section - part 3 (243.44 MB)
1 -Introduction to the Gallery page (87.76 MB)
2 -First gallery image section (221.78 MB)
3 -Second gallery image section - Part 1 (198.83 MB)
4 -Second gallery image section - Part 2 (190.81 MB)
5 -Third gallery image section (264.61 MB)
6 -Responsiveness of the Gallery Page (196.63 MB)
6 -Web Project (19.68 MB)
7 -Final Note (8.9 MB)
1 -Text Properties introduction (20.37 MB)
2 -Text-align and Text-transform (182.83 MB)
3 -Text-indent, Letter-spacing and Word-spacing (130.2 MB)
4 -Text-decoration (191.89 MB)
5 -Text shadow and Box shadow (214.08 MB)
6 -Text-emphasis (203.6 MB)
7 -Text-stroke property (77.17 MB)
8 -Word-wrap and Word-break (198.53 MB)
9 -White-space (185.41 MB)
1 -CSS Rule introduction (11.15 MB)
2 -Cascading Inheritance (219.42 MB)
3 -CSS Cascade Rule (98.14 MB)
4 -CSS Cascade Rule - part 2 (53.51 MB)
5 -CSS Cascading rule between inline, internal and external styling (97.42 MB)
6 -Breaking the cascading rule with !important (101.56 MB)
1 -CSS Selectors Introduction (50.21 MB)
10 -Structural child Pseudo Class - part 1 (148.95 MB)
11 -Structural child Pseudo Class - part 2 (184.5 MB)
12 -Structural child Pseudo Class - part 3 (224.81 MB)
13 -Structural type Pseudo Class - part 1 (213.06 MB)
14 -Structural type Pseudo Class - part 2 (260.29 MB)
15 -Link Pseudo class selectors (90.98 MB)
16 -User Interface Pseudo class selectors (170.38 MB)
17 -Content-Textual Pseudo Element Selectors (140.62 MB)
18 -Specialized Selectors (195.28 MB)
19 -Disabling selection (28.41 MB)
2 -Main types of selectors and their Specificity (168.69 MB)
20 -Attribute selectors - present, equals and contains (132.88 MB)
21 -Attribute selectors - begins with and ends with (105.23 MB)
22 -Attribute selectors - includes and hyphenated (122.33 MB)
23 -has() pseudo class selector (139.11 MB)
24 -Application of has() with root element (104.87 MB)
3 -Comparing the power of the id, class and type selectors (84.59 MB)
4 -Grouping and combining selectors - part 1 (120.96 MB)
5 -Grouping and combining selectors - part 2 (141.64 MB)
6 -Merging selectors (123.24 MB)
7 -Relational selectors - descendant (102.13 MB)
8 -Relational selectors - direct child and 'not a child of' (181.84 MB)
9 -Relational selectors - adjacent and general sibling (169.62 MB)
1 -Introduction to Font Awesome Icons (88.15 MB)
2 -Linking and Applying Font Awesome Icons (143.96 MB)
3 -Styling Font Awesome Icons (182.79 MB)
[Image: FwtFjOu5_o.jpg]

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