12-06-2024, 11:01 AM
![[Image: 539499712_359020115_tuto.jpg]](https://img100.pixhost.to/images/617/539499712_359020115_tuto.jpg)
6.62 GB | 00:09:50 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
001 - Welcome to this course! (12.24 MB)
002 - Overview of the course curriculum (5.08 MB)
003 - Our Python coding environment (25.55 MB)
004 - Writing our first code! Variables and printing (19.11 MB)
005 - Numbers in Python (16.22 MB)
006 - Calculating the remainder of a division (23.47 MB)
007 - Python strings (27.08 MB)
008 - Python string formatting (29.78 MB)
009 - Getting user input in Python (29.8 MB)
010 - Booleans and comparisons in Python (20.48 MB)
011 - and & or in Python (44.74 MB)
012 - Lists in Python (29.72 MB)
013 - Tuples in Python (20.59 MB)
014 - Sets in Python (16.36 MB)
015 - Advanced set operations (26.4 MB)
016 - Python dictionaries (26.88 MB)
017 - Length and sum (23.36 MB)
018 - Joining a list (12.44 MB)
096 - Mutability in Python (23.6 MB)
097 - Argument mutability in Python (25.35 MB)
098 - Default values for parameters (12.67 MB)
099 - Mutable default arguments (bad idea) (14.71 MB)
100 - Argument unpacking in Python (24.85 MB)
101 - Queues in Python (7.21 MB)
102 - Some interesting Python collections (55.33 MB)
103 - Timezones (15.24 MB)
104 - Dates and time in Python (25 MB)
105 - Timing your code with Python (25.05 MB)
106 - Regular expressions (13.45 MB)
107 - Regex examples (24.16 MB)
108 - Regex in Python (27.44 MB)
109 - Introduction to logging in Python (21.49 MB)
110 - Logging to a file and other features (11.39 MB)
111 - Understanding HTML with BeautifulSoup (45.67 MB)
112 - More complex HTML parsing (62.15 MB)
113 - Structuring our parsing program better (24.4 MB)
114 - Splitting HTML locators out of our Python class (14.86 MB)
115 - Understanding HTML with the browser (29.39 MB)
116 - Scraping our first website with Python (18.21 MB)
117 - Milestone Project 3 - A Quote Scraper (16.57 MB)
118 - Quotes Project 2 - Structuring a scraping app in Python (6.74 MB)
119 - Quotes Project 3 - Getting our locators (27.41 MB)
120 - Quotes Project 4 - Crafting our quote parser (16.44 MB)
121 - Quotes Project 5 - The quotes page (14.05 MB)
122 - Quotes Project 6 - Recap of the project (11.89 MB)
123 - Milestone Project 4 - A Book Scraper + application (23.4 MB)
124 - Books Project 2 - Recap of HTML locators (11.81 MB)
125 - Books Project 3 - Creating locators in Python (9.24 MB)
126 - Books Project 4 - Creating our page (9.14 MB)
127 - Books Project 5 - Creating our book parser (30.04 MB)
128 - Books Project 6 - Writing our app file (11.54 MB)
129 - Books Project 7 - Sorting the books (21 MB)
130 - Books Project 8 - Constructing our menu (15.73 MB)
131 - ASIDE - The best way to write user menus (6.36 MB)
132 - Books Project 9 - Getting multiple pages (9.96 MB)
133 - Books Project 10 - Multiple pages in Python (13.61 MB)
134 - Books Project 11 - Getting the page count in Python (26.19 MB)
135 - Books Project 12 - Adding logging to our Python project (65.41 MB)
136 - A word on scraping pages with JavaScript (10.08 MB)
137 - Introduction to this section (19.21 MB)
138 - Review of our quotes scraping code (56.63 MB)
139 - Downloading chromedriver (24.02 MB)
140 - Using Chrome in our scraping code (49.61 MB)
141 - Our new page locators (32.64 MB)
142 - Interacting with dropdowns (33.49 MB)
143 - Selecting tags (37.58 MB)
