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Udemy - Java Spring FrameWork 6 with Spring Boot 3
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
44.94 GB | 00:15:15 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - Course Introduction (54.98 MB)
164 - Spring JDBC Introduction (28.99 MB)
165 - Creating A Spring JDBC Project (60.47 MB)
166 - Student Service And Repo (67.94 MB)
167 - JDBCtemplate (89.98 MB)
168 - Schema And Data Files (92.51 MB)
169 - Rowmapper (216.38 MB)
170 - Spring JDBC Postgres (154.59 MB)
171 - Web App Introduction (99.43 MB)
172 - Creating A Servlet Project (155.67 MB)
173 - Running Tomcat (133.81 MB)
174 - Servlet Mapping (146.88 MB)
175 - Responding To The Client (213.27 MB)
176 - Introduction to MVC (83.42 MB)
177 - Creating a Spring Boot Web App Project (107 MB)
178 - Creating a JSP Page (54.23 MB)
179 - Creating a Controller (76.67 MB)
180 - RequestMapping (70.25 MB)
181 - Sending data to Controller (89.12 MB)
182 - Accepting Data the servlet way (121.82 MB)
183 - Display Data on Result Page (145.65 MB)
184 - RequestParam (76.56 MB)
185 - Model Object (72 MB)
186 - Setting Prefix and Suffix (59.4 MB)
187 - ModelAndView (76.89 MB)
188 - Need for ModelAttribute (78.72 MB)
189 - Using ModelAttribute (105.57 MB)
190 - Spring MVC Introduction (79.24 MB)
191 - Creating a Spring MVC Project (76.55 MB)
192 - Running Tomcat in Eclipse (57.96 MB)
193 - Dispatcher Servlet (257.11 MB)
194 - Configuring the DispatcherServlet (204.74 MB)
195 - Internal Resource View Resolver (44.98 MB)
196 - Summary (54.16 MB)
197 - Building Job App (24.37 MB)
198 - Creating a Project (93.4 MB)
199 - Understanding Views (105.75 MB)
200 - Home and AddJob Controller (96.36 MB)
201 - Handling Form (134.61 MB)
202 - Working with Layers (85.04 MB)
203 - View Data (41.66 MB)
204 - Summary for Job Webapp (22.89 MB)
205 - Rest using Spring Boot Introduction (49.54 MB)
206 - What is REST (209.36 MB)
207 - Http Methods (20.25 MB)
208 - Understanding the React UI (108.38 MB)
209 - Working with Postman (26.67 MB)
210 - Creating a Rest Controller (157.05 MB)
211 - Connecting React and Spring (36.34 MB)
212 - PathVariable (120.62 MB)
213 - Sending Data and RequestBody (104 MB)
214 - Put and Delete Mapping (297.19 MB)
215 - Content Negotiation (188.85 MB)
216 - Spring Data JPA Introduction (29.22 MB)
217 - What is ORM and JPA (183.54 MB)
218 - Creating Table And Inserting Data (249.61 MB)
219 - Findall (34.46 MB)
220 - findById (32.97 MB)
221 - Query DSL (134.3 MB)
222 - Update and Delete (42.7 MB)
223 - JPA in Job App (62.87 MB)
224 - Loading Data and Entity (147.62 MB)
225 - Search by Keyword (58.07 MB)
226 - React UI for Search (65.64 MB)
227 - React UI for Update and Delete (57.27 MB)
228 - Spring Data Rest Introduction (38.82 MB)
229 - Creating A Data Rest Project (82.7 MB)
230 - Running The Project (19.1 MB)
231 - Update And Delete (54.9 MB)
232 - Spring AOP Introduction (127.53 MB)
233 - Logging the Calls (64.44 MB)
234 - AOP Concepts (188.44 MB)
