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Udemy Master Laravel Vue 3 Inertia VILT Stack
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
17.19 GB | 00:16:52 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - What you Will Build and Learn in This Course (49.41 MB)
3 - The Visual Studio Code (76.34 MB)
5 - Where to Find and How to Use the Course Source Code (108.31 MB)
73 - Authentication Security Introduction (9.42 MB)
74 - Authentication Controller and Routes (37.52 MB)
75 - Authentication Form Markup and Basic Logic (78.75 MB)
76 - SigningIn Logic Authentication Process Explained (137.35 MB)
77 - Explaining the Authentication Process (43.92 MB)
78 - Getting the Currently Logged In User (42.55 MB)
79 - Logging Users Out (48.31 MB)
80 - CSRF Tokens (73.38 MB)
81 - Protecting Routes Authorization Can You Access a Specific Page (114.3 MB)
82 - User Registration Form (115.36 MB)
83 - User Registration Logic Hashing Passwords (99.36 MB)
84 - Eloquent Mutators Accessors Hashing Password Example (80.36 MB)
85 - How Hashing of The Passwords Work (25.23 MB)
86 - Form Links (12.94 MB)
87 - 419 Errors When Logging Out (13.98 MB)
88 - Database Relations User Authorization Introduction (13.9 MB)
89 - Creating a OnetoMany Database Relationship (81.84 MB)
90 - OnetoMany Connecting Models Together the Theory (19.49 MB)
91 - OnetoMany Connecting Models Practice (95.62 MB)
92 - Every New Listing Needs an Owner (30.47 MB)
93 - Model Policies Theoretical (19.61 MB)
94 - Model Policies In Practice (182.55 MB)
95 - Model Policy and Guest Users (25.05 MB)
96 - Only Owners Can Edit or Delete (32.09 MB)
97 - Admin Users Overriding Policy Implementation (74.42 MB)
98 - Reading the Related Data Using Database Relationship (73.32 MB)
100 - Adding Pagination (68.51 MB)
101 - Filtering Form Markup (156.95 MB)
102 - Filtering JavaScript Logic (175.26 MB)
103 - Filtering the Data (64.38 MB)
104 - Conditional Queries in Eloquent (81.65 MB)
105 - Local Query Scopes in Eloquent (46.37 MB)
106 - Filtering Using Local Query Scope (58.15 MB)
99 - Data Pagination Filtering Introduction (11.76 MB)
107 - Realtor My Account What Were Going to Build (6.69 MB)
108 - Controller Routes Grouping (40.38 MB)
109 - Showing the Realtor Listings (224.79 MB)
110 - Soft Deletes Putting Records Into Trash To Be Restored (94 MB)
111 - Soft Deleting Listings (98.24 MB)
112 - Filtering Using Checkboxes The Markup (46.23 MB)
113 - Vue Watchers Filtering Using Checkboxes (59.83 MB)
114 - The Debounce Function Handling the Events Flood (44.99 MB)
115 - Filtering Using Checkboxes The Backend Part (70.32 MB)
116 - Customizable Sorting Back End (77.23 MB)
117 - Customizable Sorting Front End (85.78 MB)
118 - Filtering Form Default Values (40.54 MB)
119 - My Account Section Pagination (46.75 MB)
120 - Edit Delete and Preview Buttons (122.57 MB)
121 - Restoring Models (142.48 MB)
122 - File Uploading Introduction (16.13 MB)
123 - File Data Model (47.76 MB)
124 - Laravel Filesystem Abstraction Explained (42.42 MB)
125 - Preparing for the File Uploads (92.69 MB)
126 - Uploading Multiple Images Backend Part (33.82 MB)
127 - Uploading Multiple Images In Vue (97.19 MB)
128 - Styling the Upload Input UX Improvement (56.51 MB)
129 - File Upload Progress Indicator (32.93 MB)
130 - Displaying the Uploaded Images (61.08 MB)
131 - Removing Uploaded Files (71.15 MB)
132 - Displaying Listing Images on the Listing Page (14.58 MB)
133 - Validating Uploaded Files Make Sure It is an Image (126.48 MB)