144 - Searching for quotes (28.35 MB)
145 - Encapsulating logic more simply (47.22 MB)
146 - Adding some error handling (21.55 MB)
147 - Implicit and explicit waits in Selenium (20.19 MB)
148 - Adding waits to our program code (62.06 MB)
149 - Browser Automation with Selenium (10.96 MB)
150 - Processes and threads (12.21 MB)
151 - The Python GIL (15.42 MB)
152 - Using Python concurrent futures - the ThreadPoolExecutor (24.43 MB)
153 - Don't kill threads! (8.11 MB)
154 - Multiprocessing in Python (4.96 MB)
155 - Using Python concurrent futures - the ProcessPoolExecutor (17.18 MB)
156 - Dealing with shared state in threads (6.9 MB)
157 - Queuing in threads with shared state (16.69 MB)
158 - Using Python generators instead of threads (28.08 MB)
159 - Our first single-threaded task scheduler in Python (9.32 MB)
160 - Yielding from another iterator in Python (11.5 MB)
161 - Receiving data through yield (12.15 MB)
162 - The async and await keywords (18.44 MB)
163 - Watch these talks for more explanations and examples! (13.91 MB)
164 - Our asynchronous scraper (3.57 MB)
165 - Making our first async request in Python (14.46 MB)
166 - Getting multiple pages efficiently (30 MB)
167 - Using async timeout for security (25.06 MB)
168 - Adding some error handling (6.22 MB)
169 - Implicit and explicit waits in Selenium (29.84 MB)
170 - Adding waits to our program code (9.66 MB)
171 - Browser Automation with Selenium (16.22 MB)
172 - Processes and threads (12.47 MB)
173 - The Python GIL (28.32 MB)
174 - Using Python concurrent futures - the ThreadPoolExecutor (21.46 MB)
175 - Don't kill threads! (28.77 MB)
176 - Multiprocessing in Python (13.25 MB)
177 - Setting up our project with Pipenv (23.57 MB)
178 - Our first Flask endpoint (13.55 MB)
179 - Returning information with Flask and Pythons (10.81 MB)
180 - Rendering HTML with Flask and Python (14.09 MB)
181 - Error pages and Jinja2 inheritance (23.72 MB)
182 - Rendering forms with Flask and Python (32.86 MB)
183 - Accessing POST form data with Flask (11.09 MB)
184 - Putting our form in a single endpoint (9.2 MB)
185 - Using Jinja2 for loops to create a nicer homepage (16.35 MB)
186 - Adding navigation to our website (11.63 MB)
187 - Signing up to OpenExchangeRates (27.1 MB)
188 - Getting all exchange rates from the API (57.2 MB)
189 - Creating a currency exchange library (46.86 MB)
190 - Caching functions with functools (43.91 MB)
191 - TTL caches with cachetools (29.01 MB)
192 - A simple decorator in Python (11.67 MB)
193 - Using a @syntax (8.59 MB)
194 - Functools wraps in Python (6.48 MB)
195 - Decorating functions with parameters (12.52 MB)
196 - Decorators with parameters (161.34 MB)
197 - Functions that accept multiple arguments (9.95 MB)
198 - Generic decorators for any function (10.61 MB)
199 - Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (27.3 MB)
200 - Intro to ABCs in Python (17.8 MB)
201 - Intro to ABCs in Python (9.84 MB)
202 - The relationship between ABCs and interfaces (14.97 MB)
203 - The property setter in Python (27.53 MB)
204 - Setting up Tkinter (50.83 MB)
205 - Hello world in Tkinter (37.21 MB)
206 - Labels and fields (32.91 MB)
207 - Packing components (54.08 MB)
208 - Using frames for different layouts (33.72 MB)
209 - Starting our text editor project (14.06 MB)
210 - Tkinter notebooks and creating files (21.6 MB)
211 - Adding a menu to our application (28.85 MB)
