11-27-2024, 02:59 PM
![[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]](https://img100.pixhost.to/images/404/537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg)
9.99 GB | 11min 1s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
001 Section Overview.mp4 (2.45 MB)
002 Edwin from the future.mp4 (3.19 MB)
003 Udemy Video Walk Through.mp4 (39.41 MB)
005 Web Development Software Installation (XAMPP).mp4 (24.84 MB)
007 Displaying errors in PHP.mp4 (32.47 MB)
008 The BIG picture how things work - WATCH - 2023.mp4 (35.78 MB)
009 Section Overview.mp4 (2.07 MB)
010 Classes.mp4 (80.17 MB)
011 Methods.mp4 (13.88 MB)
012 Instantiating a Class.mp4 (22.41 MB)
013 Defining properties.mp4 (42.01 MB)
014 Class Inheritance.mp4 (70.11 MB)
015 Access Control Modifiers.mp4 (52.11 MB)
016 Static Modifier.mp4 (30.7 MB)
017 Getters and Setters.mp4 (43.87 MB)
018 Overview of this project.mp4 (3.08 MB)
019 Project Directories & Assets.mp4 (67.81 MB)
020 Editing and Modifying Files.mp4 (95.78 MB)
021 Gallery System Links.mp4 (14.32 MB)
022 Creating Pages.mp4 (84.17 MB)
023 Creating Database and User Table.mp4 (40.82 MB)
024 Section Overview.mp4 (3.58 MB)
025 Setting Up the Database Connection.mp4 (43.83 MB)
026 Initializing all Includes in one file.mp4 (15.32 MB)
027 Init file inclusion reminder (Edwin from the future).mp4 (6.32 MB)
028 Creating the Database Class.mp4 (23.43 MB)
029 Future Update for database class.mp4 (3.91 MB)
030 Automatic DB Connection Setup.mp4 (17.93 MB)
031 The Query Method.mp4 (11.2 MB)
032 Database Class Helper Methods.mp4 (14.39 MB)
033 Testing Query Method.mp4 (68.91 MB)
034 Improving our Connection to be more OOP.mp4 (38.58 MB)
035 Section Overview.mp4 (2.55 MB)
036 Creating our User Class.mp4 (14.93 MB)
037 Testing our find all method.mp4 (63.5 MB)
038 Static Method Usage and Challenge.mp4 (11.9 MB)
039 Creating a Find user id method and Solution.mp4 (61.83 MB)
040 Create This Query Method.mp4 (42.23 MB)
041 Assigning Array Values to Object Properties.mp4 (17.89 MB)
042 Auto Instantiation Method.mp4 (18.28 MB)
043 Testing the Instantiation Method.mp4 (15.41 MB)
044 Short Way Auto Instantiation.mp4 (29.44 MB)
045 Creating The Attribute Finder Method.mp4 (28.91 MB)
046 Adding our Instantiation Method.mp4 (79.6 MB)
047 Using our Instantiation Method to find all users.mp4 (28.15 MB)
048 Using our Instantiation Method to find 1 User.mp4 (121.94 MB)
049 Undeclared Object Backup Function.mp4 (74.22 MB)
050 Updating the Autoload Function (Edwin from the future).mp4 (73.54 MB)
052 Section Overview.mp4 (3.07 MB)
053 Starting Sessions.mp4 (19.11 MB)
054 The Checking login Method.mp4 (19.66 MB)
055 The Login Method.mp4 (36.14 MB)
056 The Logout Method.mp4 (15.17 MB)
057 Controlling Access to Admin.mp4 (85.44 MB)
058 Creating The Login Page.mp4 (32.96 MB)
059 Creating the Verify Method Part 1.mp4 (69.26 MB)
060 Creating the Verify Method part 2.mp4 (40.31 MB)