134 - Counting Related Models How Many Images We Have (27.28 MB)
135 - Making Offers Introduction (16.84 MB)
136 - Offers Data Model and Relations (71.15 MB)
137 - Offer Widget Adding Widget in Vue (123.36 MB)
138 - Making Offer the Backend Part (121.12 MB)
139 - Vue Custom Component Events Passing Data to the Parent Component (104.13 MB)
140 - Fetching and Displaying an Existing Offer of the Current User (97.33 MB)
141 - How Many Offers Were Made (61.09 MB)
142 - Offer List Page (78.7 MB)
143 - Single Listing View with All The Offers (134.58 MB)
144 - Accepting Offers Single Action Controller Loading Nested Relations (131.18 MB)
145 - Seeing Which Offer is Sold (53.42 MB)
146 - Filtering Out Sold Offers Querying Relationship PresenceAbsence (73.56 MB)
147 - Simpler Way To Identify Sold Listings Refactoring the Query Scope (69.75 MB)
148 - No Offer Making or Changing of Listings That Are Sold (82.11 MB)
149 - UI Improvements (49.05 MB)
150 - Notifications Informing Users About What Happened Introduction (9.76 MB)
151 - Notifications Introduction Database Setup (24.59 MB)
152 - Sending Notification When Offer is Made (91.24 MB)
153 - Showing the Notification Count (117.7 MB)
154 - Showing an Empty State (57.58 MB)
155 - Notifications List Page Backend Part (48.92 MB)
156 - Notifications List Page Front End (115.51 MB)
157 - Marking Notifications as Read (197.71 MB)
158 - Sending Email Introduction (12.73 MB)
159 - Local Email Testing with Mailhog in Docker (66.13 MB)
160 - Delivering Notifications via Email (22.85 MB)
161 - Registered User Email Verification Process (88.31 MB)
162 - Requiring Verification on Pages Not Verified Notice Page (27.44 MB)
163 - User Verification Route (134.98 MB)
164 - Resending the Verification Link and Understanding Throttling and Cache (105.39 MB)
165 - Testing the Email Resending Process (68.82 MB)
166 - Introduction (46.33 MB)
167 - Required and optional software for the course (33.32 MB)
168 - MacOS specific setup (35.95 MB)
169 - Windows specific setup (41.23 MB)
170 - Where to find the full source code (16.23 MB)
171 - Visual Studio Code extensions shortcuts and tricks (43.86 MB)
172 - Creating a new Laravel project using Composer (27.45 MB)
173 - Setting up Vuejs application (123.02 MB)
174 - Fallback route in Laravel (38.96 MB)
175 - Installing and setting up Vue Router (90.21 MB)
176 - HTML5 history mode in Vue Router (24.17 MB)
177 - Vue component registration globallocal and Index component (66 MB)
178 - Router Link component and routing inside a Vue application (6.72 MB)
179 - Bootstrap styling and Laravel Mix (17.93 MB)
180 - vbind vbind shorthand and named Vue routes (27.14 MB)
181 - Styling the navigation bar (14.21 MB)
10 - Windows Installing Nodejs (29.86 MB)
11 - Windows Installing Docker (20.64 MB)
7 - Setting Up for Windows Section Introduction (1.87 MB)
8 - Windows Installing PHP (67.66 MB)
9 - Windows Installing Composer (12.11 MB)
182 - Single file Vue components (22.13 MB)
183 - Child components using components in other components (64.85 MB)
184 - Component props and prop types (36.67 MB)
185 - Oneway data flow (28.85 MB)
186 - Lifecycle hooks (28.35 MB)
187 - Component state and reactivity (57.47 MB)
188 - Reactivity gotchas (33.2 MB)
189 - Conditional rendering vif (18.56 MB)
190 - List rendering and velse (58.97 MB)
191 - Computed properties (41.16 MB)
192 - Component methods (71.28 MB)
193 - Setting up database (52.86 MB)
194 - Specified key was too long problem (14.61 MB)
