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Udemy Complete Teaching of BGP by ArashDeljoo
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
13.06 GB | 01:30:55 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 BGP Fundamentals (249.01 MB)
001 eBGP Neighborship with Connected Interface (115.51 MB)
001 eBGP-Neighborship-with-Connected-Interface (4.11 KB)
002 eBGP Neighborship Conditions (90.18 MB)
002 eBGP-Neighborship-Conditions (3.11 KB)
003 BGP RouterID in IOSXR (40.54 MB)
003 BGP-Router-ID-in-IOS-XR (3.2 KB)
004 BGP RouterID in NXOS (24.68 MB)
004 BGP-Router-ID-in-NX-OS (3.01 KB)
005 BGP Neighborship in IOSXR (36.95 MB)
005 BGP-Neighborship-in-IOS-XR (3.23 KB)
006 BGP Neighborship in NXOS (21.24 MB)
006 BGP-Neighborship-in-NX-OS (3.05 KB)
007 eBGP Neighborship over Multiple Links (287.12 MB)
007 eBGP-Neighborship-over-Multiple-Links (3.37 KB)
008 eBGP Neighborship over Multiple Links in IOSXR (37.27 MB)
008 eBGP-Neighborship-over-Multiple-Links-in-IOS-XR (3.55 KB)
009 BGP Peering via Loopback Addresses in NXOS (45.99 MB)
009 eBGP-Neighborship-over-Multiple-Links-in-NX-OS (3.32 KB)
010 BGP Keep Alive Interval and Holdtime (125.6 MB)
010 BGP-Keep-Alive-Interval-and-Holdtime (2.78 KB)
011 BGP Messages and Neighborship States (95.9 MB)
011 BGP-Messages-and-Neighborship-States (2.79 KB)
001 Injecting Routes into BGP Table (155.25 MB)
001 Injecting-Routes-into-BGP-Table (3.31 KB)
002 Injecting Routes into BGP Table in IOSXR (57.31 MB)
002 Injecting-Routes-into-BGP-Table-in-IOS-XR (3.44 KB)
003 Injecting Routes into BGP Table in NXOS (25.93 MB)
003 Injecting-Routes-into-BGP-Table-in-NX-OS (3.23 KB)
004 BGP Automatic Summarization (88.85 MB)
004 BGP-Automatic-Summarization (2.88 KB)
001 BGP Basic Aggregation (161.76 MB)
001 BGP-Basic-Aggregation (2.96 KB)
002 BGP Atomic Aggregate Aggregator Attribute (51.12 MB)
002 BGP-Atomic-Aggregate-Aggregator-Attribute (3.22 KB)
003 BGP Advanced Aggregation with ASSET (234.04 MB)
003 BGP-Advanced-Aggregation-with-AS-SET (3.75 KB)
004 BGP Advanced Aggregation with UnSuppressMap (55.43 MB)
004 BGP-Advanced-Aggregation-with-UnSuppress-Map (3.31 KB)
005 BGP Advanced Aggregation with SuppressMap (48.5 MB)
005 BGP-Advanced-Aggregation-with-Suppress-Map (3 KB)
006 BGP Advanced Aggregation with Advertise Map (107.89 MB)
006 BGP-Advanced-Aggregation-with-Advertise-Map (3.27 KB)
007 BGP Advanced Aggregation with Attribute Map (43.62 MB)
007 BGP-Advanced-Aggregation-with-Attribute-Map (3.25 KB)
001 BGP Single Homed Connection (295.92 MB)
001 BGP-Single-Homed-Connection (4.55 KB)
002 BGP Floating Static Route (183.07 MB)
002 BGP-Floating-Static-Route (3.51 KB)
003 BGP Path Attributes (24.75 MB)
004 BGP Origin Code Path Attribute (111.59 MB)
004 BGP-Origin-Code-Path-Attribute (3.21 KB)
005 BGP NextHop Path Attribute (95.44 MB)
005 BGP-Next-Hop-Path-Attribute (3.2 KB)
006 BGP NextHop Path Attribute in IOSXR (97.19 MB)
006 BGP-Next-Hop-Path-Attribute-in-IOS-XR (3.74 KB)