061 Duplicate return = Important watch the whole lecture - Edwin from the future.mp4 (5.13 MB)
062 Login page position - (Edwin from the future).mp4 (3.08 MB)
063 Login Form Creation Download.mp4 (116.99 MB)
064 Creating our Login out Feature.mp4 (69.72 MB)
065 Creating message method.mp4 (8.77 MB)
066 Outputting Feedback for User.mp4 (25.73 MB)
067 Section Overview.mp4 (1.87 MB)
068 Understanding File Permissions.mp4 (21.56 MB)
069 Magic Constants.mp4 (97.69 MB)
070 Section Overview.mp4 (2.1 MB)
071 Configuring PHP for File Uploads.mp4 (146.43 MB)
072 Sending Files.mp4 (23.46 MB)
073 Analyzing Uploaded File Structure.mp4 (25.72 MB)
074 File Error Code Explained.mp4 (94.63 MB)
075 Moving Uploaded Files.mp4 (36.98 MB)
076 Section Overview.mp4 (2.18 MB)
077 Create Method Query Part1.mp4 (53.53 MB)
078 Create Method Query Part 2.mp4 (19.73 MB)
079 Inserting Last ID Method (Challenge).mp4 (29.03 MB)
080 Testing our Method (Solution).mp4 (84.65 MB)
081 Update Method Query.mp4 (65.81 MB)
082 Testing our Update Method.mp4 (56.58 MB)
083 Delete Method.mp4 (51.75 MB)
084 Testing the Delete Method.mp4 (93.15 MB)
085 Section Overview.mp4 (2.36 MB)
086 Improving the Create Method.mp4 (112.16 MB)
087 Abstracting Tables.mp4 (109.92 MB)
088 Abstracting Properties.mp4 (39.06 MB)
089 Abstracting the Create Method Part 1.mp4 (57.09 MB)
090 Abstracting the Create Method Part 2.mp4 (24.07 MB)
091 Modifying the properties method.mp4 (64.04 MB)
092 Testing the Abstracted Create Method.mp4 (40.51 MB)
093 Abstracting the Update Method.mp4 (29.57 MB)
094 Testing the Abstracted Update Method.mp4 (33.51 MB)
095 Escaping Values From our Abstracted Methods.mp4 (74.64 MB)
096 Section Overview.mp4 (2.16 MB)
097 Creating the Database Table for our Photo Class.mp4 (51.32 MB)
098 Abstracting the remaining methods.mp4 (19.69 MB)
099 Create the Parent Class.mp4 (52.7 MB)
100 Fixing lecture 90 Double Return.mp4 (5.79 MB)
101 Late Static Binding.mp4 (53.79 MB)
102 Coding The Photo Class.mp4 (92.73 MB)
103 Adding Class Properties.mp4 (40.24 MB)
104 Testing Inherited Methods.mp4 (89.29 MB)
105 Setting Up our Properties Array.mp4 (21.32 MB)
106 Building Directory Paths.mp4 (88.05 MB)
107 Set File Method.mp4 (42.15 MB)
108 Save Method Part # 1.mp4 (70.01 MB)
109 Save Method Part # 2.mp4 (44.91 MB)
110 HTML Form Creation.mp4 (52.66 MB)
111 Uploading and Testing.mp4 (122.01 MB)
112 Coding The HTML for our Photos Table.mp4 (60.2 MB)
113 Coding The PHP for a Photo Table.mp4 (31.14 MB)
114 Dynamic Image Path.mp4 (62.34 MB)
115 Section Overview.mp4 (3.25 MB)
116 DELETE PAGE and Links Part # 1.mp4 (32.15 MB)
117 DELETE Page Part # 1.mp4 (17.62 MB)
118 Making our Application More Generic.mp4 (220.03 MB)
119 Creating The Delete Method.mp4 (44.78 MB)
120 Setting Up The Right Redirect Paths for Delete.mp4 (13.76 MB)
121 Section Overview.mp4 (1.67 MB)
122 Creating The Edit Page.mp4 (44.34 MB)
123 Creating The Edit Page Part #2.mp4 (75.14 MB)