195 - Model and migrations (31.16 MB)
196 - Model factory database seeder and faker (102.94 MB)
197 - Routes and model all method (82.55 MB)
198 - API testing in Postman (67.83 MB)
199 - Using Modelfind and mandatoryoptional route parameters (61.05 MB)
200 - Using ModelfindOrFail and Accept header (14.71 MB)
201 - JavaScript Promises explained (90.1 MB)
202 - Making HTTP requests with Axios (62.92 MB)
203 - CSS Flexbox and Bootstrap utility classes (19.34 MB)
204 - Vue router parameters (31.43 MB)
205 - Passing all object properties as props vbind trick (48.62 MB)
206 - Vue router links (10.95 MB)
207 - Understanding CSS grid system (57.48 MB)
208 - Laravel controllers (57.17 MB)
209 - Resource controllers (25.15 MB)
210 - API Resources (55.35 MB)
211 - Availability component horizontal forms scoped styles (57.39 MB)
212 - Form input binding vmodel (29 MB)
213 - Handling DOM events in Vue (20.17 MB)
214 - Laravel Debugbar seeing what happens behind the scenes (14.49 MB)
215 - Booking model and relations (23.3 MB)
216 - Seeding bookings generating random non overlapping time series (67.72 MB)
217 - Single Action Controller (35.73 MB)
218 - Request input validation validating data clients send to our server (38.83 MB)
219 - Eloquent Local Query Scopes (52.14 MB)
220 - Returning bookable availability HTTP response statuses (22.65 MB)
221 - Getting object availability in Vuejs (34.61 MB)
222 - Displaying form errors (53.55 MB)
223 - Final touches displaying availability (25.86 MB)
224 - ReviewList component markup using responsive grid options (89.06 MB)
225 - Review model migration using UUID as model primary key (28.5 MB)
226 - Review model relationships onetoone onetomany (13.04 MB)
227 - Review model factory seeder (90.6 MB)
228 - Reviews controller using latest query scope (37.86 MB)
229 - Reviews HTTP resource serializing model (28.02 MB)
230 - Loading reviews in Vue component (71.4 MB)
231 - Vue filters and momentjs (33.26 MB)
232 - Star Rating component using FontAwesome (48.82 MB)
233 - Star Rating component logic calculating stars to display from average rating (72.82 MB)
234 - Review list cleanup and section wrapup (26.65 MB)
235 - Review Page component markup and route (50.89 MB)
236 - Emitting and handling custom Vuejs events (48.23 MB)
237 - Parent and child components communication (17.65 MB)
238 - vmodel explained adding vmodel support to custom components (31.83 MB)
239 - Leaving a rating flow explained (64.59 MB)
240 - Checking if review already exists on backend (42.61 MB)
241 - Checking if review already exists on frontend (47.03 MB)
242 - Booking review key and Eloquent model events (68.5 MB)
243 - Fetching booking by review key custom model methods (58.56 MB)
244 - Creating Resource classes for booking (33.78 MB)
245 - Understanding promise chaining (90.45 MB)
246 - Displaying the booking information on review page (84.4 MB)
247 - A new API endpoint for storing a review validation rules complex flow (92.58 MB)
248 - Handling request errors in Vue (102.07 MB)
249 - Storing a new review using POST in axios (24.76 MB)
250 - Fixing a 500 error in BookingByReview controller (10.5 MB)
251 - FatalError component custom Vue component for unhandled errors (17.54 MB)
252 - Handling only specific errors HTTP error codes validation errors (51.43 MB)
253 - Validation on Review sending page (50.89 MB)
254 - Reusable validation errors component (40.03 MB)
255 - Vue Mixins how to reuse the same code in different components (37.84 MB)