007 BGP NextHop Path Attribute in NXOS (46.57 MB)
007 BGP-Next-Hop-Path-Attribute-in-NX-OS (3.52 KB)
008 BGP Backdoor (70 MB)
008 BGP-Backdoor (3.36 KB)
009 BGP Default Route Advertisement (151.81 MB)
009 BGP-Default-Route-Advertisement (4.3 KB)
001 Internal BGP iBGPA (56.82 MB)
001 Internal-BGP-iBGP-A (3.36 KB)
002 Internal BGP iBGPB (160.59 MB)
002 Internal-BGP-iBGP-B (3.47 KB)
003 Internal BGP iBGPC (289.58 MB)
003 Internal-BGP-iBGP-C (4.42 KB)
004 BGP Peer Group (352.67 MB)
004 BGP-Peer-Group (4.07 KB)
005 iBGP Neighborship with Loopback Interfaces (113.22 MB)
005 iBGP-Neighborship-with-Loopback-Interfaces (4.56 KB)
006 Dynamic eBGP Peer Group (30.38 MB)
006 Dynamic-eBGP-Peer-Group (2.97 KB)
007 Dynamic iBGP Peer Group (67.92 MB)
007 Dynamic-iBGP-Peer-Group (2.51 KB)
008 BGP Dynamic Update PeerGroup (112.65 MB)
008 BGP-Dynamic-Update-Peer-Group (2.84 KB)
001 BGP Confederation A (146.31 MB)
001 BGP-Confederation-A (4.83 KB)
002 BGP Confederation B (115.2 MB)
002 BGP-Confederation-B (5.05 KB)
001 BGP Route Reflector A (151.52 MB)
001 BGP-Route-Reflector-A (4.36 KB)
002 BGP Route Reflector B (166.08 MB)
002 BGP-Route-Reflector-B (4.6 KB)
003 BGP Route Reflector in IOSXR (92.47 MB)
003 BGP-Route-Reflector-in-IOS-XR (4.27 KB)
004 BGP Route Reflector in NXOS (124.04 MB)
004 BGP-Route-Reflector-in-NX-OS (4.16 KB)
005 BGP Route Reflector Redundancy (117.84 MB)
005 BGP-Route-Reflector-Redundancy (4.44 KB)
006 BGP Route Reflection with Multiple Clusters (244.88 MB)
006 BGP-Route-Reflection-with-Multiple-Clusters (4.4 KB)
007 BGP Hierarchical Route Reflection (93.04 MB)
007 BGP-Hierarchical-Route-Reflection (4.51 KB)
008 BGP RouteReflector with Full Mesh Client (156.28 MB)
008 Route-Reflector-with-Full-Mesh-Client (3.44 KB)
009 BGP Multi Cluster ID MCID (500.23 MB)
009 BGP-Multi-Cluster-ID-MCID (3.33 KB)
001 BGP Weight Attribute (173.39 MB)
001 Weight-Attribute (3.59 KB)
002 Local Weight Attribute (79.64 MB)
002 Local-Weight-Attribute (3.7 KB)
003 BGP Local Preference Attribute (245.12 MB)
003 Local-Preference-Attribute (3.93 KB)
004 Preference of Locally Injected Path (33.68 MB)
004 Preference-of-Locally-Injected-Path (4.08 KB)
005 Accumulated-IGP-AIGP-Attribute (3.94 KB)
005 BGP Accumulated IGP AIGP Attribute (239.73 MB)
006 AS-Path-Attribute (4.04 KB)
006 BGP ASPath Attribute (300.19 MB)
007 BGP Origin Code Attribute (131.39 MB)
007 Origin-Code-Attribute (3.26 KB)
008 BGP Multi Exit Discriminator MED Attribute (105.78 MB)
008 Multi-Exit-Discriminator-MED-Attribute (3.54 KB)
009 Advanced MED Always Compare MED (41.43 MB)
009 Advanced-MED-Always-Compare-MED (3.3 KB)
010 Advanced MED Missingasworst (38.69 MB)
010 Advanced-MED-Missing-as-worst (3.19 KB)
011 Prefer eBGP to iBGP Path (106.97 MB)
011 Prefer-eBGP-to-iBGP-Path (4.06 KB)
012 Lowest IGP Metric to NextHop (29.12 MB)
012 Lowest-IGP-Metric-to-Next-Hop (4.12 KB)
013 Oldest eBGP Route (33.31 MB)
013 Oldest-eBGP-Route (4.31 KB)
014 Lower BGP RouterID (34.5 MB)
014 Lower-BGP-Router-ID (3.95 KB)