235 - Before Advice (144.82 MB)
236 - JoinPoint (29.82 MB)
237 - After Advice (90.46 MB)
238 - Performance Monitoring using Around Advice (187.76 MB)
239 - Validating the input using Around Advice (109.08 MB)
240 - Importance Of Security (70.65 MB)
241 - OWASP Top 10 (282.99 MB)
242 - Creating a Spring Security Project (89.24 MB)
243 - default login form (86.12 MB)
244 - Spring Security Filters (72.76 MB)
245 - Session ID (177.22 MB)
246 - Setting username and password (84.09 MB)
247 - Basic Auth using Postman (21.43 MB)
248 - What is CSRF (14.17 MB)
249 - Error without CSRF Token (106.42 MB)
250 - Sending CSRF Token (73.3 MB)
251 - Same Site Strict (49.17 MB)
252 - Security Configuration (33.95 MB)
253 - Disabling CSRF Token (54.19 MB)
254 - without lambda (52.19 MB)
255 - Getting ready for user database (41.88 MB)
256 - Working with Multiple Users (202.49 MB)
257 - Creating User table and db properties (140.49 MB)
258 - AuthenticationProvider (45.05 MB)
259 - Creating a UserDetailsService (69.53 MB)
260 - User Repository (99.56 MB)
261 - UserDetails and UserPrincipal (182.54 MB)
262 - Summary till now (50.79 MB)
263 - What is Bcrypt (96.86 MB)
264 - User Registration (84.26 MB)
265 - BCrypt Encoding for User Registration (127.62 MB)
266 - Setting Password Encoder (50.35 MB)
267 - Plan to secure Job App Project (70.76 MB)
268 - Cross Origin (37.2 MB)
269 - Adding Security Configuration (106.99 MB)
270 - Job App is secure now (158.56 MB)
10 - Type Conversion (90 MB)
11 - Arithmetic Operators (49.76 MB)
12 - Relational Operators (59.4 MB)
13 - Logical Operators (151.11 MB)
14 - If Else (55.79 MB)
15 - If Else If (77.06 MB)
16 - Ternary (22.34 MB)
17 - Switch Statement (125.14 MB)
18 - Need For Loop (56.74 MB)
19 - While Loop (346.02 MB)
20 - Do While Loop (47.58 MB)
21 - For Loop (196.93 MB)
22 - Which Loop To Use (39.78 MB)
23 - Class And Object Theory (173.18 MB)
24 - Class and Object Practical (247.75 MB)
25 - JDK JRE JVM (92.95 MB)
26 - Methods (264.69 MB)
27 - Method Overloading (93.12 MB)
28 - Stack And Heap (201.98 MB)
29 - Need of Array (59.81 MB)
3 - Introduction of Java (14.93 MB)
30 - Creation of Array (107.54 MB)
31 - Multi Dimensional Array (360.66 MB)
32 - jagged and 3D Array (92.73 MB)
33 - Drawbacks of Array (54.11 MB)
34 - Array of Objects (140.21 MB)
35 - Enhanced for loop (27.99 MB)
36 - What is String (65.79 MB)
37 - Mutable vs Immutable string (157.23 MB)
38 - StringBuffer and StringBuilder (51.25 MB)
39 - Static Variable (111.62 MB)
4 - JDK setup (134.3 MB)
40 - Static method (42.88 MB)
41 - Static block (66.21 MB)
42 - Encapsulation (385.24 MB)
43 - Getters and setters (24.56 MB)
44 - This keyword (84.1 MB)
45 - Constructor (109.64 MB)
46 - Default vs Parameterized Constructor (43.97 MB)
47 - Naming Convention (66.01 MB)
48 - Anonymous Object (41.79 MB)
49 - What is Inheritance (125.14 MB)
5 - First code in Java (70.61 MB)
50 - Need of Inheritance (102.23 MB)
51 - Single and Multilevel inheritance (55.52 MB)
52 - Multiple Inheritance (54.15 MB)
