Udemy Data Structures and Algorithms CPlusPlus Zero to Mastery - Printable Version +- Softwarez.Info - Software's World! (https://softwarez.info) +-- Forum: Library Zone (https://softwarez.info/Forum-Library-Zone) +--- Forum: Video Tutorials (https://softwarez.info/Forum-Video-Tutorials) +--- Thread: Udemy Data Structures and Algorithms CPlusPlus Zero to Mastery (/Thread-Udemy-Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-CPlusPlus-Zero-to-Mastery) |
Udemy Data Structures and Algorithms CPlusPlus Zero to Mastery - AD-TEAM - 11-13-2024 14.98 GB | 00:34:33 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9 Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
001 Installing Code Blocks - 1 (31.82 MB) 002 Installing Code Blocks - 2 (38.34 MB) 001 Arrays Introduction (199.81 MB) 002 Problem Sum of Array Elements (12.77 MB) 003 Problem Largest Element in Array (27.39 MB) 004 Problem Swap 2 numbers (18.85 MB) 005 Problem Print Array in Reverse Order (11.71 MB) 006 Problem Reverse Array (65.03 MB) 007 Segmentation Fault in Array (6.49 MB) 001 Introduction (29.93 MB) 002 Length of String (51.37 MB) 003 cin getline() (88.33 MB) 004 Reverse string (64.16 MB) 005 Inbuilt functions (93.59 MB) 006 Print all prefixes (75.49 MB) 001 Introduction to 2D Arrays (105.32 MB) 003 How 2D Arrays are stored in Memory (101.25 MB) 001 String (250.64 MB) 001 Introduction to OOPS (19.42 MB) 002 Creating objects (123.97 MB) 003 Getters and Setters (48.6 MB) 004 Constructors (55.45 MB) 005 Constructor and this keyword (91.3 MB) 006 Copy Constructor (30.4 MB) 007 Copy Assignment Operator & Destructor (44.52 MB) 008 Play with Constructor (51.93 MB) 009 Fraction Class (90.68 MB) 010 Fraction Class Continuation (41 MB) 011 Complex Number Class (75 MB) 001 Shallow and Deep Copy (48.8 MB) 002 Our Own Copy Constructor (37.03 MB) 003 Initialisation List (48.56 MB) 004 Constant Function (28.89 MB) 005 Static Members (57.74 MB) 006 Operator Overloading - 1 (65.75 MB) 007 Operator Overloading - 2 (233.82 MB) 008 Operator Overloading - 3 (66.93 MB) 009 Dynamic Array Class (128.96 MB) 001 Vectors (102.76 MB) 003 Spiral Order Matrix (104.12 MB) 001 Selection Sort Algorithm ( Explain + Code ) (256.72 MB) 002 Bubble Sort Algorithm ( Explain + Code ) (71.48 MB) 003 Optimized Bubble Sort Algorithm (Explain + Code ) (17.58 MB) 004 Inbuilt Sort Standard Template Library (STL) (16.01 MB) 001 Linear Search Algorithm ( Explain + Code ) (33.71 MB) 002 Problem with Linear Search (3.99 MB) 003 Binary Search Algorithm (Explain) (64.34 MB) 004 Binary Search Algorithm (Code) (38.13 MB) 001 Introduction to recursion (121.67 MB) 002 Recursion and PMI (35.96 MB) 003 Fibonacci Number (30.18 MB) 004 Power (43.22 MB) 005 Print Numbers (43.65 MB) 006 Numbers of Digits (28.36 MB) 007 Sum of Digits (20.58 MB) 008 Multiplication (20.12 MB) 009 Count Zeroes (18.1 MB) 010 Geometric Sum (64.34 MB) 001 Check if Array is sorted (68.3 MB) 002 Sum of Array (48.26 MB) 003 Check if element is present (158.42 MB) 004 First Index of element (21.89 MB) 005 Last Index of element (72.26 MB) 006 Print All position of element (11.16 MB) 007 Count Occurrence of element- First Approach (10.83 MB) 008 Count Occurrence of element- Second Approach (15.11 MB) 009 Store All Position of element (52.33 MB) 010 Check Palindrome (69.95 MB) 001 Print and Reverse Print Recursively (23.49 MB) 002 Length Recursively (11.02 MB) 003 Replace Character Recursively (41.69 MB) 004 Remove Character Recursively (24.01 MB) 005 Remove Consecutive Duplicates (23.36 MB) 006 Print All Subsequences of String (51.5 MB) 007 Store All Subsequences of String (20.58 MB) 008 Convert String to Integer (27.74 MB) 009 Print All Permutation of String (25.96 MB) 010 Staircase Problem (24.86 