10-29-2023, 01:34 PM
Modern Auto Layout
2021 | English | ISBN: NA | ASIN: NA | True (PDF/EPUB/MOBI) | 503 pages | 117 MB
Learn Modern Auto Layout For iOS
Using Auto Layout? How many of these do you recognize?
⚠️ Randomly adding and removing constraints to get the layout you want
⚠️ Changing content hugging and compression priorities but not sure why?
⚠️ Conflicting constraints and a wall of debug text dumped to the console?
⚠️ Got a layout working on the iPhone but it looks terrible on the iPad and breaks on that tiny iPhone SE screen
⚠️ You want to add dynamic type for your users but there's no way that super-gigantic text size is going to fit
Add a constraint - Change a priority - See what happens.
You can try to work logically. But. Honestly adding constraints still feels like guesswork. Where do you start? When is it done?
Auto Layout is just too magical for your liking
Want to Auto Layout like a pro? Build flexible layouts that work everywhere? But feel like. you're going in circles.