212 - Saving files to disk (47.22 MB)
213 - Opening files (36.18 MB)
214 - Binding shortcuts in Tkinter (33.7 MB)
215 - Checking our tabs for unsaved changes (55.31 MB)
216 - Confirming exit with unsaved changes (36.22 MB)
217 - Closing individual tabs (36.09 MB)
218 - Adding another menu (25.17 MB)
219 - Adding a permanent scrollbar to our text area (33.88 MB)
019 - If statements in Python (41.86 MB)
020 - While loops in Python (26.29 MB)
021 - For loops in Python (27.9 MB)
022 - Destructuring syntax (19.64 MB)
023 - Iterating over dictionaries (18.86 MB)
024 - Break and continue (19.16 MB)
025 - The else keyword with loops (22.83 MB)
026 - Finding prime numbers with for loops (34 MB)
027 - List slicing in Python (18.09 MB)
028 - List comprehension in Python (28.89 MB)
029 - Comprehensions with conditionals (29.56 MB)
030 - Set and dictionary comprehensions (23.08 MB)
031 - The zip function (16.04 MB)
032 - Functions in Python (17.14 MB)
033 - Arguments and parameters (45.19 MB)
034 - Functions and return values in Python (43.45 MB)
035 - Default parameter values (24.87 MB)
036 - Lambda functions in Python (28.12 MB)
037 - First class and higher order functions (153.41 MB)
220 - Introduction to this section (92.9 MB)
221 - Testing functions (43.41 MB)
222 - Testing for errors (20.72 MB)
223 - Testing our multiplication function (56.92 MB)
224 - Writing a printer class for testing (23.48 MB)
225 - Testing classes (38.29 MB)
226 - More Printer tests (60.3 MB)
227 - Testing external libraries (46.02 MB)
228 - Conclusion of this section (95.16 MB)
229 - Presentation - queues, stacks, and complexity (17.48 MB)
230 - Presentation - binary search (11.81 MB)
231 - Presentation - binary trees (11.83 MB)
232 - Presentation - traversal of binary trees (13.56 MB)
233 - Presentation - adding elements to a binary tree (13.76 MB)
234 - Adding elements to a binary tree in Python (25.04 MB)
235 - Recursion and inorder traversal in Python (33.71 MB)
236 - Finding nodes in a tree with Python (11.57 MB)
237 - How do you delete nodes from a binary tree (19.59 MB)
238 - Deleting nodes in code with Python (40.69 MB)
239 - Deleting nodes with two children in code (50.49 MB)
240 - Testing our binary tree! (9.28 MB)
241 - Python libraries overview (20.66 MB)
242 - Using pylint (29.67 MB)
243 - Using yapf (16.67 MB)
244 - Sending e-mails with smtplib (19.67 MB)
245 - Sending e-mails with smtplib (25.87 MB)
246 - Creating a re-usable Mailgun library (18.61 MB)
247 - Sneak peek - my IDE setup! (21.62 MB)
248 - Variables in Python (13.39 MB)
249 - String formatting in Python (10.05 MB)
250 - Getting user input (8.36 MB)
251 - Lists, tuples, and sets (9.76 MB)
252 - Advanced set operations (7.27 MB)
253 - Booleans in Python (7.74 MB)
254 - If statements in Python (13.91 MB)
255 - The in keyword (3.53 MB)
256 - If statements with the 'in' keyword (13.59 MB)
257 - Loops in Python (17.28 MB)
258 - List comprehensions (11.1 MB)
259 - Dictionaries (12.45 MB)
260 - Destructuring variables (13.19 MB)
261 - Functions in Python (17.56 MB)
262 - Function arguments and parameters (12.33 MB)
263 - Default parameter values (6.69 MB)
264 - Functions returning values (12.4 MB)
265 - Lambda functions in Python (12.25 MB)
266 - Dictionary comprehensions (6.96 MB)
267 - Unpacking arguments (17.29 MB)
268 - Unpacking keyword arguments (14.82 MB)
269 - Object-Oriented Programming in Python (103.45 MB)
