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Rest Api Testing (Automation) From Scratch-Rest Assured Java - Printable Version +- Softwarez.Info - Software's World! (https://softwarez.info) +-- Forum: Library Zone (https://softwarez.info/Forum-Library-Zone) +--- Forum: Video Tutorials (https://softwarez.info/Forum-Video-Tutorials) +--- Thread: Rest Api Testing (Automation) From Scratch-Rest Assured Java (/Thread-Rest-Api-Testing-Automation-From-Scratch-Rest-Assured-Java--694485) |
Rest Api Testing (Automation) From Scratch-Rest Assured Java - AD-TEAM - 11-27-2024 ![]() Rest Api Testing (Automation) From Scratch-Rest Assured Java Last updated 6/2024 MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 18.67 GB | Duration: 24h 27m Top Ranked #1 Rest API Test Automation & postman tutorial with Java from Basics to Framework with Real time examples What you'll learn By end of this course,You will get complete knowledge on REST API Automation testing You will be able to DESIGN and IMPLEMENT structured API AUTOMATION FRAMEWORKS with REST Assured API In-depth understanding of REST API Automation using RestAssured with real time examples Thorough knowledge on REST Manual testing tools like POSTMAN with many Practise API's demo Additional knowledge on generating excellent client reports for API Test execution results Specialized Trainers who can help in answering students queries in part of your Course Journey Requirements ******You need NOT have any Prior API Testing experience to start this course********* This course teaches everytopic from scratch level Even non Programming candidates can follow this course comfortably Though these are online Lectures. You will have Life Time instructor support. You can post your Queries in discussion board or can contact me directly, Will respond in less than 12 hours All RESTAPI automation Installation setup including Java knowledge is taken care as part of course Theoretical Material and Code dump are available for download ***Honored with BEST SELLER Tag by Udemy for our most trusted commitment to students*** Description Course last updated on May 3rd with GraphQL API testing examplesREST Assured API is powerful API released by google (just like Selenium for Web) to Automate REST API's. 70% of the IT industry now heading towards this API for automating ServicesLearn Everything You Need to Know About REST API Automation including Postman Even If You've Never worked Before on API's Course covers Basics To Advanced Level With Rest Assured, Postman, Java, TestNG, Framework Implementation From Scratch with rich examples like Jira, Twitter, Youtube, Google Maps API examplesWhat made this course Unique from other courses? Only course on Internet which covers on JIRA, TWITTER, GOOGLE MAPS AND YOUTUBE API examples"-No other course covers topics covered in this course with such great depth of detail. For proof, You can cross check with other tutorials if they cover Jira youtube etc,,*WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST? *We assume that students have no experience in automation/coding and start every topic from scratch and basics. Examples are taken from TESTING REAL TIME HOSTED Rest APIs to understand how different components can be automated, that will give you idea of industry level framework and give you confidence. NO PRIOR CODING OR AUTOMATION EXPERIENCE NEEDED, this course covers all the necessary topics. Get more than 30 hours of unique content with real example code files provided to refer and learn with examples. Course is prepared on utmost care of picking real world scenarios what actually industry does in testing the REST API's and they were neatly delivered with every basic concept till framework building levelOn course completion You will be Mastered in REST API Automation and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job We start from Beginners level and go through Advanced FRAMEWORK level. This is a single course for everything you need to know related to Rest API Manual testing and Automation.This course explains :What is REST API's?Understanding the REST API architectureTerminologies such as Endpoint, Resources,Payload,ParametersWhat is POSTMAN?How to test API's with Postman?Different type of REST requestsWhat is REST ASSured?Setting up REST ASSURED environment for automationDiscussion on google API's for automationREST Assured methodsREST Assured validationsMethods to validate Json and xpath responsesOptimizing scripts to Framwork standardsDiscussion on JIRA API'sDiscussion on Twitter API'sUnderstanding OAUTH authenticationPOJO Classes usageSerialization & Deserialization for Json inputs and outputsTons of examples on automating API's with rest assured validationsLogging feature to log responsesMigrating project to TESTNG frameworkBuilding Maven setup as build management tool Creating BAT file to run whole project on single clickAt the end of this course you can pick any REST API over Net and can automate it comfortably with all necessary valdiationsHappy Testing and Wish you Good luck! Overview Section 1: REST API Basics and Terminology Lecture 1 Course FAQ's/Syllabus (** Must Watch****) Lecture 2 Introduction to REST API and where it is used in Project Architecture