124 Writing our PHP Code Part # 1.mp4 (72.06 MB)
125 Writing our PHP Code Part # 2.mp4 (53.19 MB)
126 Displaying Data.mp4 (87.55 MB)
127 Updating Data.mp4 (32.47 MB)
128 Picture and Sidebar Styling.mp4 (27.25 MB)
129 Installing The Text Editor.mp4 (108.82 MB)
130 Setting Size for Photos Page Thumbnail.mp4 (39.24 MB)
131 Section Overview.mp4 (2.33 MB)
132 Displaying User Page.mp4 (36.7 MB)
133 Working with User Image.mp4 (122.39 MB)
134 Creating User Image Column in DB Table.mp4 (31.26 MB)
135 Deleting Users.mp4 (12.25 MB)
136 Creating Add User Page Part # 1.mp4 (38.78 MB)
137 Creating Add User Page Part # 2 Testing.mp4 (31.41 MB)
138 Assigning POST values to Object Properties.mp4 (27.79 MB)
139 Setting Up Image Upload for User.mp4 (58.54 MB)
140 Creating The User Edit Page.mp4 (36.03 MB)
141 Updating User.mp4 (85.8 MB)
142 Empty Password Field Fix.mp4 (11.11 MB)
143 Updating User Modification.mp4 (23.92 MB)
144 Delete within Edit User Page.mp4 (63.2 MB)
145 Fixing Duplicate Record Creation Bug.mp4 (13.31 MB)
146 Section Overview.mp4 (3.08 MB)
147 Creating the Comments Table in the Database.mp4 (59.97 MB)
148 Creating the Comment Class.mp4 (37.68 MB)
149 Self Instantiation Comment Method.mp4 (25.31 MB)
150 Find Comments Method.mp4 (42.34 MB)
151 Testing our Comment Form.mp4 (56.6 MB)
152 Including Our Classes in Photo php FRONT-END.mp4 (47.35 MB)
153 Pulling Data From Form Part # 1.mp4 (19.92 MB)
154 Pulling Data From Form Part #2.mp4 (72.31 MB)
155 Displaying & Making Comments - FRONT-END.mp4 (57.68 MB)
156 Displaying & Making Comments - BACK-END.mp4 (29.84 MB)
157 Deleting Comments.mp4 (12.36 MB)
158 Creating the Individual Comment Page Part # 1.mp4 (63.27 MB)
159 Creating the Individual Comment Page Part # 2.mp4 (21.7 MB)
160 Creating the Count Comment Code and CHALLENGE.mp4 (17.27 MB)
161 Comment Count Link & SOLUTION.mp4 (30.01 MB)
162 Deleting Specific Photo Comments Code.mp4 (16.24 MB)
163 Section Overview.mp4 (2.05 MB)
164 Dynamic Menu to Photo php.mp4 (69.12 MB)
165 Dashboard HTML Snippets Inclusion.mp4 (29.27 MB)
166 Adding Google API Charts.mp4 (35.88 MB)
167 Tracking Page Views Method.mp4 (34.13 MB)
168 Creating the Count All Method and Echoing Photo Count.mp4 (34.84 MB)
169 Setting Up Users and Comment Counts.mp4 (14.92 MB)
170 Modifying Chart Properties.mp4 (81.67 MB)
171 Dynamic Data in Chart Creation.mp4 (52.15 MB)
172 Setting Up Index to Display Photos Part # 1.mp4 (45.66 MB)
173 Setting Up Index to Display Photos Part # 2.mp4 (27.39 MB)
174 Correcting Photos Alignment with CSS.mp4 (49.47 MB)
175 Coding the PHP in Photo php FRON-END.mp4 (126.22 MB)
176 Home Page Link and Footer Modifications.mp4 (65.38 MB)
177 Section Overview.mp4 (1.49 MB)
178 Setting Up our Pagination Variables.mp4 (48.79 MB)
179 Creating the Paginate CLASS.mp4 (14.49 MB)
180 Creating our Construct Function to Initialize some Properties.mp4 (11.58 MB)
181 Building our Paginate Class Methods Part # 1.mp4 (21.7 MB)
