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[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]
19.46 GB | 1h 9min 2s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - Why you need to take this course.mp4 (46.88 MB)
2 - Introduction.mp4 (10.02 MB)
3 - Where youll find All Updates.mp4 (5.85 MB)
4 - Demo Admin Dashboard.mp4 (177.39 MB)
5 - Demo Vendor Dashboard.mp4 (55.16 MB)
6 - Demo Ecommerce Website.mp4 (582.02 MB)
7 - Demo All Figma App Designs Overview.mp4 (164.05 MB)
130 - Adding SEO to our website.mp4 (255.54 MB)
131 - Adding Top Level Security for our Website.mp4 (372.77 MB)
132 - Adding Caching to increase performance.mp4 (516.73 MB)
133 - Adding featured tag to individual product.mp4 (224.03 MB)
134 - Adding featured tag to individual product in all products page.mp4 (88.37 MB)
135 - Adding Stripe Payment Gateway.mp4 (414.17 MB)
136 - Next JS 151 useFormStatus hook explained.mp4 (195.41 MB)
10 - Setup Nextjs.mp4 (17.5 MB)
11 - Install required packages.mp4 (59.26 MB)
12 - Connecting to Database.mp4 (64.2 MB)
13 - Building Cart Model.mp4 (16.22 MB)
14 - Building Category Model.mp4 (12.61 MB)
15 - Building Coupon Model.mp4 (14.38 MB)
16 - Building Order Model.mp4 (33.71 MB)
17 - Building Product Model.mp4 (34.46 MB)
18 - Building Sub Category Model.mp4 (11.6 MB)
19 - Building TopBar Model.mp4 (9.34 MB)
20 - Building User Model.mp4 (13.22 MB)
21 - Building Vendor Model.mp4 (56.02 MB)
22 - Building Vendor Model Part2.mp4 (3.76 MB)
23 - Building MongoDB Model Analytics Generator.mp4 (127.83 MB)
24 - Building Category Server Actions.mp4 (238.14 MB)
25 - Building Coupon Server Actions File.mp4 (36.1 MB)
26 - Building Vendor Dashboard Server Actions File.mp4 (82.66 MB)
27 - Building Order Server Actions File.mp4 (57.81 MB)
28 - Building Product Server Actions File.mp4 (54.9 MB)
29 - Building Sub Category Server Actions File.mp4 (39.72 MB)
30 - Building Vendor Server Actions File.mp4 (19.47 MB)
31 - Building Middleware File.mp4 (36.24 MB)
32 - Building Vendor Home Page.mp4 (175.06 MB)
33 - Building Authentication Pages for Vendor Dashboard.mp4 (352.03 MB)
34 - Building Vendor Dashboard Layout Page.mp4 (281.36 MB)
35 - Building Vendor Dashboard Page.mp4 (353.9 MB)
36 - Building Vendor Category Page.mp4 (198.12 MB)
37 - Building Vendor Product Creation Page.mp4 (331.78 MB)
38 - Building Vendor Sub Categories Page.mp4 (322.28 MB)
39 - Building Vendor Coupon Page.mp4 (139.55 MB)
40 - Building Vendor All Orders Page.mp4 (122.87 MB)
41 - Testing Vendor Dashboard.mp4 (27.81 MB)
42 - Building Vendor List All Products Page.mp4 (228.04 MB)
43 - Building Logout Functionality for Vendor.mp4 (20.33 MB)
45 - Converting from Vendor to Admin Dashboard.mp4 (35.04 MB)
46 - Converting server actions files.mp4 (240.47 MB)
47 - Converting from Vendor to Admin pages.mp4 (136.43 MB)
48 - Building All Vendors Page.mp4 (69.85 MB)
49 - Manage vendors Approve Vendors.mp4 (26.24 MB)
50 - Building All Users Page.mp4 (50.37 MB)
51 - Building Website and App Banners server actions.mp4 (227.59 MB)
52 - Building Top Bar server actions.mp4 (59.58 MB)
53 - Building Top Bar Page.mp4 (100.31 MB)
54 - Building Offers server actions.mp4 (76.28 MB)
55 - Building offers page.mp4 (127.46 MB)
56 - Keeping offer and top bar links in header.mp4 (26.74 MB)
57 - Building all product reviews page.mp4 (248.44 MB)
58 - Testing Admin Dashboard.mp4 (136.73 MB)
59 - Admin Dashboard Patch Work.mp4 (15.23 MB)
61 - Project Setup.mp4 (68.39 MB)
62 - Designing Navbar part1.mp4 (355.4 MB)
63 - Designing Navbar part2.mp4 (869.35 MB)