Lecture 3 Real time Usage of API's in industry with Examples Lecture 4 Understanding GET, POST, PUT DELETE Http Crud operations of API Lecture 5 What are Path,Query Parameters & Headers in Rest API Lecture 6 Notes Download Section 2: 5 hours of Java Tutorials for Basics brushup Lecture 7 brush up on Java concepts Section 3: Getting started with API Testing using Postman Lecture 8 Video Player Setting tips for Best Experience in viewing course Lecture 9 Introduction to POSTMAN and Google Maps API's Lecture 10 Important Note Lecture 11 Understand Add Place API and execute it through Postman Lecture 12 Understand Get & Delete Place API using GET,Delete HTTp Methods using Postman Lecture 13 Update Place API using PUT http method using Postman Lecture 14 Google Maps POSTMAN Code Download Section 4: Rest Assured setup for API Automation Testing Lecture 15 Setting up Java with system variables in Windows and MAC Lecture 16 Setting up Rest Assured Maven Project with Eclipse installation Lecture 17 Get Social with Rahul Shetty Lecture 18 Build Rest API Automation Test to Add Place and validate Status codes Section 5: Validating the Rest API Responses Lecture 19 Code Download Lecture 20 Assertions on Json Response Body and Headers through Automated code Lecture 21 Parsing the Json Response body using JsonPath class Lecture 22 Integrating the Multiple API's with common Json response values Lecture 23 Building End to End Automation using GET, POST and PUT Http Methods Lecture 24 Importance of Junit/TestNG Assertions in validating the responses Section 6: Diving in Depth-Automating REST API's Lecture 25 Understanding Structure of Complex Nested Json and its array notations Lecture 26 Json used in this Section with Queries to solve Lecture 27 Retrieving the Json Array Size and its elements using JsonPath Lecture 28 Iterating over every element of Json Array and accessing elements in it Lecture 29 Retrieving Json Nodes on Condition logic using JsonPath Lecture 30 Real Time example to solve Business logic through Json response Lecture 31 Code Download Section 7: Handling Dynamic Json Payloads with Parameterization Lecture 32 Why Dynamic Json payloads are important to understand Lecture 33 Introduction to Library API Lecture 34 Rest Assured Test for Library API Add Book http method Lecture 35 Sending parameters to payload from Test Lecture 36 Understanding TestNg Data provider for parameterization Lecture 37 Example on Parameterization of API Tests with multiple data sets Lecture 38 code download Lecture 39 How to handle with static json payloads Lecture 40 code download Section 8: Real world Example-Automating Jira API's Lecture 41 Setting up Jira Cloud Account for API Testing Lecture 42 Basic Authentication Mechanism to authenticate for Jira API's Lecture 43 Understanding Contract to create Bug in Jira using API in the Postman Lecture 44 How to send files as attachment to the Post API call for associated Jira Bug Lecture 45 Rest Assured Automation test to create Bug and send files as attachment for Jira Lecture 46 Code download Section 9: Handling oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant type - Client Credentials Lecture 47 Introduction to OAuth 2.0 Client credentials Grant type Lecture 48 Practial example on OAuth 2.0 with its contract details for testing Lecture 49 API Contract download Lecture 50 Postman testing for the OAuth related API's and generating response Lecture 51 Code download Lecture 52 Rest Assured automation script for OAuth end to end API's test Section 10: Deserialization using POJO classes with Rest Assured Lecture 53 What is Serialization and Deserialization in Rest Assured Lecture 54 Libraries needed to support Serialization in Rest Assured Lecture 55 Strategies in Parsing Complex nested Json using POJO classes Lecture 56 Creating POJO classes for the real time Nested Array Json Lecture 57 End to end Automation examples using POJO Deserialization Lecture 58 Solving Complex Queries from Json with simple POJO methods -Part 1 Lecture 59 Solving Complex Queries from Json with simple POJO methods-Part 2 Lecture 60 How to showcase API Testing experience to recruiters? Lecture 61 Code download Section 11: Serialization of Input Payload using Google Maps API Example Lecture 62 Build POJO classes for constructing Json Payload to API Rec 12-19-19 2 Lecture 63 Complete End to end Test case with Serialization Implementation Rec 12-19-19 34 Lecture 64 Where to download Code Section 12: Understand Request and Response Spec Builders in Rest Assured Lecture 65 Significance of Spec Builders in Rest Assured Rec 12-19-19 5(builderDoc) Lecture 66 Practical Example in implementing Spec Builders and optimize code Rec 12-19-19 Lecture 67 Code Download Section 13: End to End ecommerce API example with Automation Concepts Lecture 68 Understand Ecommerce API Contract and build manual API's in Postman Lecture 69 Create Rest Assured automation for Login Call to generate Auth token Lecture 70 Automate Post calls which has form parameters and attachments using Rest Assured Lecture 71 Implement POJO Classes to build nested Json for Create Order for Product added Lecture 72 Script implementation with Delete Product using Path parameters & HTTPS relaxed