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Unreal Engine CPlusPlus Create Helicopter Bot AI Shooter
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
26.26 GB | 24min 7s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Introduction.mp4 (174.51 MB)
1 -Weapon Assets.mp4 (48.96 MB)
10 -Anim Montage.mp4 (151.02 MB)
11 -Weapon Shoot.mp4 (73 MB)
12 -Weapon Fire Montage.mp4 (143.19 MB)
13 -Spawn Projectile.mp4 (153.95 MB)
14 -Weapon UI.mp4 (161.94 MB)
15 -Line Trace By Channel.mp4 (203.81 MB)
16 -Line Trace By Channel Explained.mp4 (89.26 MB)
17 -Look At Target.mp4 (63.84 MB)
18 -On Projectile Hit.mp4 (197.96 MB)
19 -Apply Damage.mp4 (106.74 MB)
2 -Weapon Class.mp4 (206.5 MB)
20 -Take Damage.mp4 (69.39 MB)
21 -Character Health.mp4 (71.03 MB)
22 -Hit Reaction.mp4 (131.79 MB)
23 -Character Death.mp4 (176.36 MB)
3 -Weapon and Character Overlap.mp4 (107.99 MB)
4 -Weapon Pickup Input.mp4 (172.46 MB)
5 -Attach Weapon.mp4 (238.37 MB)
6 -Rifle Animations.mp4 (169.37 MB)
7 -Rifle Jump.mp4 (53.9 MB)
8 -Projectile Class.mp4 (193.56 MB)
9 -Character Shoot.mp4 (78.63 MB)
1 -AI Character Class.mp4 (292.93 MB)
10 -AI Character Weapon.mp4 (171.7 MB)
11 -AI Character Shoot.mp4 (63.23 MB)
12 -On Target Perception Info Updated.mp4 (163.64 MB)
13 -Move To Object.mp4 (145.86 MB)
14 -AI Shoot.mp4 (247.9 MB)
15 -AI Hearing.mp4 (242.09 MB)
16 -Controller Input.mp4 (116.01 MB)
17 -Stop Shooting.mp4 (104.37 MB)
2 -AI Controller.mp4 (71.54 MB)
3 -Set Focus.mp4 (101.28 MB)
4 -Move To Actor.mp4 (119.42 MB)
5 -Line Of Sight To.mp4 (86.79 MB)
6 -Behavior Tree.mp4 (139.71 MB)
7 -Blackboard.mp4 (189.67 MB)
8 -AI Perception.mp4 (430.76 MB)
9 -AI Animation.mp4 (90.47 MB)
1 -Camera Field Of View.mp4 (85.95 MB)
2 -Game Mode Base.mp4 (119.74 MB)
3 -Health bar.mp4 (165.46 MB)
4 -Bugs Fix.mp4 (229.69 MB)
5 -Final Touches.mp4 (213.6 MB)
6 -Final Result.mp4 (518.21 MB)
1 -Installing Unreal Engine.mp4 (64.9 MB)
2 -User Interface.mp4 (218.13 MB)
3 -Navigation.mp4 (48.99 MB)
4 -Viewport Settings.mp4 (247.87 MB)
5 -Creating and Transforming Objects.mp4 (145.2 MB)
6 -Post Process Volume.mp4 (146.4 MB)
7 -Materials.mp4 (173.07 MB)
1 -First Program in C++.mp4 (148.32 MB)
10 -Operations on Integers.mp4 (110.34 MB)
11 -Increment and Decrement Operators.mp4 (68.99 MB)
12 -Floating Point.mp4 (58.75 MB)
13 -Type Conversion.mp4 (143.57 MB)
14 -Characters.mp4 (94.59 MB)
15 -Strings.mp4 (238.98 MB)
16 -auto Keyword.mp4 (50.8 MB)
17 -Variable Lifetime.mp4 (124.22 MB)
18 -Operators.mp4 (67.09 MB)
19 -Arithmetic Operators.mp4 (40.31 MB)
2 -Statements in C++.mp4 (37.28 MB)
