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Windows Presentation Foundation Masterclass
[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
13.18 GB | 21min 49s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Windows Presentation Foundation.mp4 (11.54 MB)
002 Getting the Tools Ready.mp4 (23.49 MB)
003 The Structure of a WPF project.mp4 (33.66 MB)
004 Hello World with WPF.mp4 (19.48 MB)
005 Hello World with WPF & NET Core.mp4 (19.38 MB)
006 NET Core vs Net Framework.mp4 (17.14 MB)
007 What is XAML.mp4 (21.27 MB)
008 The XAML Syntax.mp4 (108.46 MB)
009 Setting Property Values.mp4 (77.6 MB)
010 The Grid.mp4 (166.76 MB)
011 Communication with Code Behind.mp4 (77.65 MB)
012 How XAML to C# Linking Works.mp4 (78.87 MB)
013 Creating Event Handlers from XAML.mp4 (40.4 MB)
014 The C# Language.mp4 (14.56 MB)
015 Creating Event Handlers from C#.mp4 (150.79 MB)
016 Working with Methods.mp4 (131.69 MB)
017 Using the Sender as a Button.mp4 (46.86 MB)
018 Creating Custom Types.mp4 (139.13 MB)
019 Testing the App.mp4 (35.27 MB)
020 Displaying a Message Box.mp4 (43.89 MB)
021 Percentage Challenge.mp4 (94.98 MB)
022 Styling XAML Controls.mp4 (73.95 MB)
023 XAML Static Resources.mp4 (94.43 MB)
024 Application-Wide Resources.mp4 (56.84 MB)
025 Implicit Styles.mp4 (88.91 MB)
026 Explicit Styles.mp4 (167.05 MB)
027 Creating a Console Project.mp4 (71.87 MB)
028 Variables and Scope.mp4 (49.58 MB)
029 Classes and Namespaces.mp4 (91.38 MB)
030 Properties of a Class.mp4 (72.09 MB)
031 Objects.mp4 (76.91 MB)
032 Inheritance.mp4 (67.45 MB)
033 Method Overloading.mp4 (59.95 MB)
034 Method Overriding.mp4 (68.76 MB)
035 Interfaces.mp4 (55.3 MB)
036 Implementing an Interface.mp4 (127.26 MB)
037 Working with More Windows.mp4 (58.36 MB)
038 Opening and Closing Windows.mp4 (77.6 MB)
039 Adding SQLite.mp4 (56.19 MB)
040 The Contacts Class.mp4 (57.86 MB)
041 More SQLite Attributes.mp4 (35.28 MB)
042 Inserting into a Table.mp4 (100.02 MB)
043 The Using Statement.mp4 (75.8 MB)
044 Reading from the Table.mp4 (134.89 MB)
045 Defining a ListView.mp4 (92.6 MB)
046 The ToString method.mp4 (65.42 MB)
047 Intro to DataBinding.mp4 (14.25 MB)
048 Using an ItemTemplate.mp4 (97.21 MB)
049 Filtering a List.mp4 (112.58 MB)
050 Linq.mp4 (122.75 MB)
051 Deleting from the Table.mp4 (124.31 MB)
052 Update the SQLite Table.mp4 (63.59 MB)
053 Update the ListView after closing the Window.mp4 (23 MB)
054 Creating a Custom User Control.mp4 (131.95 MB)
055 Using Custom Controls.mp4 (91.74 MB)
056 Binding to a Custom Control - Dependency Properties.mp4 (146.1 MB)
057 Extend the ListView items.mp4 (65.31 MB)
058 Improving the User Interface.mp4 (117.5 MB)
059 Microsoft's CustomVision API.mp4 (60.84 MB)
060 Creating a Custom Vision Project.mp4 (62.54 MB)
061 Training the AI.mp4 (119.97 MB)
062 Selecting a File from the Computer.mp4 (169 MB)
063 Sending a request to the REST Service.mp4 (187.57 MB)
064 Reading the Response as JSON.mp4 (135.32 MB)
065 Deserializing JSON.mp4 (68.31 MB)
066 Displaying the Results using a GridView.mp4 (124.7 MB)
067 Intro to the MVVM pattern.mp4 (18.95 MB)
068 AccuWeather API.mp4 (70.36 MB)
