11-27-2024, 05:19 PM
![[Image: 537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg]](https://img100.pixhost.to/images/404/537368816_que-es-udemy-analisis-opiniones.jpg)
19.48 GB | 23min 24s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 -Introduction to Microservices.mp4 (29.93 MB)
2 -Drawbacks of Monolithic Architecture.mp4 (48 MB)
3 -Design Principles of Microservices.mp4 (34.96 MB)
4 -Breaking Monolithic Architecture to Microservices.mp4 (19.33 MB)
5 -Microservices Best Practices.mp4 (20.12 MB)
1 -Intro to API Gateway (Theory).mp4 (20.53 MB)
10 -Response Caching.mp4 (43.16 MB)
2 -Ocelot NuGet Package.mp4 (67.71 MB)
3 -ocelot json.mp4 (89.72 MB)
4 -API Gateway with Docker Compose.mp4 (106.84 MB)
5 -ocelot json All Routes.mp4 (123.41 MB)
6 -Microservice Communication with API Gateway.mp4 (71.74 MB)
7 -Frontend with API Gateway.mp4 (54.75 MB)
8 -Polly with Ocelot.mp4 (49.38 MB)
9 -Rate Limits.mp4 (49.93 MB)
1 -Intro to RabbitMQ (Theory).mp4 (32.46 MB)
10 -Hosted Service.mp4 (144.73 MB)
11 -Product Deletion Message in RabbitMQ - Assignment Solution.mp4 (182.87 MB)
12 -Fanout Exchange.mp4 (77.53 MB)
13 -Topic Exchange.mp4 (90.03 MB)
14 -Headers Exchange.mp4 (155.69 MB)
15 -Products Cache Invalidation - Assignment Solution.mp4 (172.98 MB)
2 -RabbitMQ Exchanges (Theory).mp4 (34.73 MB)
3 -RabbitMQ Docker Image.mp4 (63.57 MB)
4 -RabbitMQ NuGet Package.mp4 (78.17 MB)
5 -RabbitMQ Connection.mp4 (60.19 MB)
6 -Publisher Class.mp4 (107.24 MB)
7 -Invoking Publisher Class.mp4 (140.62 MB)
8 -Consumer Class.mp4 (153.51 MB)
9 -'Received' Event.mp4 (109.75 MB)
1 -Introduction to Cloud Computing (Theory).mp4 (25.07 MB)
10 -AppService - Part 1.mp4 (98.1 MB)
11 -AppService - Part 2.mp4 (108.56 MB)
12 -Azure Container Apps.mp4 (90.51 MB)
2 -Cloud Service Models (Theory).mp4 (14.92 MB)
3 -Introduction to Azure (Theory).mp4 (20.83 MB)
4 -Azure Subscription.mp4 (56.03 MB)
5 -Azure CLI Setup.mp4 (49.77 MB)
6 -Resource Group.mp4 (65.5 MB)
7 -Demo Web API App.mp4 (39.09 MB)
8 -Azure Container Registry.mp4 (90.46 MB)
9 -AppService vs Container Apps vs AKS (Theory).mp4 (30.92 MB)
1 -Introduction to Kubernetes (Theory).mp4 (33.41 MB)
10 -Troubleshooting Pods - Part 1.mp4 (95 MB)
11 -Service Manifests for Microservices.mp4 (92.81 MB)
12 -Troubleshooting Pods - Part 2.mp4 (152.57 MB)
13 -Postman Collections.mp4 (45.28 MB)
14 -Zero Down Time Rollout.mp4 (62.79 MB)
15 -Kubernetes Secrets.mp4 (70.58 MB)
2 -Kubernetes Architecture (Theory).mp4 (42.35 MB)
3 -Creating AKS Cluster.mp4 (121.31 MB)
4 -kubectl Basic Commands.mp4 (20.16 MB)
5 -Deployment Manifests - Part 1.mp4 (53.91 MB)
6 -Deployment Manifests - Part 2.mp4 (122.08 MB)
7 -Service Manifests.mp4 (71.01 MB)
8 -Pushing Microservice Images to ACR.mp4 (210.91 MB)
9 -Deployment Manifests for Microservices.mp4 (130.83 MB)
1 -Intro to Azure DevOps (Theory).mp4 (84.75 MB)