256 - AsyncAwait explained (24.3 MB)
257 - Using asyncawait in Review component (71.29 MB)
258 - Vue Component Slots (87.31 MB)
259 - Fixing application Vue issues (13.88 MB)
260 - Vuex introduction managing global state (33.96 MB)
261 - Setting up Vuex (47.54 MB)
262 - State mutations storing last search dates (9.34 MB)
263 - Reading Vuex state (12.32 MB)
264 - Binding to Vuex state (48.54 MB)
265 - Using Vuex actions to add side effects when committing to the store (30.77 MB)
266 - Initializing Vuex state from the browser local storage (39.9 MB)
267 - Vue Transitions (44.97 MB)
268 - Using animated icons (31.75 MB)
269 - Bookable price controller migration factory Carbon date library (46.95 MB)
270 - AsyncAwait in Availability emitting a custom event (29.44 MB)
271 - Loading price in Bookable component and using Vuex bindings (45.66 MB)
272 - Price breakdown component (41.13 MB)
273 - Vuex a basket addingremoving (36.85 MB)
274 - Vuex getters how many items in the basket (34.91 MB)
275 - Checking whats in the basket removing from the basket (56.63 MB)
276 - Vuex getters property vs method access higher order functions composition (49.28 MB)
277 - Keeping basket state in localStorage (68.44 MB)
278 - Creating a BasketCheckout page (32.85 MB)
279 - Rendering contents of the basket and allowing removal (44.76 MB)
280 - List transitions animating addingdeleting to a list vfor (43.53 MB)
281 - Checkout form markup (48.28 MB)
282 - Address model and booking changes (95.5 MB)
283 - Checkout logic explained (17.63 MB)
284 - Validating nested fields (25.11 MB)
285 - Validating arrays of input (115.53 MB)
286 - Storing booking and address (122.33 MB)
287 - Refactoring price calculations (40.31 MB)
288 - Binding form (55.73 MB)
289 - Making a booking (69.37 MB)
290 - Empty basket state (34.82 MB)
291 - Clearing the basket after purchase (39.73 MB)
292 - Displaying booking errors (83.72 MB)
293 - Rendering purchase confirmation (59.25 MB)
295 - Laravel Sanctum introduction (94.71 MB)
296 - Laravel Sanctum installation (83.54 MB)
297 - Sanctum configuration domains (13.01 MB)
298 - Understanding authentication with Sanctum (136.32 MB)
299 - Authentication using Vue practical example (55.75 MB)
300 - Logic component page markup (52.44 MB)
301 - Login component logic (61.56 MB)
302 - Is user authenticated local storage Part I (54.71 MB)
303 - Is user authenticated VueX Part II (137.34 MB)
304 - Handling unauthenticated state 401 using Axios interceptors (48.62 MB)
305 - Header changes and logout (116.91 MB)
306 - Fixing is logged in delay (29.2 MB)
307 - Registration component markup (53.94 MB)
308 - Registration component logic (38.14 MB)
12 - Setting Up for Mac Section Introduction (3.1 MB)
13 - MacOS Installing Homebrew (21.1 MB)
14 - MacOS Installing PHP (40.52 MB)
15 - MacOS Installing Composer (7.64 MB)
16 - MacOS Installing Nodejs (10.49 MB)
17 - MacOS Installing Docker (12.23 MB)
18 - Laravel Vue Inertia Section Introduction (4.08 MB)
19 - What is Laravel (10.01 MB)
20 - What is Vue (6.68 MB)
21 - What is Inertia (13.4 MB)
22 - Download the starter pack (7.47 MB)
23 - Creating Laravel project (26.72 MB)
24 - Adding Vue and Vite to the stack (31.67 MB)
25 - Configuring Inertiajs (88.46 MB)
babel-parser d (5.98 KB)
index d (4.41 KB)
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events d (682 B)
files d (152 B)
formData d (190 B)
head d (281 B)
index d (300 B)
modal d (219 B)
router d (3.33 KB)