270 - Magic methods - str and repr (10.91 MB)
271 - Class methods and static methods (24.18 MB)
272 - Class inheritance (15.81 MB)
273 - Class composition (10.79 MB)
274 - Type hinting (11.6 MB)
275 - How imports work in Python (17.93 MB)
276 - Relative imports in Python (15.95 MB)
277 - Errors in Python (21.26 MB)
278 - Custom error classes (9.98 MB)
279 - First-class functions (11.7 MB)
280 - Simple decorators in Python (12.31 MB)
281 - The 'at' syntax for decorators (7.15 MB)
282 - Decorating functions with parameters (4.33 MB)
283 - Decorators with parameters (9.16 MB)
284 - Mutability in Python (7.86 MB)
285 - Mutable default parameters (and why they're a bad idea) (6.5 MB)
038 - Installing Python in your computer (12.43 MB)
039 - Installing PyCharm in your computer (9.81 MB)
040 - Creating our first PyCharm project (13.18 MB)
041 - Setting up PyCharm font and display settings (7.07 MB)
042 - Coding our application's menu in Python (28.7 MB)
043 - Adding new movies to our application (27.6 MB)
044 - Showing the user their movies (22 MB)
045 - Finding movies and retrieving their details (33.51 MB)
046 - Intro to Object-Oriented Programming with Python (37 MB)
047 - More about classes and objects (25.91 MB)
048 - Parameter naming in Python (8.84 MB)
049 - Magic methods in Python (34.32 MB)
050 - Inheritance in Python (23.12 MB)
051 - The @property decorator (12.35 MB)
052 - @classmethod and @staticmethod in Python (19.5 MB)
053 - More @classmethod and @staticmethod examples (30.36 MB)
054 - Intro to errors in Python (29.8 MB)
055 - Built in errors in Python (31.28 MB)
056 - Raising errors in Python (33.13 MB)
057 - Creating our own errors in Python (29.34 MB)
058 - Dealing with Python errors (24.74 MB)
059 - The on-success block and re-raising exceptions (32.47 MB)
060 - Debugging with Pycharm (44.53 MB)
061 - Files in Python (21.78 MB)
062 - Python Exercise - copying files (48.26 MB)
063 - CSV files with Python (21.84 MB)
064 - JSON files with Python (44.13 MB)
065 - Using the with syntax in Python (13.55 MB)
066 - Importing our own files (19.46 MB)
067 - Python relative imports - children (32.39 MB)
068 - Python relative imports - parents (14.48 MB)
069 - Import errors and running as a Python script (14.61 MB)
070 - Intro to Milestone Project 2 (12.59 MB)
071 - Milestone Project with lists (42.02 MB)
072 - Storing books in files (46.32 MB)
073 - Using JSON instead of CSV (28.09 MB)
074 - Intro to databases with Python (11.49 MB)
075 - Using SQLite in Python (5.28 MB)
076 - Some database jargon (7.61 MB)
077 - Creating our books table using Python (16.11 MB)
078 - Inserting books using Python (18.82 MB)
079 - SELECT examples (7.01 MB)
080 - Getting all our books (19.88 MB)
081 - UPDATE and DELETE (5.57 MB)
082 - Filtering with WHERE (9.76 MB)
083 - Finishing the Milestone Project (23.38 MB)
084 - Ordering and limiting (6.49 MB)
085 - Developing our context manager in Python (28.63 MB)
086 - Errors in context managers (18.82 MB)
087 - Typing in Python (37.31 MB)
088 - Further reading (9.77 MB)
089 - Generators in Python (24.25 MB)
090 - Python generator classes and iterators (19.59 MB)
091 - Iterables in Python (18.99 MB)
092 - The filter() function in Python (18.18 MB)
093 - The map() function in Python (13.97 MB)
094 - any() and all() in Python (13.77 MB)
095 - The enumerate() function (11.23 MB)]