182 Building our Paginate Class Methods Part # 2.mp4 (33.1 MB)
183 Instantiating and Testing Paginate.mp4 (41.68 MB)
184 Setting Up our Next Page Link.mp4 (21.72 MB)
185 Putting our Next Link to Work - CHALLENGE.mp4 (16.76 MB)
186 Creating Previous Link - SOLUTION.mp4 (14.14 MB)
187 Paginate Indication and Looping.mp4 (68.99 MB)
188 Pagination Indication CSS.mp4 (49.45 MB)
189 CLEANING UP.mp4 (70.19 MB)
190 Extra Features Overview.mp4 (4.02 MB)
191 Creating the Modal + HTML Snippets Download.mp4 (93.87 MB)
192 Including Modal from somewhere else.mp4 (51.51 MB)
193 Pulling Pictures Into Gallery Modal.mp4 (104.48 MB)
194 Enable Selection Button on Click - jQuery.mp4 (41.64 MB)
195 Enabling the Selection Button with jQuery.mp4 (24.86 MB)
196 Pulling User Id with jQuery and Javascript.mp4 (92.44 MB)
197 Pulling Image Name with jQuery and Javascript.mp4 (19.5 MB)
198 Writing the AJAX - Setting User Image.mp4 (34.08 MB)
199 Testing our AJAX Code.mp4 (20.01 MB)
200 Creating the AJAX PHP Method.mp4 (69.02 MB)
201 Modifying Improving Our AJAX PHP method.mp4 (56.95 MB)
202 Photo Library Sidebar Part #1 - CHALLENGE INCLUDED.mp4 (81.67 MB)
203 Photo Library Sidebar Part #2 - SOLUTION INCLUDED.mp4 (16.34 MB)
204 Photo Library Sidebar Part #3 - COMPLETED.mp4 (21.63 MB)
205 Creating Session Methods for Notifications in the Edit User Page Part # 1.mp4 (28.19 MB)
206 Creating Session Methods for Notifications in the Edit User Page Part # 2.mp4 (126.22 MB)
207 Updating User Methods.mp4 (60.27 MB)
208 Setting Up Notifications for CRUD Part #1.mp4 (113.3 MB)
209 Setting Up Notifications for CRUD Part #2.mp4 (49.13 MB)
210 Installing a Multiple Upload and Drop JS File Plugin Part #1.mp4 (67.41 MB)
211 Installing a Multiple Upload and Drop JS File Plugin Part #2.mp4 (67.8 MB)
212 Installing a Multiple Upload and Drop JS File Plugin Part #3 - COMPLETE.mp4 (25.9 MB)
213 Edit Photo Page Sidebar jQuery Dropdown.mp4 (94.97 MB)
214 Login Page CSS.mp4 (13.88 MB)
215 Confirm Delete with Javascript and jQuery.mp4 (69 MB)
216 Conclusion and BONUS.mp4 (6.65 MB)
217 Hosting setup.mp4 (105.13 MB)
218 Displaying errors online.mp4 (51.79 MB)
219 Uploading files and database creation.mp4 (91.22 MB)
220 Importing database and setting up configurations CHALLENGE.mp4 (52.93 MB)
221 Creating an online site root path SOLUTION.mp4 (122.01 MB)
222 Testing photos deletion functionality.mp4 (44.84 MB)
223 Database refactoring.mp4 (117.43 MB)
224 Updating photos with user id.mp4 (12.88 MB)
225 Intro.mp4 (30.42 MB)
226 Creation of database and class definition part 1.mp4 (14.15 MB)
227 Creation of database and class definition part 2 - finished.mp4 (50.67 MB)
228 Looping through data.mp4 (43.43 MB)
229 Singleton - CRUD - create.mp4 (32.74 MB)
230 Singleton - CRUD - read.mp4 (22.81 MB)
231 Singleton - CRUD - update.mp4 (32.37 MB)
232 Singleton - CRUD - reading everything.mp4 (27.82 MB)]
