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Stardock Start RePack - Printable Version

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Stardock Start RePack - Farid - 12-14-2023

[Image: Start11-Poster.png]
Interface language: Russian, English and others

System Requirements:
• Windows 10 / 11 (32-bit & 64-bit)

Stardock Start11 is a new version of the Start menu customization application, this time with features specifically designed for Windows 11. As you probably already you know, Windows 11 comes with a new Start menu design inspired by Windows 10X, with major changes including a new screen layout and no Live Tiles.

Features of RePack:
1. A tablet from Jasi2169 is sewn in.
2. Implemented language selection when installing the program.
3. Nothing was cut.
4. Backup settings when uninstalling the program.
5. Picking up the SDStart.reg settings file if it is located next to the installer.
6. An update of the already installed program has been implemented (Works only with my repacks starting from version 1.46).

Quiet Mode Startup Keys
Very Quiet Installation: /VERYSILENT
Do not create shortcut(s) in the Start menu: /NSSB
Do not create shortcut(s) on the desktop: /NSD
Pin shortcut(s) to the Start menu: /PSTSM
Pin shortcut(s) to the taskbar: /PSTTB
Standard installation: /INSTALLER
Updating the program: /UPDATE
Exporting settings to the desktop: / BS
Delete program settings: /DS

Stardock_Start11_v*_RePack_by_xetrin.exe /INSTALLER /LANG=RUS /PSTSM /PSTTB /VERYSILENT (where * is the program version)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('Reg Query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Stardock Start11_is1" /v UninstallString 2 ^> nul') do start "" /wait %%b /BS /DS /VERYSILENT

What's new:
Release on November 21, 2023
More detailed changelog and version history


⭐️ Stardock Start RePack (35.16 MB)
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