![[Image: 04awU3Q5_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/6e/2c/04awU3Q5_o.jpg)
001 - Welcome to this course! (12.24 MB)
002 - Overview of the course curriculum (5.08 MB)
003 - Our Python coding environment (25.55 MB)
004 - Writing our first code! Variables and printing (19.11 MB)
005 - Numbers in Python (16.22 MB)
006 - Calculating the remainder of a division (23.47 MB)
007 - Python strings (27.08 MB)
008 - Python string formatting (29.78 MB)
009 - Getting user input in Python (29.8 MB)
010 - Booleans and comparisons in Python (20.48 MB)
011 - and & or in Python (44.74 MB)
012 - Lists in Python (29.72 MB)
013 - Tuples in Python (20.59 MB)
014 - Sets in Python (16.36 MB)
015 - Advanced set operations (26.4 MB)
016 - Python dictionaries (26.88 MB)
017 - Length and sum (23.36 MB)
018 - Joining a list (12.44 MB)
096 - Mutability in Python (23.6 MB)
097 - Argument mutability in Python (25.35 MB)
098 - Default values for parameters (12.67 MB)
099 - Mutable default arguments (bad idea) (14.71 MB)
100 - Argument unpacking in Python (24.85 MB)
101 - Queues in Python (7.21 MB)
102 - Some interesting Python collections (55.33 MB)
103 - Timezones (15.24 MB)
104 - Dates and time in Python (25 MB)
105 - Timing your code with Python (25.05 MB)
106 - Regular expressions (13.45 MB)
107 - Regex examples (24.16 MB)
108 - Regex in Python (27.44 MB)
109 - Introduction to logging in Python (21.49 MB)
110 - Logging to a file and other features (11.39 MB)
111 - Understanding HTML with BeautifulSoup (45.67 MB)
112 - More complex HTML parsing (62.15 MB)
113 - Structuring our parsing program better (24.4 MB)
114 - Splitting HTML locators out of our Python class (14.86 MB)
115 - Understanding HTML with the browser (29.39 MB)
116 - Scraping our first website with Python (18.21 MB)
117 - Milestone Project 3 - A Quote Scraper (16.57 MB)
118 - Quotes Project 2 - Structuring a scraping app in Python (6.74 MB)
119 - Quotes Project 3 - Getting our locators (27.41 MB)
120 - Quotes Project 4 - Crafting our quote parser (16.44 MB)
121 - Quotes Project 5 - The quotes page (14.05 MB)
122 - Quotes Project 6 - Recap of the project (11.89 MB)
123 - Milestone Project 4 - A Book Scraper + application (23.4 MB)
124 - Books Project 2 - Recap of HTML locators (11.81 MB)
125 - Books Project 3 - Creating locators in Python (9.24 MB)
126 - Books Project 4 - Creating our page (9.14 MB)
127 - Books Project 5 - Creating our book parser (30.04 MB)
128 - Books Project 6 - Writing our app file (11.54 MB)
129 - Books Project 7 - Sorting the books (21 MB)
130 - Books Project 8 - Constructing our menu (15.73 MB)
131 - ASIDE - The best way to write user menus (6.36 MB)
132 - Books Project 9 - Getting multiple pages (9.96 MB)
133 - Books Project 10 - Multiple pages in Python (13.61 MB)
134 - Books Project 11 - Getting the page count in Python (26.19 MB)
135 - Books Project 12 - Adding logging to our Python project (65.41 MB)
136 - A word on scraping pages with JavaScript (10.08 MB)
137 - Introduction to this section (19.21 MB)
138 - Review of our quotes scraping code (56.63 MB)
139 - Downloading chromedriver (24.02 MB)
140 - Using Chrome in our scraping code (49.61 MB)
141 - Our new page locators (32.64 MB)
142 - Interacting with dropdowns (33.49 MB)
143 - Selecting tags (37.58 MB)
144 - Searching for quotes (28.35 MB)
145 - Encapsulating logic more simply (47.22 MB)
146 - Adding some error handling (21.55 MB)