![[Image: Q0BJgH4i_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/54/51/Q0BJgH4i_o.jpg)
001 Section Overview.mp4 (2.45 MB)
002 Edwin from the future.mp4 (3.19 MB)
003 Udemy Video Walk Through.mp4 (39.41 MB)
005 Web Development Software Installation (XAMPP).mp4 (24.84 MB)
007 Displaying errors in PHP.mp4 (32.47 MB)
008 The BIG picture how things work - WATCH - 2023.mp4 (35.78 MB)
009 Section Overview.mp4 (2.07 MB)
010 Classes.mp4 (80.17 MB)
011 Methods.mp4 (13.88 MB)
012 Instantiating a Class.mp4 (22.41 MB)
013 Defining properties.mp4 (42.01 MB)
014 Class Inheritance.mp4 (70.11 MB)
015 Access Control Modifiers.mp4 (52.11 MB)
016 Static Modifier.mp4 (30.7 MB)
017 Getters and Setters.mp4 (43.87 MB)
018 Overview of this project.mp4 (3.08 MB)
019 Project Directories & Assets.mp4 (67.81 MB)
020 Editing and Modifying Files.mp4 (95.78 MB)
021 Gallery System Links.mp4 (14.32 MB)
022 Creating Pages.mp4 (84.17 MB)
023 Creating Database and User Table.mp4 (40.82 MB)
024 Section Overview.mp4 (3.58 MB)
025 Setting Up the Database Connection.mp4 (43.83 MB)
026 Initializing all Includes in one file.mp4 (15.32 MB)
027 Init file inclusion reminder (Edwin from the future).mp4 (6.32 MB)
028 Creating the Database Class.mp4 (23.43 MB)
029 Future Update for database class.mp4 (3.91 MB)
030 Automatic DB Connection Setup.mp4 (17.93 MB)
031 The Query Method.mp4 (11.2 MB)
032 Database Class Helper Methods.mp4 (14.39 MB)
033 Testing Query Method.mp4 (68.91 MB)
034 Improving our Connection to be more OOP.mp4 (38.58 MB)
035 Section Overview.mp4 (2.55 MB)
036 Creating our User Class.mp4 (14.93 MB)
037 Testing our find all method.mp4 (63.5 MB)
038 Static Method Usage and Challenge.mp4 (11.9 MB)
039 Creating a Find user id method and Solution.mp4 (61.83 MB)
040 Create This Query Method.mp4 (42.23 MB)
041 Assigning Array Values to Object Properties.mp4 (17.89 MB)
042 Auto Instantiation Method.mp4 (18.28 MB)
043 Testing the Instantiation Method.mp4 (15.41 MB)
044 Short Way Auto Instantiation.mp4 (29.44 MB)
045 Creating The Attribute Finder Method.mp4 (28.91 MB)
046 Adding our Instantiation Method.mp4 (79.6 MB)
047 Using our Instantiation Method to find all users.mp4 (28.15 MB)
048 Using our Instantiation Method to find 1 User.mp4 (121.94 MB)
049 Undeclared Object Backup Function.mp4 (74.22 MB)
050 Updating the Autoload Function (Edwin from the future).mp4 (73.54 MB)
052 Section Overview.mp4 (3.07 MB)
053 Starting Sessions.mp4 (19.11 MB)
054 The Checking login Method.mp4 (19.66 MB)
055 The Login Method.mp4 (36.14 MB)
056 The Logout Method.mp4 (15.17 MB)
057 Controlling Access to Admin.mp4 (85.44 MB)
058 Creating The Login Page.mp4 (32.96 MB)
059 Creating the Verify Method Part 1.mp4 (69.26 MB)
060 Creating the Verify Method part 2.mp4 (40.31 MB)
061 Duplicate return = Important watch the whole lecture - Edwin from the future.mp4 (5.13 MB)
062 Login page position - (Edwin from the future).mp4 (3.08 MB)