MB) 011 Tower of Hanoi (20.94 MB) 012 Print Steps in Tower of Hanoi (61.05 MB) 001 Merge Sort Introduction (51.52 MB) 002 Merge Sort Solution (45.15 MB) 003 Quick Sort Introduction (33.56 MB) 004 Quick Sort Solution (30.02 MB) 005 Quick Sort Testing (11.96 MB) 001 Experimental Analysis (75.96 MB) 002 Theoretical Analysis (54.28 MB) 003 Linear Search Time Complexity (6.01 MB) 004 Selection Sort Time Complexity (9.55 MB) 005 Theoretical Analysis Recursive Algorithm (33.65 MB) 006 Merge Sort Time Complexity (19.42 MB) 007 Fibonacci Time Complexity (45.89 MB) 008 Space Complexity Analysis (65.34 MB) 009 Merge Sort Space Complexity (12.77 MB) 010 Fibonacci Space Complexity (9.38 MB) 001 Find First & Last Occurence (81.67 MB) 002 Search in Rotated Sorted Array (100.72 MB) 001 Majority Element (168.26 MB) 001 Introduction (7.67 MB) 001 What is Linked List (37.57 MB) 002 Print a Linked List (156.07 MB) 004 Taking Input - 1 (72.61 MB) 005 Taking Input - 2 (29.07 MB) 006 Length (31.77 MB) 007 Print ith Node (72.19 MB) 008 Question Insert Node at ith position (19.92 MB) 009 Solution Insert Node at ith position (76.45 MB) 010 Question Delete ith Node (12.65 MB) 011 Solution with Memory Leak Delete ith Node (59.43 MB) 012 Solution without Memory Leak Delete ith Node (31.69 MB) 001 Length - recursive (19.57 MB) 002 Search in Linked List (36.3 MB) 003 Search in Linked List - Recursive (19.62 MB) 004 Middle Node of List - Slow and Fast Pointer Approach (58.11 MB) 005 Reverse a Linked List (22.97 MB) 006 Remove nth Node from end of list (119.92 MB) 007 Merge 2 sorted List (60.28 MB) 008 Merge 2 sorted List (Recursive) (16.53 MB) 009 Merge Sort on Linked List (110.84 MB) 010 Doubly Linked List (25.93 MB) 011 Circular Singly Linked List (20.74 MB) 012 Circular Doubly Linked List (31.4 MB) 001 Stack Introduction (26.49 MB) 003 Stack Implementation using Array Part-1 (72.45 MB) 004 Stack Implementation using Array Part-2 (94.67 MB) 005 Dynamic Stack (31.73 MB) 007 Templates (91.75 MB) 008 Stack using Templates (27.65 MB) 009 Stack using LL Introduction (68.65 MB) 010 Stack using LL Solution (34.62 MB) 012 Inbuilt Stack (58.18 MB) 013 Balanced Parenthesis (114.33 MB) 014 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation (158.87 MB) 015 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates (170.74 MB) 001 Queue Introduction (15.49 MB) 003 Queue using Array Introduction (74.46 MB) 004 Queue using Array Code (105.87 MB) 005 Dynamic Queue (47.79 MB) 007 Queue using LL Introduction (33.9 MB) 008 Queue using LL Solution (38.21 MB) 010 Inbuilt Queue (54.61 MB) 011 Reverse a queue (48.72 MB) 001 Trees Introduction (24.53 MB) 002 Vectors (102.72 MB) 003 TreeNode Class (43.79 MB) 004 Print Recursive (127.16 MB) 005 Take Input Recursive (124.15 MB) 006 Take Input Level Wise (99.22 MB) 007 Level Order Print Introduction (8.78 MB) 008 Level Order Print Solution (41.62 MB) 009 Count Nodes (42.85 MB) 010 Height of a Tree (28.54 MB) 011 Print All Nodes at Level K (29.16 MB) 012 Count Leaf Nodes (79.86 MB) 013 PreOrder Traversal (55.78 MB) 014 PostOrder Traversal (19.88 MB) 015 Delete Tree (45.29 MB) 016 Destructor (21.56 MB) 001 Binary Tree Introduction (47.85 MB) 002 Print Tree Recursive (27.82 MB) 003 Take Input Recursive (43.58 MB) 004 Take Input Level Wise (73.85 MB) 005 Level Order Traversal (160.09 MB) 006 Count Nodes (13.8 MB) 007 InOrder Traversal (41.47 MB) 008 PreOrder Traversal (29.98 MB) 009 PostOrder Traversal (23.45 MB) 010 Max Depth of Binary Tree (42.39 MB) 011 Symmetric Binary Tree (41.53 MB) 012 Find Node (17.76 MB) 013 Min Value (142.13 MB) 014 Max Value (23.76 MB) 015 Count Leaf Nodes (35.34 MB) 016 Construct Tree from PreOrder and Inorder Traversal Introduction (58.17 MB) 017 Construct