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ZeroToMastery Remix Bootcamp Zero to Mastery
[Image: 359020115_tuto.jpg]
3.46 GB | 00:21:45 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Course Outlin (7.77 MB)
002 What is Remix (4.22 MB)
003 Why Remix (9.8 MB)
004 Intro to the Master Projec (9.33 MB)
005 The Recipe Page & Optimistic U (14.57 MB)
006 Finishing the Tour of the Master Projec (11.31 MB)
007 Installing NodeJ (5.37 MB)
008 Creating a Remix Projec (4.59 MB)
009 The Vite Config Fil (12.57 MB)
010 Upgrading Remix and Future Flag (5.06 MB)
011 Owning Your Entry Point (6.13 MB)
012 What are Routes (5.68 MB)
013 Nested Routin (14.91 MB)
014 The Root Rout (7.37 MB)
015 Remix's Special Component (10.77 MB)
016 The Link AP (14.18 MB)
017 Adding Style with Link (19.39 MB)
018 Techniques for Component-Level CS (21.31 MB)
019 Setting Up Tailwin (10.32 MB)
020 Using Tailwind - Part (12.05 MB)
021 Using Tailwind - Part (15.95 MB)
022 Using Tailwind - Part (12.72 MB)
023 What are Loaders (29.3 MB)
024 Pending U (21.15 MB)
025 Why Load Before Route Transition (23.89 MB)
026 Sharing Data Between Route (36.31 MB)
027 Errors and Error Boundarie (19.36 MB)
028 Installing Postgres with Docke (42.29 MB)
029 Setting Up Prisma with Postgre (16.26 MB)
030 Overvie (4.21 MB)
031 Setting Up the Pantry Rout (27.57 MB)
032 Redirects in Remi (15.42 MB)
033 Setting Up the Pantry Database Table (30 MB)
034 Seeding the Databas (22.75 MB)
035 Database UI Tool (23.67 MB)
036 Loading Data into the Pantry U (14.37 MB)
037 Creating a Model Abstractio (25.84 MB)
038 Building a Basic Shelf U (33.42 MB)
039 Intro to HTML Form (63.21 MB)
040 Enhancing the Search Bar with JavaScrip (21.19 MB)
041 Creating Shelve (44.89 MB)
042 Enhancing the Create Shelf Butto (23.19 MB)
043 Deleting Shelve (60.75 MB)
044 Handling Multiple Delete (20.97 MB)
045 Introducing useFetche (21.04 MB)
046 More Cases for useFetche (4.91 MB)
047 Server State in Remi (5.94 MB)
048 Editing Shelf Name (43.22 MB)
049 Validating Forms with Zo (58.58 MB)
050 Intro to Optimistic U (23.42 MB)
051 Optimistically Deleting Shelve (40.24 MB)
052 Creating Shelf Item (24.43 MB)
053 Deleting Shelf Item (40.58 MB)
054 Optimistically Creating Shelf Item (64.8 MB)
055 Suppressing the Layout Effect Warnin (12.38 MB)
056 Optimistically Deleting Shelf Item (17.51 MB)
057 Additional Enhancement (46.86 MB)
058 Overvie (2.11 MB)
059 The User Mode (21.54 MB)
060 The Login Rout (32.02 MB)
061 Intro to Cookie (3.65 MB)
062 Setting Our First Cooki (10.07 MB)
063 Cookie Attribute (11.53 MB)
064 A Simple Auth Flo (20.39 MB)
065 Remix's Cookie Helpe (14.39 MB)
066 Cryptographic Signature (6.25 MB)
067 Signing Cookie (2.42 MB)
068 Signing Cookies in Remi (10.69 MB)
069 Session (8.57 MB)
070 Session Storag (5.92 MB)
071 Session Storage in Remi (18.13 MB)
072 Overvie (4.27 MB)
073 What is Authenticatio (3.03 MB)
074 Overview of Magic Link Authenticatio (4.6 MB)
075 Magic Link Structur (3.09 MB)
076 Generating Magic Link (20.04 MB)
077 Updating the Login Rout (14.15 MB)
078 Validation Route Overvie (3.84 MB)
079 Parsing the Magic Link Payloa (29.33 MB)
080 Validating the Expiration Tim (7.62 MB)
081 Validating the Nonc (17.57 MB)
082 Finishing the Logi (8.82 MB)
083 The Sign Up For (26.13 MB)
084 The Sign Up Form Actio (34.47 MB)
085 Signing Up for Mailgu (9.78 MB)
086 Setting Up the Mailgun Clien (19.51 MB)
087 Sending the Magic Link Emai (18.52 MB)
088 Showing the Check Email Messag (6.52 MB)
