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SautinSoft RTF to HTML .Net - Printable Version +- Softwarez.Info - Software's World! (https://softwarez.info) +-- Forum: Software Zone (https://softwarez.info/Forum-Software-Zone) +--- Forum: Windows Applications (https://softwarez.info/Forum-Windows-Applications) +--- Thread: SautinSoft RTF to HTML .Net (/Thread-SautinSoft-RTF-to-HTML-Net-8-1-2-2--164432) |
SautinSoft RTF to HTML .Net - jannat - 09-16-2023 [center] ![]() SautinSoft RTF to [/code] .Net | Size: 12.68 MB Language: English [/center] [center] «RTF to [/code] .Net» is 100% written in C# .NET assembly which provides a wide set of API for developers. It gives you ability to add these functions: Convert DOCX to [/code]. Convert RTF to [/code]. Convert Text to [/code]. The SDK provides you by various methods and properties, to adjust the resulted [/code] Generates [/code] in two different modes: Fixed and Flowing Set [/code] version: X[/code] 1.01, [/code]5, [/code] 4.01, [/code] 3.2 Set meta tags: Title, Description, Keywords Control how to store Images: embed or link, specify image format, directory and template name Produce [/code] document only between . tags In [/code]-Fixed mode you can convert only custom Page range Control how to Export CSS: inline or in external file Set single font family, color and size for complete [/code] Generate Navigation page (like a TOC - table of contents) Why choose SautinSoft.RtfTo[/code]? Fast and Efficient Save memory and time with the lightweight API architecture. The bigger the document, the faster our API generates complex Word documents. Convert Word documents to [/code] Gives API to your Apps to convert Text, RTF and DOCX documents to [/code]: [/code]5, [/code] 4.01, 3.2 and X[/code]. Fixed and Flowing [/code] modes Generates [/code] documents in two modes. Fixed [/code] - in this mode the [/code] document compound using (x,y) positions and special CSS for each elements. Flowing [/code] - in this mode the [/code] document compound using block elements the same as it would be typed by a human. Full .NET Support for Windows, Linux, and Mac Develop for any .NET platform or major operating systems with a single code base. Use in your apps for .NET Framework, Mono, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android. Useful conversion settings Because of a lot useful settings and options, you may set up the conversion result as you wish: [/code] version, set document title, page margins and border, image quality and format, headers and footers, various CSS options and a lot of more. Deploy Apps With Word Docs to the Cloud Be everywhere with cloud-based deployment. With NuGet and Documents for Word, you can deploy to Azure, AWS, and AWS Lambda. Feature Highlights Convert DOCX, RTF to [/code] The component can produce [/code] documents in two different modes: Fixed and Flowing. This sample shows difference between Fixed-[/code] and Flowing-[/code]. Convert RTF to [/code] using MemoryStream Here is an example how to convert RTF document to [/code] document in memory and get result as C# Stream object. Our SDK is completely standalone .NET assembly and doesn't need anything else. Convert DOCX file to [/code] file RTF to [/code] .Net gives your app API to convert DOCX documents to [/code] pages. It has own [/code] writer which supports CSS and own standalone DOCX reader. Convert RTF file to [/code] file Actually, you will need only two lines of C# code to convert RTF to [/code] file. Convert Text string to [/code] string This C# example shows how convert Text string to [/code] string completely in memory. Embed images inside [/code] document How to embed images inside [/code] document using base64 in C# and . HOMEPAGE: Download Links Rapidgator _.Net_8.1.2.2.rar [/code] Nitroflare _.Net_8.1.2.2.rar [/code] [/center] |