20 -Assignment Operators.mp4 (138.87 MB)
21 -Relational Operators.mp4 (95.2 MB)
22 -Logical Operators.mp4 (114.01 MB)
23 -Conditional Operator.mp4 (67.49 MB)
24 -Boolean.mp4 (123.02 MB)
25 -if - else.mp4 (111.26 MB)
26 -if-else Example.mp4 (33.19 MB)
27 -else if.mp4 (47.62 MB)
28 -Nested if.mp4 (79.21 MB)
29 -Switch.mp4 (119.09 MB)
3 -Names and Keywords.mp4 (60.21 MB)
30 -Loops.mp4 (58.19 MB)
31 -while Loop.mp4 (136.25 MB)
32 -do while Loop.mp4 (89.79 MB)
33 -for Loop.mp4 (72.26 MB)
34 -Range based for Loop.mp4 (87.52 MB)
35 -Arrays.mp4 (72.55 MB)
36 -Array Elements.mp4 (144.48 MB)
37 -Cpp strings.mp4 (153.56 MB)
38 -Functions.mp4 (149.02 MB)
39 -Calling Functions.mp4 (104.95 MB)
4 -Building C++ Program.mp4 (162.07 MB)
40 -Parameters and return.mp4 (87.86 MB)
41 -Default Arguments.mp4 (82.34 MB)
42 -Arrays to Functions.mp4 (180.51 MB)
43 -Static Variables.mp4 (72.31 MB)
44 -Function Overloading.mp4 (108.2 MB)
45 -Recursion.mp4 (106.46 MB)
46 -How do function calls work.mp4 (80.87 MB)
47 -Inline Functions.mp4 (43.51 MB)
48 -Pointers.mp4 (97.01 MB)
49 -Dereferencing Pointers.mp4 (84.8 MB)
5 -Errors and Warnings.mp4 (113.63 MB)
50 -Array of Pointers and pointer to array.mp4 (108.34 MB)
51 -Constant and Pointers.mp4 (108.18 MB)
52 -Pointer Arithmetic.mp4 (136.9 MB)
53 -Dynamic Memory Allocation.mp4 (178.06 MB)
54 -Hazards of Dynamic Memory Allocation.mp4 (116.33 MB)
55 -Hazards of Dynamic Memory Allocation - Example.mp4 (97.91 MB)
56 -Smart Pointers.mp4 (179.47 MB)
57 -Unique Pointer.mp4 (88.69 MB)
58 -Shared Pointer.mp4 (135.57 MB)
59 -Reference.mp4 (283 MB)
6 -Data Types.mp4 (95.87 MB)
60 -Returning a pointer from a function.mp4 (96.45 MB)
61 -Passing by Reference.mp4 (43.8 MB)
62 -Returning Reference from a Function.mp4 (74.76 MB)
63 -Input and Output Parameters.mp4 (92.22 MB)
64 -Enumerations.mp4 (131.73 MB)
65 -Enumerations (Examples).mp4 (124.79 MB)
66 -OOP.mp4 (96.95 MB)
67 -Accessing Class Members.mp4 (82.53 MB)
68 -Struct.mp4 (41.64 MB)
69 -Member Methods.mp4 (58.65 MB)
7 -Variables.mp4 (131.1 MB)
70 -Constructors and Destructors.mp4 (120.61 MB)
71 -Default Constructor.mp4 (70.43 MB)
72 -friend Class.mp4 (118.71 MB)
73 -Setters and Getters.mp4 (109.93 MB)
74 -Namespace.mp4 (117.81 MB)
75 -Nested Namespace.mp4 (35.61 MB)
76 -Inheritance.mp4 (191.44 MB)
77 -is a' test.mp4 (55.62 MB)
78 -protected class members.mp4 (90.3 MB)
79 -Constructors and Destructors.mp4 (84.92 MB)
8 -Integers.mp4 (134.85 MB)
80 -Override class Methods.mp4 (90.87 MB)
81 -Polymorphism.mp4 (128.49 MB)
82 -virtual Functions.mp4 (179.83 MB)
83 -VTables.mp4 (101.36 MB)