10 -Understanding Pipeline YAML.mp4 (145.65 MB)
11 -Running the Pipeline.mp4 (88.13 MB)
12 -Adding Tests to Repo.mp4 (87.45 MB)
13 -Adding Tests to Pipeline - Part 1.mp4 (148.69 MB)
14 -Adding Tests to Pipeline - Part 2.mp4 (50.53 MB)
15 -Environments and Approvals.mp4 (52.98 MB)
16 -Kubernetes Service Connections.mp4 (12.38 MB)
17 -Dev Deployment - Part 1.mp4 (162.8 MB)
18 -Dev Deployment - Part 2.mp4 (121.54 MB)
19 -Variable Groups.mp4 (117.01 MB)
2 -Azure DevOps Subscription.mp4 (30.41 MB)
20 -Orders Microservice Pipeline Assignment Solution.mp4 (225 MB)
21 -Users Microservice Pipeline Assignment Solution.mp4 (166.63 MB)
3 -Parallelism Request for Pipelines.mp4 (36.04 MB)
4 -Azure Boards.mp4 (73.21 MB)
5 -Azure Repos.mp4 (99.22 MB)
6 -Azure Repos Assignment Solution.mp4 (65.41 MB)
7 -Branches and Pull Requests.mp4 (107.84 MB)
8 -Creating Azure Pipeline.mp4 (71.56 MB)
9 -Container Registry Service Connections.mp4 (27.53 MB)
1 -Introduction to API Management (Theory).mp4 (14.5 MB)
2 -Creating API Management Service.mp4 (28.9 MB)
3 -Creating APIs using HTTP Template.mp4 (62.58 MB)
4 -Policies.mp4 (45.55 MB)
5 -Creating APIs using OpenAPI Template.mp4 (78.31 MB)
6 -Postman Collections using OpenAPI.mp4 (75.09 MB)
7 -Updating NuGet Packages.mp4 (163.72 MB)
1 -Intro to Microsoft Entra ID (Theory).mp4 (21.53 MB)
2 -B2C Tenant.mp4 (31.07 MB)
3 -Frontend App - Registration.mp4 (47.66 MB)
4 -Frontend App - Redirect URI.mp4 (36.01 MB)
5 -Frontend App - API Permissions.mp4 (48.95 MB)
6 -Frontend App - User flows.mp4 (73.15 MB)
7 -Angular App Config.mp4 (97.8 MB)
8 -How B2C Authentication works Internally.mp4 (132.7 MB)
1 -Clearing Azure Resources.mp4 (13.94 MB)
2 -Complete Steps.mp4 (136.57 MB)
3 -Big Picture.mp4 (22.14 MB)
1 -Extension Methods.mp4 (81.48 MB)
2 -Anonymous Methods.mp4 (49.79 MB)
3 -Lambda Expressions.mp4 (35.37 MB)
4 -Dictionary.mp4 (115.23 MB)
5 -Interfaces.mp4 (148.66 MB)
6 -C# 9 - Top Level Statements.mp4 (147.47 MB)
7 -C# 9 - Nullable Reference Types.mp4 (160.19 MB)
8 -Records.mp4 (44.95 MB)
1 -Section Introduction.mp4 (19.45 MB)
10 -AutoMapper - Part 2.mp4 (71.13 MB)
11 -Postgres.mp4 (52.54 MB)
12 -Intro to Dapper.mp4 (59.91 MB)
13 -Dapper ExecuteAsync.mp4 (146.51 MB)
14 -Dapper QueryAsync.mp4 (139.23 MB)
15 -FluentValidation.mp4 (172.47 MB)
16 -Listing of Fluent Validator Methods.mp4 (32.92 MB)
17 -Git Basics [Theory].mp4 (26.44 MB)
18 -GitHub Repository for Users Microservice.mp4 (139.25 MB)
19 -Swagger.mp4 (90.01 MB)
2 -Creating Users Microservice.mp4 (137.1 MB)
20 -Angular Client App.mp4 (84.58 MB)
3 -Exception Handling Middleware.mp4 (61.61 MB)
4 -Users Models.mp4 (63.97 MB)
5 -Users Repository.mp4 (76.42 MB)
6 -Users Service.mp4 (158.53 MB)
7 -Users Controller.mp4 (113.34 MB)
8 -Postman.mp4 (112.68 MB)
9 -AutoMapper - Part 1.mp4 (201.09 MB)
1 -Creating Products Microservice Assignment Solution.mp4 (44.74 MB)