53 - This and super method (180.98 MB)
54 - Method Overriding (182.32 MB)
55 - Packages (109.09 MB)
56 - Access Modifiers (120.83 MB)
57 - Polymorphism (58.02 MB)
58 - Dynamic Method Dispatch (123.25 MB)
59 - Final keyword (41.69 MB)
6 - How Java Works (113.94 MB)
60 - Object Class equals toString hashcode (181.59 MB)
61 - Upcasting and Downcasting (97.95 MB)
62 - Wrapper Class (138.93 MB)
7 - Variables (208.82 MB)
8 - Data Types (110.89 MB)
9 - Literal (27.78 MB)
271 - Encryption and Decryption (46.34 MB)
272 - Digital Signature (21.07 MB)
273 - Why JWT (235.7 MB)
274 - What is JWT (122 MB)
275 - Project Setup for JWT (114.16 MB)
276 - Custom Login (116.16 MB)
277 - Generating token (149.48 MB)
278 - Token Generated (109.91 MB)
279 - Creating a JWT Filter (160.94 MB)
280 - Setting AuthToken in SecurityContext (263.98 MB)
281 - Validating token (68.53 MB)
282 - JWT Summary (93.69 MB)
283 - Implementing OAuth2 (43.43 MB)
284 - Google Oauth2 Login (129.73 MB)
285 - Github Login (108.5 MB)
286 - Docker Introduction (28.97 MB)
287 - What Problem We Are Trying To Solve (221.07 MB)
288 - Solution With Virtualization (447.67 MB)
289 - Solution With Containerization (248.86 MB)
290 - What is Docker (95.33 MB)
291 - Docker Setup (111.21 MB)
292 - Running First Container (194.25 MB)
293 - Docker Commands (141.62 MB)
294 - Docker Architecture (15.49 MB)
295 - Running JDK Docker Container (235.91 MB)
296 - Packing The Spring Boot Web App (125 MB)
297 - Running Spring Boot Web App On Docker (129.94 MB)
298 - Docker File For Docker Images (71.21 MB)
299 - Web App With Postgres (346.78 MB)
300 - Docker Compose (313.22 MB)
301 - Running Multiple Containers (112.28 MB)
302 - Docker Volumes (75.61 MB)
303 - What is Cloud (676.32 MB)
304 - Which cloud (24.2 MB)
305 - AWS account signup process (78.4 MB)
306 - AWS services and IAM account (136.7 MB)
307 - Simple Web App Project (104.34 MB)
308 - Deploying on Elastic Beanstalk (73.8 MB)
309 - Spring Project with DB (80.86 MB)
310 - Creating database in AWS RDS (217.91 MB)
311 - Deploying app on Beanstalk (71.61 MB)
312 - Introduction to ECS (113.45 MB)
313 - Configuring AWS CLI (68.39 MB)
314 - Creating Cluster and Task (154.16 MB)
315 - Running the task for Postgres (65.05 MB)
316 - Pushing the docker image to ECR (76.35 MB)
317 - Running Java App Task (138.73 MB)
318 - What are Microservices (337.03 MB)
319 - Cloud Native (609.26 MB)
320 - Quiz App Project Setup part 1 (315.9 MB)
321 - Quiz App Project Setup part 2 (412.69 MB)
322 - Quiz App Project Setup part 3 (461.83 MB)
323 - Quiz App Project Setup part 4 (277.15 MB)
324 - Quiz App Project Setup part 5 (96.63 MB)
325 - Quiz App Project Setup part 6 (253.88 MB)
326 - Quiz App Project Setup part 7 (204.68 MB)
327 - Quiz App Project Setup part 8 (221.73 MB)
328 - Building Microservices Introduction Part 9 (166.97 MB)
329 - Creating a Question Service Part1 (172.18 MB)
330 - Creating a Question Service Part2 (243.21 MB)
331 - Running the Question Service Part3 (308.61 MB)