063 Login Form Creation Download.mp4 (116.99 MB)
064 Creating our Login out Feature.mp4 (69.72 MB)
065 Creating message method.mp4 (8.77 MB)
066 Outputting Feedback for User.mp4 (25.73 MB)
067 Section Overview.mp4 (1.87 MB)
068 Understanding File Permissions.mp4 (21.56 MB)
069 Magic Constants.mp4 (97.69 MB)
070 Section Overview.mp4 (2.1 MB)
071 Configuring PHP for File Uploads.mp4 (146.43 MB)
072 Sending Files.mp4 (23.46 MB)
073 Analyzing Uploaded File Structure.mp4 (25.72 MB)
074 File Error Code Explained.mp4 (94.63 MB)
075 Moving Uploaded Files.mp4 (36.98 MB)
076 Section Overview.mp4 (2.18 MB)
077 Create Method Query Part1.mp4 (53.53 MB)
078 Create Method Query Part 2.mp4 (19.73 MB)
079 Inserting Last ID Method (Challenge).mp4 (29.03 MB)
080 Testing our Method (Solution).mp4 (84.65 MB)
081 Update Method Query.mp4 (65.81 MB)
082 Testing our Update Method.mp4 (56.58 MB)
083 Delete Method.mp4 (51.75 MB)
084 Testing the Delete Method.mp4 (93.15 MB)
085 Section Overview.mp4 (2.36 MB)
086 Improving the Create Method.mp4 (112.16 MB)
087 Abstracting Tables.mp4 (109.92 MB)
088 Abstracting Properties.mp4 (39.06 MB)
089 Abstracting the Create Method Part 1.mp4 (57.09 MB)
090 Abstracting the Create Method Part 2.mp4 (24.07 MB)
091 Modifying the properties method.mp4 (64.04 MB)
092 Testing the Abstracted Create Method.mp4 (40.51 MB)
093 Abstracting the Update Method.mp4 (29.57 MB)
094 Testing the Abstracted Update Method.mp4 (33.51 MB)
095 Escaping Values From our Abstracted Methods.mp4 (74.64 MB)
096 Section Overview.mp4 (2.16 MB)
097 Creating the Database Table for our Photo Class.mp4 (51.32 MB)
098 Abstracting the remaining methods.mp4 (19.69 MB)
099 Create the Parent Class.mp4 (52.7 MB)
100 Fixing lecture 90 Double Return.mp4 (5.79 MB)
101 Late Static Binding.mp4 (53.79 MB)
102 Coding The Photo Class.mp4 (92.73 MB)
103 Adding Class Properties.mp4 (40.24 MB)
104 Testing Inherited Methods.mp4 (89.29 MB)
105 Setting Up our Properties Array.mp4 (21.32 MB)
106 Building Directory Paths.mp4 (88.05 MB)
107 Set File Method.mp4 (42.15 MB)
108 Save Method Part # 1.mp4 (70.01 MB)
109 Save Method Part # 2.mp4 (44.91 MB)
110 HTML Form Creation.mp4 (52.66 MB)
111 Uploading and Testing.mp4 (122.01 MB)
112 Coding The HTML for our Photos Table.mp4 (60.2 MB)
113 Coding The PHP for a Photo Table.mp4 (31.14 MB)
114 Dynamic Image Path.mp4 (62.34 MB)
115 Section Overview.mp4 (3.25 MB)
116 DELETE PAGE and Links Part # 1.mp4 (32.15 MB)
117 DELETE Page Part # 1.mp4 (17.62 MB)
118 Making our Application More Generic.mp4 (220.03 MB)
119 Creating The Delete Method.mp4 (44.78 MB)
120 Setting Up The Right Redirect Paths for Delete.mp4 (13.76 MB)
121 Section Overview.mp4 (1.67 MB)
122 Creating The Edit Page.mp4 (44.34 MB)
123 Creating The Edit Page Part #2.mp4 (75.14 MB)
124 Writing our PHP Code Part # 1.mp4 (72.06 MB)
125 Writing our PHP Code Part # 2.mp4 (53.19 MB)
126 Displaying Data.mp4 (87.55 MB)
127 Updating Data.mp4 (32.47 MB)