Tree from PreOrder and Inorder Traversal Solution (138.85 MB) 018 Construct Tree from PostOrder and Inorder Traversal Introduction (50.09 MB) 019 Construct Tree from PostOrder and Inorder Traversal Solution (104.09 MB) 020 Diameter of Binary Tree (107.61 MB) 021 Diameter of Binary Tree Better Approach (62.9 MB) 022 Root to Node Path (54.5 MB) 001 Introduction (79.44 MB) 002 Search in BST (60.17 MB) 003 Find Min in BST (9.56 MB) 004 Find Max in BST (8.69 MB) 005 Range Sum in BST (28.45 MB) 006 Validate BST (131.71 MB) 007 Convert Sorted Array to BST (20.9 MB) 008 BST Class Implementation (72.4 MB) 009 BST Class - How to Insert (13.88 MB) 010 BST Class Insert Implementation (39.38 MB) 011 BST Class - How to Delete (71.76 MB) 012 BST Class Delete Implementation (87.33 MB) 013 Convert BST to Sorted Singly List Introduction (37.08 MB) 014 Convert BST to Sorted Singly List Solution (201.64 MB) 015 Types of Balanced BST (42.29 MB) 001 Introduction to HashMap (52.32 MB) 002 Inbuilt Hashmap (40.49 MB) 003 Remove Duplicates (39.18 MB) 004 Iterators (196.03 MB) 005 Bucket Array & Hash Function (36.18 MB) 006 Collision Handling (44.1 MB) 007 HashMap Implementation - Insert (268.5 MB) 008 HashMap Implementation - Delete & Search (106.52 MB) 009 Time Complexity & Load Factor (62.85 MB) 010 Rehashing (159.97 MB) 001 Introduction to Priority Queue (38.96 MB) 002 Ways to implement Priority Queue (27.07 MB) 003 Heaps Introduction (24.68 MB) 004 CBT and its implementation (108.64 MB) 005 Insert & Delete in Heaps (102.34 MB) 006 Example Solution & Max Heap (17.61 MB) 007 Implementation of Priority Queue - Part 1 (18.27 MB) 008 Implementation-Insert (32.06 MB) 009 Remove Min Explanation (13.06 MB) 010 Remove Min Solution & Complexity Analysis (136.39 MB) 011 Inplace Heap Sort (68.12 MB) 012 Inplace Heap Sort Solution (116.56 MB) 013 Inbuilt Priority Queue (28.08 MB) 014 K Sorted Array (216.38 MB) 015 K Smallest Element (92.42 MB) 016 Inbuilt Min Priority Queue (85.37 MB) 001 Introduction & Fibonaci (72.01 MB) 002 Hint Minimum Steps to 1 (15.5 MB) 003 Minimum Steps to 1 Brute Force Method (38.71 MB) 004 Minimum Steps to 1 Memorization Method (43.59 MB) 005 Minimum Steps to 1 Bottom Up Method (96.66 MB) 006 Climbing Stairs Recursive (23.41 MB) 007 Climbing Stairs DP (24.45 MB) 008 Climbing Stairs DP Generalised (23.99 MB) 001 Longest Common Subsequence Recursive (29.03 MB) 002 Longest Common Subsequence DP (82.07 MB) 003 Minimum Distance Recursive (89.82 MB) 004 Minimum Distance DP (29.88 MB) 005 0-1 Knapsack Recursive (84.17 MB) 006 0-1 Knapsack DP (70.78 MB) 001 Graph Introduction (11.75 MB) 002 Graph Terminology (32.98 MB) 003 Graph Implementation (61.98 MB) 004 Adjacency Matrix (21.39 MB) 001 DFS Traversal (70.37 MB) 002 BFS Traversal Introduction (12.97 MB) 003 BFS Traversal Solution (36.75 MB) 004 DFS for Disconnected Graph (65.14 MB) 005 BFS for Disconnected Graph (22.17 MB) 006 No of Connected Component (6.17 MB) 007 DFS to find No of Connected component (17.99 MB) 008 BFS to find No of Connected component (7.28 MB) 001 Weighted and Directed Graph (13.16 MB) 001 Introduction (31.17 MB) 002 Minimum Spanning Tree (13.58 MB) 001 Introduction (102.57 MB) 002 Disjoint Set for Cycle Detection (205.43 MB) 003 Kruskal Code (8.49 MB) 001 Introduction + Code (95.62 MB) 002 Commutable Islands explain (31.5 MB) 003 Commutable Islands code (47.32 MB) 001 Introduction (49.02 MB) 002 Dijikstra Code (7.92 MB) 003 Limitation of Dijikstra (7.48 MB) 001 Introduction (31.43 MB) 002 Topological Sort Code (11.29 MB) 001 Introduction (68.37 MB) 002 Insert in Trie (47.41 MB) 003 Search in Trie (76.62 MB) 001 LRU Cache explain (41.43 MB) 002 LRU Cache code (30.35 MB)
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