332 - Creating a Quiz Service Part4 (283.29 MB)
333 - Need of Service Discovery (314.96 MB)
334 - Creating a Service Registry (251.91 MB)
335 - Working with Feign (230.21 MB)
336 - Microservice is calling a Microservice (67.45 MB)
337 - Completing the 2 Microservices (210.3 MB)
338 - Load Balancing (170.22 MB)
339 - API Gateway (311.01 MB)
340 - Git Version Control (312.65 MB)
341 - History of Git (153.95 MB)
342 - Git Setup (112.67 MB)
343 - Git Init (195.52 MB)
344 - Git commit (57.52 MB)
345 - Git Skipping the Staging Area (27.89 MB)
346 - Git diff (14.9 MB)
347 - Git Remove File (33.19 MB)
348 - Github Repository (436.65 MB)
349 - Adding Files to Remote Repository (68.67 MB)
350 - Git tag (119.19 MB)
351 - Git clone a project (219.42 MB)
352 - Git branch create (193.33 MB)
353 - Git delete branch (16.05 MB)
354 - Git branch pushing to remote repository (48.99 MB)
355 - Git branch how it works (87.79 MB)
356 - Git merge (40.24 MB)
357 - Git rebase (169.54 MB)
358 - Git merge conflict (219.48 MB)
359 - Git time travel (125.73 MB)
360 - Git stash (31.59 MB)
361 - Git fork (76.9 MB)
362 - Git Pull Request (127.55 MB)
363 - What Are Data Structures (317.22 MB)
364 - Abstract Data Types (326.16 MB)
365 - Arrays (273.21 MB)
366 - Big O Notation Time Complexity (387.92 MB)
367 - Linear And Binary Search Example (460.13 MB)
368 - Bubble Sort Theory (203.3 MB)
369 - Bubble Sort Code (50.83 MB)
370 - Selection Sort Theory (77.39 MB)
371 - Selection Sort Code (45.15 MB)
372 - Insertion Sort (170.25 MB)
373 - Insertion Sort Code (45.84 MB)
374 - Quick Sort Theory (146.15 MB)
375 - Quick Sort Code (35.75 MB)
376 - Divide and Conquer (87.4 MB)
377 - Tree Introduction (58.31 MB)
378 - Recursion (131.53 MB)
379 - Merge Sort Theory (93.69 MB)
380 - Merge Sort Code (87.08 MB)
381 - Linkedlist Theory (85.13 MB)
382 - Linkedlist Code For Adding Values (127.1 MB)
383 - Linkedlist Addfirst And Delete Code Part 2 (68.36 MB)
384 - Stack Theory (26.68 MB)
385 - Stack Code Push (52.81 MB)
386 - Stack Code Pop Peek (18.58 MB)
387 - Queue Theory (62.79 MB)
388 - Queue Code Enqueue And Dequeue (32.41 MB)
389 - Circular Queue Code (45.8 MB)
390 - Tree Data Structure (38.88 MB)
391 - Binary Search Tree Theory (14.49 MB)
392 - Tree Implementation (101.15 MB)
100 - Set (109.79 MB)
101 - Map (154.17 MB)
102 - Comparator vs Comparable (430.42 MB)
103 - Need of Stream API (111.78 MB)
104 - forEach Method (73.58 MB)
105 - Stream API (140.93 MB)
106 - Map Filter Reduce Sorted (140.4 MB)
107 - ParallelStream in Java (418.76 MB)
108 - Optional class in Java (50.11 MB)
109 - Method Reference (46.04 MB)
110 - Constructor Reference (45.16 MB)
63 - Project 1 Introduction (130.1 MB)
64 - Project 1 QuestionService and Question class (138.81 MB)
65 - Project 1 Hard Coded Questions and Display them (66.15 MB)
66 - Project 1 Play Quiz (102.87 MB)
67 - Project 1 Calculate Score (35.99 MB)
68 - Abstract keyword (180.9 MB)
69 - Inner class (85.02 MB)
70 - Anonymous Inner class (75.17 MB)
