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Udemy Master Modern PHP 8 3 From Beginner to Advanced
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
7.85 GB | 12min 6s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Welcome in the Course!.mp4 (87.49 MB)
2 -Course Outline and What You'll Learn.mp4 (68.73 MB)
3 -Course Resources, Getting Help & Community.mp4 (96.86 MB)
1 -Interfaces (Payment Processors Example).mp4 (66.78 MB)
2 -Abstract Classes.mp4 (122.33 MB)
3 -Payment Processors Abstract Classes & Interfaces Overview.mp4 (59.16 MB)
4 -Traits.mp4 (34.03 MB)
5 -Final & Readonly Keywords.mp4 (75.67 MB)
6 -Enums (Is It Weekend Yet).mp4 (20.61 MB)
1 -Dynamic Website (PHP Status Page Demo).mp4 (63.04 MB)
2 -Forms (Sending Email Address Demo).mp4 (32.39 MB)
3 -Cookies & Sessions (Visit Counter Demo + User Tracking Demo).mp4 (97.78 MB)
4 -URL Query Parameters + Forms (Filtering Products Demo).mp4 (94.66 MB)
1 -Project Overview and What You'll Learn.mp4 (41.19 MB)
10 -Fetching Data and Displaying Messages.mp4 (72.07 MB)
11 -Error and Exception Handling.mp4 (117.77 MB)
12 -Flash Messages - One-Time Session Messages.mp4 (72.76 MB)
13 -CSRF Protection - Real Example of a CSRF Attack.mp4 (38.3 MB)
14 -CSRF Protection - Generating Token.mp4 (86.22 MB)
15 -CSRF Protection - Verifying Token.mp4 (70.1 MB)
16 -(OPTIONAL) Improving Router - Query Parameters.mp4 (22.3 MB)
17 -(OPTIONAL) Obfuscating Name & E-mail.mp4 (55.63 MB)
2 -Creating the Project and Outlining the Plan.mp4 (27.46 MB)
3 -Implementing a Simple File-Based Router.mp4 (91.82 MB)
4 -Views, Templating and Layouts.mp4 (75.89 MB)
5 -Form Page.mp4 (26.47 MB)
6 -Form Submission & Data Validation.mp4 (51.93 MB)
7 -Database - SQLite Schema & Connecting.mp4 (72.86 MB)
8 -CLI Tools & Database Schema Loading Script.mp4 (108.93 MB)
9 -Inserting Data into Database Securely.mp4 (82.09 MB)
1 -Project Overview and What You'll Learn.mp4 (49.04 MB)
10 -Writing and Understanding the Database Schema.mp4 (80.35 MB)
11 -CLI Commands - Loading Database Schema.mp4 (94.78 MB)
12 -Database Model Abstraction.mp4 (88.04 MB)
13 -Inserting Data using Model Class.mp4 (46.62 MB)
14 -Handling Errors and Exceptions.mp4 (109.01 MB)
15 -Testing Error Handling in CLI Scripts.mp4 (25.94 MB)
16 -Using Log Files to Store Errors.mp4 (43.96 MB)
17 -Error Handling on Pages.mp4 (60.74 MB)
18 -Creating Models Post, User, Comment.mp4 (46.25 MB)
19 -Data Fixtures - Creating and Loading Fake Generated Data.mp4 (56.26 MB)
2 -Composer, Autoloading and Namespaces.mp4 (51.99 MB)
20 -Recent Blog Posts Feature + Database Refactoring.mp4 (116.35 MB)
21 -Displaying One Blog Post and Comments.mp4 (119.05 MB)
22 -Search Feature.mp4 (73.16 MB)
23 -Template Partials.mp4 (38.7 MB)
24 -Implementing Pagination Optimize Large Data Set Presentation.mp4 (71.35 MB)
25 -Smart Pagination Building Query-Preserving Link Partial.mp4 (65.82 MB)
3 -Routing Overview & Scaffolding.mp4 (49.6 MB)
4 -Implementing Advanced Laravel Like Routing with Parameters.mp4 (118.62 MB)
5 -Defining Routes and Creating Controllers.mp4 (53.73 MB)
6 -Views & Layouts Implementation.mp4 (80.6 MB)
7 -Using Views & Adding a Main Layout.mp4 (45.26 MB)
8 -Dependency Injection Container & App Configuration.mp4 (53.13 MB)
9 -Database Abstraction Class.mp4 (80.8 MB)
1 -What is Authentication How to Build a Secure Auth System.mp4 (117.52 MB)
10 -Getting a Valid Token from the Database.mp4 (49.01 MB)
11 -Remember Me Mixing Cookies with Database Tokens.mp4 (117.9 MB)
12 -Finishing the Remember Me Feature Mixing the Auth class with Remember Me.mp4 (87.25 MB)
13 -Testing Remember Me and Debugging Issues.mp4 (116.47 MB)
14 -CSRF Tokens - Class Based Approach.mp4 (129.82 MB)
15 -Testing CSRF Token and Adding a 419 Page Expired Error.mp4 (92.89 MB)
2 -Displaying a Login Form.mp4 (47.19 MB)
3 -Signing-in Logic.mp4 (120.7 MB)
4 -Global Values in Templates ($user).mp4 (49 MB)
5 -Getting the Currently Signed-In User Model.mp4 (42.35 MB)