015 BGP ClusterID Attribute (64.88 MB)
015 Cluster-ID-Attribute (3.36 KB)
016 Lowest Neighbor IP (34.78 MB)
016 Lowest-Neighbor-IP (3.04 KB)
017 BGP MultiPath Equal Cost Load Balancing ECLB (135.41 MB)
017 MultiPath-Equal-Cost-Load-Balancing-ECLB (3.56 KB)
018 BGP MultiPath Unequal Cost Load Balancing UCLB (205.07 MB)
018 MultiPath-Unequal-Cost-Load-Balancing-UCLB (4.09 KB)
001 BGP Route Filtering with ACL (243.23 MB)
001 Route-Filtering-with-ACL (3.65 KB)
002 BGP Route Filtering with IP PrefixList (65.75 MB)
002 Route-Filtering-with-IP-Prefix-List (3.71 KB)
003 BGP Route Filtering with RouteMap (35.32 MB)
003 Route-Filtering-with-Route-Map (3.67 KB)
004 BGP Route Filtering with ASPath ACL (216.12 MB)
004 Route-Filtering-with-AS-Path-ACL (3.51 KB)
005 Regular Expressions REGEXPs (88.27 MB)
006 BGP Hard Clearing Soft Clearing (263.27 MB)
006 Hard-Clearing-Soft-Clearing (3.15 KB)
007 BGP Outbound Route Filtering ORF (147.22 MB)
007 Outbound-Route-Filtering-ORF (3 KB)
001 BGP Community Attribute (738.37 MB)
002 BGP Maximum Prefix (113.47 MB)
002 Maximum-Prefix (2.79 KB)
003 BGP Remove Private AS Number (61.52 MB)
003 Remove-Private-AS-Number (2.98 KB)
004 Allow-AS-Feature (2.97 KB)
004 BGP Allow AS Feature (111.63 MB)
005 BGP Fast Neighbor Loss Detection (147.13 MB)
005 Fast-Neighbor-Loss-Detection (3.42 KB)
006 BGP Selective Route Download (169.78 MB)
006 BGP-Selective-Route-Download (3.51 KB)
007 BGP Diverse Path with Shadow Colocated RR (115.97 MB)
007 BGP-Diverse-Path-with-Shadow-Co-located-RR (3.19 KB)
008 BGP Diverse Path with Shadow NotColocated RR (60.79 MB)
008 BGP-Diverse-Path-with-Shadow-Not-Co-located-RR (3.28 KB)
009 BGP Diverse Path with Shadow Session (61.42 MB)
009 BGP-Diverse-Path-with-Shadow-Session (3.04 KB)
010 BGP TTL Security (59.77 MB)
010 BGP-TTL-Security (2.75 KB)
011 BGP Max AS (32.55 MB)
011 BGP-Max-AS (2.86 KB)
012 BGP Multi Session Capability (51.2 MB)
012 BGP-Multi-Session-Capability (2.82 KB)
013 BGP Route Server (127.43 MB)
013 BGP-Route-Server (3.95 KB)
014 BGP Route Server Context (155.96 MB)
014 BGP-Route-Server-Context (4 KB)
015 BGP DestinationBased RTBH (109.79 MB)
015 BGP-Destination-Based-RTBH (3.53 KB)
016 BGP SourceBased RTBH (122.57 MB)
016 BGP-Source-Based-RTBH (3.55 KB)
017 BGP Flowspec (327.15 MB)
017 BGP-Flowspec (4.69 KB)
001 Multiprotocol BGP MPBGP Part1 (263.17 MB)
001 Multiprotocol-BGP-MPBGP-Part1 (4.11 KB)
002 Multiprotocol BGP MPBGP Part2 (246.67 MB)
002 Multiprotocol-BGP-MPBGP-Part2 (4.11 KB)
003 Multiprotocol BGP MPBGP Part3 (124.65 MB)
003 Multiprotocol-BGP-MPBGP-Part3 (4.11 KB)
001 BGP Neighbor Adjacencies Troubleshooting (294.87 MB)
002 BGP Missing Routes Troubleshooting (249.96 MB)
003 BGP Trouble Tickets (127.17 MB)
003 BGP-Trouble-Tickets-Ticket1 (5.17 KB)
003 BGP-Trouble-Tickets-Ticket2 (5.04 KB)
003 BGP-Trouble-Tickets-Ticket3 (5.1 KB)
003 BGP-Trouble-Tickets-Ticket4 (3.45 KB)
[Image: DS2oTSwm_o.jpg]


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