10 -Products Service Assignment Solution.mp4 (159.63 MB)
11 -Minimal API Endpoints.mp4 (133.06 MB)
12 -Minimal API Endpoints Assignment Solution.mp4 (234.41 MB)
13 -Testing API Endpoints - Part 1.mp4 (123.46 MB)
14 -Testing API Endpoints - Part 2.mp4 (141.92 MB)
15 -Swagger.mp4 (63.07 MB)
16 -Products Angular UI.mp4 (97.49 MB)
17 -GitHub Repository for Products Microservice.mp4 (46.62 MB)
2 -Boilerplate Code.mp4 (75.39 MB)
3 -MySQL.mp4 (71.8 MB)
4 -Products DbContext.mp4 (143.33 MB)
5 -Products Repository.mp4 (174.82 MB)
6 -Products Service Contract.mp4 (122.28 MB)
7 -Products Fluent Validation.mp4 (67.74 MB)
8 -Products AutoMapper.mp4 (146.57 MB)
9 -Products Service.mp4 (163.9 MB)
1 -Deployment Workflow [Theory].mp4 (26.87 MB)
10 -Dockerfile - Part 1.mp4 (173.33 MB)
11 -Dockerfile - Part 2.mp4 (71.08 MB)
12 -Creating Docker Images and Containers.mp4 (93.3 MB)
13 -Docker Hub Accounts.mp4 (65.33 MB)
14 -Pushing Docker Images.mp4 (107.62 MB)
15 -Docker on Linux.mp4 (38.23 MB)
16 -Pulling Docker Images.mp4 (89.58 MB)
17 -Docker Networks.mp4 (118.14 MB)
18 -Connection String with Environment Variables.mp4 (200.99 MB)
19 -MySQL Startup Script.mp4 (85.43 MB)
2 -Hypervisor [Theory].mp4 (28.93 MB)
3 -Introduction to Docker [Theory].mp4 (18.8 MB)
4 -Benefits of Containerization [Theory].mp4 (33.64 MB)
5 -Docker Containers vs Virtual Machines [Theory].mp4 (14.73 MB)
6 -How Docker Images and Containers Work (Theory).mp4 (25.63 MB)
7 -Intro to Docker Hub [Theory].mp4 (9.66 MB)
8 -Docker Architecture [Theory].mp4 (18.29 MB)
9 -Installing Docker.mp4 (47.16 MB)
1 -Intro to Docker Compose.mp4 (28.47 MB)
2 -YAML File - Part 1.mp4 (59.39 MB)
3 -YAML File - Part 2.mp4 (75.94 MB)
4 -Docker Compose Commands.mp4 (35.43 MB)
5 -Connection String in Users Microservice.mp4 (49.03 MB)
6 -Pushing Users Microservice Docker Image.mp4 (94.51 MB)
7 -Adding Users Microservice to Docker Compose.mp4 (211.29 MB)
8 -Important Docker Commands.mp4 (130.07 MB)
1 -Creating Orders Microservice Assignment Solution.mp4 (137.23 MB)
10 -Orders Service - Part 2.mp4 (84.15 MB)
11 -Orders Endpoints.mp4 (141.23 MB)
12 -Orders CUD Endpoints Assignment Solution.mp4 (85.32 MB)
13 -MongoDB Docker Container.mp4 (38.61 MB)
14 -MongoDB Startup Script.mp4 (91.19 MB)
15 -Testing Orders Endpoints.mp4 (96.83 MB)
2 -Adding MongoDB.mp4 (109.51 MB)
3 -Order Entities.mp4 (97.65 MB)
4 -Orders Repository.mp4 (246.18 MB)
5 -Order DTO.mp4 (79.87 MB)
6 -Orders Service Contract.mp4 (72.84 MB)
7 -Order Validators.mp4 (113.47 MB)
8 -Order Mappers.mp4 (134.97 MB)
9 -Orders Service - Part 1.mp4 (231.92 MB)
1 -Microservice Communication Patterns (Theory).mp4 (45.7 MB)
10 -Validating ProductID in Orders Microservice - Assignment Solution.mp4 (167.1 MB)
11 -Loading Product Details in Orders Microservice - Assignment Solution.mp4 (187.35 MB)
