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Riverblade ResOrg - Printable Version

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Riverblade ResOrg - jannat - 09-16-2023

[Image: 354909802_1wjv59gu4kza.jpg]

Riverblade ResOrg | Size: 26.56 MB
Language: English



ResOrg is a product designed to take the drudgery out of the process of managing Visual C++ resource symbols.

A typical Visual C++ project will contain at least resource (.rc) file. Associated with each is a symbol definition file (named resource.h by default) which contains #define directives for each of the resource symbols used in the project.

Resource symbol definitions are created and modified by the Visual C++ resource editor when the resources for a project are edited. Unfortunately, when it does so it often gets it wrong.

Just how often have you seen this message box whilst editing a dialog, even when the symbol names are different?

This happens because two symbols with the same value have been used in the same dialog template, and usually arises as a direct result of the way the resource editor allocates symbols.

The problem is that the editor is not particularly intelligent in the way it allocates symbol ID valueand does not provide any facilities to unravel the mess that can all too easily arise as a result. The end result can be a large number of conflicting resource symbol values or even unpredictable behaviour at runtime.

ResOrg offers many features to help make managing resource symbol files easier, of which the following are a small selection
Easy to interpret displays of the symbols within resource files.
Detection of out of range and conflicting symbols, both within and between resource symbol files.
Detection and correction of incorrect "Next Symbol" values.
Customisable [/code] reports.
Manual and automated symbol renumbering.
Automatic exclusion of specified symbols (such as IDR_MAINFRAME) from renumbering operations
Automatic updating of Visual Studio 2010 ribbon designer (.mfcribbon-ms) files when symbols are renumbered
Available as both a Visual Studio plug-in (compatible with all versions of Visual Studio from Visual Studio .NET 2002 through to Visual Studio 2022) and a standalone application.
The standalone ResOrg application is compatible with projects for virtually all versions of Visual C++ - including not only current versions of Visual Studio but also older versions such as Visual C++ 6.0 and eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0.


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