84 -Default Arguments with virtual functions.mp4 (76.94 MB)
85 -static cast.mp4 (128.33 MB)
86 -dynamic cast.mp4 (120.42 MB)
9 -const Keyword.mp4 (56.47 MB)
1 -Coordinates.mp4 (42.9 MB)
2 -Vectors.mp4 (36.17 MB)
3 -Operations on Vector.mp4 (29.6 MB)
4 -Rotators.mp4 (107.34 MB)
1 -Setting Up Visual Studio.mp4 (49.84 MB)
10 -AddActorWorldOffset and DeltaTime.mp4 (153.18 MB)
11 -UPROPERTY.mp4 (163.51 MB)
12 -Exposing Variables to Blueprint.mp4 (121.92 MB)
13 -UFUNCTION.mp4 (131.18 MB)
14 -Template Functions.mp4 (126.3 MB)
15 -Components.mp4 (144.93 MB)
2 -Unreal Engine Class Hierarchy.mp4 (78.72 MB)
3 -Reflection and garbage collection.mp4 (37.48 MB)
4 -Actor Class.mp4 (230.19 MB)
5 -Creating Blueprint.mp4 (164.83 MB)
6 -UE LOG Compile and Hot Reload.mp4 (125.51 MB)
7 -On Screen Message.mp4 (108.25 MB)
8 -Formatting FString.mp4 (142.62 MB)
9 -Actor Location and Rotation.mp4 (182.53 MB)
1 -Pawn Class.mp4 (163.96 MB)
10 -Bot Class.mp4 (128.3 MB)
11 -Target Helicopter.mp4 (133.78 MB)
12 -Find Look At Rotation.mp4 (196.4 MB)
13 -RInterpTo.mp4 (95.19 MB)
14 -Projectile Movement.mp4 (205.44 MB)
15 -Bullet Material.mp4 (62.41 MB)
16 -Spawning Bullet.mp4 (188.94 MB)
17 -Set Timer.mp4 (158.8 MB)
18 -Sound and Particle Effects.mp4 (143.06 MB)
19 -Collision Components.mp4 (261.86 MB)
2 -City Map.mp4 (281.49 MB)
20 -On Hit Component.mp4 (232.18 MB)
21 -Other Actor.mp4 (118.08 MB)
22 -Destroy Helicopter.mp4 (120 MB)
23 -Stop Firing.mp4 (139.11 MB)
24 -Helicopter Weapon Components.mp4 (82.9 MB)
25 -Helicopter Fire().mp4 (142.3 MB)
26 -Helicopter Shoot Input.mp4 (125.37 MB)
27 -Destroy Bot.mp4 (228.01 MB)
28 -Map Changes.mp4 (174 MB)
29 -Final Result.mp4 (232.18 MB)
3 -Helicopter Mesh.mp4 (77.6 MB)
4 -Camera And Spring Arm Components.mp4 (341.54 MB)
5 -Enhanced Input.mp4 (127.45 MB)
6 -Subsystem.mp4 (109.03 MB)
7 -Input Action.mp4 (240.12 MB)
8 -Helicopter Movement.mp4 (167.03 MB)
9 -Controller Rotations.mp4 (227.37 MB)
1 -GitHub Repository.mp4 (113.33 MB)
2 -Commit.mp4 (126.72 MB)
1 -Importing Assets.mp4 (164.58 MB)
10 -Jump.mp4 (198.71 MB)
2 -Retargeting Animations.mp4 (245.19 MB)
3 -The Character Class.mp4 (207.24 MB)
4 -Setup Enhanced Input.mp4 (163.27 MB)
5 -Character Movement.mp4 (150.94 MB)
6 -Camera and Spring Arm.mp4 (89.99 MB)
7 -Look Around.mp4 (91.94 MB)
8 -Animation Blueprint.mp4 (139.39 MB)
9 -Motion Matching.mp4 (188.97 MB)
1 -Physics and Collision.mp4 (302.17 MB)
2 -Collision Presets.mp4 (159.03 MB)
3 -Collision Components.mp4 (93.69 MB)]
[Image: xFzs35uX_o.jpg]


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