12 -Loading User Details in Orders Microservice - Assignment Solution.mp4 (130.47 MB)
13 -Frontend App with Orders.mp4 (56.1 MB)
2 -GetUserByUserID Endpoint.mp4 (247.26 MB)
3 -Custom HttpClient Service.mp4 (129.74 MB)
4 -Microservice Communication using HttpClient.mp4 (251.28 MB)
5 -GetProductByProductID Endpoint.mp4 (91.72 MB)
6 -Docker Compose in Visual Studio - Part 1.mp4 (135.5 MB)
7 -Docker Compose in Visual Studio - Part 2.mp4 (99.73 MB)
8 -Docker Compose in Visual Studio - Part 3.mp4 (245.18 MB)
9 -Debugging Microservices in Visual Studio.mp4 (117.08 MB)
1 -Intro to Fault Tolerance (Theory).mp4 (20.27 MB)
10 -Fallback.mp4 (259.08 MB)
11 -Timeout.mp4 (74.45 MB)
12 -TimeoutRejectedException.mp4 (27.3 MB)
13 -Bulkhead Isolation.mp4 (96.59 MB)
14 -Combined Policy.mp4 (53.23 MB)
15 -Fault Tolerance Policies Assignment Solution.mp4 (114.43 MB)
2 -Polly.mp4 (21.78 MB)
3 -WaitAndRetry - Part 1.mp4 (69.92 MB)
4 -WaitAndRetry - Part 2.mp4 (150.62 MB)
5 -Policy Services.mp4 (165.93 MB)
6 -Exponential Backoff.mp4 (39.15 MB)
7 -Fault Data.mp4 (66.8 MB)
8 -Circuit Breakers.mp4 (129.27 MB)
9 -BrokenCircuitException.mp4 (50.95 MB)
1 -Introduction to Caching (Theory).mp4 (38.66 MB)
2 -Redis Docker Image.mp4 (90.95 MB)
3 -Redis NuGet Package.mp4 (78.01 MB)
4 -Reading from Cache.mp4 (90.79 MB)
5 -Writing to Cache.mp4 (159.79 MB)
6 -ServiceUnavailable Response.mp4 (117.24 MB)
7 -Redis Cache for Users Microservice Data - Assignment Solution.mp4 (107.48 MB)]
![[Image: TWaoXBp3_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/8c/bb/TWaoXBp3_o.jpg)
1 -Introduction to Microservices.mp4 (29.93 MB)
2 -Drawbacks of Monolithic Architecture.mp4 (48 MB)
3 -Design Principles of Microservices.mp4 (34.96 MB)
4 -Breaking Monolithic Architecture to Microservices.mp4 (19.33 MB)
5 -Microservices Best Practices.mp4 (20.12 MB)
1 -Intro to API Gateway (Theory).mp4 (20.53 MB)
10 -Response Caching.mp4 (43.16 MB)
2 -Ocelot NuGet Package.mp4 (67.71 MB)
3 -ocelot json.mp4 (89.72 MB)
4 -API Gateway with Docker Compose.mp4 (106.84 MB)
5 -ocelot json All Routes.mp4 (123.41 MB)
6 -Microservice Communication with API Gateway.mp4 (71.74 MB)
7 -Frontend with API Gateway.mp4 (54.75 MB)
8 -Polly with Ocelot.mp4 (49.38 MB)
9 -Rate Limits.mp4 (49.93 MB)
1 -Intro to RabbitMQ (Theory).mp4 (32.46 MB)
10 -Hosted Service.mp4 (144.73 MB)
11 -Product Deletion Message in RabbitMQ - Assignment Solution.mp4 (182.87 MB)
12 -Fanout Exchange.mp4 (77.53 MB)
13 -Topic Exchange.mp4 (90.03 MB)
14 -Headers Exchange.mp4 (155.69 MB)
15 -Products Cache Invalidation - Assignment Solution.mp4 (172.98 MB)
2 -RabbitMQ Exchanges (Theory).mp4 (34.73 MB)
3 -RabbitMQ Docker Image.mp4 (63.57 MB)
4 -RabbitMQ NuGet Package.mp4 (78.17 MB)
5 -RabbitMQ Connection.mp4 (60.19 MB)
6 -Publisher Class.mp4 (107.24 MB)
7 -Invoking Publisher Class.mp4 (140.62 MB)
8 -Consumer Class.mp4 (153.51 MB)
9 -'Received' Event.mp4 (109.75 MB)