147 - Implicit and explicit waits in Selenium (20.19 MB)
148 - Adding waits to our program code (62.06 MB)
149 - Browser Automation with Selenium (10.96 MB)
150 - Processes and threads (12.21 MB)
151 - The Python GIL (15.42 MB)
152 - Using Python concurrent futures - the ThreadPoolExecutor (24.43 MB)
153 - Don't kill threads! (8.11 MB)
154 - Multiprocessing in Python (4.96 MB)
155 - Using Python concurrent futures - the ProcessPoolExecutor (17.18 MB)
156 - Dealing with shared state in threads (6.9 MB)
157 - Queuing in threads with shared state (16.69 MB)
158 - Using Python generators instead of threads (28.08 MB)
159 - Our first single-threaded task scheduler in Python (9.32 MB)
160 - Yielding from another iterator in Python (11.5 MB)
161 - Receiving data through yield (12.15 MB)
162 - The async and await keywords (18.44 MB)
163 - Watch these talks for more explanations and examples! (13.91 MB)
164 - Our asynchronous scraper (3.57 MB)
165 - Making our first async request in Python (14.46 MB)
166 - Getting multiple pages efficiently (30 MB)
167 - Using async timeout for security (25.06 MB)
168 - Adding some error handling (6.22 MB)
169 - Implicit and explicit waits in Selenium (29.84 MB)
170 - Adding waits to our program code (9.66 MB)
171 - Browser Automation with Selenium (16.22 MB)
172 - Processes and threads (12.47 MB)
173 - The Python GIL (28.32 MB)
174 - Using Python concurrent futures - the ThreadPoolExecutor (21.46 MB)
175 - Don't kill threads! (28.77 MB)
176 - Multiprocessing in Python (13.25 MB)
177 - Setting up our project with Pipenv (23.57 MB)
178 - Our first Flask endpoint (13.55 MB)
179 - Returning information with Flask and Pythons (10.81 MB)
180 - Rendering HTML with Flask and Python (14.09 MB)
181 - Error pages and Jinja2 inheritance (23.72 MB)
182 - Rendering forms with Flask and Python (32.86 MB)
183 - Accessing POST form data with Flask (11.09 MB)
184 - Putting our form in a single endpoint (9.2 MB)
185 - Using Jinja2 for loops to create a nicer homepage (16.35 MB)
186 - Adding navigation to our website (11.63 MB)
187 - Signing up to OpenExchangeRates (27.1 MB)
188 - Getting all exchange rates from the API (57.2 MB)
189 - Creating a currency exchange library (46.86 MB)
190 - Caching functions with functools (43.91 MB)
191 - TTL caches with cachetools (29.01 MB)
192 - A simple decorator in Python (11.67 MB)
193 - Using a @syntax (8.59 MB)
194 - Functools wraps in Python (6.48 MB)
195 - Decorating functions with parameters (12.52 MB)
196 - Decorators with parameters (161.34 MB)
197 - Functions that accept multiple arguments (9.95 MB)
198 - Generic decorators for any function (10.61 MB)
199 - Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (27.3 MB)
200 - Intro to ABCs in Python (17.8 MB)
201 - Intro to ABCs in Python (9.84 MB)
202 - The relationship between ABCs and interfaces (14.97 MB)
203 - The property setter in Python (27.53 MB)
204 - Setting up Tkinter (50.83 MB)
205 - Hello world in Tkinter (37.21 MB)
206 - Labels and fields (32.91 MB)
207 - Packing components (54.08 MB)
208 - Using frames for different layouts (33.72 MB)
209 - Starting our text editor project (14.06 MB)
210 - Tkinter notebooks and creating files (21.6 MB)
211 - Adding a menu to our application (28.85 MB)
212 - Saving files to disk (47.22 MB)
213 - Opening files (36.18 MB)
214 - Binding shortcuts in Tkinter (33.7 MB)
215 - Checking our tabs for unsaved changes (55.31 MB)