128 Picture and Sidebar Styling.mp4 (27.25 MB)
129 Installing The Text Editor.mp4 (108.82 MB)
130 Setting Size for Photos Page Thumbnail.mp4 (39.24 MB)
131 Section Overview.mp4 (2.33 MB)
132 Displaying User Page.mp4 (36.7 MB)
133 Working with User Image.mp4 (122.39 MB)
134 Creating User Image Column in DB Table.mp4 (31.26 MB)
135 Deleting Users.mp4 (12.25 MB)
136 Creating Add User Page Part # 1.mp4 (38.78 MB)
137 Creating Add User Page Part # 2 Testing.mp4 (31.41 MB)
138 Assigning POST values to Object Properties.mp4 (27.79 MB)
139 Setting Up Image Upload for User.mp4 (58.54 MB)
140 Creating The User Edit Page.mp4 (36.03 MB)
141 Updating User.mp4 (85.8 MB)
142 Empty Password Field Fix.mp4 (11.11 MB)
143 Updating User Modification.mp4 (23.92 MB)
144 Delete within Edit User Page.mp4 (63.2 MB)
145 Fixing Duplicate Record Creation Bug.mp4 (13.31 MB)
146 Section Overview.mp4 (3.08 MB)
147 Creating the Comments Table in the Database.mp4 (59.97 MB)
148 Creating the Comment Class.mp4 (37.68 MB)
149 Self Instantiation Comment Method.mp4 (25.31 MB)
150 Find Comments Method.mp4 (42.34 MB)
151 Testing our Comment Form.mp4 (56.6 MB)
152 Including Our Classes in Photo php FRONT-END.mp4 (47.35 MB)
153 Pulling Data From Form Part # 1.mp4 (19.92 MB)
154 Pulling Data From Form Part #2.mp4 (72.31 MB)
155 Displaying & Making Comments - FRONT-END.mp4 (57.68 MB)
156 Displaying & Making Comments - BACK-END.mp4 (29.84 MB)
157 Deleting Comments.mp4 (12.36 MB)
158 Creating the Individual Comment Page Part # 1.mp4 (63.27 MB)
159 Creating the Individual Comment Page Part # 2.mp4 (21.7 MB)
160 Creating the Count Comment Code and CHALLENGE.mp4 (17.27 MB)
161 Comment Count Link & SOLUTION.mp4 (30.01 MB)
162 Deleting Specific Photo Comments Code.mp4 (16.24 MB)
163 Section Overview.mp4 (2.05 MB)
164 Dynamic Menu to Photo php.mp4 (69.12 MB)
165 Dashboard HTML Snippets Inclusion.mp4 (29.27 MB)
166 Adding Google API Charts.mp4 (35.88 MB)
167 Tracking Page Views Method.mp4 (34.13 MB)
168 Creating the Count All Method and Echoing Photo Count.mp4 (34.84 MB)
169 Setting Up Users and Comment Counts.mp4 (14.92 MB)
170 Modifying Chart Properties.mp4 (81.67 MB)
171 Dynamic Data in Chart Creation.mp4 (52.15 MB)
172 Setting Up Index to Display Photos Part # 1.mp4 (45.66 MB)
173 Setting Up Index to Display Photos Part # 2.mp4 (27.39 MB)
174 Correcting Photos Alignment with CSS.mp4 (49.47 MB)
175 Coding the PHP in Photo php FRON-END.mp4 (126.22 MB)
176 Home Page Link and Footer Modifications.mp4 (65.38 MB)
177 Section Overview.mp4 (1.49 MB)
178 Setting Up our Pagination Variables.mp4 (48.79 MB)
179 Creating the Paginate CLASS.mp4 (14.49 MB)
180 Creating our Construct Function to Initialize some Properties.mp4 (11.58 MB)
181 Building our Paginate Class Methods Part # 1.mp4 (21.7 MB)
182 Building our Paginate Class Methods Part # 2.mp4 (33.1 MB)
183 Instantiating and Testing Paginate.mp4 (41.68 MB)