089 Overvie (4.67 MB)
090 Authorization Rules for the Login Pag (3.69 MB)
091 Login Authorization Rule 1 (19.4 MB)
092 Login Authorization Rule 2 (3.31 MB)
093 Authorization Rules for the Pantry Pag (10.85 MB)
094 Pantry Authorization Rule 1 (8.97 MB)
095 Pantry Authorization Rule 2 (4.57 MB)
096 Pantry Authorization Rules 3-4 (7.97 MB)
097 Pantry Authorization Rules 5-6 (11.78 MB)
098 Pantry Authorization Rule 7 (7.94 MB)
099 UI Updates Roadma (4.71 MB)
100 Adding an Error Boundar (23.21 MB)
101 Hiding the App Nav Butto (8.48 MB)
102 Creating a Logout Rout (16.98 MB)
103 Overvie (6.53 MB)
104 Revisiting the Remix Philosoph (5.29 MB)
105 Setting Up the Recipes Rout (15 MB)
106 Setting Up the Recipe Database Table (11.85 MB)
107 Updating the Seed Scrip (13.42 MB)
108 Recipe Page Component (6.33 MB)
109 The Recipes Loade (12.06 MB)
110 Rendering the Recipe Lis (13.14 MB)
111 Creating a Search Bar Componen (24.04 MB)
112 Supporting Search in the Loade (6.12 MB)
113 The Create Recipe For (16.88 MB)
114 Setting Up the Recipe Detail Rout (10.88 MB)
115 Sorting the Recipes Lis (3.62 MB)
116 Preserving the Search Parameter (17.58 MB)
117 Recipe Link Pending U (17 MB)
118 Using Link Prefetc (19.79 MB)
119 Recipe Detail Route Overvie (3.04 MB)
120 Overview of Step 1 - Creating an Input Componen (17.94 MB)
121 Displaying the Name and Total Tim (25.65 MB)
122 Rendering the Ingredient (21.28 MB)
123 Rendering the Instruction (20.39 MB)
124 Overview of Step 2 - Updating Recipe (2.49 MB)
125 Saving the Recipe Name, Total Time, and Instruction (25.37 MB)
126 FormData's getAll Functio (13.62 MB)
127 Updating the validateForm Functio (24.8 MB)
128 Updating the Ingredient (26.43 MB)
129 Creating New Ingredient (25.51 MB)
130 Addressing and Issu (6.5 MB)
131 Adding Error Messages to the U (26.76 MB)
132 Exercise Imposter Syndrom (10.54 MB)
133 Overview of Step 3 - Deleting Recipes and Ingredient (904.25 KB)
134 Deleting a Recip (8.77 MB)
135 Deleting Ingredient (12.44 MB)
136 Authorization Rules for the Recipe Detail Rout (3.97 MB)
137 Recipe Detail Authorization Rule (8.76 MB)
138 Recipe Detail Authorization Rules 2- (8.79 MB)
139 Enhancement Overvie (3.67 MB)
140 Overview of Step 1 - Saving Inputs on Chang (2.04 MB)
141 Saving Recipe Inputs on Chang (27.59 MB)
142 Creating an Ingredient Row Componen (27.27 MB)
143 Saving Ingredient Inputs on Chang (12.6 MB)
144 Persisting the Recipe Fetcher Dat (20.61 MB)
145 Persisting the Ingredient Fetcher Dat (19.44 MB)
146 Debouncing Form Input (4.79 MB)
147 Creating a Hook for Debouncin (13.9 MB)
148 Debouncing the Form Input (12.15 MB)
149 Overview of Step 2 - The Case for Optimistic UI in the Side Ba (3.87 MB)
150 Updating the Side Bar with useFetcher (15.57 MB)
151 Overview of Step (6.81 MB)
152 Wiring up a Fetcher to Create New Ingredient (36.76 MB)
153 Creating a Hook for Optimistically Rendering Ingredient (17.19 MB)
154 Optimistically Rendering New Ingredient (17.67 MB)
155 Updating the Default Enter Key Behavio (10.73 MB)
156 Creating Mew Ingredients with the Enter Ke (5.13 MB)
157 Focusing the Amount Input on Creat (14.82 MB)
158 Optimistically Deleting Ingredient (10.75 MB)
159 Overvie (3.25 MB)
160 Creating a File Inpu (11.27 MB)
161 The Urlencoded Content Typ (17.52 MB)
162 The Multipart Content Typ (22.37 MB)
163 Parsing Multipart Form (3.33 MB)
164 Overview of Parsing Multipart Forms in Remi (14.24 MB)
165 Remix's Built-In Upload Handler (10.96 MB)