216 - Confirming exit with unsaved changes (36.22 MB)
217 - Closing individual tabs (36.09 MB)
218 - Adding another menu (25.17 MB)
219 - Adding a permanent scrollbar to our text area (33.88 MB)
019 - If statements in Python (41.86 MB)
020 - While loops in Python (26.29 MB)
021 - For loops in Python (27.9 MB)
022 - Destructuring syntax (19.64 MB)
023 - Iterating over dictionaries (18.86 MB)
024 - Break and continue (19.16 MB)
025 - The else keyword with loops (22.83 MB)
026 - Finding prime numbers with for loops (34 MB)
027 - List slicing in Python (18.09 MB)
028 - List comprehension in Python (28.89 MB)
029 - Comprehensions with conditionals (29.56 MB)
030 - Set and dictionary comprehensions (23.08 MB)
031 - The zip function (16.04 MB)
032 - Functions in Python (17.14 MB)
033 - Arguments and parameters (45.19 MB)
034 - Functions and return values in Python (43.45 MB)
035 - Default parameter values (24.87 MB)
036 - Lambda functions in Python (28.12 MB)
037 - First class and higher order functions (153.41 MB)
220 - Introduction to this section (92.9 MB)
221 - Testing functions (43.41 MB)
222 - Testing for errors (20.72 MB)
223 - Testing our multiplication function (56.92 MB)
224 - Writing a printer class for testing (23.48 MB)
225 - Testing classes (38.29 MB)
226 - More Printer tests (60.3 MB)
227 - Testing external libraries (46.02 MB)
228 - Conclusion of this section (95.16 MB)
229 - Presentation - queues, stacks, and complexity (17.48 MB)
230 - Presentation - binary search (11.81 MB)
231 - Presentation - binary trees (11.83 MB)
232 - Presentation - traversal of binary trees (13.56 MB)
233 - Presentation - adding elements to a binary tree (13.76 MB)
234 - Adding elements to a binary tree in Python (25.04 MB)
235 - Recursion and inorder traversal in Python (33.71 MB)
236 - Finding nodes in a tree with Python (11.57 MB)
237 - How do you delete nodes from a binary tree (19.59 MB)
238 - Deleting nodes in code with Python (40.69 MB)
239 - Deleting nodes with two children in code (50.49 MB)
240 - Testing our binary tree! (9.28 MB)
241 - Python libraries overview (20.66 MB)
242 - Using pylint (29.67 MB)
243 - Using yapf (16.67 MB)
244 - Sending e-mails with smtplib (19.67 MB)
245 - Sending e-mails with smtplib (25.87 MB)
246 - Creating a re-usable Mailgun library (18.61 MB)
247 - Sneak peek - my IDE setup! (21.62 MB)
248 - Variables in Python (13.39 MB)
249 - String formatting in Python (10.05 MB)
250 - Getting user input (8.36 MB)
251 - Lists, tuples, and sets (9.76 MB)
252 - Advanced set operations (7.27 MB)
253 - Booleans in Python (7.74 MB)
254 - If statements in Python (13.91 MB)
255 - The in keyword (3.53 MB)
256 - If statements with the 'in' keyword (13.59 MB)
257 - Loops in Python (17.28 MB)
258 - List comprehensions (11.1 MB)
259 - Dictionaries (12.45 MB)
260 - Destructuring variables (13.19 MB)
261 - Functions in Python (17.56 MB)
262 - Function arguments and parameters (12.33 MB)
263 - Default parameter values (6.69 MB)
264 - Functions returning values (12.4 MB)
265 - Lambda functions in Python (12.25 MB)
266 - Dictionary comprehensions (6.96 MB)
267 - Unpacking arguments (17.29 MB)
268 - Unpacking keyword arguments (14.82 MB)
269 - Object-Oriented Programming in Python (103.45 MB)
270 - Magic methods - str and repr (10.91 MB)
271 - Class methods and static methods (24.18 MB)
272 - Class inheritance (15.81 MB)