069 The Endpoints that We Will Use.mp4 (65.67 MB)
070 The Model.mp4 (71.61 MB)
071 Defining the Classes.mp4 (129.16 MB)
072 The View Model.mp4 (86.09 MB)
073 Requests to the AccuWeather API.mp4 (252.55 MB)
074 The View.mp4 (69.28 MB)
075 Defining the UI.mp4 (69.93 MB)
076 The INotifyPropertyChanged interface.mp4 (17.3 MB)
077 Implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.mp4 (97.62 MB)
078 Binding Context and Design Time Binding.mp4 (107.89 MB)
079 Using Design Mode Bindings.mp4 (71.42 MB)
080 The ICommand interface.mp4 (21.15 MB)
081 Implementing the ICommand interface.mp4 (94.83 MB)
082 Binding the ICommand.mp4 (106.32 MB)
083 Using a Command Parameter.mp4 (120.18 MB)
084 The ObservableCollectionT class.mp4 (15.1 MB)
085 Using the Observable Collection class - PART 1.mp4 (89.28 MB)
086 Using the Observable Collection class - PART 2.mp4 (182.58 MB)
087 The IValueConverter interface.mp4 (12.9 MB)
088 Implementing the IValueConverter.mp4 (132.51 MB)
089 The Model.mp4 (44.99 MB)
090 The SQLite Functionality.mp4 (146.75 MB)
091 The View Model.mp4 (98.32 MB)
092 Working with Menus.mp4 (198.88 MB)
093 Using a Toolbar.mp4 (109.62 MB)
094 Displaying Notebooks and Notes.mp4 (169.16 MB)
095 The RichTextBox and StatusBar.mp4 (144.85 MB)
096 Speech Recognizer with NET Core.mp4 (213.59 MB)
097 Speech Recognizer with NET Framework.mp4 (220.35 MB)
098 Working with a ToggleButton.mp4 (137.5 MB)
099 Working with a ComboBox.mp4 (236.27 MB)
100 Creating Custom Controls.mp4 (268.41 MB)
101 Adding a Context Menu - PART 1.mp4 (193.91 MB)
102 Adding a Context Menu - Binding Event Handlers.mp4 (121.51 MB)
103 Saving and Reading files.mp4 (298.71 MB)
104 Define Login and Register View - Part 1.mp4 (239.06 MB)
105 Define Login and Register View - Part 2.mp4 (326.16 MB)
106 Registering user with Firebase Authentication.mp4 (316.91 MB)
107 Logging users with Firebase Authentication.mp4 (125.8 MB)
108 Inserting into a Firebase Database.mp4 (161.84 MB)
109 Reading from a Firebase Database.mp4 (187.06 MB)
110 Updating and deleting from a Firebase Database.mp4 (78.69 MB)
111 Creating a Storage Account Service.mp4 (46.25 MB)
112 Creating a Container.mp4 (49.78 MB)
113 Connecting WPF to the Storage Account.mp4 (68.12 MB)
114 Uploading a File to a Storage Account blob.mp4 (164.77 MB)
115 Downloading a File from the Storage Account.mp4 (98.04 MB)
116 Intro to Blend.mp4 (25.29 MB)
117 Exploring Blend for Visual Studio.mp4 (92.6 MB)
118 Storyboards and Keyframes.mp4 (113.39 MB)
119 Triggers for interactivity.mp4 (76.69 MB)
120 Adding Easing Functions.mp4 (90.25 MB)
121 Adding a Window Icon.mp4 (100.47 MB)
122 Complete the App Challenge.mp4 (228.12 MB)
123 Preparing the Project.mp4 (60.41 MB)
124 AppxUpload Package.mp4 (74.57 MB)
125 The Microsoft Windows Store.mp4 (53.25 MB)
126 The Model.mp4 (147 MB)
127 The View Model.mp4 (42.46 MB)
128 The View.mp4 (143.43 MB)
129 Creating the Interface.mp4 (109.51 MB)
130 Unity Containers.mp4 (191.46 MB)
132 Bonus Lecture and Information.mp4 (197.79 MB)]
[Image: OeukfCQe_o.jpg]

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