184 Setting Up our Next Page Link.mp4 (21.72 MB)
185 Putting our Next Link to Work - CHALLENGE.mp4 (16.76 MB)
186 Creating Previous Link - SOLUTION.mp4 (14.14 MB)
187 Paginate Indication and Looping.mp4 (68.99 MB)
188 Pagination Indication CSS.mp4 (49.45 MB)
189 CLEANING UP.mp4 (70.19 MB)
190 Extra Features Overview.mp4 (4.02 MB)
191 Creating the Modal + HTML Snippets Download.mp4 (93.87 MB)
192 Including Modal from somewhere else.mp4 (51.51 MB)
193 Pulling Pictures Into Gallery Modal.mp4 (104.48 MB)
194 Enable Selection Button on Click - jQuery.mp4 (41.64 MB)
195 Enabling the Selection Button with jQuery.mp4 (24.86 MB)
196 Pulling User Id with jQuery and Javascript.mp4 (92.44 MB)
197 Pulling Image Name with jQuery and Javascript.mp4 (19.5 MB)
198 Writing the AJAX - Setting User Image.mp4 (34.08 MB)
199 Testing our AJAX Code.mp4 (20.01 MB)
200 Creating the AJAX PHP Method.mp4 (69.02 MB)
201 Modifying Improving Our AJAX PHP method.mp4 (56.95 MB)
202 Photo Library Sidebar Part #1 - CHALLENGE INCLUDED.mp4 (81.67 MB)
203 Photo Library Sidebar Part #2 - SOLUTION INCLUDED.mp4 (16.34 MB)
204 Photo Library Sidebar Part #3 - COMPLETED.mp4 (21.63 MB)
205 Creating Session Methods for Notifications in the Edit User Page Part # 1.mp4 (28.19 MB)
206 Creating Session Methods for Notifications in the Edit User Page Part # 2.mp4 (126.22 MB)
207 Updating User Methods.mp4 (60.27 MB)
208 Setting Up Notifications for CRUD Part #1.mp4 (113.3 MB)
209 Setting Up Notifications for CRUD Part #2.mp4 (49.13 MB)
210 Installing a Multiple Upload and Drop JS File Plugin Part #1.mp4 (67.41 MB)
211 Installing a Multiple Upload and Drop JS File Plugin Part #2.mp4 (67.8 MB)
212 Installing a Multiple Upload and Drop JS File Plugin Part #3 - COMPLETE.mp4 (25.9 MB)
213 Edit Photo Page Sidebar jQuery Dropdown.mp4 (94.97 MB)
214 Login Page CSS.mp4 (13.88 MB)
215 Confirm Delete with Javascript and jQuery.mp4 (69 MB)
216 Conclusion and BONUS.mp4 (6.65 MB)
217 Hosting setup.mp4 (105.13 MB)
218 Displaying errors online.mp4 (51.79 MB)
219 Uploading files and database creation.mp4 (91.22 MB)
220 Importing database and setting up configurations CHALLENGE.mp4 (52.93 MB)
221 Creating an online site root path SOLUTION.mp4 (122.01 MB)
222 Testing photos deletion functionality.mp4 (44.84 MB)
223 Database refactoring.mp4 (117.43 MB)
224 Updating photos with user id.mp4 (12.88 MB)
225 Intro.mp4 (30.42 MB)
226 Creation of database and class definition part 1.mp4 (14.15 MB)
227 Creation of database and class definition part 2 - finished.mp4 (50.67 MB)
228 Looping through data.mp4 (43.43 MB)
229 Singleton - CRUD - create.mp4 (32.74 MB)
230 Singleton - CRUD - read.mp4 (22.81 MB)
231 Singleton - CRUD - update.mp4 (32.37 MB)
232 Singleton - CRUD - reading everything.mp4 (27.82 MB)]
![[Image: Q0BJgH4i_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/54/51/Q0BJgH4i_o.jpg)
![[Image: signature.png]](https://softwarez.info/images/avsg/signature.png)