1 -Introduction to Cloud Computing (Theory).mp4 (25.07 MB)
10 -AppService - Part 1.mp4 (98.1 MB)
11 -AppService - Part 2.mp4 (108.56 MB)
12 -Azure Container Apps.mp4 (90.51 MB)
2 -Cloud Service Models (Theory).mp4 (14.92 MB)
3 -Introduction to Azure (Theory).mp4 (20.83 MB)
4 -Azure Subscription.mp4 (56.03 MB)
5 -Azure CLI Setup.mp4 (49.77 MB)
6 -Resource Group.mp4 (65.5 MB)
7 -Demo Web API App.mp4 (39.09 MB)
8 -Azure Container Registry.mp4 (90.46 MB)
9 -AppService vs Container Apps vs AKS (Theory).mp4 (30.92 MB)
1 -Introduction to Kubernetes (Theory).mp4 (33.41 MB)
10 -Troubleshooting Pods - Part 1.mp4 (95 MB)
11 -Service Manifests for Microservices.mp4 (92.81 MB)
12 -Troubleshooting Pods - Part 2.mp4 (152.57 MB)
13 -Postman Collections.mp4 (45.28 MB)
14 -Zero Down Time Rollout.mp4 (62.79 MB)
15 -Kubernetes Secrets.mp4 (70.58 MB)
2 -Kubernetes Architecture (Theory).mp4 (42.35 MB)
3 -Creating AKS Cluster.mp4 (121.31 MB)
4 -kubectl Basic Commands.mp4 (20.16 MB)
5 -Deployment Manifests - Part 1.mp4 (53.91 MB)
6 -Deployment Manifests - Part 2.mp4 (122.08 MB)
7 -Service Manifests.mp4 (71.01 MB)
8 -Pushing Microservice Images to ACR.mp4 (210.91 MB)
9 -Deployment Manifests for Microservices.mp4 (130.83 MB)
1 -Intro to Azure DevOps (Theory).mp4 (84.75 MB)
10 -Understanding Pipeline YAML.mp4 (145.65 MB)
11 -Running the Pipeline.mp4 (88.13 MB)
12 -Adding Tests to Repo.mp4 (87.45 MB)
13 -Adding Tests to Pipeline - Part 1.mp4 (148.69 MB)
14 -Adding Tests to Pipeline - Part 2.mp4 (50.53 MB)
15 -Environments and Approvals.mp4 (52.98 MB)
16 -Kubernetes Service Connections.mp4 (12.38 MB)
17 -Dev Deployment - Part 1.mp4 (162.8 MB)
18 -Dev Deployment - Part 2.mp4 (121.54 MB)
19 -Variable Groups.mp4 (117.01 MB)
2 -Azure DevOps Subscription.mp4 (30.41 MB)
20 -Orders Microservice Pipeline Assignment Solution.mp4 (225 MB)
21 -Users Microservice Pipeline Assignment Solution.mp4 (166.63 MB)
3 -Parallelism Request for Pipelines.mp4 (36.04 MB)
4 -Azure Boards.mp4 (73.21 MB)
5 -Azure Repos.mp4 (99.22 MB)
6 -Azure Repos Assignment Solution.mp4 (65.41 MB)
7 -Branches and Pull Requests.mp4 (107.84 MB)
8 -Creating Azure Pipeline.mp4 (71.56 MB)
9 -Container Registry Service Connections.mp4 (27.53 MB)
1 -Introduction to API Management (Theory).mp4 (14.5 MB)
2 -Creating API Management Service.mp4 (28.9 MB)
3 -Creating APIs using HTTP Template.mp4 (62.58 MB)
4 -Policies.mp4 (45.55 MB)
5 -Creating APIs using OpenAPI Template.mp4 (78.31 MB)
6 -Postman Collections using OpenAPI.mp4 (75.09 MB)
7 -Updating NuGet Packages.mp4 (163.72 MB)
1 -Intro to Microsoft Entra ID (Theory).mp4 (21.53 MB)
2 -B2C Tenant.mp4 (31.07 MB)
3 -Frontend App - Registration.mp4 (47.66 MB)
4 -Frontend App - Redirect URI.mp4 (36.01 MB)
5 -Frontend App - API Permissions.mp4 (48.95 MB)
6 -Frontend App - User flows.mp4 (73.15 MB)
7 -Angular App Config.mp4 (97.8 MB)