64 - Designing Footer.mp4 (101.26 MB)
65 - Designing Bottom Bar.mp4 (338.14 MB)
66 - Designing Home Page Banner Carousel Section.mp4 (175.47 MB)
67 - Designing Home Page Special Combos Section.mp4 (81.32 MB)
68 - Building Review Page.mp4 (73.34 MB)
69 - Building Cancelled Order Page.mp4 (66.46 MB)
70 - Designing Home Page Best Sellers Section.mp4 (173.06 MB)
71 - Designing Home Page Category Section.mp4 (22.76 MB)
72 - Designing Home Page Crazy Deals Section.mp4 (16.55 MB)
73 - Designing Home Page Need of Website Section.mp4 (76.53 MB)
74 - Designing Home Page Review Section.mp4 (159.42 MB)
75 - Designing Home Page Blog Images Section.mp4 (23.58 MB)
76 - Designing Product Page.mp4 (679.98 MB)
77 - Designing Shop Page.mp4 (226.3 MB)
78 - Designing Checkout Page.mp4 (288.76 MB)
79 - Designing Order Success Page.mp4 (197.65 MB)
80 - Designing Track Order Page.mp4 (193.58 MB)
81 - Designing My Orders Page.mp4 (169.48 MB)
82 - Patch Work.mp4 (86.72 MB)
83 - Fixing Small bugs.mp4 (4.71 MB)
85 - Upgrading Nextjs.mp4 (65.57 MB)
86 - Discussing Important npm packages.mp4 (80.56 MB)
87 - Installing Required npm Packages.mp4 (63.01 MB)
88 - Removing GitHub Link from starter template website.mp4 (11.46 MB)
100 - Creating Featured Products server actions.mp4 (17.61 MB)
101 - Creating Get all Offers server actions file.mp4 (22.84 MB)
102 - Creating Sub Category server actions file.mp4 (15.79 MB)
89 - Modifying Navbar and Folder Structure.mp4 (353.47 MB)
90 - Updating Footer.mp4 (27.77 MB)
91 - Importing Models from Admin Dashboard.mp4 (8.96 MB)
92 - Creating User server actions file.mp4 (209.27 MB)
93 - Creating User sever actions file part 2.mp4 (88.7 MB)
94 - Creating Product server actions file.mp4 (228.06 MB)
95 - Creating Top Bar server actions file.mp4 (42.22 MB)
96 - Creating Order server actions file.mp4 (135.46 MB)
97 - Creating Banner server actions file.mp4 (24.54 MB)
98 - Creating Category server actions file.mp4 (11.92 MB)
99 - Creating Cart server actions file.mp4 (20.23 MB)
103 - Connecting banner section.mp4 (140.07 MB)
104 - Connecting special combo section.mp4 (120.4 MB)
105 - Connecting crazy deals section.mp4 (62.92 MB)
106 - Connecting product card section.mp4 (67.54 MB)
107 - Connecting categories section.mp4 (141.04 MB)
108 - Creating New Arrival Products section.mp4 (51.19 MB)
109 - Connecting and Completing Home Page.mp4 (31.38 MB)
110 - Connecting Search Modal.mp4 (350.36 MB)
111 - Integrating Clerk to our website.mp4 (192.51 MB)
112 - Integrating Clerk to our website part 2.mp4 (223.44 MB)
113 - Building Product Page.mp4 (86.35 MB)
114 - Updating Product Page part1.mp4 (394.35 MB)
115 - Updating Product Page part2.mp4 (466.49 MB)
116 - Updating Product Page part3.mp4 (500.1 MB)
117 - Updating Review Page.mp4 (268.47 MB)
118 - Updating Order Page.mp4 (435.67 MB)
119 - Fixing Product Page Bug.mp4 (32.61 MB)
120 - Updating Cart Drawer.mp4 (348.36 MB)
121 - Updating Checkout Page.mp4 (436.19 MB)
122 - Developing My Profile Page.mp4 (242.46 MB)
123 - Updating Shop Page.mp4 (465.07 MB)
124 - Updating Track Order Page.mp4 (39.03 MB)
125 - Developing Dynamic ID Error Page.mp4 (268.23 MB)
126 - Developing Error Not Found Loading Pages.mp4 (163.55 MB)
127 - Developing Invalid Id Component.mp4 (94.84 MB)
128 - Updating Loading Page.mp4 (16.73 MB)
129 - Developing Promotional Top Bar.mp4 (134.29 MB)]
[Image: w0lBT3ll_o.jpg]

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[Image: signature.png]

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