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Udemy The Ultimate Microsoft Word Beginner to Expert Bundle
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
5.14 GB | 12min 11s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Course Introduction.mp4 (97.65 MB)
2 -WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience.mp4 (38.29 MB)
3 -Exercise 01.mp4 (24.92 MB)
3 -Word 2021 Course (72.64 MB)
3 -Word 2021 Exercise (36.13 MB)
1 -Page Size and Margins.mp4 (57.1 MB)
2 -Work with Section and Page Breaks.mp4 (78.9 MB)
3 -Inserting Additional Pages (Cover Page and Blanks).mp4 (55.02 MB)
4 -Apply Columns.mp4 (63.18 MB)
5 -Add Headers, Footers and Page Numbers.mp4 (102.73 MB)
6 -Insert Hyperlinks.mp4 (69.38 MB)
7 -Insert Bookmarks.mp4 (39.1 MB)
8 -Use Quick Parts.mp4 (50.78 MB)
9 -Exercise 10.mp4 (77.27 MB)
1 -Modify and Update a Table of Contents.mp4 (98.02 MB)
2 -Use Footnotes and Endnotes.mp4 (31.65 MB)
3 -Build a Bibliography.mp4 (59.43 MB)
4 -Insert Captions and a Table of Figures.mp4 (92.45 MB)
5 -Create an Index.mp4 (53.53 MB)
6 -Insert a Table of Authorities.mp4 (28.73 MB)
7 -Insert Cross References.mp4 (69.25 MB)
8 -Exercise 11.mp4 (68.49 MB)
1 -Use the Mail Merge Wizard to Create Letters.mp4 (64.74 MB)
2 -Create Envelopes with Merge Fields.mp4 (23.48 MB)
3 -Create Labels Using Merge Fields.mp4 (31.63 MB)
4 -Exercise 12.mp4 (43.2 MB)
1 -Check Spelling and Grammar.mp4 (39.35 MB)
2 -Use Auto-correct to Fix Mistakes.mp4 (37.98 MB)
3 -Exercise 13.mp4 (27.36 MB)
1 -Use Track Changes.mp4 (72.38 MB)
2 -Accept and Reject Changes.mp4 (42.78 MB)
3 -Track Change Settings.mp4 (49.1 MB)
4 -Add Comments.mp4 (40.42 MB)
5 -Document Comparison.mp4 (59.59 MB)
6 -Exercise 14.mp4 (35.13 MB)
1 -Print Documents.mp4 (57.11 MB)
2 -Document Properties.mp4 (33.33 MB)
3 -Check a Document for Issues.mp4 (67.12 MB)
4 -Protect a Document.mp4 (82.43 MB)
5 -Share a File with Others.mp4 (47.55 MB)
6 -Co-author Documents Online.mp4 (34.8 MB)
7 -Exercise 15.mp4 (53.92 MB)
1 -Course Close.mp4 (17.54 MB)
1 -Welcome and Overview.mp4 (6.1 MB)
2 -WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience.mp4 (34.93 MB)
3 -Overview of the MS Word Screen.mp4 (33.91 MB)
3 -Word 2019 Exercise (6.18 MB)
4 -The Backstage View.mp4 (39.93 MB)
1 -Creating a New Blank Document.mp4 (44.19 MB)
2 -Working with Non-Printing Characters and Line Spacing.mp4 (38.41 MB)
3 -Saving a Document.mp4 (33.43 MB)
4 -Opening a Document.mp4 (48.91 MB)
5 -Navigating a Document.mp4 (33.64 MB)
6 -Go To, Find and Replace.mp4 (62.82 MB)
7 -Editing a Document.mp4 (29.28 MB)
8 -Section 2 Practice Exercise.mp4 (5.51 MB)
1 -AutoCorrect Options.mp4 (41.42 MB)