8 -How B2C Authentication works Internally.mp4 (132.7 MB)
1 -Clearing Azure Resources.mp4 (13.94 MB)
2 -Complete Steps.mp4 (136.57 MB)
3 -Big Picture.mp4 (22.14 MB)
1 -Extension Methods.mp4 (81.48 MB)
2 -Anonymous Methods.mp4 (49.79 MB)
3 -Lambda Expressions.mp4 (35.37 MB)
4 -Dictionary.mp4 (115.23 MB)
5 -Interfaces.mp4 (148.66 MB)
6 -C# 9 - Top Level Statements.mp4 (147.47 MB)
7 -C# 9 - Nullable Reference Types.mp4 (160.19 MB)
8 -Records.mp4 (44.95 MB)
1 -Section Introduction.mp4 (19.45 MB)
10 -AutoMapper - Part 2.mp4 (71.13 MB)
11 -Postgres.mp4 (52.54 MB)
12 -Intro to Dapper.mp4 (59.91 MB)
13 -Dapper ExecuteAsync.mp4 (146.51 MB)
14 -Dapper QueryAsync.mp4 (139.23 MB)
15 -FluentValidation.mp4 (172.47 MB)
16 -Listing of Fluent Validator Methods.mp4 (32.92 MB)
17 -Git Basics [Theory].mp4 (26.44 MB)
18 -GitHub Repository for Users Microservice.mp4 (139.25 MB)
19 -Swagger.mp4 (90.01 MB)
2 -Creating Users Microservice.mp4 (137.1 MB)
20 -Angular Client App.mp4 (84.58 MB)
3 -Exception Handling Middleware.mp4 (61.61 MB)
4 -Users Models.mp4 (63.97 MB)
5 -Users Repository.mp4 (76.42 MB)
6 -Users Service.mp4 (158.53 MB)
7 -Users Controller.mp4 (113.34 MB)
8 -Postman.mp4 (112.68 MB)
9 -AutoMapper - Part 1.mp4 (201.09 MB)
1 -Creating Products Microservice Assignment Solution.mp4 (44.74 MB)
10 -Products Service Assignment Solution.mp4 (159.63 MB)
11 -Minimal API Endpoints.mp4 (133.06 MB)
12 -Minimal API Endpoints Assignment Solution.mp4 (234.41 MB)
13 -Testing API Endpoints - Part 1.mp4 (123.46 MB)
14 -Testing API Endpoints - Part 2.mp4 (141.92 MB)
15 -Swagger.mp4 (63.07 MB)
16 -Products Angular UI.mp4 (97.49 MB)
17 -GitHub Repository for Products Microservice.mp4 (46.62 MB)
2 -Boilerplate Code.mp4 (75.39 MB)
3 -MySQL.mp4 (71.8 MB)
4 -Products DbContext.mp4 (143.33 MB)
5 -Products Repository.mp4 (174.82 MB)
6 -Products Service Contract.mp4 (122.28 MB)
7 -Products Fluent Validation.mp4 (67.74 MB)
8 -Products AutoMapper.mp4 (146.57 MB)
9 -Products Service.mp4 (163.9 MB)
1 -Deployment Workflow [Theory].mp4 (26.87 MB)
10 -Dockerfile - Part 1.mp4 (173.33 MB)
11 -Dockerfile - Part 2.mp4 (71.08 MB)
12 -Creating Docker Images and Containers.mp4 (93.3 MB)
13 -Docker Hub Accounts.mp4 (65.33 MB)
14 -Pushing Docker Images.mp4 (107.62 MB)
15 -Docker on Linux.mp4 (38.23 MB)
16 -Pulling Docker Images.mp4 (89.58 MB)
17 -Docker Networks.mp4 (118.14 MB)
18 -Connection String with Environment Variables.mp4 (200.99 MB)
19 -MySQL Startup Script.mp4 (85.43 MB)
2 -Hypervisor [Theory].mp4 (28.93 MB)
3 -Introduction to Docker [Theory].mp4 (18.8 MB)
4 -Benefits of Containerization [Theory].mp4 (33.64 MB)
5 -Docker Containers vs Virtual Machines [Theory].mp4 (14.73 MB)
6 -How Docker Images and Containers Work (Theory).mp4 (25.63 MB)
7 -Intro to Docker Hub [Theory].mp4 (9.66 MB)
8 -Docker Architecture [Theory].mp4 (18.29 MB)