6 -Logging Out (Securely).mp4 (56.55 MB)
7 -Staying Authenticated for Longer - Remember Me Feature Explained.mp4 (60.24 MB)
8 -Remember Token, Token Generation & Expiry Date.mp4 (55.96 MB)
9 -Token Rotation & save() Method in the Model.mp4 (92.03 MB)
1 -Commenting on Blog Posts.mp4 (96.73 MB)
10 -Adding Routes, Listing and Deleting Posts.mp4 (59.32 MB)
11 -Adding & Editing Posts in the Admin.mp4 (45.96 MB)
2 -Middleware - What's That Implementing Middleware.mp4 (132.24 MB)
3 -View & Auth Middleware - Moving Logic to Middlewares.mp4 (95.87 MB)
4 -CSRF Middleware - Automatic Safety for the Users!.mp4 (57.36 MB)
5 -Creating the Admin Panel Section.mp4 (42.12 MB)
6 -The Dashboard Page with Stats and More Base Model Methods.mp4 (71.75 MB)
7 -Authorization - Who Can Perform an Action.mp4 (72.18 MB)
8 -Limiting Access to the Dashboard.mp4 (46.77 MB)
9 -Managing Posts in the Admin Panel - the Controller.mp4 (66.55 MB)
1 -Getting Started with a Framework Base We've Built Before.mp4 (92.41 MB)
1 (38.39 KB)
2 -What's Bootstrap and Why We're Using It.mp4 (64.66 MB)
3 -Bootstrap Crash Course Layout, Utilities & Components.mp4 (133.11 MB)
4 -Scaffolding the Registration Controller.mp4 (51.44 MB)
5 -Registration Form Markup.mp4 (66.61 MB)
1 -Module Introduction.mp4 (1.12 MB)
2 -What is PHP.mp4 (17.28 MB)
3 -Where Does the PHP Fit In.mp4 (67.47 MB)
4 -Quick Overview of a PHP File.mp4 (5.42 MB)
5 -Expression vs Statement.mp4 (2.09 MB)
1 -Module Introduction.mp4 (14.26 MB)
2 -PHP on Mac.mp4 (38.17 MB)
3 -PHP on Windows.mp4 (69.15 MB)
4 -Code Editor - Visual Studio Code.mp4 (31.16 MB)
4 (1.31 KB)
1 -Module Introduction.mp4 (2.2 MB)
10 -Foreach Loop (Count the Items in the Basket).mp4 (18.9 MB)
11 -You Didn't Know the Switch Statement (Clothes Size Demo)!.mp4 (77.76 MB)
12 -Match Expression [PHP 8 0+] (HTTP Error Codes Demo).mp4 (17.18 MB)
13 -RequireInclude (Config File Demo).mp4 (35.58 MB)
2 -How to Run PHP Programs.mp4 (27.06 MB)
3 -First PHP Expressions.mp4 (59.93 MB)
4 -Data Types.mp4 (22.19 MB)
5 -Practical Data Types.mp4 (41.28 MB)
6 -Conditionals - If Statement.mp4 (59.23 MB)
7 -Loops - While Loop (Guess the Secret Game).mp4 (35.3 MB)
8 -Loops - For Loop (Rocket Launch Countdown!).mp4 (34.97 MB)
9 -Do While Loop (Roll the Dice Game).mp4 (19.59 MB)
1 -Basics of Functions.mp4 (28.89 MB)
2 -Optional Function Arguments.mp4 (14.54 MB)
3 -Types in Functions.mp4 (34.13 MB)
4 -Variadic Function Arguments.mp4 (79.92 MB)
5 -Anonymous Functions.mp4 (48.22 MB)
1 -References.mp4 (23.14 MB)
2 -Passing by Value and Passing by Reference.mp4 (24.59 MB)
3 -Performance Test Ref vs Value - Big Data Example Is There a Difference.mp4 (35.36 MB)
4 -Variable Scope.mp4 (85.63 MB)
5 -Null in PHP (How it Feels to Have Nothing).mp4 (50.11 MB)
6 -Union Types.mp4 (26.08 MB)
1 -Named Function Arguments [PHP 8 0+] - Forget About the Order!.mp4 (22.01 MB)
2 -Arrow Functions [PHP 7 4] - Single Expression Short Functions.mp4 (43.16 MB)
3 -Pure Functions.mp4 (20.29 MB)
4 -Higher-Order Functions.mp4 (43.41 MB)
5 -Recursion - Functions Calling Themselves.mp4 (19.5 MB)
6 -Generator Functions - For Memory Intensive Tasks.mp4 (27.32 MB)
1 -So Many Ways to Write Strings.mp4 (20.03 MB)
2 -String Accessing & Manipulation.mp4 (24.53 MB)
3 -Searching Through Text and Regular Expressions.mp4 (20.79 MB)
4 -Formatting Strings.mp4 (34.49 MB)
5 -Advanced Stuff - Base64, Escaping, URL Encoding.mp4 (46.77 MB)
6 -Integer, Floating Point, Formatting & Functions, Random Numbers, Min, Max.mp4 (36.87 MB)
7 -Arrays #1 - Indexed, Associative, Multi-Dimensional, Sort, Filter, Map, Reduce.mp4 (75.71 MB)
8 -Arrays #2 - Diff, Merge, Intersect, Values, Keys, Unpacking.mp4 (91.08 MB)
1 -Classes in PHP.mp4 (43.56 MB)
2 -Class Inheritance.mp4 (56.35 MB)
3 -Class Members Visibility.mp4 (26.3 MB)
4 -Static Class Members (Singleton Example).mp4 (54.83 MB)]
[Image: Hu4x2KGr_o.jpg]

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