shouldIntercept d (73 B)
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index d (3.69 KB)
index d (2.25 KB)
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index d (1.57 MB)
index d (652 B)
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index d (2.19 KB)
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index d (1.78 KB)
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index d (1.58 KB)
index d (131 B)
index d (7.5 KB)
index d (1.47 KB)
index d (2.2 KB)
index d (983 B)
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customEvent d (404 B)
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hmrPayload d (991 B)
hot d (921 B)
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importMeta d (988 B)
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terser d (7.25 KB)
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index d (34 B)
vue d (270 B)
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macros d (2.99 KB)
ref-macros d (90 B)
index d (37 B)
26 - Your First SPA Section Introduction (14.21 MB)
27 - Creating first pages (89.31 MB)
28 - Passing data to pages (55.18 MB)
29 - Layouts (40.76 MB)
30 - Reactive data in Vue (65.95 MB)
31 - Persistent layouts with Inertia (29.41 MB)
32 - Default layouts (16.03 MB)
33 - OPTIONAL Using linter ESLint jsconfig and getting most out of VSCode (66.04 MB)
34 - OPTIONAL Advanced JS topics arrow functions promises async importing etc (55.09 MB)
35 - Working with the Database Section Introduction (13.85 MB)
36 - Laravel Debugbar IDE Helper (108.23 MB)
37 - Connecting to the Database (57.94 MB)
38 - Models and Migrations (73.01 MB)
39 - Working with Migrations (49.18 MB)
40 - Model Factories Seeders (143.95 MB)
41 - Querying the Database (39.74 MB)
42 - Querying the Database CHALLENGE (6.42 MB)
43 - Updating and Inserting Data Mass Assignment (92.75 MB)
44 - Resource Controller and Route Model Binding (88.44 MB)
45 - Vue Directives vfor vbind Custom Components (98.86 MB)
46 - Handling Forms useForm vmodel (147.21 MB)
47 - Handling Forms in Laravel (78.51 MB)
48 - Middlewares and Sharing Data with All Pages (88.5 MB)
49 - Computed Data and Conditional Rendering Displaying Flash Messages (55.75 MB)
50 - Data Validation Back End Front End (112.56 MB)
51 - Edit Form (105.04 MB)
52 - Deleting Data (81.33 MB)
53 - Laravel Route Names in Vue (86.94 MB)
54 - Adding Some Style Tailwind CSS Section Introduction (23.53 MB)
55 - Installing and Setting Up Tailwind CSS (91.4 MB)
56 - Why Tailwind CSS Tailwind Overview (111.96 MB)
57 - Basic Styling of the App Hands on With Tailwind (184.08 MB)
58 - Custom UI Components and Grid Responsive Design (43.3 MB)
59 - Listing Details NonProp Attributes (52.27 MB)
60 - Custom Price Formatting Component (50.5 MB)
61 - Listing Page Getting Even Better With Responsive Design Vue Named Slots (105.46 MB)
62 - Styling Forms (103.16 MB)
63 - Extracting Tailwind Styles Using apply Directive (91.29 MB)
64 - Edit Form Styling (5.75 MB)
65 - Progress Bar Loading Indicator (62.28 MB)
66 - Styling Error Messages (50.25 MB)
67 - What Are We About to Build (4.61 MB)
68 - Payment Calculator Markup Sliders (30.93 MB)
69 - Payment Calculator Logic (70.46 MB)
70 - Composables Reusable Logic in Vue Reactive Monthly Payment (96.48 MB)
71 - Displaying Payment Next to Every Listing Reusing Composable (129.38 MB)
72 - Adding More Composable Members Total Paid Total Interest (81.27 MB)
[Image: lGerFzKY_o.jpg]

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