273 - Class composition (10.79 MB)
274 - Type hinting (11.6 MB)
275 - How imports work in Python (17.93 MB)
276 - Relative imports in Python (15.95 MB)
277 - Errors in Python (21.26 MB)
278 - Custom error classes (9.98 MB)
279 - First-class functions (11.7 MB)
280 - Simple decorators in Python (12.31 MB)
281 - The 'at' syntax for decorators (7.15 MB)
282 - Decorating functions with parameters (4.33 MB)
283 - Decorators with parameters (9.16 MB)
284 - Mutability in Python (7.86 MB)
285 - Mutable default parameters (and why they're a bad idea) (6.5 MB)
038 - Installing Python in your computer (12.43 MB)
039 - Installing PyCharm in your computer (9.81 MB)
040 - Creating our first PyCharm project (13.18 MB)
041 - Setting up PyCharm font and display settings (7.07 MB)
042 - Coding our application's menu in Python (28.7 MB)
043 - Adding new movies to our application (27.6 MB)
044 - Showing the user their movies (22 MB)
045 - Finding movies and retrieving their details (33.51 MB)
046 - Intro to Object-Oriented Programming with Python (37 MB)
047 - More about classes and objects (25.91 MB)
048 - Parameter naming in Python (8.84 MB)
049 - Magic methods in Python (34.32 MB)
050 - Inheritance in Python (23.12 MB)
051 - The @property decorator (12.35 MB)
052 - @classmethod and @staticmethod in Python (19.5 MB)
053 - More @classmethod and @staticmethod examples (30.36 MB)
054 - Intro to errors in Python (29.8 MB)
055 - Built in errors in Python (31.28 MB)
056 - Raising errors in Python (33.13 MB)
057 - Creating our own errors in Python (29.34 MB)
058 - Dealing with Python errors (24.74 MB)
059 - The on-success block and re-raising exceptions (32.47 MB)
060 - Debugging with Pycharm (44.53 MB)
061 - Files in Python (21.78 MB)
062 - Python Exercise - copying files (48.26 MB)
063 - CSV files with Python (21.84 MB)
064 - JSON files with Python (44.13 MB)
065 - Using the with syntax in Python (13.55 MB)
066 - Importing our own files (19.46 MB)
067 - Python relative imports - children (32.39 MB)
068 - Python relative imports - parents (14.48 MB)
069 - Import errors and running as a Python script (14.61 MB)
070 - Intro to Milestone Project 2 (12.59 MB)
071 - Milestone Project with lists (42.02 MB)
072 - Storing books in files (46.32 MB)
073 - Using JSON instead of CSV (28.09 MB)
074 - Intro to databases with Python (11.49 MB)
075 - Using SQLite in Python (5.28 MB)
076 - Some database jargon (7.61 MB)
077 - Creating our books table using Python (16.11 MB)
078 - Inserting books using Python (18.82 MB)
079 - SELECT examples (7.01 MB)
080 - Getting all our books (19.88 MB)
081 - UPDATE and DELETE (5.57 MB)
082 - Filtering with WHERE (9.76 MB)
083 - Finishing the Milestone Project (23.38 MB)
084 - Ordering and limiting (6.49 MB)
085 - Developing our context manager in Python (28.63 MB)
086 - Errors in context managers (18.82 MB)
087 - Typing in Python (37.31 MB)
088 - Further reading (9.77 MB)
089 - Generators in Python (24.25 MB)
090 - Python generator classes and iterators (19.59 MB)
091 - Iterables in Python (18.99 MB)
092 - The filter() function in Python (18.18 MB)
093 - The map() function in Python (13.97 MB)
094 - any() and all() in Python (13.77 MB)
095 - The enumerate() function (11.23 MB)]
![[Image: 04awU3Q5_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/6e/2c/04awU3Q5_o.jpg)
![[Image: signature.png]](https://softwarez.info/images/avsg/signature.png)