166 Storing Images in the Public Director (10.82 MB)
167 Writing the Image URL to the Databas (10.82 MB)
168 Overvie (6.15 MB)
169 Updating the DB to Track Meal Plan (6.04 MB)
170 Modals in Remi (7.05 MB)
171 Setting up the Modal Rout (14.15 MB)
172 Creating some Components for the Moda (15.16 MB)
173 Meal Plan Modal U (16.44 MB)
174 Passing Context to the Outle (16.26 MB)
175 Creating the Modal Actio (19.25 MB)
176 The Update Meal Plan Action Cas (22.68 MB)
177 Indicating which Recipes are in the Meal Pla (13.97 MB)
178 The Meal Plan Filter Butto (18.74 MB)
179 The Meal Plan Filter Backen (6.27 MB)
180 Preserving the Search State when Filterin (16.22 MB)
181 Preserving the Filter State when Searchin (12.19 MB)
182 Overview of Next Steps and Setting up the Grocery List Rout (4.94 MB)
183 Defining the Grocery List Item Typ (7.57 MB)
184 Building the Grocery List Item Componen (19.42 MB)
185 Getting Started on the Grocery List Loade (19.26 MB)
186 Formatting the Missing Ingredient (11.96 MB)
187 Grouping Grocery List Items by the Ingredient Nam (19.81 MB)
188 Rendering the Grocery Lis (7.2 MB)
189 Creating the Grocery List Route Actio (14.59 MB)
190 Adding Grocery Items to the Pantr (17.82 MB)
191 The Grocery List Empty Stat (8.44 MB)
192 Clearing the Meal Pla (18.41 MB)
193 Overvie (2.74 MB)
194 The PageLayout Componen (12.9 MB)
195 Setting up the Settings Rout (6.26 MB)
196 Intro to Resource Route (4.75 MB)
197 MIME Type (15.04 MB)
198 Overview of Customizing the Them (5.91 MB)
199 Renaming the Resource Rout (3.63 MB)
200 Controlling the Tailwind Theme with the Theme Resource Rout (13.12 MB)
201 Building the Form to Change the Site Them (9.41 MB)
202 Creating the Theme Cooki (5.24 MB)
203 The App Settings Route Actio (12.29 MB)
204 The App Settings Route Loade (8.67 MB)
205 Fixing the Off-By-One Issu (14.26 MB)
206 Returning Dynamic CSS Based on the Theme Cooki (9.45 MB)
207 Overvie (1.3 MB)
208 Redirecting the Home Pag (3.3 MB)
209 The Discover Page U (12.4 MB)
210 Discover Detail Page Setu (6.08 MB)
211 Discover Detail Page U (9.87 MB)
212 Intro to Cachin (2.68 MB)
213 Private vs Server Cache (4.56 MB)
214 Preview of Using the Browser Cach (8.31 MB)
215 Caching Vocabular (3.53 MB)
216 The Default Browser Strateg (12.86 MB)
217 The No-Store Strateg (2.01 MB)
218 The Fixed-Time Strateg (2.05 MB)
219 The Cache-Busting Strateg (12.96 MB)
220 The Revalidate-Once-Stale Strateg (2.63 MB)
221 Etag (12.98 MB)
222 Responding to the If-None-Match Heade (8.71 MB)
223 The Stale-While-Revalidate Strateg (13.6 MB)
224 Caching Full HTML Page (4.82 MB)
225 Responding to If-None-Match on HTML Request (16.11 MB)
226 Introduction to Testin (1.72 MB)
227 Setting Up Playwrigh (5.41 MB)
228 Writing our First Tes (14.18 MB)
229 Creating Dynamic Route (16.98 MB)
230 Implementing the Test Login Rout (12.28 MB)
231 Testing a Typical Pantry Page Flo (22.26 MB)
232 Finishing up the Pantry Tes (16.63 MB)
233 The Playwright U (6.44 MB)
234 Creating a Delete User Test Endpoin (11.34 MB)
235 Deleting Test User (5.42 MB)
236 Deployment Overvie (1.1 MB)
237 The Fly CL (7.68 MB)
238 Prisma MIgration (7.91 MB)
239 Creating the Database Serve (6.25 MB)
240 Creating the App Serve (2.99 MB)
241 Setting Environment Variable (9.2 MB)
242 Deploying the Ap (2.55 MB)
243 An Example of Upgrading Remi (37.61 MB)
244 Thank You (4.25 MB)
245 ARCHIVED - Seeding the Database (Archived Apr 2024 (22.7 MB)
[Image: GR7obB0p_o.jpg]

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