Lecture 73 Code download Section 14: Cucumber BDD API Framework Development from Scratch - 1 Lecture 74 CheckPoint before starting Framework lectures Lecture 75 Cucumber BDD overview and its related terminologies Lecture 76 Creating Maven project with Cucumber Rest Assured Dependencies Lecture 77 Building Test Runner and Step Definition files for Add Place API Feature Test Lecture 78 Implementing Real code in Step Definition files with reusable components Lecture 79 Running the Test in Cucumber Standards with necessary Configuration changes Lecture 80 Building Utility Files and Implement Logging feature in Framework Lecture 81 Implement Mechanism to drive Global property values from Properties file Lecture 82 Data Driven Testing Mechanism for API Tests using Cucumber example feature Lecture 83 Be a Mentor or get Guidance Lecture 84 Parameterize API Test with multiple Data sets using Cucumber Framework features Lecture 85 What are Enum classes? How Framework can utilize the Enum concepts Lecture 86 Removing Hardcoded resource details with Enum class Methods Lecture 87 Build End to End Testcase with Add and Delete Place in Framework Standards -1 Lecture 88 Build End to End Testcase in Framework Standards -2 Lecture 89 Creating Additional Scenarios in Framework to reuse existing Step Definitions -4 Lecture 90 Importance of Cucumber Hooks in setting up Preconditions for API Tests -5 Lecture 91 Optimizing the Framework Tests with all necessary validations -6 Lecture 92 Running the Complete Framework using Maven commands 23/1 Lecture 93 Generate Excellent Cucumber HTML reporting with additional Plugins -23/2 Lecture 94 Framework Code download Section 15: Cucumber BDD API Framework Development from Scratch - 2 Lecture 95 Introduction to Jenkins CI tool Lecture 96 Important Note Lecture 97 Integrating the API Framework into Jenkins and triggering with New job setup 24 Lecture 98 Setting up Parameterized Jenkin Job for API Framework with multiple Tags Section 16: Learn GraphQL from Scratch and Testing with Rest Assured Lecture 99 What is GraphQL? How different it is from Rest API's ? Lecture 100 Understanding GraphQL Schema and its Query language Lecture 101 Learn how to write GraphQL Queries to Test GraphQL API's Lecture 102 Testing GraphQL Queries with Postman and Explorer Lecture 103 What are GraphQL Mutations? How to Test Mutations Lecture 104 Test Multiple GraphQL Mutations with Query variables in Postman Lecture 105 Automate GraphQL Queries & Mutations using Rest Assured automation Section 17: OAuth 2.0 for Google/facebook GrantType - Authorization code Lecture 106 Important Note before viewing this section Lecture 107 Introduction to OAuth 2.0 and different Grant types Lecture 108 Understand Grant Type Authorization flow with real time example Lecture 109 Flow procedure in achieving OAuth 2.0 Authentication mechanism Lecture 110 Details on Practise OAuth 2.0 project to retrieve Courses list Lecture 111 Postman Projects Download Lecture 112 Building up Rest Assured Automation Test for the OAuth Project Lecture 113 Integration Web UI Automation to generate Authorization code Lecture 114 Formatting URL String to retrieve code using java methods Lecture 115 Code download Section 18: Understanding Version Control System GIT Lecture 116 Introduction to GIT Lecture 117 Importance of Github and its uses Lecture 118 Creating Git config and repositories Lecture 119 How to push code to remote repository Lecture 120 Understanding Staging and commit in git Lecture 121 Add remote repository and push the committed code Lecture 122 End to end working example on Git commands -1 Lecture 123 End to end working example on Git commands -2 Lecture 124 Importance of Branching in GIT Lecture 125 How to resolve Merge conflicts with GIT Section 19: Excel Integration with Rest Assured Test Lecture 126 what is Apace POI API & Download Instructions Lecture 127 Strategy to Access Excel Data Lecture 128 Getting rows and its cells from Sheet Lecture 129 Retrieving Data from Excel based on condition Lecture 130 Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -1 Lecture 131 Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -2 Lecture 132 Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -3 Lecture 133 Code download Lecture 134 Please note Lecture 135 Introducion to Library API Lecture 136 Library APi Postman and Rest Assured examples Lecture 137 Conversion of HashMap into Json Lecture 138 Excel Integration with Rest Assured Test Lecture 139 Code download Section 20: Core Java basics Lecture 140 Java program principles Lecture 141 Classes,objects in Java Lecture 142 Strings in Java Lecture 143 String Practise exercises Lecture 144 What is Interface? Lecture 145 How Java classes can take advantage of Interface? Lecture 146 Usage of Inheritance in Java Lecture 147 Practical examples on types of inheritances Lecture 148 Introduction to Arrays Lecture 149 Single dimensional and Multidimensional arrays usage Section 21: BONUS LECTURE Lecture 150 Bonus lecture Manual testers, Non-programming aware testers interested in learning Automation,Any Software engineer who are interested in Mobile Technologies,Freshers/Graduates/ Software Testers ![]() RapidGator FileStore TurboBit |