71 - Abstract and Anonymous Inner Class (49.15 MB)
72 - What is Interface (39.72 MB)
73 - More on Interfaces (51.4 MB)
74 - Need of Interface (131.13 MB)
75 - What is Enum (157.6 MB)
76 - Enum if and switch (61.39 MB)
77 - Enum Class (121.91 MB)
78 - What is Annotation (115.22 MB)
79 - Types of Interface (67.94 MB)
80 - Functional Interface New (55.02 MB)
81 - Lambda Expression (41.96 MB)
82 - Lambda Expression with return (48.35 MB)
83 - What is Exception (88.68 MB)
84 - Exception Handling using try catch (129.59 MB)
85 - Try with multiple catch (160.2 MB)
86 - Exception Hierarchy (70.02 MB)
87 - Exception throw keyword (81.69 MB)
88 - Custom Exception (54.97 MB)
89 - Ducking Exception using throws (146.32 MB)
90 - User Input using BufferedReader and Scanner (183.42 MB)
91 - Try with resources (174.99 MB)
92 - Threads (93.85 MB)
93 - Multiple Threads (175.77 MB)
94 - Thread Priority and Sleep (165.23 MB)
95 - Runnable vs Thread (130.05 MB)
96 - Race Condition (195.43 MB)
97 - Thread states (58.66 MB)
98 - Collection API (64.21 MB)
99 - ArrayList (182.49 MB)
111 - Maven Introduction (159.42 MB)
112 - Maven in IDE (68.9 MB)
113 - Getting Dependencies (191.63 MB)
114 - Effective POM (33.43 MB)
115 - Maven Archetype (64.74 MB)
116 - Maven in Eclipse (27.63 MB)
117 - How Maven Works (84.19 MB)
118 - JDBC Introduction (148.51 MB)
119 - Postgres Setup (65.32 MB)
120 - JDBC Steps (124.35 MB)
121 - Postgres Library jar (69.43 MB)
122 - Connecting Java and DB (72.04 MB)
123 - Execute and Process (116.71 MB)
124 - Fetching all Records (27.77 MB)
125 - Crud operations (127.08 MB)
126 - Problems with Statement (41.88 MB)
127 - PreparedStatement (43.1 MB)
128 - Introduction To Spring (80.8 MB)
129 - Spring Docs (28.8 MB)
130 - Prerequisites (44.76 MB)
131 - IDE For Spring (121.52 MB)
132 - IoC And DI (136.81 MB)
133 - Spring Vs Spring Boot (73.82 MB)
134 - First Spring Boot App (131.43 MB)
135 - DI Using Spring Boot (125.37 MB)
136 - Autowiring In Spring Boot (48.55 MB)
137 - Spring 1st Project (270.74 MB)
138 - Spring Bean Xml Config (174.77 MB)
139 - Object Creation (46.22 MB)
140 - Scopes (46.14 MB)
141 - Setter Injection (34.13 MB)
142 - Ref Attribute (44.54 MB)
143 - Constructor Injection (192.23 MB)
144 - Creating Interface (28.56 MB)
145 - Autowiring (106.18 MB)
146 - Primary Bean (13.21 MB)
147 - Lazy Init Bean (61.73 MB)
148 - Getbean By Type (43.87 MB)
149 - Inner Bean (22.75 MB)
150 - Java Based Config (64.07 MB)
151 - Bean Name (24.18 MB)
152 - Scope Annotation (18.7 MB)
153 - Autowire (35.92 MB)
154 - Primary And Qualifier (20.06 MB)
155 - Component Stereotype Annotation (45.24 MB)
156 - Autowire Field Constructor Setter (30.23 MB)
157 - Primary Annotation (10.24 MB)
158 - Scope And Value Annotation (14.57 MB)
159 - Spring To Spring Boot (50.6 MB)
160 - Using Annotations In Spring Boot (36.19 MB)
161 - Different Layers (73.85 MB)
162 - Service Class (54.86 MB)
163 - Repository Layer (64.54 MB)
[Image: arvi6gov_o.jpg]

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