9 -Installing Docker.mp4 (47.16 MB)
1 -Intro to Docker Compose.mp4 (28.47 MB)
2 -YAML File - Part 1.mp4 (59.39 MB)
3 -YAML File - Part 2.mp4 (75.94 MB)
4 -Docker Compose Commands.mp4 (35.43 MB)
5 -Connection String in Users Microservice.mp4 (49.03 MB)
6 -Pushing Users Microservice Docker Image.mp4 (94.51 MB)
7 -Adding Users Microservice to Docker Compose.mp4 (211.29 MB)
8 -Important Docker Commands.mp4 (130.07 MB)
1 -Creating Orders Microservice Assignment Solution.mp4 (137.23 MB)
10 -Orders Service - Part 2.mp4 (84.15 MB)
11 -Orders Endpoints.mp4 (141.23 MB)
12 -Orders CUD Endpoints Assignment Solution.mp4 (85.32 MB)
13 -MongoDB Docker Container.mp4 (38.61 MB)
14 -MongoDB Startup Script.mp4 (91.19 MB)
15 -Testing Orders Endpoints.mp4 (96.83 MB)
2 -Adding MongoDB.mp4 (109.51 MB)
3 -Order Entities.mp4 (97.65 MB)
4 -Orders Repository.mp4 (246.18 MB)
5 -Order DTO.mp4 (79.87 MB)
6 -Orders Service Contract.mp4 (72.84 MB)
7 -Order Validators.mp4 (113.47 MB)
8 -Order Mappers.mp4 (134.97 MB)
9 -Orders Service - Part 1.mp4 (231.92 MB)
1 -Microservice Communication Patterns (Theory).mp4 (45.7 MB)
10 -Validating ProductID in Orders Microservice - Assignment Solution.mp4 (167.1 MB)
11 -Loading Product Details in Orders Microservice - Assignment Solution.mp4 (187.35 MB)
12 -Loading User Details in Orders Microservice - Assignment Solution.mp4 (130.47 MB)
13 -Frontend App with Orders.mp4 (56.1 MB)
2 -GetUserByUserID Endpoint.mp4 (247.26 MB)
3 -Custom HttpClient Service.mp4 (129.74 MB)
4 -Microservice Communication using HttpClient.mp4 (251.28 MB)
5 -GetProductByProductID Endpoint.mp4 (91.72 MB)
6 -Docker Compose in Visual Studio - Part 1.mp4 (135.5 MB)
7 -Docker Compose in Visual Studio - Part 2.mp4 (99.73 MB)
8 -Docker Compose in Visual Studio - Part 3.mp4 (245.18 MB)
9 -Debugging Microservices in Visual Studio.mp4 (117.08 MB)
1 -Intro to Fault Tolerance (Theory).mp4 (20.27 MB)
10 -Fallback.mp4 (259.08 MB)
11 -Timeout.mp4 (74.45 MB)
12 -TimeoutRejectedException.mp4 (27.3 MB)
13 -Bulkhead Isolation.mp4 (96.59 MB)
14 -Combined Policy.mp4 (53.23 MB)
15 -Fault Tolerance Policies Assignment Solution.mp4 (114.43 MB)
2 -Polly.mp4 (21.78 MB)
3 -WaitAndRetry - Part 1.mp4 (69.92 MB)
4 -WaitAndRetry - Part 2.mp4 (150.62 MB)
5 -Policy Services.mp4 (165.93 MB)
6 -Exponential Backoff.mp4 (39.15 MB)
7 -Fault Data.mp4 (66.8 MB)
8 -Circuit Breakers.mp4 (129.27 MB)
9 -BrokenCircuitException.mp4 (50.95 MB)
1 -Introduction to Caching (Theory).mp4 (38.66 MB)
2 -Redis Docker Image.mp4 (90.95 MB)
3 -Redis NuGet Package.mp4 (78.01 MB)
4 -Reading from Cache.mp4 (90.79 MB)
5 -Writing to Cache.mp4 (159.79 MB)
6 -ServiceUnavailable Response.mp4 (117.24 MB)
7 -Redis Cache for Users Microservice Data - Assignment Solution.mp4 (107.48 MB)]
![[Image: TWaoXBp3_o.jpg]](https://images2.imgbox.com/8c/bb/TWaoXBp3_o.jpg)
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