2 -Selecting Text.mp4 (30.77 MB)
3 -Cut, Copy and Paste.mp4 (46.97 MB)
4 -Character Formatting Options.mp4 (61.29 MB)
5 -Format Painter.mp4 (26.91 MB)
6 -Working with Numbers.mp4 (41.09 MB)
7 -Working with Bullets.mp4 (35.83 MB)
8 -Creating an Outline.mp4 (40.47 MB)
9 -Section 3 Practice Exercise.mp4 (13.44 MB)
1 -The Start Screen.mp4 (60.17 MB)
2 -Explore the Word Interface.mp4 (40.52 MB)
3 -Work with the Ruler and Zoom.mp4 (43.1 MB)
4 -Check Spelling as You Type.mp4 (27.23 MB)
5 -Customize the Quick Access Toolbar.mp4 (42.59 MB)
6 -Keyboard Shortcuts.mp4 (35.33 MB)
7 -Screentips, Contextual Menus and Ribbons.mp4 (42.64 MB)
8 -Get Help.mp4 (37.73 MB)
9 -Exercise 02.mp4 (37.08 MB)
1 -Alignment Options.mp4 (24.11 MB)
2 -Line Spacing Options.mp4 (31.74 MB)
3 -Working with Indents.mp4 (33.43 MB)
4 -Working with Tabs.mp4 (56.4 MB)
5 -Section 4 Practice Exercise.mp4 (5.91 MB)
1 -Sorting a List.mp4 (29.99 MB)
1 -Working with Tables.mp4 (23.86 MB)
10 -Using Formulas in Tables.mp4 (51.82 MB)
11 -Section 6 Paractice Exercise.mp4 (8.64 MB)
2 -Creating a Table.mp4 (24.45 MB)
3 -Adding Rows and Columns to a Table.mp4 (29.36 MB)
4 -Formatting Table Data.mp4 (53.39 MB)
5 -Borders and Shading.mp4 (70.36 MB)
6 -Sorting in a Table.mp4 (58.25 MB)
7 -Drawing in a Table.mp4 (48.78 MB)
8 -Converting Existing Data to a Table.mp4 (43.18 MB)
9 -Quick Tables.mp4 (37.87 MB)
1 -Working with Styles.mp4 (42.53 MB)
2 -Creating Styles.mp4 (73.45 MB)
3 -Editing Styles.mp4 (65.1 MB)
4 -Section 7 Practice Exercise.mp4 (7.51 MB)
1 -Working with Page Breaks.mp4 (28.65 MB)
2 -Working with Columns.mp4 (36.32 MB)
3 -Adding a Watermark.mp4 (31.87 MB)
4 -Headers and Footers.mp4 (75.21 MB)
1 -What is Sectioning.mp4 (19.11 MB)
2 -Sectioning a Document.mp4 (107 MB)
3 -Odd and Even Sections.mp4 (23.27 MB)
4 -Section 9 Practice Exercise.mp4 (6.21 MB)
1 -Inserting Pictures.mp4 (41.61 MB)
2 -Inserting Pictures into Existing Documents.mp4 (48.28 MB)
3 -Picture Options.mp4 (85.99 MB)
4 -Working with Shapes.mp4 (60.09 MB)
5 -Icons and 3D Models.mp4 (47.79 MB)
6 -SmartArt, Charts and Screenshots.mp4 (74.31 MB)
7 -Section 10 Practice Exercise.mp4 (5.14 MB)
1 -Working with Envelopes.mp4 (26.8 MB)
2 -Working with Labels.mp4 (19.48 MB)
1 -What is Mail Merge.mp4 (17.73 MB)
2 -Creating a Mail Merge Document - Part 1.mp4 (55.26 MB)
3 -Creating a Mail Merge Document - Part 2.mp4 (62.53 MB)
4 -Merging a Document with an Existing Data Source.mp4 (45.04 MB)
5 -Merging Envelopes and Labels.mp4 (45.41 MB)
6 -Merging a Directory.mp4 (20.11 MB)
7 -Section 12 Practice Exercise.mp4 (9.55 MB)]
[Image: aqzpjKyQ_o.jpg]

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